= et THE DAILY NEWS a Y NEws IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly Guaranteed Largest Ciroulation THE LEADING hei will not be their own. HENRI BOURASSA They wish to do murder, ran- dom and purposeless, solely in oe order to cause suffering and| ; Having Lost All Political Influ- i] grief and dread among the en H. F. McRAR, EDITOR AND MANAGER HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. rates on application. DAILY EDITION EDITORIALS ea ito Attorney - General Bowser | has at last met his match, For! years he has lorded it| over the legislature until it be-| came a one-man machine. He} has the police of the province} under his thumb and criminals were set loose at will. Now he comes forward to corrupt the | courts. Through his law part-! ner he seeks to act on both sides of a criminal case at once! 3 ae - eee tend to respect, unless it will be to their to it. * advantage many spect They massacred Belgians at Dinant and Tamines much as the Turks used to slaughter They men and used them as a screen in Armenians. seized wo- marching against Belgians barbarous times. They drop- in order that his plans may be) ped bombs from war-planes sure to carry. But he did not; into market squares, -killing take council with Chief Justice} women and children. They Hunter, of the province. The Chief Justice placed “Billy”! back where he belongs and told | the court what he thought of) an attorney-genera! who would aimed to slay and terrorize by waging war, not against arm- ies, but against the whole pop- ulation. They did not recog- nize anything as being either be guilty of such “tainted” right or wrong in itself. They conduct. This is another rea- dismiss ail that, calling it English cant. They propose be hurled from his position, | which he will at the next elec-| to do anything whatever that son why W. J. Bowser el | will help the Germans or in- tion. jure the foe of the German. es 6 © ss * « In this war Germany repu- On the sea it is the same. diates all international law and the usages of civilized warfare. She is engaged in a fight to the death, and dis- ecards all rules and usages that would restrain her in striking) any blow that she can strike that would injure her foe. The Germans have mad®é it plain on land against the Belgians and on the sea against the | British that there is no law,!| no rule, no usage that they in- | When they sink a British erui- ser they rescue nobody. They shell coast towns that are not fortified, and they do it with no military object in view ex- cept to smash property, kill citizens, and spread fear and pain. As they run away after a window-smashing raid, they throw the to float they care not where and mines into sea destroy vessels they care not whose, reasonably sure that eee 9 ja homo Fal ofa ofa ofan mo mo ho alo a © FORE KNOWLEDGE FLOUR When we say Royal Standard Flour is the best flour you can use, we know what we are talking about, because we test not only our own wheat and flour in our laboratory, but also the other flours which are sold on this market, We test for strength, nutrition, texture and color. We test the wheat BEFORE we buy it. We know exactly what the wheat will do after it is made into flour BEFORE we buy it. That is why we can tell you with absolute confi- dence that there is no better flour made anywhere than Royal Standard Flour, made in British Columbia. Royal Standard Flour gives employment to and maintains over a hundred families in British Columbia. So when you use Royal Standard you not only get a first class flour, but you do your share towards helping out the present. sit- uation in British Columbia. Vancouver Milling & Grain Company, Ltd. Vancouver, New Westminster, Nanaimo and Victoria Telephone 98. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch, Contract aeGE GMO Vonday, December 28, 1914. re- —a device that was popular in| ence In Canada, He Tries to Make Trouble for Everybody. emy, It the that pirates used to do, except that | the pirate used to so time his} is work | efforts thes Re could tarry and} Mont | De 26..-Labeling ontreal, ec, 2 ‘ the of dians in Ontario by secure plunder, French-Cana * . re «t, - the | a species of “Prus- . treatment y sh It is not safe to let Germany Eneli remain armed in a civilized|™@Jority as Henri Bourassa re- to world, since she renounces|*!