THE DAILY NEWS. pve SPE eee rece “The Daily News” {| LOCAL NEWS ITEMS} y ~ 3 CLASSIFIED ADS. Try Smith & Kildas’ ice cream . > >. rs ~ —_—— ne ‘ a ae For a Ce mi fe rtable room come OR RENT sg ” to the St. Elmo Hotel, 836 Seo- ci ilies ; vm /ond Avenue, near Eighth Street oO f-.§ waned fiat; 291 § . ' al we —s 7 297-302 Newly opened Stea heat and b : na ec i or ever room FOR AENT—Furnished rooms with bot 20t and cola wate very roon and c water. Clean and comfortable. Free baths Rates reasonable Only $2.5 per week Kiondyke Hotel, . . e Pulion end Seventh Avenue tw. si Ladies’ Desks—aA gift that is FOR SALE appreciated. Fumed, Golden and ae aa ak de : Mission Finish. At Geo. D. Tite's. FOR SALE—-Househoki effect mu hy sold by Thursday; cheay — it . S&S tenella wr The young son of Mr. R. A PO 8 -Fu ture am ire flect . ‘ at ors conn nat, will St e sacrifice. White, who met with an accident i. 2 “fart yee tgslean u i few days ago, is rapidly recov- FOR SALE—New house, Section 7, $100 ©rine and $20 & month; tots! $1,150. e e 6 P. 0. Box 190. 218. FOR SALB—50-H.P. capacity steam boiler The Prinee Rupert Towing Co., bed aon “in excellent order. a general towing; the new crude oil ply Bor 18, Dally News $908. tug “P.R.T. No. 1.” Phone Red WANTED }391 or Rlack 322. Address: P. O Box 96. Agency for the “Avance” WANTED—-Youne Woman wants chamber) Crude Oil Motor. 165tf. work. Apply Box 117, The News tr. ‘ sd . WANTED—Young married lady will give working girl free co. for camaens For every $2.00 purchase dur- venings. Apply 1136 Hays Cove Ave- nue. = = 297-302 ing December gives you a chance WANTED—Larege Mail Order bouse wants men everywhere willing to work 4 few ‘for Special Brass Bed and Wil- bours for $20 weekly, contract given, n CG re Drawin at position permanent Experience un- - Carpet Squa 9 becessary Samples free. The C0-|Geo. D. Tite's. 282tf Operative Union, Windsor, Ontario. fod ‘ oa ae ten en house in Section or Six for $125 owe and $25 4) Alex. Gordon was found guilty month until paid. Box 102, Daily News. jthis morning of supplying liquor | a ee, oe, gone ee eit an Indian, and was sent down sonable, apply Bor 115, Dally News| tor five months hard labor. It is sai hat ere are > f aw wan whew fer and . wm; | SAid that ther a quite a fev atv: ape to $3.00 we oy s individuals engaged in this traf- Daly lic. thie > —£ = MISCELLANEOUS ; So The drav f prizes give SACRIFICE SALE—-Ercavsted Lot 7, Block ' Acme Importers, Ltd., t a hid 6 un eT ot eat or ys of Prince Rueprt took $3,000 a=. 0. J. Leger, P. 0 _ Saturday Only two of $i} WEEXLY— Nem wasted everywhere, no Me prizes are yet claimed. The musiser bow supall the village, for few ,,. o wee < by Mast boars work @ spere Ume, experience — , — ULneCeSSe ys. Pasion permanest The |, rlas s ‘A D rlas. and c perative Unies, Windsor, Ost ° “= — MARAY'—Why remain alone? Why not ‘* rth $2 Phe fift ze Was betecr pour pesitiont Our club is pri Mae Clat ' wate and Gependabic. Best Im the west . : . iafermation {t@c im stamps ideal in - wait t! : era of troduction Club, Box 264, Vancouver, a a oe . ms i ky ers which are ad- ‘ sed this iss _RIGH CLASS: ROOMS Time isn't always money to the wh joes a credit Dusiness re MODER CONVEN- Poetry is the pastry of litera . QUAL ve tur pr tt > —, bread and : e®, pros ne corn, eae « CLASS HOTEL. rae Rates Only $1.50 to $2.50 Per Week. PACIFIC, PEACE RIVER AND ATHABASCA — RAILWAY COMPANY. } ST. LOUIS ROOMING HOUSE anmee, West End of First Ave. Pacific, Peace River and Athabasca Rail- of Canada, at its next session, for an Act, authorizing the company to lay out, con- }struct and operate the following lines of a 7 - | ;Are Schoo! of fiusic and Shorthand <5" railway a nt on tide water Commencing at 8 at or pear the head of Kitimat foule owing the Kitimat River in @& direction to the summit between | Kilumeat ‘and Lakelse Lake, thence in 4 nor- | Sheri) it akel: ise River by VINCENT C. KNOWLES (Violinist Westhbolme Opera House direction along the valley of the Lake and river Ww the Skeens thence crossing the Skeensa River means of a high lieve! bridge and over | ite ‘rand Trunk Pacific Raliway with TEACHER OF istandard clearances, thence north-easterly Vielin, Piano, Mandolin and Singing (i) inc mouth of the Kitsumkalem River Piancs Tuned and red }and following its course to the summit of Phone Green 51 | Se eax River, and thence, following the —_—_— jvalley of -the Nass River, at or near RS. KN LES Alyansh, @ distance of approximately = ow | nundred and twelve miles; (b) from Teacher of Pitman’s Shorthand jjunction of the Blackwater River, wit, the Nass River, following the course of the Blackwater River, to the summit be- Suite 15, McMordie