PeceMmyer AM, Ewe vl ‘y — A FAMILY REMEDY FOR MANY YEARS sed “Frult-a-tives” With The Best of Results, Ae Kor 1914 ritish Ni, orthAmeriea oe Teach Th: Children The Value of aw If you if ae OLORGE McKAY Esa. un, ONT., June 17th 1918, t en using ‘Pruit-a-ti F a remedy for many e best me Fruit-a-tives he Jicine ‘do me the ver gripe end their sant i them for Indiges a ion with the best results, y recommend them rly afflict ubles have left mecomplete- ‘*Pruft-a-tives’’ full credit s. A nicer pill man ” Ake to GEORGE McKAY. normous demand for“ Pruit-a- is steadily increasing, due to the tt nderful fruit medici: ymmpt relief in all cases of yn, Constipation, our Rheumatism, Chronic, es, and Neuralgia, aud ail nd Bladder Troubles, a box, 6 for $2.50, trial sixe 25 s| | dealers or sent on tecein't of I y Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, swe Prince Rupert Feed Co. DEALEKS IN Hay, Grain, Feed and Seeds CHICKEN FEED A SPECIALTY Agents for DOMINION NURSERY & ORCHARDS CO. Me! orders promptly attended to 908 Third Ave Phone 58 POLO LL OLE OLELOOLEOL OL perrierere orev CeCe eee eee eee . + . LATEST WAR NEWS * . . ° itest war bulletir * . i sively by The * , . e posted . ° fler coming tT # . at the foll K ‘ s ° s Cigar Store, 3rd Ave * ‘ elry Store i* . , ’ ipert ° ‘ > ’ Hotel * ° il Hotel » 8 r Hotel * # tel * 8 News windows . ¢ eee eeeeee eee ees [OOOO OOOODO POLL OL LOLOLOTY nolel ; Directory A II NN lembers P.R.L. Vintners Association WINDSOR HOTEL of First Ave. and Eighth 8+ W. & Wright, Prop. er WOTEL OENTRAL First Avenue and Seventh ‘ European and American lar Peter Black, Prop KNOK POTEL , Between Eighth and Nin opean Plan, Rates b0¢ tw 61.00 Per Pay Beener & Beaner, Prope \ Ave Y. Rochester Vv. D EMPRESS HOTEL Third Ave, Between Sixth an’ Seventh Streets European Pian, 6O te 61 Per Day Casley ROYAL HOTEL. Cortey & Burgess, Props Third Ave, and Sixth # Curopean Pian Steam tHeolec SEAVER WHOLESALE LIQUOR 00. Limrep Second Ave. and Sixth St Phone 108 PRINCE RUPERT IMPORTING 00. Limiveo Fraser and Gixt ‘ Phone 7 SUBSCRIBE FOR THE DAILY NEWS PRING i PRANCH ” per. PPPOE RARE FEEaEEe lg © RRRR RRR RREES 15-PHONE-15 PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO “rr | THREE EERE Ree Hurry! Hurry! Hurry ! '$ ALL GUESSING COUPONS '§ MUST BE IN BEFORE 12 P. M., SATURDAY, DEC. 26th First Prize, Kitchen Cabinet |$ Next Ten Prizes: Each get one large box of Fry's Del- icious Chocolates, valued at $1.00 Fuller’s Grocery Phone 572 311 3rd Ave. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Princess Maquinna south- bound Sunday 8 p. m. 4. @ MONAB, Genera! Agent Corner Fourth Sireet and Third Ave For Rent | S-ROOMED PLASTERED HOUSE WITH BATH—STH AVENUE $25.00 PER MONTH 5-ROOMED HOUSE ON TAYLOR STREET $15.00 PER MONTH APPLY TO ¢. R. Naden Co., Ltd 324 SECOND AVENUE ae —_— a. a Lever Gimulation earenee guns ws me over s nee Write nelosing >t 4 Guarda, oF Albor 1 to weer wt » Pree ” tak ad x per a t fiien t " jw vat 34 oene \ ' + : : OO LP ! l heads a better than one > match \ in to point out women, in with a eonstitu apt to get rusty PEER EEE RARE SERRE ES THE DAILY NEWS. eS SE = EC TLAND Cwonagns Lat Pa ~ Agree PF Ss r 9° anos ie b 2 (a wr" # Romanrt nage) —_—, - ° Sp meme Vv LNGLISH - My THE GERMAN RAID ON THE BRITISH COAST. The route taken y the German cruisers which dashed at the English coast Iway between the British naval bases at Rosyth and Dover I barded Scarborous, Hartlepool and Whitby on Decem- it fhe triangle forms an equilateral triangle with 50 miles long. British squadrons at either two men- t | bases would be as near one another as the German Heet would be to either and on prompt notice could reach ther exit of the North Sea before the German fleet. NAAS RIVER VALLEY DEMANDS PART TAXES SPENT IN VALLEY CONDITIONS IN VALLEY WOULD BE EXCELLENT IF A TRUNK ROAD WAS PROVIDED—NO WORRY OVER HIGH COST OF LIVING. Gwinoha, B. C., Dee. 14, 1914.]sume also that all the land mark- tions and gestures and poses and | lo the Editor of The News. jee on the map “A. P.” has been}, the time we got there he had; Dear Sir,—We are now in the/4ctually purchased, the initial) taugh the young ladies such deli-| _ ddle of the winter. We have had/Payments of 50 cents an acre Saad a as the “half and half,” | warly three weeks of clear, cold | made, and that 4 per cent interest) tne tox trot,” the “silo slip” and| weather and the cold snap is not|!s being made onthedeferred pay-|«the Ford Flop,” or something r yet. This is the longest spell} ents and the wild land tax of 50/jixe that. Why, we didn’t even jof continuous cold weather we ¢ents an acre is annually levied); now the holds any more. Every- jha had sinee I ca into the 4#ainst it If this presumption | thing we did passe or Aisne or \ early five years ago. The|'S § rrect the government has! Przemsyl We were Major-Gen- t howe has not Collected over one hundred thou-leral Dub. Last year we didn't i below ind it rises 4nd dollars from the valley more] necitate, well you needn't come ‘ te to twenty degrees dur- than it has expended in perma-| d. This year if you hesi- 1 We have had a foot t improvements and that/tate you are lost and no reward { vy and the therefore |@™mount should be held to the], groreq——_rx. le i sleighing and it is easy lit of the valley for permanent Pre eel - = i ring 1 doing the other nec- ad building or other improve- No man is so illiterate that he jessary provements ments of general utility. annot teach another something. | Civ illy speaking, the Naas rhe one great and pressing} eet homesteader is living on|need of the valley is a road from When all others fail, booze can t of the land and at a cost/the head of navigation to the|®!ways give the pugilist the 25 cents a day. He has|northern boundary of the pre-|*®ockout blow. t taxes to pay; his|emption reserve that can be used} ————— —_ moemrerenpaiate shop contains grouse,jall the year round. A road that sii ee ae ns al s and fish, and when he/can be used by a team of horses. — Mining Division of Cassiar Dis- vs a few shells, snares andjand wide enough to allow two eye a om re uy his meat bill is paid; his|teams to pass each other; and oceans pont of Se i a Arm llar is full of vegetables grown |there is not a mile of road of that OF ee ere ad's 1. Pearo his own garden; the hills have | kind in the whole valley. For the sores, icc eeetthe abd iy 3 wun: pplied him with wild fruits;|few farmers who live along the LB gy BR Ro, Sepsee, : thus grocery bill has been re- [river bank as far up as the Grease 2 ee *. , A Ry & enpur duced to a small change affair.) Trail, there is no pressing neces- gees of pears a Crown Grant gets his fuel at the cost of aj sity for a road except during the on ane onan on ee ttre es eae fon, ttle exertion He doesn’t wor-|winter, but the great bulk of the/fore the issue of such Certificate of Im- y a bit over the high cost of | settlement is miles away from the "pated. this 2ist day of September, A.D. ving Iriver and the disproportion wit! os PEDRO SALINAS. Most of the ranchers are onigtow larger every year, and the = lth homesteads and taking ad-|farmer who does not live on the vantage of this fine weather tolriver bank, near a good landing 2 nprove their places. ‘iaere are|place, has no way of getting his ES labout forty voters in the valley) |produce to market except to carry } les i as many more who will be-|it on his back, and as long as 3 ome naturalized citizens before|farming operations have to be ithey prove up, and they can tanto leorvied on in such a backward a big noise when they get all to- | manner there will be very little THE leether heir main topic of dis-|agric ultural progress, very little z leussion this winter is road mak-|produce to take to market and ine and they get pretty sore and/consequently high carriage rates. DAI LY say some nasty things concern- Jack Frost and the snow make ne the slow progress being made/a first class winter road from N EW S u permanent road building. They | Gwinoha to tide water. Five miles don’t know what amount of mon-jof a road built over the lava from 1 the government has taken out|)Gwinoha to the Si-ax River would 's lof the valley from publie lands |give connection with this natural SAFE sold, timber licenses issued andjoutlet to the Si-ax Distriet, one itaxes collected, but they know lot the most important and exten- SANE that very little has been spent on|sive in the valley, and these five SPICY | permanent improvements of gen-| miles of road could be built at IMPARTIAL feral utility. They know, too, that/less cost than any equa! distance one arly £75,000 aeres of public jon the Naas. From the Si-ax INDEPENDENT pland have been alienated from the | | District to the