THE DATLY NEWS THE DAILY NEws THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly Guaranteed Largest Circulation = EATS DIRT H. F. MeRAR, EDITOR AND MANAGER HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98 TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING —50 cents per inch. Contract rates on application. DAILY EDITION wt sye: Saturday, January 2, 1915 EDITOR | IALS | Se ns sais liaeipesneeninastiemmeall | The people of Ketchikan | attle. Then so long as the Ca- | — are trying to induce the United | nadian government permits the k = if Hert / a. rb States government to put back | shipment of fish in bond it will) or 1 “ag ger: tt ” the duty on fish entering the| be rather dificult to prevent percyniy cet ae ee tion may take up the ery thal United States and to compe! all) American fishing boats to ship sending it that way unless a . ai | ; : | country to the Americans through American ports. They| direct penalty were provided, | id ble th ; g | o » more reasonable the confess that this action is nec- which would hardly be digni-| ye aa, . oe . at * A s | > » se yver Aciprocity essary if Prince Rupert is to fied. It is the hardest thing in| a - Z a ne | be pre curt » world te ce business go} . ; ee ae ore ng a the world to make busine go) This agitation on the part of| _ sane ue etchikan and Se-| against the lines of least re- the Americans makes it all the attle. It is very doubtful if sistance and since these are the Americans would go back on - ons ae nave require expert government | here. Under present condi- oom ie opted of reducing the bungling to prevent us from tions the cost of reshipping tariff in order to lower the cost getting the trade. fish is considerable It must of living. The duty of a cent 7. * ® a pound was taken off about a year ago and afforded such a relief to so many people in the Central States that a reversal of the policy would be very un- pound on fish coming from United States to Canada. is the reason why boats cannot sell their fish in American trade they should re- popular. ogee Prince Rupert without some duce the cost of handling to a guarantee that it would be minimum. Not only should The demand to compe! all shipped across the line. The rails be laid to the water's American fishing vessels to Order-in-Gouncil passed last edge but free sites should ship through their own ports is year permitted the American given to all companies with a not only bad economics but fisherman to send his catch fair amount of capital or very difficult of enforcement. over the G. T. P. in bond but least enough to insure their The advantage of shipping since the small fisherman can- going ahead. It has frequently over the G, T. P. is not only not easily do this he is still at happened in other cities that that the expense of an addi- tional haul of almost a thou- sand miles to Seattle can be saved but that the fish can be landed in the big American centres in much better condi- tion. Fish can be landed in Chicago via the G. T. P. in four days, while it takes six or seven to send it around by Se- ed is the right for the or second party, who wo across the line. of the government in secur this concession play right into the hands of Kete 18 aaiobeltoidlibiiit Standard Flour gives employment to over one hundred workmen in British Co- ' —e =—sFUSE IT and ensure their jobs as well as your own. Quite apart from this argument— ROYAL STANDARD is a good flour. it is sold by all dealers the American fishermen fr favor of Prince Rupert it will| There is a duty of a cent a T American a disadvantage. What is want- small American fisherman to dispose of his cateh here to an agent guarantee its shipment in bond The slowness GILLETTS LYE om | the government is in more important that wharf where rails are laid the the water's edge. This is not his the way to get business. G. T. P. expects to capture the success of similar the their sites. both the goverenment “unearned increment” uld G. T. P. in the past have put a ing tax on development, that pro- Ing hibits, by refusing waterfront hi- sites on reasonable terms. It's about tyne that we stopped thinking that we have the ss: world cornered in Prince Ru- common sense. selling the It Lewery went to Russia just be- some- thing be done to bring the trade be handled twice as there is no| If the the only thing that secured the companies after years of hard work was In Prince Rupert, and the pert and get down to business VINCENT C. KNOWLES (Violinist