Apt. |: | ' ; & ~ i : ’ PHONE S37 $) MISS B. KAYNE CHIROPODY A SPECIALTY ELECTRIC, VIBRATORY, HAND MASSAGE TREATMENT MANICURING HOT PACKS MEDICATED RUBS 3) tween tt and the Galanakeest River, thence south easterly along tne Ualanskeest River the Skeena River, thence up the Skeena River %0 the mouth of Bear River approxi - mately Fifty-seven miles DATED at Ottews this nineteenth day oy October, 1914 | PRING ILE, THOMPSON, BURGESS & COTE, Solicitors for the Applicant Certificate of improvements ru Chance It Prection, and Biack Mineral Claims, situate to the Skeena ine Division of Cassiar District. Where located:—r'll Chance it jocated between the “Lilly Bertha” Aldebaran” Mineral Claims near Alice Arm, Observatory Iiniet, and Gear Mineral Claim, located one more or less, from the porthwest poist o be bead of Alice Arm, & Branch of servatory iInie TAKE NOTICE that I, Pear Miner's Certificate No. 803138 “ity days from the Gate hereof the Miming Recorder for 6 mprovempents, for the ae 6 Crown Great of abore Clam 2 further take notice that ection, | der section 85, must be commenced be- | © iB issue of such Certificate of ip - provetaeats Dated Us fist Gay of September, aD. teas PEDRO Salinas w Ut rpose of ab- eifoli BULGARIA GETS —— Ship your REE URS === LOST TERRITORY An Important Agreement With ro JOMN HALLAM LiMiTED Roumania Regarding sk F. 19" ORONTO Dobrudja. Petrograd, Dec. 28 The Bul- | said garian minister has announced Servia guides her own na- that an agreement has ee 1! interests,” meaning that) ach between Roumania and Servia was not ready to return Bulgaria under which Roumania/ the Macedonia provinces “ restore to Bulgaria th \ reconstructed Balkan un- of Dobrudja, and most would favor neither the Allies th territory which she Germany, nor would it have from Bulgaria as result any aggressive intentions Rou- the second Balkan war mania’s Transylvania aspira- This agreement has be ' s, Greece's claims to Turk- eac he without pressure from j«) slands, Servia’s differences ther Germany or the Allies wit Austria, brings about such said a Neia onnected witl of interests that it Bulgaria ministry We would be impossible to throw the sha tinue to be neutral and as a whole, one way the eve that Roumania, although | oth Our relations with Turkey : as suse to fear us, als main friendly We do not ‘ ain neutral.’ lesire Adrianople.” It has asserted here that —_—— . { ar of Bulgaria alone had Saivation Army. prevented Roumania from invad Public meetings Tuesday, ing Austria and « war Thureday and Saturday at 8 p. m. the side of the Allies Sundays at 7:30 p.m “If Greece would return Kavala nit ‘Wee Minenksatin tetttiees she Leather cushions with Indian innexed during the second Balk- Reade. ‘Gpestel Wow Years prices an war, and Servia would restere at Geo. D. Tite's 282tf to us the Macedonian provinces The surgeon knows how to get she occupied, despite her agree-| i. ide information. ment of 1912, the Balkan union ising jceould be reconstructed,” said the The dog days are over; bul not Bulgarian official. “Under these! the dogs of war days circumstances, a lasting peace) would be established in the Balk- WATER ACT, 1914. ans. But, unfortunately, neither NOTICE is hereby given that a petition Greece, nor Servia has shown any for the approval of the undertaking of the City of Prince Rupert in connection with : *ntion to re p . reaty fits water development on Thulme River inte = vise the tre aty o jhas been filed and will be heard in the Bucharest. joMee of the Board of Investigation at a 3 | date t be set by the Comptroller of Water “The heir to the Servian throne | Rights i “Objections to the petition may be filed Prince Alexander, on receiving | ‘ith the Comptroiier of Water Rights, oo Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B. C., or Prince Troubaskoy, when the | with the Water Recorder at Prince Ru pert Prince delivered his credentials; Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C., this 26th ‘i X : day of December, A. D. 1914. from Emperer Nicholas at Nish CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT E. A. WOODS, City Clerk. Frem London Daily Mirror. Kitchener sat in his London den, Silent and grim and grey, Making his plans with an iron pen, Tust in Kitchener's way. And he saw where the clouds rose dark and dun And -all that it meant he knew: “We shall want every man who can shoulder a gu To carry this thing right through!” Bravo, Kitchener! Say what you want, And the world shall know, where our bugles blow, We've a man at the head—today! Jellicoe rides on the grey north sefs, Watching the enemy's lines, Where their lord high admirals skulk at ease, Inside of their hellish mines. They