#2 Kultur, ferred his experi- indirectly } the usages that centuries have} Wednesday | i civilization and repudiates all ences at Ottawa on | ; ne 9 sor oke seen grow up. Her war is | night, when a hostile crowd broke against the whole structure of (UP & meeting he was addressing the world as it stands, and her |" the Monument Nationale thed takes no account of Mr. Bourassa was one of the } morals or conseience,—Toron- speakers at the gathering at the j to Star. }Monument Nationale, at which el jon. Aram J, Potmer, the French- A NEW PROJECTILE |Canadian govert of Rhode Is- — Hand was presented with a bust |Missive Which Will Scatter Hot of himself by local admirers Mixture of Molten Stee! Mr. Bourassa received an ova- | Is Invented ition as he observed that, unlike —_— | those who had come thousands Gloucester, Mass., Dec. 26.—A)}o¢ miles to be present, he had [new type of projectile, which only come from Otlawa. Mr. Bou- would scatter a white hot mixture | 4 coo said that he used to think of molten steel over the object/tnat liberty was to be found in of attack, and at the same time]. .ootop measure under the Union jpermeate the atmosphere with a | if the United States, but he thought so no longer. They lJack than in deadly gas which would make impossible for fire fighters to ap-|iad to go to the United States proach, has been invented by to the French-Canadians of John Hays Hamond, Jr., accord-|ip, United States, to get lessons ing to a statement made by the],,, endurance and patriotism. The inventor tonight, The new mis- speaker compared the liberty and sile may soon appear in the equal rights enjoyed by Governor European war, as some of the| pothier and his compatriots of belligerent nations are now NeGO-| Rhode Island to the species of tiating for its purchase, he said. russian culture meted out to the Phe | nited States government at} reonch-Canadians of Ontario. present is conducting experi-| Mr. Bourassa said that he was atiwont to say exactly what he lthought, and he declared that no ments with the new projectile Hook, The missile is designed for use Sandy he added. ne should ever want Frenech-Ca- de- jnadians to leave the United States in siege guns as an aid in stroying towns and dirigible bal-|4,, come back to Canada “We loons. Ihave no right to ask them to re- ae ee turn, and, in facet, we would be Self-esteem never stops until it very stupid if we did ask them to bumps into a stone wall. ido so,’ Real Relief from suffering means true ha piness. The trouble due to indi- gestion and biliousness, is removed he concluded. Don't try to do a man who has a mania for getting even. If you are a married man it is quickly, certainly and safely by BEECHAMS PILLS The Largest Sale of Any Medicine in the World Sold Everywhere. In boxes, 25 cents safer to snore than to talk in your sleep. APPLICATIONS | joe The owner of the Victoria | Lodging House, First Ave- \2 nue, instructs us to offer this building for rent at a nominal price, to some de- serving person. The rent collected to be devoted to the war fund. We shali be Pleased to receive applica- tions. 1 ee PATTULLO & RADFORD SECOND AVENUE THE LATE SENATOR JAFFRAY. Hon. Robert Jaffray, Senator of Canada and recently elected President of the Imperial Bank of Canada, passed away at his Toronto residence on Wednes- day, December 16, after a brief illness, ADVEKTISE IN | THE DAILY NEWS, _ The Two Strongest Fighters In The Army A IS VERY SOURED NGRY RESENTMENT BY ALL NATIONS AGAINST GERMANY Utterly Useles Massacre of Non- Combatants Has Shocked the World—Bitter U. 8S. Press Comment. = 2 Comment. New York, Dee, 28, S.S. Prince George. Sails for Vancouver, Vic. toria and Seattle on Fridays at 9 A. M. G. T. P. S. S. CHRISTMAS SAILING FOR THE sour) S. S .Prince John Will leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver at 7 P.M. Tussd | | = Wwe a) x v. awe a ral Ai home to roost. In wantonly kill-| ing these non-combatants in un-| defeded British coast towns Ger- | DR. GILMOY, DENTICT | Crown and Bridge Work a | many Specialty. cannot escape responsi- | step toward restoring barbarities | Which the world had fondly hoped |-—————--——- - — | | MAJESTIC ROOMS ; of other nations, but have arous- |} CENTRALLY LOCATED Steam WHeated—Ali Conve- ed a world-wide feeling of angry to to see eliminated from the prac- tice of war.” The New York Times said: “The ruthless bombardment of unfor- tifled towns and the utterly use- less massacre of non-combatants have not only shocked the people niences—Very Moder- ate Price SPECIAL RATE MONTHLY resentment which eannot fail be prejudicial to Germany.” | RREARAREAREAARHAD