—_———-—— eae FAINTED i THE STREET Desth— Ustil —_——-~ | VON TIRPITZ ADMITS WEAKNESS OF NAVAL FORCES OF GERMANY In Remarkable Interview Com mandor of Fleet Says That to THE DAILY NEWS. LOOKS FOR FURTHER RAIDS ON THE COAST Lord Derby Believes Germans | Will Succeed in Landing Troops in England. ' Our 1915 Catalogue - 191 curmam, Ore., Apell grd ; ‘ ’ . mya ago, was eat i men | cea Which Has Just Been Distributed fieret pee int of * Destruction London, Dec. 28.—For some! oh Loder 1 said to myself ‘if days the German advance in Po-| uetives will bufld = - : | Rotterdam, Der . land has been watched with anxi-| Will aid you in making your selection of Christmas Gifts. ss ome ny . ae these | ns arkable inter ' ety. London and Paris fear lest | Write for this book if one has not reached you. Note the dea a cmyeeld myself oe a erfull j Vou lirpitz has Yon Hindenburg be able to pur- | fine range of SIGNET RINGS on Page 11 and our assort- rane Ina aan = re ionger, t ed here. It is «a sue his success against the Rus-| ment of Ebony, Silver and French Ivory Toilet Ware from li { rive ‘ ; red lteter, Gee would ian |siven to an An ; sions. If he broke the Russian | Pages 46 to 53, inclusive. 2 ay stomach and T wae in daily land in it the hea f (3 ; line at Opocozeno or elsewhere, -—_ ——____—__—__— _ that it wou , i : eporte oaitio ‘ : sand bill 14, ‘ -tives”’ oh is rey the = positi " f the Russian | . ae ithe length of tt armies in Galicia, with 170,000) Ti Bi S Li . d MSE Milde Jentieely upon Britain. Von il Tiimeohing upon a! enry Dirks ons, Limite Ps aie - — ipt of | pit alao conf through the Carpathians might | one Ottawa fof the German fleet WHITBY HARBOR AND PIER.—Whithy, which experienced fire |Decome critical. The Times, in JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS lasked when it ; ‘ recently, is a watering place of 12,000 |#" editorial, says Von Hinden- Granville and Georgia Streets annnneneeee eee ee | hal ant +} and attack t! Brit Pinon — ie east coast of England at the mouth of |»Ure bas now made the Russian Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director VANCOUVER, 8.C Prince Face Rupert Feed Co. | is said to ha plied e me invasion of Silesia and the fall oun You ca t art of Cracow more remote. ‘ Feed i fleet, which 1 ‘ Meanwhile, as the Daily News — ’ ' ‘ee ef won how mic Se BASES OF UNION ARRANGED = xcs, ca "ater and Seeds land allow the Brit goes steadily against Germany. | yooaen FEED A SPECIALTY liver its death blow BETWEEN CAN Hungary is becoming insurgent agente tes The interviewer suggests | and popular feeling in Bohemia is sommmion NURSERY & = g/°P Mack by Zeppeling might be) Ve so increasingly anti-German that ORCHARDS CO. prepared, and the ad |NEW CHURCH WILL HAVE ALL STRONG POINTS OF THE DiF- |' * fun! impossible to prevent SHINGLE’, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS , - > ’ resented as answe FERENT BODIES—‘PRESBYTERY” AND “ELDER” the soldiers from expressing romotly attended to F got orders promptly @ ea = REMAIN AS LANDMARKS. their feeling, even in songs. The} PRINUE RUPERT LUMBER C0. —s marines against British + aii, Daily News also regards the dem- | A 4. BURROUGHS, Manager gon Third Ave Phone 68 jehant ships will have — ! ) I hay g of n sters. but an amend-{0M8trations all over Italy as most Tet Ave. and McBride st. PRINCE RUPERT, 8.0. penne eee tee eeeee@eewOOee ed ithan that.” ne hl t was adopted which recon- disquieting for Berlin though, if} & Vere et Gmithere acini ; plior d all parties by distributing Italy intervenes on the side of the | as i ia meet tain authority between those|Allies it is not likely to be 7 : a a seeeeeer eee aeres ! z hich a f hope- |t Church courts. spring has made the passes prac- st WAR NEWS S| Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! §%! °° spirit pr New to Methodists. ticable for warfare. The sora THE UNION STEAMSHIP CO., OF BC, LIMITED LATE e| ALL Quessina EEE aied tha at h 4 aded Nothing has yet been decided|!"