+ ewe ee — a i ————— —_—— yo Vi, NO. 4, ° { xUSS PRINCE RUPERT, B, ©, SATURDAY, N FORCES NOW Occ JANUARY 2, 1915. -——- ~ PRICE FIVE CENTS UPYING HUNGARY EVERE FIGHTING ON BOTH FRONTIERS-TURKEY ABANDONS AGGRESSIVE MOVEMENTS —— —- -— - —- BORDEN GOVERNMENT OPPOSES CONCESSION TO PRINCE RUPERT | DEMAND OF THIS CITY TO © ENCOURAGE AMERICAN FISHER- MEN SHIPPING THROUGH HERE HAS BEEN TURNED DOWN. | i i i | | 535 Pender St. W. ilentious one and involving Vancouver B. C., [international questiéns. For your December 29, 1914.) benefit, I ay say that the majo- Secretary, Board of Trade, Prince ty of the board were not favor- Rupert, B c. abie lo granting all our requests. Dear Sir,—Referring to the| ! further arranged with the matter of changes in the fishing| Minister of Marine and Fisheries egulations permitting American |!0r the full board and myself to shine vessels to call at B. G,| meet himself, Sir George Foster | ports and purchase bait and sup- |“! d the Hon. J. D. Reid, Minister | plies; also amending the bond- jof Customs, and further press the | « privileges, whereby the smail- |" Pacific claim. er coneerms could dispose of| While I do not want to their catch to larger concerns es.|aee those of you who see the tablished at Prince Rupert, and | benefits as | do myself, and while they taking in charge the bonding | the question will not be finally | gulations which would be due|Setied until the beginning of} the smaller coneern, in order to January, you may rest assured facilitate matters and fully estab-| that I am not leaving a single link sh fish conditions as I person-|'© hinder our request, with the lly see it at Prince Rupert, Mr |' bject of having the privileges Fr. H, Cunnifgham, Chief Inspec-|#'anted, and while I always be- of Fisheries for the Domin-|'eve ip results and still hope in i » D. N. McIntyre, Dep-|'he final to have our request 7 ind Mr. D. N mace of Fisheriea| Ae a Cara ban A Commissioner frm oe owe LINE HELD DEC. 21. = © LINE HELD DEC.14. REMICOURT ~ VAUBECouRT ETAIN® FREswes' EN WOEVRE coment de pata discour- THE ALLIES ADVANCE IN NORTHERN FRANCE. have made in the week of December The advance 14-2ist which the is clearly illus trated in the map. Franco-British forees POPULAR DANCE BY ST. ANDREW'S SOCIETY season took place last night in St. Andrew's Hall, when a mas- querade dance was given by the s — About seventy-five cou- es were present, and there was Jt —tptoken in the meantime with tal” heilliant diesnlaw of fancy cos- most popular dance of the | } }sian | man ‘RUSSIAN SUCCESSES ARE STILL REPORTED (Special to The Daily News.) The Rus- report says that in Petrograd, Jan. 2. official Kast Prussia and Miawa the Ger- offensive movements have been defeated. In the Vistula, qpposite Wyszo- tended the Fishery Boards De- |much ent agement. jtumes grod, armed steamers cannonad- nber 44. | Should we fail, I trust that you The star lady of the evening ed successfully the enemy's in- We presented a very strong) Wl appreciate regardiess Of lturned out to be a bitter disap- | fantry ise, all taking the view advocat what sacrifices I and others have | niment t some of “her” ad- Between the Vistula and the ed at Prince Rupert, and pressed | ade in your behalf, it has been!) j-jng friends for when the!lower Pilica the Germans have m our point of view in the/done with good grace and with| ack. were removed at 12/begun a series of attacks, sup- mgest possible manner. I may/|the best wishes for what we con- ck “she” turned out to be alported by heavy artillery. These say that the question is a very/*ider in the best interests of the popular member of the fire de-|so far have been repulsed all ————— —j| Pacific Coast. I think I am still| partment | tnente Kas dine safe in saying there is some en-) st Andrew's Society,’ besides| In Galicia the Russians have U S. PROTEST WAS jcouragement. With best wishes |haying the best dance hall in the|made energetic and succesful at- POLITE MESSAGE) for the New Year, T am city, has among its members also | tacks on the fortified positions negvene Yours faithfully, a chestra that is hard to beat lof the Austrians south of Gorlice, (Special to The Daily News.) Signed H. 8. CLEMENTS rhe music furnished by their or-|capturing 3,000 prisoners four London, Jan. 2.