Grease Trail, a INTELLIGENT leovernment, withdrawn from set-| peck trail has already been built, | tlement and held by land specula-|and this pack trail should be wid- tors and timber licensees and | ened fo a wagon road, From the ithat the rest of the land in the (irease Trail landing the govern ivalley, outside of the pre-emption | ment has begun the construction |reserve, comprising approximate- of a wagon road, whieh, we un jly 50,000 acres, is pot available derstand, is to be extended to the for settlement beeause of the un-| northern boundary of the pre- ‘certainty of location or tenure, emption reserve. With half the until the whole valley is surveyed funds the government have on + ene properly platted, They pre- | hand, which have been colleeted a lit | with ;conceit ithat we : ; , from the thin main wagon road and generally useful artery | of communication with good imarkets for all the produce of | the Valley « 1 be built and work furnished for all the ranchers | | next miner This would put! heart into the men and give an limpetus to settlement and im- | Provement that would result in speedily turning this fertile dis. trict into a irge producer of foodstuffs and the settlers would | s00n be on the high road to pros. perity. Yi truly, W. A. MYERS. S!C TRANSIT GLORIA TANGO! Last winter, in a period of | rashness a oneceivable folly, | we took a fe dancing lessons. | We learned the tango, the one- i step and the hesitation, with all the dips, drags, grape-vines and lame ducks appertaining and in thought we ed to ;we had Terpsichore lash- the glided rudder of a Zeppelin. about the cheted from divan to davenport, j just the flights parlor poor the We were. | | sue h case made and provided. We i As | hall or rico- missing piano lamp in through our mad some | fee] Mr.and Mrs.Castle dancing demon of But last night happened to drop in on some | friends, | friendly we used to | sorry for We } the day. we were whose vietrola, was tearing off, “By the! by the Beautiful We! jshall forever hate that tune, for inextricably the as we en- j tered, | Sea, Sea.” is intermingled wreck of our fondest Our 1915 Catalogue Which Has Just Been Distributed SD Will aid you in making your selection of Christmas Gifts. Write for this book if one has not reached you. Note the fine range of SIGNET RINGS on Page 11 and our assort- ment of Ebony, Silver and French Ivory Toilet Ware from Pages 45 to 53, inclusive. ——— SSS Henry Birks & Sons, Limited JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS Granville and Georgia Streets Geo, E. Trorey, Managing Director EEE VANCOUVER, B.C a LUMBER SHINGL” , MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS PRINLE RUPERT LUMBER CO. A 4. BURROUGHS, Manager tet Avo. and McBride &.. PHONE 25 an oor PRINCE RUPERT, 8.0. Branch Yard at Smithers ee THE UNION STEAMSHIP CO., OF B.C, LIMITED SS. VENTURE SOUTHBOUND TUESDAYS AT 9 P. M. We learned last night ean't dance. There was | ja young fellow in that parlor who | had brought with him, from the| city, a slew of new steps and mo- | Sailings for GRANBY, SIMPSON AND NAAS SUNDAYS AT MIDNIGHT : For Further Particulars Apply to PHONE 568 JOHN BARNSLEY, Agent, SECOND AVE. AGENCY ATLANTIC STEAMSHIPS Dainty Garments-—Fine Linen— These are surely worth your best care and the use of noth- ing but the soap that cannot hurt the finest fabric— Here’s the Sunlight way: First, soap the garment; then roll it up tosoak. After a while, rinse well and the dirt practically drops out. No wearisome scrubbing, no hurtful rubbing—the gentle strength of Sunlight does the work almost without effort and en- tirely without you'll find it’s kind to the At all grocers hands, too. 3; Subscribe for the‘News PRIA ARR RIAA RRR IR IT NEWSPAPER for for Prince Rupert and Northern B.C. The Daily News goes into nearly every home in Prince Rupert. It is the popular newspaper of the city because it is clean and reliable. It has all the news of the city, and keeps in touch with events and topics interesting to Northern British Colum- bia. It treats these subjects with moderate opti- ; mism and reliability, The Daily News is the most valuable paper to advertisers because it is read by the buying public. It has e bigger circulation than any other paper in the city. It is read by the class of people the advertisers want to talk to. DAILY NEWS RARER ARERR RARER CAE