THE DATLY NEWS | : 1 I) = OVERSEAS CONTINGENT CHIEF JUSTICE SCORES a ead SRR : K N oO. rn " Lily GETS XMAS HOLIDAY THE ATTORNEY GENERAL AIEN HARi JWARE COMPANY : Ch ‘ . : THIRD ANENUE ¢ PAW ’ 2 ntinued From Page One Continued From Page One PO. DRA } , non-commissione iilleers “ D PRICES tur have } . a : ee eS | eae. dente F2 ures have been temporarily su umbers’ supplies ; e Rare weaned Mr. Martin-——-I merely copied it Painte oe CREA™M jpended and will not be resumed | Oils : BAKING POWTL eRe until after the holiday season m the other provinces It is | Varnishes — y Granites vob. One of the interesting drills for|the ordinary act. But when T was © | neem = ie mon from tue ante te pae|Mtorney vera ved up ti MONARCH MALLEABLE ™ WS SS s | , week was tent pitching, under the Inow it does not seem to be lived Rang mmediate supervision of the ad It p to My legal point is that Mr i utant and the company oflicers iBowser is a barrister of this 00M nen? —————SSI SS | a = is 3 The whole strength of the bat./court, and T am sure that this ~ mow RUSJIAN 9 The Daily News ” {|{, LOCAL NEWS ITEMS |)!» ws wise out one nin for]court wil not aiow Wm, while) | \ \iby POLAND. | ED STORK’S HARDWAR Pur IF cute march from 8 p. m tilljact & head of the department of > oe Mec, sOuOR | CLASSIFIED ADS. Try Smith & Killas’ ice cream. /"°8"ly midnight. Each day sees|Justice with the right to appoint & i ae ~ satehianctatbessiatsienemnnaianat ee jsomething new inaugurated rnd ae we eee, a , | 190 GRCOND AvE ay ay For a comfortable r ’ yj t { = ‘ ) FOR RENT jle room, come | the men are kept constant jals act for accused agai ‘ , de r to the @t. Blme Metel, 836 Sec- Sasa I ( i y | . , . { ( wa SA yistu pr ae swisnict toe Guia Tools Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery -_- - a : : IN rt ; : 5 1ese nagistrates t is a gross ; erveR, =~ re able y iets Stitt ceed Reetine Gan ohn Set nd Avenue, near Eighth Street ts Wo B | , vareiy a Stee! Blocks Fishing Tackle Avenue west 997.309 | Newly opened Steam heat and! sullock-Webster, of] trage on the administration of , oly om ee wipe Pitings wire ; ifles a FOR RENT—Furnished rooms with hot| hot and cold water in every room lthe Earl Grey's Own Rifles, who|Justice, and on this court. These ener, ny oe Rope Valves +a and cold water. Clean and comfortable.| Free baths Rates reasonable ta a qualif (CI ! : oe ee — | only $2.50 per week, Kiondyke Hotel, | i an" 2 ° S 8 Queltying course at) iimemen G0 to Bowser, Reid & Pumps Hose Paint | ulion and Seventh Avenue. tf. Work Point Barracl f Wallbridge ¢ se < Point Barracks, is a fre-|Wallbridge and give them a huge |MPROVED SITU | Ladies’ Desks—A gift that is| oor i | e and giv em a huge . ATION IN EAST Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Oorrugates tre: | > ¢ vis r at the Willows|sum, say $1,000, and say Here hie tussians, finding that the! CR SALE |appreciated. Fumed, Golden and a} can ind ie tolidetnn th , get us off Why do tt i Germans had ai | “WE SELL NOTHING SUT THE BEST’ teense Mission Finish. At Geo. D. Tite's. es } . a 6 tie 2 Teale of Gaia’ oe sua Household effects must by | ae | e work of the Prince Ru-|that? Why do they go to the firm flank in the region of Gzento.| sold by Thursday; cheap Room 11, | pert onting i that Besner Apts. 208-09! The Prince Rupert Towing Co I contingent hat the Attorney General is in? chow to get troops to turn the} , 1 a rh ather has been « ; Is it te et ordit | } K i le: inte dian tas elie ian denete atin ae a sd ha een cold and get dinary gal advice tussian flank movement sou of four-room fiat. Will so at & eecritce. eneral towing; the new crude oil if { but t ! 1} ly tt : s 3 et Apply Fiat 8, Glapp Building Phone|tug “P.R.T. No. 4.” Phone Red| atv, b he days are filled with they go to the fir where the f Cracow rushed the main! Blue 414. W. FP. Hart. tf : glorious i 391 or ack 322. J on ! inshine making itjman who put them ail is aj body of their troops to Novo FOR SALE—New house, Section 7, §100 oe ee we XD possible I 1 tl iril i I roner t 7 sa aa PO rs $00 @ month; total §1,150.