—The text of| chestra was first class. jguns and six quick firers. note of protest made by ‘PATRIOTIC CONCERT St Andrew's Society dances | ted States to Britain was made are always noted for their good | ‘GERMANS. ARE ARE HOPEFUL blie today It is one of the IN AID OF THE PRINCE fellowship and last night's as | st polite international episties RUPERT CONTINGENT no exception to this rule, Every. It record, asking in friendly body had a splendid time = to give éonsideration to the The following program in aid|broke up about 2 a. m. iys in American shipping. It lof the Prince Rupert Contingent nhno sense an ultimatum and | sts on nothing. atre on Wednesday, January 6, R INTO HUNGARY | ane - lat 8:15 p. m.: POU BERLIN REPORTS ou ae overtone, bg. 2 Dees! cases to tan Oat Greet : Recitation ao “The Foxes’ Tails’ | Londen, Jan. 2.—The Russians Special to The Daily News.) vou Aa wir. J. & a" Greve" | nave begun a new invasion of Berlin, Jan. 2. The German ano Solo urs. Bolling Satected Hungary from three points. licial report says that the Al- | Vocal Sele RR ARS ARES: Rplogend rhere is great panic throughout es attacks near Nieuport were | 4 TEES: rhe Flas"! he country owing to the rapid epulsed, Gy. cone PRURT SDAP SY Sing oF tos jretre at of the Austrian army be- In the Argonne further prog letelin Solo Mrs. R. Hetntosn selecwea| fore this new advance. “s was made. Mr. Harvey ; ae 7. the ree French attacks north Male VecGop BAY ote sine sis BAPTIST CHURCH. ! Verdun and north of Gommer Seats reserved for ladies. Tiek-| Ee : ‘Cy were repulsed with heavy |@ts tay be obtained from Mrs. Morning worship, 9 0 a sses to the French. ‘Thirty-| Burritt, Mrs. Roberson Orme’s | subject, an She ol — three officers ¢ yusam < drug store, Wallace's cigar store} Year's Pledges vening - " were ken eee = lor ©, T. Heward Admission 60)ship, 7:30 p a a Its is denied that the French jcents 4-3/ King's mneeee Sunday School © Captured Bteinbach. ee SSS M hast of the Bzura and Raw ka | WASHED ” COAL. “THE WEATHER. ‘ivers the German attacks have od. aie eibes te peoiien bo o#eressed under more favorabl: Sa NEW WELLINGTON| By F. W. Dowling, Observer. vather conditions. ;“ ASHED NUT COAL for $8.75 & > a } New Wellington Coal Co. *\IED—-A good nurse to care for tw: at e ¢ o Ave. Ww. Apply Mra, Lucas, 836 4h P hone 146. j Your King and Country need You EVERY MAN SHOULD DRILL Recruits Wanted for 8 Company, 68th Regiment. Parades Monday and Thursday nights at the Agricultural Build- ing at & P. M. sharp. S. P. MoMORDIE, Captain. - . will be given at the Empress Phe- RUSSIAN FORCES 5 a. m., January 2, 1945. Barometer 29.238 Max. temp. ...-seeeeeree 45.0 Min. temp. ...ceeeeereee 40.0 Rainfall ..cceccsccvecees 91 December Summary. Mean temp. , 35.6 Max, temp 22d.23rd 47.0 Min. temp, (on 8th) ..... 20.0 Preeipitation Rainfall ...-eee0 6.46 Snowfall ...++++. 40 6.56 EXPECT A LONG WAR (Special to The Daily News.) London, Jan. 2. Oficial The British “Eye-Witness” at the front says that neither the pinch lack of men the conscious. of real want nor the or material has been felt by Germans, nor has the ness of defeat been brought home to them. They believe that Russia has suffered a decisive de- feat, that Britain is decadent and that France is exhausted and ready to make peace They are conscious, however, that the war will last longer than they antici- These ered from German prisoners. pated. opinions are gath- CONSTANTINOPLE IS TOTTERING TO ITS FALL (Special to The Daily News) London, Jan. 2.—The Turks have abandoned all offensive movements and there is great the It is believ. panic in Constantinople over attack of the Allies. ed the city cannot long withstand the attack, Shirts wosth $1.75 for ‘#4. 15 at Bryant's. read that letter of this issue, how clumeily it is written. When you notice A man who writes that elumsily cannot think straight and is not fit to sit in Parliament as the representa- ‘Herb's"” in tive of inelligent people, j Try Smith & Killas’ ice cream, TORPEDOES HIT FORMIDABLE (Special to The Dally News) London, Jan, 2.—Reports today that the battleship Formid- was struck fore and aft by torpedoes from a submarine. She sank almost immediately. The were picked up by a trawler and others may be’ saved as there were several fishing say able rescued (Special to The Daily News) 9 London, Jan. 2.—King George LIST OF OFFICERS SAVED ON FORMIDABLE (Special to The Daily News.) 9 2.—The following Formidable were Lieutenants Simonds, and Greathead, Engineer Commander Wallace, Paymasters London, Jan. officers of the saved: Soutter Sexton and Wakeford, Artificer Engineer Stobart, ?