December 26, 101 OO _—_ 4 (FAMILY REMEDY Used “Fruit-a-tives” With The Best of Results, GEORGE McKAY Esa. } EN, ONT en using remedy for many years best medicine ‘ Pruit-a-tives the , June 17th, 1913, “Pruit-n-tives’’ I have do me the they never gripe end their pleasant. e used them for Indigestion pation with the best results, riily recommend them milarly afflicted, to roubles have left mecomplete- ‘*Fruit-e-tives' . A nicer ake " hil a GEORG rmous demand for “Il *fulleredit ruit-a- tan BE McKAY. eadily increasing, due tothe swouderful frui t medicine ompt relief in cases of on, Constiy n, Sour Rheumatis Chronic and Neuralgia, and all 1 Bladder Troubles. «, 6 for $2.50, trial sine 2 lealers or sent on receipt of price by Pruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. Prince Rupert Feed Co. DEALERS iN Hay, Grain, Feed and Seeds CHICKEN FEED A SPECIALTY Agents for DOMINION NURSERY & ORCHARDS CO. me! orders promptiy attended to 908 Third Ave. Phone 68 “see eer eneen eee « , * . eR ee ee LATEST WAR NEWS I latest war bulletins ed exelusively by The News are posted im- after coming off at the following ately vires le's Cigar Store, 3rd Ave Wark's Jewelry Store, 3rd ’ nee Rupert Hotel, 2nd al Hotel tral Hotel. ndeor Hotel. Knox Hotel. Daily News windows, 3rd er eee eee ee ee eee ‘oil . Directory embers P.R.L. Vintmers Association WINDBOR HOTEL roer of Pirst Ave. end Bignhth St W. H. Wright, Prop. HOTEL CENTRAL first Avenue and Seventh 8: European and American Piao Peter Black, Pr GNOX POTEL First Ave, Between Bighth and Ninth ropean Plan, Rates 60c to $1.00 Per bay Beener & Beasner, Prove Y. Rochester Vv. D. Gasiey Gmrness WOTEL third Ave, Between Sixth Seventh Streets European Pien, 5O to 81 Per Dey ane ROYAL HOTEL Cortey & Burgess, Props Third Ave, and Sixth St Suropean Plan Steam reales SEAVER WHOLESALE LIQUON CO LimTeD Second Ave. and Biaxin St Phone 109% PRINCE RUPERT IMPORTING 00. LimiTeD Preser ana Giath Bu Phone 7 SUBSCRIBE FOR THE DaiLy NEWS “sete ee ewe evr eeereeree ene THE DAILY NEWS. | THERE WILL NEVER Be CONSCRIPTION —LAURIER frida pre he his rece the Re form Club her j no Cor seription in Gre } there never wa nd ‘ wil be, he said I was asked Sir Wilfrid said } 1 you support the ¢ f nent their policy of the front? Wi l month party not 1 pa sive, and le ries to the gover inswer was this I} particula love for tl f And I love my « | the land of my ar Ira I love above all t! f Eng land, and ther tha y pe sition as lead the Liberal party should r« i ind quiescent [I would zg t of pub. * life altogether Freedom breeds yall cion always was the mothe f resistance and rebellior he ce tinued, speaking of conscription Referring to the Monroe Doc- trine, | : Whatever it may near ar ul rding to the in- terpretation put on it by an em nent authority = § ir the United |States, it is only for American jpeople to dictate what it means but even if it meant everything that was claimed for it at the time the Canadian navy was under dis- cussion, even if it meant as much jas that, I do not hesitate to say and to say it as a Canadian, I do not want her to be saved by the Monroe Doctrine, but by the Ca-} j nadian people PEPER EERE ERE EEE EEE FOR A TAXI 75--PHONE--75 ¢ : 5 4 PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO f/m |* EEE REE EERE RRR ERR Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! ALL GUESSING COUPONS MUST BE IN BEFORE 12 P. M., SATURDAY, DEC. 26th First Prize, Kitohen Cabinet Next Ten Prizes: .Each get one large box of Fry's Del- icious Chocolates, valued at $1.00 Fuller’s Grocery Phone 572 311 3rd Ave. STUDY OF INDUSTRIAL LIFE AND HOW TO GET BEST RESULTS EMPLOYERS OF LABOR FIND 7 PAYS TO TREAT MEN AS HU- MAN BEINGS--GOOD ENVIRONMENT MEANS GOOD SERVICE. By Ida M. Magazine, of factories Tarbell, in the Ameri-| buildings few windows. But ; 5 } New York. description ean | few Kimployers have discovered that | depend now on windows alone for of any manufacturers be convineed that they ean afford the large initial expense required to instal a sys. tem which is used on an average! not over two hours a day : Mr. Schwarze declares in his handbook the results of experi. ments show that put all the way from two to ten! per cent. in fact, are! it increases out. | The new workshops, a direct response to a growing be- lief among practical men that one of Industry functions is to make better human beings. They are a proof of a that been thought fit growing convic- tion multitudes have | nly for ugly toil | who are capable of response to what! good and orderly and beautiful; | they but all of | is jand that not Our 1915 Catalogue Which Has Just Been Distributed ene Will aid you in making your selection of Christmas Gifts. Write for this book if one has not reached you. Note the fine range of SIGNET RINGS on Page 11 and our assort- ment of Ebony, Silver and French Ivory Toilet Ware from Pages 45 to 53, inclusive. EEE Henry Birks & Sons, Limited JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS Granville and Georgia Streets Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director VANCOUVER, B.C human beings are more valuable | air Ventilating plants are al- than the most seientifie machines, | most invariably installed in new ind that cold business sense de. | factor ies, and thousands upon mands that proper care be taken| thousands of old plants of all de- f the men and women who work.