| Box 96. Agency for the “Avance’ , old the drilis out of |} Pa ¢ thinking that he can get Sandec, where some of them — ». 0. Box 190, 218tf. | doors ne \ ther : 8 'Crude Oil Motor 1o5tf. | hoor One wonders where else|them better justice—or what they waded the River Dunajec and} von Sala $0-1-P. capacity steam bother +. * Canada such an_ ideal thir usti thar 1 t 1 the tabi s a sate J. ‘ t i { ar det spot ,ul t 5 stice an an ordi. Lurnes¢ we aDICS of ’ PT had cheap. In exoailone ~s I ; I j I Cine ply Box 16, Dally News. te | For every $2.00 purchase see ® ad have been selected as that s gal firm that merely ar- mans, who were gaining | a WAN ing December gives you a chance anes va awe Gamp, with its/§ pa i |} #round near Bobezyce TED for Special Brass Bed and wile |" mbers of” spacious buildings | “Tainted at Fountain Head.” — ! n | i winter training ci el Chief Jusfice Hunte seems | WRITTE WANTED—Young Woman wants =~ J - Carpet Square Drawing “ ao Ee 4 | : > ian aes " work. Apply Box 117, The News . | Geo. D. Tite's. 282tf big structures alone pro |' me 4 be a grave state of af. | UNDER WANTED— Young married lady will west * ¢ 8 jvides sleeping quarters for over|fairs. Here is a case wher an| aaa rep | Soins oN o% eS Seer Mr Kimmond rf @ I 7a l ! t é, evenings. / 36 1s COV - Mrs. EF onds, o re =e ‘00 men ery one o » e Heer charges ! ¢ int tes | aan, & Pply 1136 Hays Or eee € say very on f the ex-| I har 1 with the adminis "Wealthy Quvnee Wri es al "ANTE |View Hotel, was remembered by|{hibition buildings are occupied|tration of justice taking “im | WANTED—Large Mail Order house wants | ; a e | oe a Priend, “We Are men everywhere willing to work a few|her guest friends again this year/a@nd the British Columbia H jceedings = t t | * Sta mee for $20 weekly, contract given, ' C : e or | " se are gs eving.” position permanent. E -, with ¢ appropriate Christmas| @re mimoda tes ents. The ide by his owt er hecessary. Samples tre The Go- > Soar. CapnemenT® rodated in tents, Ther le by his own officers set aside. | ype . , | nrese The paguiar : : re over 2 ( . : . | } \ I erative Union, Windsor, Ontario. am : wn pd regular attendante a 000 men in training rhe Attorney General has an in- Winnipeg, Dee. 26 An Ameri WANTED —Four-r om, house sa 50s “ ay iew think there’s/&s besides the 30th Battalion « erest this firm The whole| Can citizen resident in Winnipeg month until paid. Box 10%, Dally News. nothing too good for Mrs. Em-/|the Canadian Overseas Conti th g& to my mind is tainted, It i land well known in the busir " | . 8 0 : siness WANTED—Situation by young lady a monds. rhe place is more than] gent the B. ¢ Horse has 500 men | bainte at the fountain head 1) world, received a letter ¢ . 5 bookkeeper or office heip. Salary rea-|a hotel. Tt has the atmosphere of {and the Fifth Garri ‘ | yagrlec toe: fxs sonable. Apply Box 115, Dally —} , rk 1 Garrison Artillery saw a clearer case of where|4eo from a lifelong friend now in| tr , iit <% kins r) ja home. 50th Highlanders and the 88th | erest licts with duty He | Germany The letter had been WANTED—View lot and house; cl ee Fusiliers ar ul about $2,500 to $9,000,” wil nen fed : usiliers are bringing their units | uld not be allowed to act in| censored, but on the whole it was cash and arrange Po 100, | Mr. E. A. Mann, formerly of|up to strength in preparation f lcriminal convicti n j moderately t gt art on far i on ons moderate op stic The e« y News. Urme’s drug store, but now cor | ' ; bg ee Coa | > n-jthe third contingent M Ritchie agai el ing aragri I again protested | Cluding paragraph had, to the re MISCELLANEOUS | pleting his course in pharmacy in | Today's orders contain the d that the matter had } I ht lcipient i oti