THE DAILY NEWS - THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER {N NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly Guaranteed Largest Circulation i. F. MeRAE, EDITOR AND MANAGER HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract rates on application. DAILY EDITION | It seems useless to go over | a discussion that has already been decided and done with; | yet in view of the crowing of) the City Finance Minister it) might well to reiterate a) few pregnant facts in connec- tion with the city hydro-elec- | trie undertaking. In the first place the people who opposed the scheme did so from expe- diency and not as a matter of, principle. In the next place | the fears expressed by a good many people ih connection with the undertaking have been | amply realized. It was con-! tended that the city was not strong enough financially to undertake it. What do we now find? The city has its elec- tric plant but there are two million dollars of treasury cer- tificates almost due and the funds cannot be had to meet them. Besides that, the amount of taxation for which this city is liable is so large that a great many people can- not pay their taxes. It is not good business for a city any more than for an individual to create liabilities that are great- er than can be borne. ss = be | | The people who favored giv- ing the Prince Rupert Hydro- Electric Company a temporary franchise had in mind bigger things than the mere supplying They wanted of electric light. EH ony eer 28 101 se ££ 2rO@.R ta LS to secure the assistance of all the possible outside capital in the development of this trict. With the restricted franchise which to be given the city was left free to take care of its immediate lia- dis- was bilities and in the course of time could take baek its fran- chise. In the meantime we would have the advantage of a large amount of foreign capi- tal being spent in our midst while all the interested capital- ists would be bound to assist our advancement. With all the city’s tied up our electric plant, it will be years before the city can install its sewers, as well as other neces- sary works. > * . money in Looking back over the whole argument, therefore, it can be said with confidence that the opponents of the scheme were right. Everybody knew that the city could install an elec- tric plant and that is all the Finance Minister brags about. But can the city afford it? Ev- erybody would like to own a motor car and a _ pleasure yacht, but it is a fool who would mortgage his home to pay for it. It is good business to get necessities first and to go in for speculations or invest- ments after this is done. The remarks, therefore, of the Chairman of Finance have no FORE KNOWLEDGE FLOUR When we say Royal Standard Flour is the best flour you can use, we know what we are talking about, because we test not only our own wheat and flour in our laboratory, but also the other flours which are sold on this market. We test for strength, nutrition, texture and color. test the wheat BEFORE we buy it. We We know exactly what the wheat will do after it is made into flour BEFORE we buy it. That is why we can tell you with absolute confi- denee that there is no better flour made anywhere than Royal Standard Flour, made in British Columbia, Royal Standard Flour gives employment to and maintains over a hundred families in British Columbia. So when you use Royal Standard you not only get a first class flour. but you do your share towards helping out the present sit- uation in British Columbia. Vancouver Milling & Grain Company, Lid. Vancouver, New Westminster, Nanaimo and Victoria — : IM |UNITED STATES EASY MARK FOR ENEMY, and Not a Defence, Is Col. ' Heistand’s View. Chicago, Dee. 28. was suggested here of army in a public address by Col Heistand, U. of the Department of the army providing a sufficient Henry ©. 8. Centra adjutant general Colonel Heistand = said bearing whatever on the situ- United States was totally with the local papers for clip ping from the Vaneouver pa- tory taught the country pers and other periodicals If at this minute,’ he said should remember that with the of a cent per word it is impossible to get all the news by } There is only a small percent- age of the local present telegraph rates the States infantry, soldiers in United cavalry, tillery, assembled were in people who;men to man the read the same articles in other footing. papers and the rest must be, Wew York’s Guns a Menace. supplied with the news. Prince Rupert probably the only place in the world where news- papers for silly personal rea- refuse to securing telegraphic . } is | sons co-operate in news, guns, as they are now situatec graph office gets an additional than a protection, because al } telegraph news could be dou-/| shooting. “For the purpose of defence, bled. In the meantime “some- body” prefers to cut off his) would have every male citizen o nose to spite his face.” triod of his life give a sufflicien TORONTO PASTOR iS SHOT. Presbyterian Clergyman Seriously tials of a soldier. Who Had a Grudge. Toronto, Dee. 28—Rev. R.