| seriptions have equipped them- He who turns out early in the | selves with them. rning sees a wonderful sight.| I have spent hours in factories It the ineoming tide of work.| Of all kinds, including even a re- ers They have the streets, the ' deemed cannery and laundry, ad | » cars, and the ferries to them- I never for a moment had the sense elves Of suffocation and closeness so What } | of places are those ,common in drawing rooms, thea- nto whieh this mighty tide dis-|tres and ehurches They were ippears, i which it spends the | scientifically ventilated and the bu of its waking hours, and temperature was rigidly super- practically all its hours of sun- | vised } rhe men and women who! What this amounts to is that t abe f the world are the | labor—all kinds of labor—may be} portant fact in the carried on in perfectly aired and thir we call “prosperity | heated shops, and that the old no-| Workshops Matter. tion that this was Utopian is ex-| N | knows anything of ploded by the actual experiences | huma being and the forees|of hundreds of employers. Ana| whiet ethemwilldenythat/ they claim that it pays! j ' irge degree their health, | Something More Useful. | their content, and their efficiency, \ Chicago board of ‘directors, | bepe the surroundings. | examining the estimate for a new Wo hops matter. They can pull} factory to be put up in Wiscon- n ind women down or hold'sin, recently balked at the esti-| he ead stimulate them as| mates for shower baths and lock-| Live i gly and unhealthy, or) ers and toilet’ rooms ‘Set a| ! ible, bright, and convenient.) gentleman's elub you are equip-| rhe world has been slow in ad-| ping?” they wrote witheringly on jmitting this, but it has been slow|the margin. The superintendent mitting that the worker mat-leame back: “It is something | te red, He has come cheap through | muc h more useful to the ecom- la tl ages, and men in power | munity; it is a shop for 500 work- |! ive lilt up theories to keep him| ing men The estimate was ne ay He did not feel hardships,|O.K.'d without further comment \« t would spoil him. Cou-) “We are going to have order in ly these ideas with the grim no-|this rolling mill if we never make on that the curse of Cain was|another bar of iron in the place,” | d that it was not for|| heard the stern manager of one na to interfere with) of the big plants of the Steel Cor- ays of the Lord, and you| poration say, and he had it have a partial explanation of the A valuable device for earrying Old World's indifference to the/off dirt has recently been installed ditions of its workshops.|in the twine plants of the Inter- Phes ideas have been slowly dy-| national Harvester Company g in the New World iTwine is made from Yucatan industry Itself Insists. |sisal. The opening of the bun- loday it is Industry itself which|dies fills the room with the most is insisting that the best possible | disagreeable dust. I have been workshops are none too good. In-|told that when Mr. McCormick, deed, there is no problem which | the head of the Harvester Trust, Industry is attacking with more] first caught the idea of the model est and intelligence than | workshop, he told the heads of that of the conditions under|the twine department that he jwhich labor of all kinds shall be | would give them sixty days to get idone. It begins with the basic|rid of the dust in the epening |matter of the building. The new|room. It was not long, consider- model factory is the most inter-|ing that for years everybody con- esting architectural development] nected with such plants had said that it was one of the unavoidable in the country, far more original CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Princess Maquinna south- bound Sunday 8 p. m. 4. @ MONAB, General Agent Corner Fourth Street and Third Ave For Rent WITH BATH—STH AVENUE $25.00 PER MONTH STREET $15.00 PER MONTH APPLY TO G. RB. Naden Co., Ltd. 324 SECOND AVENUE 8-ROOMED PLASTERED HOUSE «i in our newer factories. 5-ROOMED HOUSE ON TAYLOR low, they are no longer dark, The j} work performed in ugly and filthy had given up the beauty are as powerful preven- |fives of evil as darkness, disor- der and ugliness are incentives ito evil | | those with whom they are con- | nected are enriched by their de- | velopment Changes in the Workers. It is something more than in-| creased wages the workers in|} these shops get. They are got. | ting education, satisfaction, al sense of their own value in the | undertaking I eould fill with fect of these magazine changes on them; — stories of the ef of girls transfigured from slat- | } terns to clean and tidy bitter decene 7 > of women whose revolt at| : a. LUMBER] SHINGL© , MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS PRINLE RUPERT LUMBER CO. A 4. BURROUGHS, Manager tet Ave. and MoBride &. PRINCE RUPERT, 8.0. Granch Yard at Smithers disorder has been to | : ’ | changed ’ cheerful interest: of men who | saloon because to attend the | sun, order and they