* Post seems to believe that! ee j COUPONS thr ‘ f the int.as to the names of the elders.) German desperation will lead the SS. VENTURE The var bulletins *)3 MUST BE IN BEFORE 12 P "la eceived sively by The #| aa wocay There has class leaders and local preachers,|@erman navy to attempt some- | . 7 2 M., SATURDAY, DEC. 26th bh { } ht : lia 2 slit” SOUTHBOUND TUESDAYS AT 9 P. Mm. maily N posted im- #| FI a ! hing ghter ir y rec vho make up the Session in the thing against England. This is nedia coming of * oe; oe Kitchen Cabinet t the hist { the new Church. but it is understood] 4!80 the view of Lord Derby, who Sailings for GRANBY, SIMPSON AND NAAS SUNDAYS AT he w the following a mt Ten Prizes: .Each get whole Chureh that the Methodists have no ob-|*Peaking in Lancashire, said: MIDNIGHT are ‘ | nT - ; Store. 3rd Ave @| one large ben of Pry‘e Bel- In these words a prominent |Jection to the name “elder,” and “This raid on Searborough will | For Further Particulars Apply to : ,* ; icious Chocolates, valued at > ' , ot be de Wark's Jewelry Store, 3rd @| | Presbyterian divine summed up probably be adopted. The|"0t be the fast. I go further. I PHONE 568 JOHN BARNSLEY, Agent, SECOND AVE. ¥e bd van it tings of the Interdenom.|Session is an entirely new thing|Delieve Germany will be able to AGENCY ATLANTIC STEAMSHIPS t Hotel, 2nd #) ’ S teatinaal ' / f he ethodists. The eclass|!and troops n the English . *} Fuller’s Grocery })'"""’""' | Chureh!for the Methodists. The class|land troop om ie Uni which met three ses eaders and local preachers will shores, Shouts of “No, never. *'$ Phone 572 311 3rd Ave. , 4 ae eee — - . sions at Bond Street ¢ grega élders in the United| Will they ever get back? (Cheers. " | . ee nal Chure! 4 genial and|Chureh, and th rdination of|But that is what they may = k * has » ‘gmendios —* s is ething Methodists}4nd if so, you will see exactly the | I dows, 3rd #) | Meth a - ; : t used t same horrors in this country as| o . +) ' nt ' i Re! r T ia) fears oo; wTtTtTt.6hU CANADIAN PACIFIC Various Views Presented e presé basis it is}'™ gium. Tw year aso} RAILWAY \ i at i nation of| Prinee Henry of Prussia, the} i i i bers , > . i hristia the w i will have| Kaiser's brother, the head of the . G t Li oe . - We g netitution, be-}G@erman navy, visited, as a guest, | Dainty Fine * ' ; ; ; eoseeorees ee eA | ¥ 7 Dl . has preserved all thes thie very Scarborough and exam.| These are surely worth your . 2 hate! ; Hlirector Princess Maquinna south- |) cpeaker « LA pp, [streng points in the organization ined the harbor. Yet, knowingiil besteage and the use of noth- _— an Os t defenceless, » Germany ty . bound Sunday 8 p. m. gehen, gs hes and elim-|'t defenceless, the Germany navy) Hl ing but the soap that cannot that is been found to|”4*> sent to shell it. Loud cries hurt the finest fabric ee t sbyt ( t a pine ’ ; ni f “Shame! leabers PRL. Vietwers Association i eal be the Ge eg. i practice : ; ae — | 7 Antis in Great Minority. eer ey Here’s the Sunlight way: —— ES DD cl tat ‘ | * 4. © McMAB, Genera! Agent ) ‘ OWN STALE rhe @ nion section was a] People go to extremes in trying} First, soap the garment; then roll WINDSOR HOTEL |] Corner Fourth Strest and Thing Ave | {he Mol! positi und Rev fil ntage on a com-|to make both ends meet, | it up to soak. After a while, rinse fervor of First ave, an@ Riehth 88 Dr. Wa spoke for the Con- - oak ie : ee es well and the dirt practically drops I 0 er r. Sedg- aN r . WK Wright, Prop. pores —|gregat Churet ot. make his statement} Usless a man who claims to| out. No wearisome scrubbing, . ” a ees n pres at 8 |" F- aoa have religion uses it in | bu no hurtful rubbing—the gentle . ave re _ § 1s s- . HOTEL OWTRAL - inaiitietin “tial « with the representatives of es es strength of Sunlight does the work first Ave Seventh #4 or ent . . “ 2 srious churches, the chair. |'™e8%> he has the wrong brand. almost without Borge Guteuial Sheen Mining Division of Cassiar Dis- injury. chon WPOTEL Dr. G. M. M ‘9 . me Where located:—About three-quarters Prirst Ave Eighth end Ninth 8-ROOMED PLASTERED HOUSE Well, I want to know what) (3-4) of a mile, more or from = turpee . se i ' ” ts Sell the Presbyterian Church says.” cod adjoining the Black Bear Siinerel’ chetm . 