ue THE DAILY NEWS mekee & Speolal Effort to Give War News Immediately THE DAILY NEWS it Is Received ae vOL, VL, NO. 7, ——_————— —_—_——— PRINCE RUPERT, B. C., SATURDAY, JANUARY 0, 1914. GERMANS PLAN ANOTHER INVASION OF POLAND ROUMANIA SHORTLY TO BEGIN MOBILIZ ee VERE FIGHTING IN POLAND SOFT MARSHES ARE NOW FROZEN EW ATTACK ON WARSAW PLANNED FROM NORTH AND EAST —RUSSIAN TORPEDO BOAT SUNK TURKISH TRANSPORT IN BLACK SEA. (Special to The Dally News ) wrad, Jan. 9.—The Rus licial report says that eft bank of the Vistula at lages of BSoukha, Metairis Mochely the fighting is be ne more and more desperate ny places the enemy suc ied in oeeupying trenches but turned out again with im slaughter by counter Rus bayonet attacks. Advancing from Kimpolung ir after fighting y for eighty miles the contin the Rus Carpa- wina, have pierced ——- RISCO STORM DOES DAMAGE TO SHIPPING (Spectal to The Daily Newe.) ALASKA STEAMER | | | | | | - | i f t i iry t Austria i i ver ipt New Attack on Warsaw. j \ tr irs i ‘ 1 i i ‘ th tl atta Wi iM i,t ce swilt i thi Bug Sank Turkish Ship A Ruse torped boa it ta h ; : T ’ ; | th Bla en « ' her MAY BE WRECKED (Special te The Dally News.) ——SSS== ——— (Special to The Daily News.) Jan. 9.—The French offi- cial report tells of minor actions from the sea to the Aisne, but in jthe Aisne Valley the French have ;fained a striking success by the jcapture of Soupir. | Farther east, in the Champagne, jthe French captured the hills jaround Perthes and finally oceu- lpied that village, which has been ja bone of contention for weeks, |making a total gain of 500 yards. | Lively artillery duels have |characterized the fighting in the {Argonne and the Meuse. South of Cernay, the Germans have recaptured Burnhaupt and Le Haupt. FISHING AND MINING NEW INDUSTRY Paris, sen Sundin fem. GA co-| Valdes, Alaska, Jen. 9A tor WILL MAKE IMPORTANT FOR PORT EDWARD torm in this vicinity has c sl cing off ( k | tS onsiderable damage to , ' , au , CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT. An industry that is likely to de- z : Dora lvelop into some proportions is «. The giant waves piled - ie . . t fe left K Wm. Denholm ay Great Future now baie started in Port Ed- tlle coas y steamer re —— k for Sev for Western Terminus of the (ward. . T. M. Michail, recently he rocks at the San Frat at te a G. T. P.—Steamers Will of Oregon, U. 8. A., has taken harbor entrance, and she * ysincs } f : Soon Run to Asia over the shingle mill which was 88. Second Officer James ! ed six ‘ - and Australia. jlocated at that place and is de- ger was lost but the rest of “Te ! oo | veloping it into a big proposition. : _ ad . . Prince Rupert, the terminus | He is putting in machinery for ew escaped. There were n o*« 2 Alaska Steamship Company of the G. T. P., is bound to be @/q sawmill of 40,000 feet per day gers She was bound f | jbig city in the near future,” said | capacity and a box factory that ra. Cal. iw m. Denholm, who arrived in the | will use up the capacity of the feared that the steamer AUSTRIA PROTESTS ie ity yesterday on his way to Eng-| mil), There will also be a large is another victim of the | BUT ITALY IS FIRM and. kiln for drying lumber. eile | “The G. T. P. is building a] ‘Phe machinery of the plant is weeter, oe Ja »——The Sec as | floating drydock there which will now being installed and it is the leerte that ( t V Bui i ‘cost $2,500,000, Before the war | intention to have it ready in 'UPERT REALTY he Austrian Ministe f | 2 | broke out the railway had start-| March for business. Already Mr. IS STILL ACTIVE ee rar jed work on a huge hotel. Also | Michail has seen a number of the a at the I : the Federal and Provincial £0V-|eanneries and exporters of fish o hs Albania jer ronments had started excavations |anq has secured a good number During the past few days H. G Ra Sidney § the Ita wT GY THE “BABY KILLERS” 1m THE for important public buildings. i orders. ele son, Limited, report having a M ats es eig Affa Lr ae sonmnaneuat MaARTLE AND Nearly everything, however, has It is estimated that $200,000 | the following transactions i a eply to the note , POOL 'been held up by the war. ha a f j WHITBY.