allowed Light, were flower beds, 1836 THe sank ofr 1914 British NorthAmerica THE UNION STEAMSHIP CO., OF BC, LIMITED SS. VENTURE SOUTHBOUND TUESDAYS AT 9 P. M. Sailings for GRANBY, SIMPSON AND NAAS SUNDAYS AT MIDNIGHT For Further Particulars Apply to PHONE 568 JOHN BARNSLEY, Agent, SECOND AVE. AGENCY ATLANTIC STEAMSHIPS Te Years in Business. CAPITAL AND SuRPLus $7,766,666. Teach The Children The Value of Money while how f your children learn, not only to yoney wisely, but how, lf-denial, to save some- for the future, you will have started them on the road to financial success. Opena Savings Account for each in Bank of British North America, and encourage them to add to it regularly. PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH | | P. MARGETTS, Manayer. | Certificate of improvements. | Aldebaran Mineral Claim, situate in the Skeena Mining Division of Cassiar Dis- | trict. Where located:—About three-quarters (3-4) of a mile, more oe jase, Gams Se northwest point of the head of Alice and adjoining the Black Bear Mineral claim on the southwes Free’ tine TAKE NOTICE iinet ¥ | Page Dainty Garments—Fine Linen— These are surely worth your best care and the use of noth- ing but the soap that cannot hurt the finest fabric— Here’s the Sunlight way: First, soap the garment; then roll it up to soak. After a while, rinse well and the dirt practically out. No wearisome scrubbing, no hurtful rubbing—the gentle strength of Sunlight does the work almost without effort and en- tirely without ry you'll find it’s kind to the At all grocers hands, too. 3; and exciting than most of our pre-| features of the business. But in pn sy - _ 3. Vou ad ty . tentious publie and private build-|sixty days the plant was equip- self, Free Miner's Cersifeass 7°, ings. Everything else we do, our| ped with a machine which carries to epoly «, Teta te ine for 8 ~w ae skyscrapers aside, are adaptions|off the dust so perfectly that I mS oa a Crown Grant of the) - 9 f Old-World forms, but our fac-|spent half an hour in the open- lente net Ws, fates at tee | f t} ‘N tories are our own, ing room and came out without | fore the issue of such Certificate of Im- r € ews The new Bureau of Printing|any perceptible dust on my dark pated this 21st day of September, A.D. | 0 and Engraving in Washington|clothing. This is done by open- . PEDRO SALINAS. wives an excellent example of how} ing the bundles over a perforated — — = = ———_—_—_— much more interesting these] floor under which fans play. The buildings are than is reminisecent|dirt is carried down and out, + RR RRR RRR RRR RRERRE ERE architecture applied to factery}|never having a chance to rise Inj} purposes, The new bureau is ne-|the room. cessarily what it is—a white mar- |} To Stop inconvenience. 3 ble structure of great dignity and Disorder and dirt are probably WSPAPER ~\beauty, made to fit into the|the most wasteful features in in- A NE the scheme of Washington's pub-| dustry, but ineonvenienees are a z THE s - : SS lic buildings. There is, however, |close second. Scientific manage- > : ino hint of its purposes about it,|/ment has fully demonstrated this for Prince Rupert i Northern B C. none of the lightness, fitness, and|by studying the time it takes a DAI LY s joriginality which has been Oana ees N EW S li elite goes nin: ional: euicestaal Go look at one of our new | the old way of putting the parts Prince Rupert. it is the popular re = | printing plants at night, a thingjof a machine together was to the city because it is clean and reliable. It has - lof shimmering light, its very|place everything on the floor. The | is the news of the city, and keeps in touch ae 3 |{ramework unseen; or study the} workman had to erouch down, 0! SAFE ne nptee ae ee a) { | simple and easy lines of the great jactually sit on the floor while he SANE | mism and retiability. |milie and factories. Two things|was assembling the parts which The Daily News is the most valuable paper to jattract tat onee: they are no longer | came in the lower part of the ma- SPICY advertisers because it is read by the buying. public. chine, ‘Now on adjustable table IMPARTIAL It has a bigger circulation than any other paper in | tirst consideration, indeed, in alil|is provided» whieh ean be placed the city. [Tt is read by the class of people the modern factories is light. To dolat different heights, so that, as INDEPENDENT advertisers want to talk to. good werk men must see, and to| the machine grows higher, the ta- INTELLIGENT ii j see they must have plenty of|bie is lowered, and the workman j light. finds himself always working in Ventilation Pays. the position which is least eramp What is true of lighting is true od. The result is that he does DA l LY N EWS of ventilation, Workshops are ‘ore work and with less fatigue 7 rapidly becoming the best venti-| But what is it worth, this lated places we have, Where iiovement toward light, order and buildings are high, with many jcleanliness and beauty in work. easily adjusted windows, ventila- shops? What is it worth in dol- tion is a much simpler problem |lars and cents? Take the matter + RARER ERE ERR A jthan in the low, old-fashioned of proper shop lighting. How can mali »