-srrerehipmenry Guinness, Hurd, Wood, Pelly, Stephens, Agnew and Wynne. Captain Loxley, thirty-four of- ficers and about six hundred and forty men were lost. FIRE TRAP SET IN BRITISH TRANSPORT | (Special to The Daily News. ° New 2. Combustibles were found in the hay cargo of the British steamer Rembrandt, which sailed loaded with horses for the Allies but which back of Orleans, La., Jan. put on aecount fire. PRINCESS PATS SAW THEIR FIRST ACTION (Special to The Daily News.) Montreal, The Prin- Patricia Regiment Jan. 2. have re- Cess ceived their baptism of fire, terday they had an encounter with a party of German snipers, | killing the entire party. One of- ficer and several men were killed. NON-COM’S RECEPTION. The non-commissioned officers of the Irish yesterday afternoon Fusiliers were hosts at a recep- tion given to the non-coms of the | The; Fusiliers | Greys’ Rifles. of Irish Sergeant Major Earl Own non-coms the Eddie, Color, Phillips, Sergeants Wil- Harcourt and Bernard, Q. M. 8. Searrett and Corporal De | Auria, C. A. 8. C. non-coms of A Company, E. O. R. are J, H. Beatty, H. W. Brown, J. Hoskins, and R. Van der By}. are: Sergent kinson, The provisional a. Hemmel, Patterson For a comfortable room, come to the 8t. Elmo Hotel, 836 Sec- ond Avenue, near Highth Street. Newly opened, Steam heat and hot and cold water in every room. Free baths. Rates reasonable. Mr. Gutstein, of the Acme Im- porters, Ltd, left yesterday for Beattie, where he Mrs, Gutstein, who is returning from will meet an extended holiday with her pa rents in Chicago, Yes- ; has instituted a new decoration. SANK ALMOST IMMEDIATELY FISHINGT RAWLER PICKED UP MEN—OTHERS MAY BE SAVED IN SIMILIAR WAY ALTHOUGH NOT YET RE- PORTED. boats around. London, Jan. 1.—Another dis- aster has befallen the British navy. The battleship ivrmida- ble was sunk this morning in the English Channel, either by a sub- marine or a floating mine. Only seventy-one out of a total of 780 men were saved. (Special to The Daily News.) Pretoria, Jan. 2.—It is report- It will be called the Military Cross and will be awarded to of- ficeers who have given distin- guished service. It will be next in honor to the Victoria Cross. O'LEARY WINS. (Special to The Daily News.) Everett, Wash., Jan. Johnny O'Leary, the*former sion over Ray Campbell in a four- jround bout here last night. nninaine PARLIAMENT WILL OPEN FEBRUARY 4 (Special to The Daily News.) Jan. 2.—-The Cabinet }council has confirmed the open- jing of Parliament on February \4. The government expects a short session, devoted to war leg- jislation only. | | ALTERNATE SUCCESSES ON WESTERN FRONTIER Ottawa, (Special to The Dally News.) Paris, Jan. 2.—The French offi- cial report states that during the |night preceding New Year the en- lemy delivered at numerous points a series of attacks which were easily repulsed. Yesterday the enemy biew up two caissons of the French just southwest of Arras. In revenge the French demolished his trenches at Paryillers La | Boiselle. | The French jimportant artillery gained in the Aisne French are now the Plateau of results the on and established Nouvrons. Valley in Champagne and in the Argonne. The French captured in the for- est of La part of the ground they lost yesterday. The advance in Alsace proceeds jslowly but steadily. Minor operations occurred Grurie NEW YEAR WELCOMED IN PRINCE RUPERT The New Year received the customary welcome in Prince Rupert. Bells were rung, steam whistles blew and fire crackers rent the air, while everybody joined in the usual felieitations. Wateh night services were condugted at several of the churches and a great many peo- ple started off with the usual resolutions. Social events were largely éon- fined to family and dinner par- ties. Ca. ; nadian champion, won the deel- se ing from German South with a new foree of German § ment has decided to raise an army by conscription. Jan. in the British New honor lists inelude the following: is Ottawa, dians Year Hamar Greenwood, M. P., made a baronet; Hon. G. H. ley and Hon. Clifford Sifton made Knight Commanders of Michael and St. George; F. H. mieu, H. 8. Holt and Capt. lips-Wooley are made Batchelors; George J. J. rats and Eugene Fiset are @ Commanders of St. St. George. January 9, 1916: A Company (Captain Clayton) will parade at the Exhibition Building on Tuesday and Friday at 8 p.m. Drill squad. B Company (Captain MeMor- die will parade at the Exhibition Building on Monday and Thurs- day at 8 p.m. Drill squad. Any persons not members of the militia wishing to drill will be welcome at any of the parades. W. A. PETTIGREW, Lieut. Acting Adjutant, Shirt Bargains See window. at Bryant's. Reginning tomerrow the G T. P. train will arrive in Prinee Ru- pert at 6:30 instead of 6 o'clock, ings. They will leave as usual at 10 a. m. on Wednesdays and Fridays. \ Tooke'’s $41.25 shirts for 90¢e at Bryant's. NOTICE The Installation of OMi- cers for the ensuing year will take place on January 15. There will be no meet- ing on January 1. HARRY W, BIRCH, Secretary. ed that Colonel Maritz is return= diers and artillery. The govern= on Sunday and Thursday even- — si iia li a