—Above are shown | res of the damage done in sam 5 a ik |worth of boxes are used annually Ss. D. Murray house on Fifth] ,.oived a aed saith Wa inane rince Rupert is becoming an |ip this district in connection with ie sold te Edward C. Brand _ — S gh irtlepool and hitby done by 6verman jimportant fishing port, and its |the shipping of fish, so that the sideration, #3,500. © eeeeeeeeeeeos ships u ent bombardment. Ho. ¢ shows oon o importance in this respect will |pusiness is a big one. In the past C. Perry house on Eighth |* moe VON BUELOW . Grand Scarborough after the boubarément. The moral |ine rease. If we can make arrange- |, large amount of this business sold to Peter Mikkelsen; |* GIVES UP ALL HOPE * me « to be: Stay out of bars No. 4 shows the remark- lmients to supply Alaska with bait,!,ont to the south but hereafter leration, $2,400. * OF AID FROM ITALY * he » alltees she rhis hole was made in the wall lall the trawlers will bring their the work can be done as cheaply chard Ellingson house on * : f the Royal Hotel, Scarborough. ie atches to Prince Rupert to be | in the north, and with a saving h \ cael maneana —_ | Street sold to Peter Mik ° K Mm . jshipped by the G, T. P. to paints in transportation. tienes *G ul imbassa TY in the United States and Canada. , , + lialy, Prince Von Buelow. ba, * GRADUATING NURSES TURKS TRY TO RELIEVE [in ‘be United Stater and Canada.) Boxes of all desoriptions will Lot 45, Block 4, Seetion 2, sold ; : , n FN SURROUNDED CORPS rince Rupert will also probably /phe turned out by the plant, in- C. 8. Perey: 04,500 * it is reported, sent severa WILL RE HONS RF lbecome the chief shipping point S iaiine the rough ones used for ; , : disp es to Emperor W ad 0 . “ts 0 . aska| The same firm reports having . atch to Em ifor the product f the Alaska shipping frozen fish as well as enced a shane Seetien Mast Bloc! . : j ‘ ge that any ie a the hospital Petrograd, Jan. 9.—An official | salmon canneries. those of a fine grade. There will City Bakery and Confec-|* '¢™?! ! a : ecided to statement says the Turks have} “Near Prince Rupert there arejpe facilities for a stencil in two ynery oul a ia in the Union|* * tral Eu *h f Ja pparently made a fresh rally in|/Very important mineré al deposits. | je lors so that the shipper’s name } wainst France * ‘ sa of i k Building to the Singer Sew-|* _ . 2 . : a ; the fonder to relieve the predic rament |? ner —e U ee alas well as full instructions will i a ye | - ! 3 i mcern as taken pp » * Machine Gompany. oonet ee ' | the Tenth Army Corps, part of ee P| be printed on the boxes. * less ‘ he gra tes are being of i & ‘tcntndin big copper areas, and started im-| wp Michail deserves success by — oo ae om 1 tl ° xa eee a a ve oa a | portant smelting works. About lan, patronage of the local ship- * tte e be e of Sari amvsh } REGIMENT, CARL OREV'S * \ j y went f is 9 s 1 tl _ a ; + ' er th jsixty miles from Prince Rupert | pers Besides the box industry urK nave agi aner 1 ° , OWN RIFLES. * | ieclare that « “ . uy ge ladie ' ’ . ni a | there are big coal bearing areas Mr. Michail will continue to use - Han ye ensive vigorously in 1” Vi-| i aie ] Tie ue tif . , as wens * there . Italiat al * { \ eir| ss alt inddeiaealll jawaiting development. And there | the shingle mill, which has a ca- = _ poancys d. ©. MoMuilin, * formed rf Germa s rh pare! is are} I a t { alt are also large iron ore deposits. | pacity of some 50,000 per day. m . oe he situation ts unehanged a |: aia : : ; : e ? ne Pat for the week end ne th Ita | e* } \ wait tl sradent an the cee The developments of mining in- The entire business wilt be 7 anuary 96, 1916: ; *w ta - he, They | _ oe Jaustries near Prince Rupert will! condueted under the firm name of - ae a wre \ . in to ho eee the | make it an enpeatent city, Just @S/the International Lumber, Box : arade at the Ex vies ion}. aad