THAR JUSTICE, NOT GUSH NEEDED. ‘ie 35--PHONE--35 : Pittsburg, Dee, 24——What man} ' kind needs is more justice and less love, said the Rev. C. R. Hah I TAXI] niser, in a sermon in tris city.! Justice and love are not com 3 parable,” said the speaker. ‘They ee rt the category. | function ire n in same ef the mind,| | of soul; justice is a characteris. @ettewteereteteee eee ee eee tie of the actions and relations of |——~ To talk about sub ALF HALLIGAN Love is a PSSST ECE ET OER ES man to man stituting justice for love is like DO proposing to adjust the machin-| ete ery of a mill so well that there} FUNERAL DIRECTORS would be no need of engines or | Caskets Ste, He Terms Reasonable——Phone 41 power plant. Shipping Cases a Speciait A acLerT, Manager. : “The type of love we are need ing is that which expresses itself | in justice rather than in cheap, | gushing sentimentality. The world is sick and tired of the Wi ‘love’ that sends toys to a sick Gr idowers | child and opposes child labor and laws, gives nickels to cripples and | opposes workmen's compensa-'| Bachelors i i ane tion, or ‘pities’ the poor and} eon grinds labor below a living wage. Py waen > aan : F i uy co o Constructive service is indeed 1" give you hot what the world is sorely needing ICY WATER water the But that is the kind of love for! THIS wet Gane WINTER the morning which Christianity Stands.” People who fight for a principle sometimes display | —fifteen minutes after you have started the fire | poor jude- ment in selecting the principle. EASY TERMS 17.50 Cash $5.00 ist Month P a $5.00 2nd Mont The devil's bargain counter “92.50 3rd Month often shows that some supposed- ly good men have been sold for a! song. Same Old Price HARRY HANSON The Reliable Piumber Phone 489 (NEW WELLINGTON bility for having taken the first | gepieg: smith Blk. Third ae. ee ; ny, © os ing editorially on the Serene cos deans te Testers py i December 24 ein raid on the east coast of England MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS EARLY The Tribue said: Next sailing for Masset and Port Clements, December 28, 10 p » “ wow : Next sailing for Gkidegate, Jedway, eic., December 41. 15 > & “Civilized opinion everywhere Special Reduced Rates for Ohristmas and New Yoors Be a will share the indignation of the on G.T.P. Railway, commencing Deo. 18th, good for rei. fan, Tin For Reservations, Through Tickets, ete, Apply at @ TT. p British public at the bombard- Third Avenue ‘ ment of undefended English AGENCY ALL ATLANTIC STEAMSHIP Linc: coast towns by German crulsets, essere eens: =e As is usual in such wanton at- — eee tacks, made without any discern- At ible military purpose, civilians MUSIC are the only sufferers, There may Teacher of Violin and All be some military palliation for Band instruments { the bombardment of Hartlepool, os aka ING AD which was defended by a fort, At Prone Green ear TINTING that point British soldiers were - : ' killed and wounded in the seommorce trenches along the coast. But at M rti . i Searborough and Whitby there a n Swanson Second Aver was no defence made, and the only vietims of the German gun-'§ «<< CUT PRICES = fire were non-combatants, includ ‘ | a ing women and children. Call and Save Money EW é AION \ js . u | Such ruthlessess will come 7 The favorite Household Cleanest, Grightes:, Bee COAL 60, Albert Rogers & Phone i174 ms POR PLUMBING AND HEATING fo w — SMITH & MALLET Largest ftock of Ptp- ’ Vaitouver, Crane Valves « { tings, Pipes cut to ord Third Ave., Head of Geoond § Prince Rupert Alea M Manson, 6 Ww. E. Wi WILLIAMS @ MANSON Barristers, Solio! E MOrEY TO . Bos 158 Helgerton Block i A an - rs aN Office corner tnd Stree PACIFIC CARTAGE L! LADYSMITH ©CoODr 03--Phone &5 JOHN CURRIE Contractor & Bui Estimates Given on TED Phone Black 294 ee OO OCOCOOOnS C.B. PETERSON | EXPERT ACCOUNT AND AUDITOR Phone 318 : PROP LODE OOD L OOOO EEE EEE OEM JAMES GILMORE Architect 2nd Avenue, near M POOLE MOPED OOE OE OE EOE EEO Good Pure The Best Equipped and Most Sanitary Dairy is |" Prince Rupert Dairy Phone Green 252 pert be had Market, ne Delivered to of town, at Spurr's Knott's Bakery Fulton Cauh Morte or car Gov. Inspecte d Lows eoerneere Come Drawn for The Daily News by e+ WHO T AM LL dp, a y Lt i) TAD P ae eS = ME SICK- J “OU BIG ) RY = —" \ YOu DONT KNOW ‘ rm © CHAMPEEN OF TH AR TH TERROR OF E NOBODY HAS ANY B SHOW Wil (‘I DONT LIKE TO LICt< “YOU SO NEAR xXMas! 0 ON AN bo \T- COME ON AN’ DO\T_A @ 1914 ~ more SYN® BACw.~ ma +