\of himself in the field, how Church, shot|ride his horse, how to cook hi and seriously wounded on Broad- bread and bacon and take car way Avenue here by Harry Asher, | of his health, and, above all,t Presbyterion was a mission workere from Montreal, who has been a week. j with very small pay. Asher’s according to} Biames False Teaching. his own statement to the police, | was.revenge. Mr. Seott, he de- | ple is they are suffering fror elared, had injured his mission!false teaching and preaching. work. Asher was arrested. “In our school history we teac in Toronto about|And I would have him do motive, ASSERTS OFFICER New York Fortifications a Menace Military service during the youth of every mate citizen of the United States as a means reserve BD Re the unpre- ation. pared for war, urged that the reg- °. BS ular army and the national guard The people who find fault were inadequate and protested against what he termed false his- every one of the 90,000 regular and coast ar- New York, there would not be enough guns on a war “And if every one of the 112,- ;000 national guardsmen were as- sembled in New York City there ;}would not be enough to protect | those guns fro mattack and those with the result that the tele-| are a greater menace to New York fee for making out a carbon!a foe would have to do would be copy of the same news. Were | to turn them around and point it not for this the amount of|them at New York City and begin the United States in the early pe- | time to the United States army | to qualify himself in the essen- I would have Wounded by Mission Worker = him learn how to shoot and have jhim learn how to march. I would j have him learn how to take care to McP. Scott, pastor of St. John's | piteh and roll up his tent, how to submit his will to his commander. that “But the trouble with our peo- I f t 8 e “ n h WHITBY ABBEY PARTIALLY DESTROYED _1})i< ancient and his- toric ruin is said to have been wrecked by German shells. The abbey is 1,200 years old. The Danes laid waste a portion of it over 1,000 years ago, when they invaded England. The ruins, before the German bombardment, comprised the choir, the north transept and part of the nave. "ithem pay. Tuesday, December 29 1914 that in the War of the BR hata we whipped quneti ie the War of 1812 we whipped Eng- land; that in the war with Mexi- co we whipped her and that in the war of our own rebellion we rose up from the flelds and the farms and marched right out and put down the rebellion. “True, we whipped Mexico. We] whipped Spain. There is a slang phrase about taking candy from a baby, and that is what we did We Wd Britain in the whip Great of the Britain was busy at home not war revolution Great and quit because she had not the S.S. Prine at Sails for Vancouver, Vic~ torla and Geattie on Fridays 9 A. MM. en oon 0 ee e George G. T. P. S.S. CHRISTMAS SAILING FOR THE. SOUTH ~ §.S .Prince John : wi arriving local steamers for Victoria and Seattie. MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS EARLY ancouver at 3 Next sailing for Masset and Port Clements, December 28, 10 P Next sailing for Skidegate, Jedway, Special Reduced Rates for Christmas on G.T.P. Railway, commencing Deo. For Reservations, Through Tickets, etc., Prince Rupert for Vancouver at 7 P. M. Tuesday, December 2: P. M. Thureday, December 24, connecting w . m etc., Ovcember 31, 10 P. m and New Vears Between All Points 19th, good for return upto Jan. 71) Appiy at G@. T. P. Ticket Office Third Avenue. AGENCY ALL ATLANTIC STEAMSHIP LINES slightest idea of what kind of real estate we had here. “Mobs” in Civil War. In the war of 1812 we were humiliated and our capital burn ed, she was busy at home, quit with and Great Britain, because out insisting on her right.s In the war of the rebellion two great mobs of the finest citizen MUSIC Teacher of Violin and All Band instruments A. PESCOTT 462 Eighth Ave. East Phone Green 327 that ever up to the ry stepped ecannon’s mouth stepped up to the knowledge of for front without or- ganization or warfare four straight years, and at the end, the one with the longest purse and the greatest number of men tri- AMERICAN TALOR CUT PRICES —}) Call and Save Money umphed. It was searcely a war It was a conflict of mob organ- ization. “What we want today is to! ’ teach our people that we did not really ever in the history of the| steel, for we never have done so.