enoinst : , . which is be ten gis oiliicn iat tial mining made Spokane. and Shingle Comanpy. ‘UC on Tuesday and Friday ® France * rhe ball w ly be]” “Then Prince Rupert wil! be- — a “8 pom. Drill squad and com- ; “"e* nours come an important port. It has' travel but I know o fi bh ee 2 ee ! McIntyre Ha ae TG om portant port. traveling, bu now nn ner Dany ae a lex * ** ee He He HHA Very fine harbor. The G. T. P |trip from a scenic point of view } FP : R Company (Captain MceMor-|je a ee eee er * *** FRENCH WIN IN CONGO \* WHEAT TOPPLING. #| intends to run boats to Australia|than the trip by boat from Prince lie will parade at the Exhibition | « CANADIAN OFFICER ILL. * . ” Poe ‘ */and to Japan and China. | Rupert to Vancouver. Even the \ ‘ a } Building on Monday and Thurs-|«* (Special to The Dally News.) ‘ Chicago Jan. 9.—The *| “In the near future tourists |\Norwegian flords are not to be ay at 8 p,m. Drill Squad avdl® Ottawa ’ | h troops|* wheat market is very weak *|wishing to see something of Gan-|eompared with the scenery you POM Danny * Col. Mel M : ’ Pdea.}® today despite heavy foreign * jada will go to Prince Rupert by|seo on that trip.”—St, John ‘ny persons not members of}® eounty } N. 1 , Ka sel a i* buying May options at the *|the G, T. P., take a boat from | Standard. the ‘litia wishing to drill willl® manding ¢! . { e by i detach-j* close of selling teday went #| there to Vancouver, and return ——— ns ” weloome at any of the parades.’® at Salisbury : Ce a itive |-}* down to 84.38, #/jeast by the G, T, P. #1.50 Corsets, 95e this week.— W. A. PETTIGREW, Lieut., * ously eee eRe RHR He * “For many winters I have been | Demers. 6.7 Dem eeoeeeeooess i Acting Adjutant ATION-—TURKS TRY TO RELIEVE S VE SURROUNDED C CORPS L$ ACTIVITY ALSO IN THE WEST— BOTH SIDES CLAIM VICTORY ‘SEVERE FIGHT FOR POSSESSION OF THE VILLAGES OF PER- THES IN THE CHAMPAGNE — GERMANS ACTING ON THE DEFENSIVE. What Berlin Says. Berlin, Jan. 9.—The official re- port says that several French at- tacks northeast of Soissons were beaten off with severe loss. A French attack near Perthes was also repulsed, In the eastern Argonne the Germans stormed French posi- tions, taking 1,200 prisoners. South of Cernay the French were driven out of Burnhaupt le Haupt, losing several hundred men. ‘ On the eastern front bad weath- er continues. Two thousand prisoners were captured on Jan- uary 7, with a number of machine funs. Washington, Jan. 9.—William Jennings Bryan has announced the receipt of a note from Great Britain replying to the American communication of December 28 respecting American commerce. The note, which is about the same length as the American communication, will be made public on Sunday afternoon by mutual agreement between the State Department and the British Foreign Office. ROUMANIA ABOUT TO START MOBILIZATION (Special to The Daily News.) Paris, Jan. 9.—It is reported that Roumania will start mobiliz- ation the last week of January and continue until 600,000 men join the colors. She will prob- ably defer the declaration of war until the cold weather is over. Porterville, Cal., Jan. 9.—A trick elephant was standing in the alley in the rear of a theatre here yesterday when John Wallace, a boxmaker, came alone peeling er orange. The orange was sour. 89 he passed it on to the elephant. With a snort, the elephant promptly wound its trunk around Wallace and hurled him headlong into a pile of packing cases thirty feet away. Wallace was unconscious when he was dug from the wreckage and two surgeons worked over him for nearly three hours, re- pairing cuts and contusions. BAPTIST CHURCH. Morning worship, 44 a.m., when the pastor will speak to the chil- dren on “Where God Is.” Even- ing worship, 7:30 p. m.; subject, “Straying Sheep.” Sunday Sehoo! meets at 2:30, WASHED NUT COAL. We are now in a position to deliver NEW WELLINGTON WASHED NUT COAL for $8.75 @ ton. New Wellington Coal Co, P hone 116, tf. smc eo 4 2 i } Tyne eR ac ae seam 8 eae OMe ng aegis me epee ie me eet ie sg $ t