THE DATLY NEWS. A Sixty Year Standby For sixty years Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder has been the standby of countless housekeepers who have relied upon it for healthful, home-baked food. Dr. Price’s contains no alum or lime phos- phate. There is never any question about the absolute purity and healthfuiness of the food it raises. f It has stood the test of time. That i why the best informed housewives will use no other. Dr.PRICGE'S CREAM BAKING POW GER Made trom Cream of Tartar No Alum - lregrettec at Ce » our — 3. B. Pattaito, of Vansou. i" gcretted that just because our i ” iS sorived on the George today Raeted and — chairman of “ i ! CAL NEWS TEMS | “ |finance either from personal or ews 2 oil visit to his brother. Mr. itullo is a prominent lawyer of CLASSIFIED ADs. es ‘ALD. MORRISSEY REPORT RIDDLED BY THE EX.MAYOR itinued From Page One the only successful be althon to time the engineers the mnsumer of electrical energy ean Meantime igh system st estimated has « less than our last year cost the s more than our engineers esti- nated the ex than the fr the ist would be and more would have been cost m Prince Rupert’ Hydro- ctrie Company. that the of furnishing the juice of it Mr comment rhird old plant was capable red Morrissey this and that ikes upon ical contention ay therefore assume at was ithe fact loean't 80, Was so that Mr that it our in view ai wasn't Ly g g al li assit n suches He r works a water inance upon ices says that main to Sec- we ts the the at was finatced fact that rst of this we Enquiry debentures to vel e rk were of a plat d 85; yet our chairman finance was elected upon form specifically promising that he ruld not accept a figure 90, lother and this brings us to an- consideration, namely, lgeneral financial position | city | political reasons or because they Try Smith & Killas’ ice cream. | aia not know any better commit- . se ‘aiaalaaaa: sod take ; ‘ ; [ ‘ e lemselves i "v —_--- —_—-- = Mr. Beveridge returned today! Gu. m ia € om ; po . 0 sand . . | selling the city’s lon erm is- FOR RENT from a visit to the South. } Another pontoon will | . , pte FOR RENT—Six-Roomed flat; 221 Sixth oe ea jlaunched at the drydock on Sat- “| \ENT—S ; Avenue west. 297-309 Rockers and Easy Chairs. Big jiijay about noon. This is the | The Brightest | red Og New Year uctions at Geo. D.| nih to be launched and is half Coty 00.08 i ie, Hotel, na ai 282tflthe number required. By spring Women Find eo “he @ Le i duet i the y will all be completed. ‘ FOR SALE |_s ft's Premium Cooked Ham, sometimes that they are dull in a | mind, depressed in spirits, and that —— - | Thursday only, 30 cents per | A FOR SALE—Sewing machine and baby Watler’s groce PI fl they have headache, backache, carriage Suite 44, Besner Apart-| pound. uller s grocery. rome and sufferings that make life ments. 300-301) e-9 301-2 ALBERT BLK. PHONE 637 | seem not worth living. But these FOR SALE— One stove, sanitary couch, | ‘aie i noon © | conditions need be only temporary. rugs and table very cheap Miss L. M, | Th ‘ mM 7 uster, 300-1) Mrs. Duncan MeTavish and son, | MISS B. KAYNE 5 usua. ee mOR S u » and entire effects or biliousn POR FALE Furniture and entire elects | of Victorias arrived in town toda} CHIROPODY A SPECIALTY captintctict: A vaneedael Apply Flat 8, Clapp Building. Phone}, a visit to her parents. Mr. and ELECTRIC, VIBRATORY, HAND 9 8 ‘14. W.'P. Hart 1 .a vi ‘ pores, — MASSAGE TREATMENT FOK SALE—New house, Section, 7, #100 | s. M. H. Craig. | MANICURING eash and $20 & month; total $1,150. | P. 0. Box 190, F Sse. * * * HOT PACKS MEDICATED nuBS 3| FOR SALE—50-H.P. capacity steam boiler Ladies’ Desks—A gift that is | nsercessccoroes PIL! S and 8-H.P. stationary engine. Can be j had cheap. La excellent order. Ap. | appreciated. Fumed, Golden and | _ 1 15, y News. t | et see Mission Finish. At Geo. D. Tite's. | | will quickly, safely and certainly WANTED : £2 ‘School of Music and Shorthand righs Se wveng. This tamets family ae eee ‘| Get your OMiee and Pocket remedy tones the stomach, stimu- WANTED—Good eneral servant ade ay vas: VINCENT C. KNOWLES lates the liver, regulates the bowels. emall family. Apply 1144 Biehth, Ave: | |Diaries; also Tide Tables and (Violinist Westholme Opera House) | Beecham’s Pills cleanse the system . - *!Gem Calendar Pads for 1915 at TEACHER OF | of accumulatin : : alends f ¢ i & poisons and purify WANTED—-Young Woman wants ehamber Violin, P j work. Apply Box 117, The News. tf.