wlll ' nté I e dis ‘ . rhe ac een oug ‘ipient, a strange state ’ a ee ——_—_———_ | Toronto, has been successful in|; hare , Privat ' i Py ‘ : hin n th ad rouge ' I , range tatement ' ee o I ite | en *hilipe eLinh Uf e ore ar fay : , ; SACRIFICE SALE—Excavated Lot 7, -— passing his Christmas exams !'wl i florea eee ee nee 1. Section 1; worth $8,000; 81,00 ’ who is leaving for England to re iness, and that no injustice or|4 Stamp collector you ar " r cash; balance 5 7 7 per cent, : with honors. Mr. Mann expects ne his com t r mpr ty had } errr: paw 1385, Montreal, . Leduc, P. 0. — to complete his course in the od: Drala i ot eRe ne hae eee gee wee gt Ss >i mer t te i a eciment ne by h appearance first out, it “f $15 WEEKLY—Men wi 8 » is ace ‘ j ; : cate ee matter how small at ey yt ee He is accompanied by / Mr: Philipot will accompat hief Justice Hunter, however Now, the recipient he hours work in spare time, experience | Mrs. Mann and they are having ¢ parasite sa — : unnecessa*y, position permanent. The ; a oo re ed firt “This is a case| ad the “stamp fever,” ¢ . Co-Operative Union, Windsor, Ont. very pleasant stay in the East I t At ' ee te i p a } a > here he tlorney General's | wil it f as . ane | . Mipetier your” remain alone? Why not Phey will return to Prince Rupert SOLDIERS’ FRANCHISE t rea | aus shat taut sowtense est) ‘ene - bath 1 with BABY'’S OWN OWN SOAP ¢ stter your position? _ as ae . partner al steps to secure i inking ' ig | ; vate and dependable. Best tn the West, in the spring pe we oa Phought leads to 2s oo . comfortable, and exhales | Information 10¢ in stamps. Ideal In: gi ; 7 a jthe releas f a convict, and [| actior He tore off the ste | ima ol wy e troduction Club, Box 264, Vancouver, * 6 4 Question of Franchise of Men enn) hin ; Und seed o_o © y cut flowers. “a ; a f give him an audience ndernes , 0 : PS ' t Leather cushions with Indian| Who Go to Front to Be Con- in inl alien audience. If erneath he found lightly 1 troubles, explains i: j mL SLE ne yrocee vu ‘ ar r e wneil: heads. Special New Years prices | sidered in Parliament ! proceedings apart itten in pencil | Bi I ti sleep whicl “Baby’ s Own & : 1 Gam Gs, Siete saaa . jfron the firm of Bowser, Reid &} We are starving.’ for MUISETY use Insist on “Rab waa o “Se | Wallbridge l i" . T Al i Sd | Ottawa. De 26 One of 4 & nay give you the his from a wealthy man. W hat} hk ALLLKT SOAPS Sieded Manufacturers, - MONTRE. HIGH CLASS ROOMS | TO OUR CUSTOMERS Seepidilinies casan asink te = vs right to an audience,” he said, Of the factory hand, the clerk the | a Ss - : | a ak Sama - ee - w wish 4 dismissing the application laborer? — ynsidered at the next sessio oO ALL MODERN CONVEN- WE THANK YOU FOR YOUR paplinme ' . ession of th costs : JENCES—EQUAL TO FIRST } PATRONAGE DURING THE YEAR .y (1... «00. 7 < rranehise) Later, Mr. Ritchie, on an ex : | 0 ie Canadian soldiers o are : ; CLASS HOTEL. ANP WISH YOU ALL THE Com-|., ..;;, . ‘ e who a part motion, secured an order ; a ive service or lave @ at. Rates Only $1.50 to $2.50 PLIMENTS OF THE SEASON.— 64) f) «<: sinahed *“é . ‘- enlist-| nisi for certiorari to review the or ] “e abroac w Zer : Per Week. GEO. D. TITE. land recently held Zea | evidence taken at the trials | ete i recen eld a general elec ee 8T. Lo PACIFIC. ieaiiiiiiildeian tion, and the members of the ee Se ays nies se | . LOUIS ROOMING HOUSE ; rEnCE RIVER AN prmnanee verses ee ae ee ree ee M . West End of First Ave ANY verseas contingents were allow-! pier jy ti wy onday s labor clean 2 : stice nt *E see ‘ . Pacific, Peac NOTICE. ed to vote abroad Incidentally, . 