Westholme Opera House) TEACHER OF Violin, Piano, Pianos Tuned and Sageives Phone Green 51 MRS. KNOWLES Teacher of Pitman’s Shorthand Suite 15, McMordie Apt. School ofMlusic and Shorthand Mandolin and Singing FOR RENT 3-ROOM HOUSE 8TH AVE--YOUNG ST. DID GERMANY | ENGINEER STRIKE IN PETROGRAD? New York, Jan. 1 That the Germans in the early stages of the war committed atrocities in Russian Poland, that he sawsome of the victims of these, and that 8. Wilson, charge Chas then | daffairs of the United States in| Petrograd, was so impressed by the evidence of such things that he acting practically threatened to stop behalf of the government in Petrograd if atro- on German jcities did not cease, is the report brought to New York by Leonard J. Lewerg, export manager for the American Rolling Mills Gom- pany, of Middleton, Ohio, who ar- rived on the Transylvania Mr fore the beginning of the war and |remained there until the middle lof October. It leording to Mr. Lewery, that the was absolutely proved, ac- jgreat strike which took place in |Petrograd just before the visit of i | President Poincare, was engi- jneered by Germans. The head of lous big steel and iron firm that lhad been making armor plate for the Russian government turned up as an officer in the German army of invasion and was killed in action. Horrible Atrocities. “There horrible that commit. is ample proof atrocities were ted by the Germans in the villages said Mr. Lewery at the Martinique yester- of Kalish and Bendzin,” day “IT myself saw the bodies of brought village of And- There were apparently victims which had been the little to Warsaw women, from reevo four mother, two daughters and a_ servant Rach had been outraged, and the |breasts of each had been cut off “A man of my acquaintance, a prominent banker of Moscow, was in Geneva with his only daugh- ter, a beautiful girl, at the out- break of the war. He sought to cross Austria in a refugee train The young woman went to the liavatory The door was broken jopen by two Austrian officers, and while two Austrian soldiers stood guard in the car corridor, attack- ed her Her screams were heard and two young Russians who had to to aid, but they were overpowered by the revolvers started rush her other refugees, who feared that a demonstration might lead to the death of all The girl reached Moscow a raving maniac, and is now in a lunatic asylum Her father is a mental and phy- sical wreck. These are two cases that have come to my personal attention “Charles 8. Wilson, the charge d'affaires of the American embas- at Petrograd, who was sad- died with the of and Germany at the beginning of sy affairs Austria the war, doubted the authenticity of the atrocity stories that reaeh- Bu after the been presented to him and he had he told me himself that he had felt com- ed him. facts had made some investigation, pelled to communicate with Ber- ports of inhuman doings by Get } . man soldiers Saturday, January | Curious Customers. As a man who is intere ted in| all phases of the labor question 1 was peculiarly intere ted in studving the big strike in Russia just before the war For some time before the strike, the cashier of the bank in Petrograd where 1| had noticed | who came to had my money, among those draw | money, a lot of unkempt persons who got remittances from abroad and in sums ranging from #00 to | He looked up their | addresses, and was struck with the| 1,500 roubles fact that in all cases it was the same—14 Ivan Street This was] the office of a big labor newspa per The cashier gave this in formation to the police. The lat ter arrested in the building the whole committee of thirty it charge of the strike Fach and everyone of them turned out t be a German subject “At Lodz the German popula tion at the beginning of the wa was fully 45 if not 50 per cent and the population of the Balt province was largely German. Th German system of espionage wa thorough in every detail “When I was selecting an agen! to represent us, T had in mind the great firm of Tillmans & | which before the war was selling 350,000 tons of steel and armor plate to the After the proved to be a Prussian reservist Russian government war began Tillmans officer. He was killed in battle “Consul General Snodgrass when T saw him in Moscow in (x tober, was in a desperate plight owing to overwork and to the fact that get te support the families of Germans fled camps he could not money and Austrians who had or been interned in prison Of course, the Russians