} | OR. GILROY, DENTINT Orown and Bridge Work a world whip a foe worthy of our | Office: Smith Bik., Third Avenue hone 554 P.O.Box ¢ APERHANGING AINTING OLISHING AND WALL TINTING High wrade corating a Spe Martin Swanson Mel Second Avenue, tear Ke lingo i Cleanest, Brightest, Best NEW WELLINGTON COAL Co Rogers & Albert, Agts But we have in the United States | power, for there is not a really) good American who is not ready) to die for his country. Wants Training for All. “IT plead for a training of every | citizen, so that if the time ever | comes when we need to defend | these institutions under which we | Specialty. Becone Avenue Phone 11 | Wide itilnalalied oleae a | Phone 174. Box 874 FOR PLUMBING AND HEATING || SMITH & MALLETT MAJESTIC ROOMS — J] targees stocn or rive “norm or CENTRALLY LOCATED 3 | tines Pimms cot to orger. |] Third Ave, Mead of Second Street Steam WHeated—Ali Conve- Pr Rupert niences—Very Moder- ate Price SPECIAL RATE MONTHLY live so gloriously, he will be able | 2 to do so, and instead of dying a) foolish victim of the foe, he will} of his account of a good the have given himself in defence country.” | F DEFERRED LAND PAYMENTS. Interviewed upon his return! from the interior, the Minister of} Lands said that there were ing to the government $8,000,000 | or $9,000,000 ments on land purchases, the government ow- as deferred pay- and it | had been criti-| cized for not taking the purehas-| ers by the throat and making! At the last session of the legislation passed providing for payment in four the first of which was due this year, but in House had been instalments, view of the war he did not know! suicide or of becoming simply a| @ekteeetereA nthe teteneee 35-PHONE--35 TAXI ALF HALLIGAN | eee e eee e eee Adee heehee DOMINION and Embalmers FURERAL DIRECTORS Caskets and Undertakers’ Supplies at Wholesale Prices Terms Reasonable-——Phone 41 Cases a Specialty ETT, Manager. whether much would acerue from this source. “However,” he re. port of the interview says, “if the holders of the lands money was due did not pay, he, personally, would say, ‘let forfeit them to the Crown.’ on which them (iov. ernment policy did not stipulate this, but these were his personal feelings.” MAXIM SENDS FIVE TONS OF BEANS TO CANADA'S TROOPS Hiram | Maxim sent five tons of pork and) London, Dee. 29.—Sir beans as a Christmas gift to the! Canadians at Salisbury. | cmpststeaiihiaialataaaina ts Two heads are better than one | in a kissing match, Grass-Widowers and Bachelors ——$—————— - - DON’T WASH st cviarantee In ty coll give yo bot ley WATER water 1 . e THIS fest thing tn the morning WINTER —fifteen minutes after you have started the fire EASY TERMS '7 50 $5.00 Cash ist Month $5.00 2nd Mont $2.50 3ra Month Same Old Price HARRY HANSON The Rellabie Pium Phone sg" SEREEESESEEESESESSED ES © | ate Manson, 6 A W. EB. Williepe. BA. LL | WILLIAMS & HANSON Barristers, Solicitors, Eto. vy TO LOAN Bos 1585 Prince Rupert, 6 Helgerson Block Office corner @nd Street end Sra Ave ‘PACIFIC CARTAGE LIMITE (Successors to Pecific Transfer LADYSMITH COAL 03 Phone 03 JOHN CURRIE Contractor & Bulider Estimates Given on Moving Bulidings Phone Black 294 —, .. C. B. PETERSON EXPERT ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR Phone 318 JAMES GILMORE Architect "nd Avenue, near MeBride = | POPOL PLOPLECPOOCIODED CEEOL OLE! } Delivered to any port : Good of town, or can be had ; at Spurr's Marke Pure Knott's Bakery and (h« Fulton Cash Market Milk The Best Equipped and Mos‘ Sanitary Dairy is the Prince Rupert Dairy Phone Green 252 Govt. Inspected Cow ereneee SOLDIER IN"TH ARMY GETS A DOLLAR FOR XMAS \F HE CAN PRONOUNCE TH NAME Ord SCOOP- EVERY »« /\TS PRONOUNCED B | ATH ALC THE f CONSONANTS , ™\_SOUNDING— 7 aon XMAS DOLLAR Ks {ce LDID IE ~(0U CAN DO J thy The Boss Pronounces It “Puh-shem-i-sul” | GOSH- 1 DONT KNOW WHICH ARE THE CONSONANTS - BUT HERE GOES! Drawn for The Daily News by “|! NOISE. Like THE EXtHausT FROM A MoTER Boar - @ 191+ - Mend 1 Nour stut PAL -Mp EASY NOW | DONT Bust AW WHUT GOOD WOUL THE DOLLAR Do ME \F LT CHOICED TO