|McRae Bros. 300-302 mt Bn gemery Mi Ee ae | the blood. Their beneficial action WANTED— Young married lady will give | ae ee Phone Green 61 | Shows in brighter looks, clearer working girl free room for company oman complex evenings. Apply 1136 Hays Come yee} The Daughters of the Empire MRS. KNOWLES i — nll ar. od Try mus. Bev-088 i A : ; Teacher of Pitman’s Shorthand - yon Ge nd that they WANTED—Large Mail Order house wants) ®"¢ holding their annual ball to- | men everywhere willing to work a few hours for $20 weekly, contract given, | position permanent. Experience un- necessary. Samples free. The Co- night in St. Andrew's Hall. These jevents have become very popular, Suite 15, McMordie Apt. Operative Union, Windsor, Ontario, {and a large crowd is expected. i WANTED—-Pour-roam house in Section oe Five ot ix for, #125 ge a76 a| oT ee month until paid. ox 10 ally News. Were EMLEY,2 ces or onpes oreoree’ Seeste PRIZE NUMBERS ookkKeeper or office he alary rea-| signs o r sonable. Apply Box t1b, Daily News. one arpet Squares Special tf | Poe at Geo. D. Tite's. 282tf sinnaicttiadhditistinntinesintiia lanes WANTED—View lot and house; close tn; oe es } about $2,500 to $3, 900 will py 4706 , nota i The following are the win- cash and arrange x 10 ‘or a com . 0 . 2 e | Daily News. . Sree SOO. CONS ning number in the 836 Sec-| near Eighth Street. | Steam heat and} -|hot and cold water in every room. | Free baths. Rates to the St. Elmo Hotel, MISCELLANEOUS jens Avenue, Newly opened Grand Drawing SACRIFICE SALE—Excavated Lot 7, Block 1. Section 1; worth $8,000; '81,000| reasonable. | at the ret Serene 5 Io" per ee * * > t 000 cash 0 educ, P. O. Box) | 1385, Montreal, uf, Leather cushions with Indien | $15 WEEKLY Meg, wanted everywhere, no| heads. Special New Years prices | f it ers matter ow sma v e, or few) hours work in 3p . experience | at Geo. D. Tite’s 282tf| unpecessa’y, rmanent Co-Operative ~ OWihdsor, Ont. ee @ | Limited rr 7 . i MARRY!—Why remain alone? Why not} !he Prince Rupert Towing Co.,|$ qo¢ prize ....... No. 2454 better your position? Our club is pri-| general towing; the new crude oil vate and dependable, Best in the west. 2nd Prize ....... No. 2379 Information 10¢ in stamps. Ideal In- tue * “P.R.T. No. 1.” Phone Red troduction Club, Box 264, Vancouver, | 3rd Prize ....... No. 2049 301 ; 3 322. 28 » : |: of ae Address: P. O.|3 qn prize ....... No. 14 sox 9 : ut i 2” |Box 96. Agency for the “Avance” |$ gem prize ....... No. 1833 Crude Oil Motor. * * = 165tf. For every $2.00 purchase dur- HIGH CLASS ROOMS Are Worth A Guinea a Box Largest Sale of Any Medicine in the World. Seld everywhere. In boxes, 25 cents, FOR RENT SE eae CR ITE 3-ROOM HOUSE STH AVE.--YOUNG ST. PATTULLO & RADFORD SECOND AVENUE scheme may) ' tell. | ALL MODERN CONVEN- tENCES—-EQUAL TO FIRST CLASS HOTEL. Rates Only $1.50 to $2.50 Per Week. ST. LOUIS ROOMING HOUSE West End of First Ave. ing December gives you a chance \for Special Brass Bed and Wil- ton Carpet Square Drawing at | Geo. D. Tite's. 282t1 ae & Miss Milligan and Miss John- son, formerly school teachers of this city, arrived from the South |today on a visit to friends here, y LIMITED Desk 512’ TORONTO to | of| Morrissey | rissey chairman of cient funds to complete the civic | ing amongst |™ land it | as low!) the | of the) It is a cireumstance to be} left over from last year. Cormgs it must be borne in mind that ey lost in the sale of our sues for so low a figure as 00,| the city will be the loser of net} less than a million dollars I af ery dollar in fifty debentures means loss the life issues, a of eapitalized years our longest term and at 5 compounded semi-annually per cent, of approximately 812 The city last spring