could not at the DO S.S. Prince George Baile for Vancouver, Vio~ toria end BSeattic on Fridays 9 A. Mm. Hot and Gold Water in Every Btateroom Exosliont Cuisine, and Every Modern Appliance for Passengers’ Comfort S. S .Prince John For Vancouver at 7 P. M. on Sunday, January 3, 17, 94. etc., arrives in Vancouver following Tuesdays at 3 Pp. m Steamer PRINCE JOHN also maintains semi-monthly service to 8 : Naas Rivere, Queen Charlotte tsiands, eto. 00 to Btewar G. T. P, RAILWAY Passenger trains, carrying Standard Sleeper and Parlor Car Prince Rupert for Winnipem at 10 / M. on Wednesdays and sat connecting there with Hines for St. Paul, Chicago, Toronto, Ottawa treal, New York, et hing up No. 260 for Sleeping Car Neservat For All Pointe East of eee thats ep reo RAILWAY BYeTEM For Full information and Through Tickets, apply to G@. T FP. Ticket om. hird Avenue. AGENCY ALL ATLANTIC STEAMSHIP LINES MUSIC Teacher of Violin and All Band instruments A. PESCOTT 462 © ih Ave. prem Green AMERICAN TAILOR CUT PRICES Call and Save Money howe 554 P.O Box Gy APERHANGING AINTING OLISHING AND WALL TINTING High grade nter corating @ Spe Martin Swanson Second Avenue, near Met DR. GILMOY, DENTINT Orown and Bridge Work a Specialty. - New Wellington Goa The favorite Household Coa! Cleanest, Brightest, Bes: NEW WELLINGTON OOAL co. Rogers & Albert, Agts | Second Avenue | Phone 119 |Office: Smith Bik., Third Avenue | RRR EERE EES eR RED } be interested in any save their} wounded and poor. The street in front of the American consul general was impassable from hungry German and Austrian women, children and old men,| who were clamoring for food. Mr Snodgrass could allow thane ote} 7 1-2 cents a day per person. He had got absolutely no funds! from the German rovernment and he could not get the help for which he had appealed to Wash ington. When I left him he seem ed on the verge of nervoua pros. | tration.’ Alimony has parted many a foo and his money. Many a man is his own master simply because none of the girls him. PRIZE. NUMBERS The following are the win- ning number in the Grand Drawing Acme ‘importers Limited will have MAJESTIC ROOMS CENTRALLY LOCATED Steam WHeated—Ali Conve- niences—Very Moder- ate Price SPECIAL RATE MONTHLY t 35--PHONE--35 TAXI ALF HALLIGAN RETA AARARAEAEEAE ERE RRR E RE DOMINION Undertakers — Embalmers FUNERAL Caskets and Undertakers’ Gupplice at Wholesale Prices Terms Reasonable-—Phone 41 SSREEERESEGSEETEEERES Grass-Widowers and Bachelors DON’T WASH I guarantee inv my coil Ww give you hot ICY WATER cnr the THIS first thing tn WINTER the morning —fifteen minutes after you have started the fire j Phone 174 Box 274 FOR PLUMBING AND HEATING SMITH & MALLETT La t stock of Pipe north of VatMouver, Crane Valves and Fit tings, Pipes cut to order. Third Ave.. Head of Gecond Stree Prince Rupert Ales @ Manson, B A W. BE. William. 6 ALLL 2B WILLIAMS &@ HANSON | Barristers, Solicitors, Etc @WONEY TO LOAN Bor 1585 | Helgerson Block Prince Rupert, @nd Street end Sra Avenue PACIFIC CARTAGE LIMITED LADYSMITH COAL 03. Phone 93 JOHN CURRIE i Contractor & Builder Offiee corner Estimates Given on Moving Bulidings Phone Black 294 C. B. PETERSON ; EXPERT ACCOUNTANT i AND AUDITOR Phone 318 JAMES GILMORE Architect 2nd Avenue, near McBride Stree e ' Delivered to any part | of town, or can be had | at Spurr's Marae, Knott's Bakery and the Fulton Cash Market. Govt. Inspected Cows Good Pure Milk with a money-back guarantee. Aieiauatle lin, remonstrating. A day or two Ist Prize ....... No. 2454 EASY TERMS *7.50 Cash ' $5.00 ist Month ny " Brain Co tT later Mr. Wilson's secretary told a ED: cicco-s.c0:d No. 2379 $5.00 2nd Montt The Best Equipped and Mos‘ Vancouver Milli me the former had received as-| rd Prize ....... No. 2049 $2.50 3rd Month sili Sanitary Dairy is the Vancouver New Westminster PATTULLO & RADFORD surances from Berlin that the | 4th Prize ....... No. 14 amma Price ° . Sent Victoria SECOND AVENUE |matter would be attended to, and|% Bth Prize ....... No. 1833 pe a Prince Rupert Dairy lafter that one heard very few re. | Phone ago. Phone Green 262 madenein eee — ——EE——— b Coo HE WOULD HANG- UP Wig STOCICING AT- t= SANTY- AND ¥ I. HAD TH DICKEN It Isn't The Value Of The Gift, It’s The Lo ss OF A TIME TO FIND HiIMA PRESENT; ve That Prompts It" Drawn for The Daily News by “top. PGS SCOOR IH ONLY PR T COULD FIND FOR YOU WAS Ai.’ 4 AiR SHIP BOMB THAT L THOUGHT WAS ON THE BLINIC—BUT GUESS (T WASNT © 1414 ~ ML~SiNd ~ BALE MD ~-Ge wT ae PLT I