have drunk too deep to the boasted fight, They have vowed too mad a vow! What do they think—on the watch—-tonight? What toast are they drinking now? Bravo, Jellicoe! Call them again, And whenever they take the call Show them the way, give them their And settle it all! “Day!” onee for And French Stubbornly day by day is facing the enemy's front Taking the odds and bearing the brunt, Just in the Britisher’s way And he hears the message that makes him glad Ring through the smoke and flame: Fight on, Tommy! Stick to them, lad! Jack's at the same old game! Bravo, Tommy! Stand as you've stood, And, whether you win or fall, Show them you fight as gentlemen should And die like gentlemen all. Se Kitehener plans in London Town, French is standing at bay, Jellicoe’s ships rise up and down, Holding the sea's highway And you that loaf where the skies are blue And play by a petticoat hem These are the men who are fighting for you! What are you doing for them? Bray then for the men who fight! To hell with the men wh ay! It's a fight to the end for honor and friend, It's a fight for our lives today! Fred FE. Weatherly a = GERMAN OIL SUPPLY. There is no doubt Germany ts} badly supplied with petroteum products, whether motor spirit or fuel oil, and that as} agi the war progresses the scarcity jot theese is felt to an increasing jdegree Germany * direct oversea products are stopped by the a tion of the British fleet; but | there are certalir channe is | through which petroleum sup plies ive reached Germany in tly Holland was ne of | these channels but there is | very reason to believe that, ow “ te the prompt me ssures | tak by the Netherlands govert secure the maintenance strict neutrality, this route has ber irgely blocked There are in addition Denmat ind the Seandinavian countries One of the active spots in a very ipathetic il export market New York has been the persistent inquiry for refined oi! in barrels f these parts, and the unusnal chartering of Norwegian and Da nish steamers to carry these car goes Scores of thousands of barrels a week have been thus a ranged for; and there has bee: no secret about where the oil was jgoing; in fact, the correspondent | of one well known American pa per only stated that it was for Germany Fortunately the British autho }rities at home are aware of this important movement: and we may have every confidence that prompt jand vigorous steps will be taken ito eounteract it (Grermany's only remaining f source of that overland supplies, 1 ow Russia and Austria are no longer available, Roumania; is }and during the last few days news j has reached London that consid | erable quantities of motor spir- jits were being imported thence | via Hungary Of course no Brit ish-owned oil company is engag ed Yn this traffic; but one must re member that the largest petr leum corporation in R inia the Steaua Romana is inder German control It is believed to be this concern which is making the deliveries Oil News po ae PRIZE NUMBERS The following are the win- '§ ming number in the Grand Drawing at the {Acme Importers Limited Ist Prize No. 2454 2nd Prize No. 2379 3rd Prize No. 2049 '$ 4th Prize No. 14 5th Prize No. 1833 NERVINE POWDERS | —One trial will convince you that asure and safe remedy for any headache is at your service in MATHIEU’S Nervine Powders 18 tm a box, 2Sc. Sold everywhers. if Your Geaver Goes nct ge! t hem we mail bez on receipt of price, Oils KAIEN HAR’ DWARE COMPANY THIRD ANENUS PO DRAWF! Builders ; Plumbers Paints Supplies Supplies Pla HARDWARE 5 Tinware Varnishes Granitewar: MONARCH MALLEABLE *” Stay Satisfactor Range FRED STORK’S HARDWARE 710 SECOND AVE Carpenters’ Tools Builders’ Hardware Ship Ohandiery Wire Cable Stee! Blocks Fishing Tackle tron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotgu Rope Valves Ammunition Pumps Hose Paint Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated tron “WE SELL NOTHING OUT THE BEST” FRED STORK’S HARD WARE bx bt Ajaby ( You P4 I|)| After the bath with BABY’S OWN SOAP t i comfortable, and exhales the or Flowers. ' “Baby's Own & for nursery use insist on “Baby's O- NT SOAPS Limited, Manufacturers, - MONTREAL. ——————————— ==. ae -— wae a aa pers oun light Soap cuts Monday's in half. labor clean The Sunlight way is so easy --just note. First you s the garment; then roll it tosoak. After a while rinse it thoroughly dirt drops out like magic Why scrub, wear ain ap and rub, ar tear the clothe when the gentle strene Sunlight Soap will d work with never hurt fabric or hands. Try if once— this Sunlight way. At all grocers EMPRESS CO F. G. DAWSON, WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR (SOLD BY ALL GROCERS) PRINCE RUPERT. © ‘ nl A ts