had the op portunity to dispose of some two of having will now lose at least probably 10 than it would have lost had it sold But it at This means an immediate This rf interest term it dollars ite long Not million issues done 80, 5 per cent e — att “SIXTY VEA RS A QUEEN.” Great Seven Part British Spectacie at the Westhoime House Tonight. and per cent more Ope 5 per last spring put cent los of $100,000 sum at s £100,000, bearing 5 cent, ¢ vunded annually KAIEN HARDWA THIRD ANENUF per will pre yp amount in fifty years to ap RE COMPA Y LAW HARDWARE eS ximately 84,200,000 Mr heet Plat Stove Builders’ Supplies Plumbers’ supplics Paints Oils Varnishes MONARCH MALLEABLE > Bay S Mor. suff that secured Morrissey et al says ae have grad is the Where is not at the bank. When from of Section One It is not oney? city hall in the R certain monies are secured and certain ther this from the o on hand to ce Mes the Ibeen secured Mr. they source monies there will be the mo ey mmplete wor intime money has ne that tax Morrissey able year. points out —— 7 ———-=- | to reduce the This by reason of the were this possible rate was made surplus As amat ter of fact, from last year that made the work it was the surplus left so easy this year. Had this year's Couneil faced a deficit as | did last year’s Council, the going! would not have been quite as smooth. In facet, it was the nice | surplus from 1913 that made the | difference between hard scratch ing and easy going. Our chairman of finance also} points out how they have reduced the both the} | city engineer's and city treasur- cost of operating | | | er’s departments at the City Hall | | As a matter of fact, the engine ing department cost $732.06 more *, tan this year thar last year = eee eo, — While a saving was made the jy! . : r edinidinedtas diedastanuitt af uf ihe bath with BABY’S OWN SOAP the | f department of some | 1$43, it must be remembered that | | ' Pi comfortable, and exhales the jlast year some extra expenses | Orne nly cut flowers. were entailed on account of the} | - ~ able ee : * | disgraceful condition in which the] vhicn Baby s Ov wn Soa; <4 lly for nursery use insist on “Baby |} publie accounts were found. | ee ; j “RT SOAPS S Limited, Manufacturers, -« MONTREAL. | rhis brings us to the statement See aa of the chairman of finance, that baa = We have completely adjusted all amin vs jthe public accounts and have | Re gy | completed the most perfect audit e lthat has ever been given to the! | city " Let me point out that prio: jto last year both the present | }Of finance were in office, the of the mayor and the present chairman : cuts Monday's labor clean and what| : was state in half. | | } | | publie ae j}counts then? Nothing short of | The Sunlight way is so « | shocking. Yet what did the two| --just note. F irst y yu jgentlemen know of the situation | the garment; then roll it jor what action did they take to jremedy the condition? The echo The truth | again is that the present state of tosoak. After a while rinse it thoroughly and dirt drops out like magic ; answers, “Nothing.” efficiency is due te the action! Why scrub, and rub, ltaken by last year's council.|| wear and tear the clot though, after all, the main thing when the gentle str is, not who did it, but that it is Sunlight Soap : done. work with never I I only refer to it now because fabric or hands. at the beginning of this year our friend the of finance was one of those who bamboozled | Try it once— this Sunlight way. chairman | the city into pursuing a course of; action by reason of which the city | will be the loser of over a million | | de lars and his letter is evidently | linte nded to persuade to Aft all qresere -~N them ;continuance of that course. a - This is a good time for the cit | — me - ~——-|izens to do some hard thinking | lic ce” jbecause to a very considerable —— E& Ge | de ‘eree, in the measure of their ory he) Lennon, depends how smooth or ( {how rough the road is going ‘“ ) i be. Faithfully yours, T. D. PATTULLO, | EMPRESS F. G. DAWSON, WHOLESALE DISTRIGUTOR (SOLD BY ALL GROCERS) COFF PRINCE RUPERT, ©