7 ee E WivH GATH—STH AVENUE ae ee. SO Silence prevailed when the|""yake' NOTICE met 1 Pedro as At all waar re me Berner & Beaner, » “inl ” eae 1 for William J. Vi b , t grocers ° - @ eee mai. United Church of Canada. ead f the anti-unionists fin- ers. Certineste No. farbas - and for = r } f nierest ae ae peech, and when Dr intend, satya Gerwinense 7, es 3 shed his spee an ‘ days from hereof. ¥ 0 Gales $25.00 PER MONTH } Dr. Chow ul i 4-the commine apply to Mining mecordee aa Pi ae CYPRESS HOTEL ea ad repries Certineste of ‘improvements, for : . ss led by D th ot and went pose of obtaining a Crown Grent ire Ave Netween SINT end . oo ed the cungem om - above cake, ean } Bryce hat t ul h \ ae a And further take notice that action, furopean — I I ee fore "the tesco ot rg TE " Plan, GO to G1 Per Bay , Protest of the Antis. provements. , e 5-ROOMED HOUSE ON TAYLOR , ‘ .e rhis { rhe lengthy stateffient of thel gs Deted this 2tst day of September, AD.| wOrAL HOTEL I t e dissent ‘ hes .osition was, said Dr PEDRO SALINAS. " STREET ee pease ee —_— . seas, Preps rh ' Sedewick signed by fourteen - wanes eee 2 ee ee turepsen 6 ' woes nembers of the Unioa Commit- . Sieam rea t mes . REE eee — “ $15.00 PER MONTH ames|i.. of the Presbyterian Ghuseh e fotintninindin iin ttt Jot ooiiniiiniiiniitioin: MAVEN WHOLESALE LIQUOR CO.. suggested After a recapitulation of previous a a aaah Names for Church Courts. arguments against union, the Ave nd & - ad - i rl aft ess consid-| statement protested against “the S , — APPLY TO ind decided upon the names) introduction of such a subject at PMNCE RUPERT ‘PORTING 00. ts of the new Church adueiaiae “ Tha . . the present erisi When the LIMITED Pres . ‘ ‘ath See Ph weeeaaaneeee hone 7 ne 836 THE BANK OF 1914 itis NorthAmeriea | Bvenees. “eLus $7,766,660. each ‘The Children. he Value of Money cu learn, while only how to Visely, but how, to save some- you will em on the road cess. Opena it for each in liritish North courage them ularly, hulure, ay muger. uf BRANCH a R. Naden Co., Ltd 324 SECOND AVENUE | -— | SUBSCRIBE FOR Real Lever Gimulatior OLD waren FREE. 4, wrnightfor ward es enue ' the One Compromise Necessary. i THE DAILY NEWS "* a) ve val i illy fixed as fol The General Counel mbly of the whole “The meeting y two years, the annual Methodist} Presbyterian | ding with the ind the Presbytery, a The known as Ihe meeting local irt will be ' for spiritual over- 1 ssion, rhe Committee of Stew for temporal oversight Mecial Board” is to be a ition of the two first | ih representatives from ious organizations in the was no acute diseussion | t vical points; the de were chiefly eoneerned bal At ippeared that an irre- might arire changes, one | conthiet the ry and that of the Bet-| always Comittee in the station-|may have a pretty ankle. leontentious matters; ;a time a question which can only ithe meeting of the joint commit- of the Seottish suspended all the Church Union Committee Assemblies have ttiations during war, nee vhen all throughout the Empire, are parties in and State, by common consent dropping all is it fitting that the Church of Christ in Can- ada should be the one exception and that there should be thrust into the life of her people at such result in alienation and strife?” \ protest was also made against tee at the present time of finan- ial stringency when other conveations had been postponed, Chureh rhe more children a woman has fewer theories she has about raising them, the No, a girl isn’t necessarily authority of the/careless because her shoes are She e becoming untied, Prince Rupert. bia. mism and reliability. the vity. advertisers want to talk to, the city because it is clean and reliable. the news of the city, and keeps in touch with events and topics interesting to Northern British Colum- It treats these subjects with moderate opti- The Daily News goes into nearly every home in It is the popular newspaper of It has all The Daily News is the most valuable paper to advertisers because it is read by the buying public, It has a bigger circulation than any other paper in It is read by the class of people the DAILY NEWS {Ati it iii oii rie