7 ae eee - half. of cite. Peace River and Athabasca Rail i, New Zealand th Saat See Srenaplend $l meee a, at its nex st |i w Zealand there was oP ‘ iui Pat “i j authorizing the mae te te aut bo he thet i Will be necessar ; The Sunli ht is s ; ae | struct and operate the following lines of |‘ f disloyalty because of a gen- t | pra ddl j ' i a. railway: (a) Commencing at a point on ; you to see that your material just note First y tide Water, at or ne > he eral election. Whethe e ; Terry a ; oe & Schoo! of Music and Shorthand Arm, following eer tee Reed of Kitimat ; hether the New| ;, proper ‘dren The Le the garment: th y 1 morihedis direction to the summit Rooumen Zealand plan could be followed “ matter ' £ ment; then roll it VINCENT C. KNOWLES ‘ome am ‘in an Lake, thence in a nor- | fop the Canadian O was adjourned to come up again } to soak After a while ’ u direction ay . , > i rset ar wi : : oS (Violinist Westholme Opera House) |Lakelse Lake ene oan fo : VOrseas aPMY | on January 4 | rinse it th gh] é - “aanuen an iver, thence Erossing the: Sirens ee | is @ question which has not yet The Dye that colors ANY KIND! : aw oe Violin, Piano, Mandolin and Singing | by me ans of o ten vel bridge and over|/heen decided. There are diMeut! agers " of Cloth Pers dirt drops out like magic Senn tena oe lee k Pacific Railway with 7 BPO GUNCl ; SAME r Phone Secan Bt ~ \t ihe Mouth Ot the Bindseeine aint ties in the way, and when the me we SERS “Onan Sib ae Wh cerul and following its course to the summit of paarch | axially revolving eylinder ee a SOS, : MRS. ‘KNOWLES a Hes River, and thence, following the| | h the trenches the question & cylinder that : wear and te t | | Teacher of Pitman’s Shorthand Aiyansh, @ Oe rone of voting might be impossible epanorapanes its own inlet and ex- wher the at eh ieceihialieeiaeadid hundred and twelv it ' haust f 36 ‘ever a aa or Suite 15 McMordie Apt. junetion of the. Blachweter River’ with Ballots would have to be sent for-| ee valves, reversing sear and S lig] S 1 ’ the Nass River, following the course of ward and tl } ; Water pump has been nt i — sonp — = the Blackwater River, to the summit be-| re men allowed to .ote | invented in , iti tween it and the Galanskeest River, thence | according England } work with never a! south easterly along tne Ualansheest River | rrding to their declared MATHIEU ® 7 j fabri h é Ro 3 a nies, Manes Rene homes. However, if nothing else i NERVINE POWDERS eal a toately Fifty-seven miles | DATED ai Ottawa this ‘nineteenth »| 8 done, it is IMely steps will be ' vetuber aie » day of | ; i } Try i? once— PRINGLE, THOMPSON, BURGESS & aken to protect the franchises of his ; Seials aE 2.007". | | a ldiowe eo that thes ott a Sunlight » the ie not | 7 Certificate of improvemente. be struck off the list | | sts w » § ve daa oe ee hile ab ae all grocers Mineral Claims, situate in the Skeena Min. sen! ae Devising of Cassiar District, ™ sa Mere located:—I'll Chance it F : located betweer th 44 zpeton aie ee Mineral creiully near head “of Salvation Army. ce m, Observatory Inlet, and “B | Bear’ Mineral © lack »ublic more or less, trom ae located one mile, | Public meetings, Tuesday. ~—One trial will convince you horthwest point ot . y that ROOM 6 a of arse Arm, & branch of Ob Thursday and Saturday at 8 p.m ae and oats remedy for any J qc ‘ MISS B. KAY VitAkE NOTICE tat 1, Pedro satin, prep | ** 80 p.m jaan” F M 5 ertificate No. 803143 r NE Sixty days from the date oooat ‘oa ; ; CHIROPODY A SPECIALTY to the Mining Recorder for a Cortifiente ust arrived, handsome new de- Nervine ELECTRIC, VIBRATORY, HAND 3) (uiuitit strewn onan i gurbene of o> sions of Carpet S before bottling Ww MASSAGE a oe Grant sof the above elaln : pet Squares. Special 18 tn 4 box, 25c. Sold everywhere. If MANICURING Ore tee eon te, must be commenced be: |?"10e at Geo. D. Tite's. baa ene, ore ssue of such Cert > -RNMENT « 7 HOT PACKS MEDICATED RUBS peqvemants ertifcate of Im J.L. MATHIEU CO. P. one “1 this 248t day of September, A.D rhe henpecked husband should SHERBROOKE, P.a. i PEDRO SALINAS jresotce that he isn't a Mormon = 10¢ iSH ES JO¢ ©. G. DAWSON, WHOLESALE DisTRIBUTOR (SOLD BY ALL GROCERS) PRINCE RUPERT, &. ©