I / x ative Library ' = I ! a que DAILY NEWS === THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT, B. 6., TURSDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1914 PRIOE FIVE CENTS ~~ $$ $$ “ RUSSIANS ARE NOW MASTERS OF THE SITUATION ———e pITISH DOMINIONS MAY SEND QUARTER MILLION TO WAR—WINNIPEG LICENSES SUSPENDED — RRITISH DOMININIONS MAY SEND QUARTER MILLION MEN TO WAR pReMiEn BORDEN MAKES STATEMENT ON THE WAR — says MEN MUST BE PROPERLY TRAINED BEFORE EN- TERING FIGHTING LINE. Hes >) | katser crueves over THE FALKLAND BATTLE Prays That “This Most Difficult Hour Will Be Turned Into a Biessing.” Berlin, Dee. 28—An official " statement given out at headquar- ters recently contains copies of telegrams exchanged between | Emperor William and Johannes Kaemph, president of the Reieh- | stag, regarding the naval battle off the Falkland Islands, In answer to the telegram of 4 President Kaempf regarding the (Special to The Dally News.) Addres iid S Ciob vesterday | Borden «de send ti We are making field of battle witl when the hosts | tra and dis be driven back sentia nder « dition frontiers and er varefare It was j enki emels Bahl Wins If thin wer should contis | German loss in this battle, in it inithes vent the fou which Herr Kaempf said that the } nation was as one with the Em- | peror in grief at the loss, and with pride at the heroie deaths resulting from the fight, the Em- peror replied: “May the heavy sacrifices we have been forced to make in this battle for our existence be borne , by all and used with a single aim to ite deserved tions of the overseas don ons [ROM OLIVER'S MOUN end we d put a quarts f a millions must be thor- men into the fighting DRIVING THE GERMANS WINNIPEG HOTELS HAVE = — OUT OF NORTH FRANCE LICENSES SUSPENDED COUNTER RAID Is ns secon 7 Ey ane EXPECTED IN LONDON i Si ae.| Wimngse, Des. S0--an be HOW WARSAW that, supported hy an unshaken J W ; — I j D In th CHRISTMAS hope in God, our Lord, from nees that the i ee 5a) h SPENT whose gracious hand we humbly - st east ' ' ell . ’ iva ee a receive fortune, misfortune, joy ’ irt t i i ius aras ssiz 7 “, ed by th cha 1a Warsaw, Russian Polan , and sorrow, will turn this most . pen a sev : 2i.-Notwithstanding the prox- Somme tt i tis ‘ t ; ky This diMieult hour into a blessing for the Fatherland.” imity of Warsaw to the battle- front, the business of the city is as fo oA ' omective til ays uF : a Seca ————— - : | proceeding as in times of peace. % ae , oe om on an ? . — |} Although the sound of cannon- U. S. PROTESTS OVER bn hes : ms . : fa Ps; : } ‘ ds fameus east coast watering plaee and its two big points sin ot TONIGHT IN FRANCE | 1 : voding may be heard at times, TRADE INTERFERENCE ‘ nterest. I hristmas crowds throng the caer: As a , 7 ee ae — ive ets. Shops and cafes are dec- Washington, Dec. 20.—The ae Sepa ¢ , (Special to The Dally News) ” — ae . ; jorated gaily, and the holiday United States yesterday entered a ' been repulsed Arras, De —F French at. | bake “ —_ : ‘ ' AUSTRIANS ABANDON POSITIONS |spirit has dissipated the gloom of protest against British interfer- as Se eeae | the Germans tods af tong a at | war. ence with freight sent by export- " eee won twelve mils s in this)® ne eee | Among every rank and class}... som the United States to neu- Te. ee = ciency NPT daa aan NORTH OF CARPATHIAN MTS. of society there is supreme CON~/1.4) Dorts and to the regulations . f tre ‘ ea Lens by the/@! es ie ro o , 4 ‘ wu p : ee ee fidence that Warsaw cannot be which are being enforced by Brit- aggre wmnee|°? . ' , ; aoe sit pa ania + over | WHOLE ARMY IS IN FULL RETREAT.—.GERMAN ATTACK AT | taken by the ee : ain covering these cargoes. They is pest ; » és linens