THE DAILY NEWS Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch, —=—_— THE DaILy NEws Published Daily and Weekly THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA } | Guaranteed Largest Circulation H. F. McRAP, EDITOR AND MANAGER HEAD OFFICE rates on application. Telephone 98. Oontract DAILY EDITION a —=== ee aGGR MH Saturday, January 9, 1014, EDITORIALS Sa A letter pointed out the golden oppor- tunity the G, T. P. in not going after in yesterday's News was losing the trade which is now being ship- Atlantic while the route via Prince Ru- pert shorter. Russian ped through ports, is many thousand miles Perhaps it is through | | the human weakness of think- ing that one can do the other fellow's business so much bet- ter than himself that there is so much eriticism of the policy of the G. T. P. At any rate, superficial indications seem to show a lack of their part. The Granby Smelt- er, an institution right at our doors is shipping thousands of tons of its products to New York through Seattle, while a shorter and better grade is to be had through Prince Rupert. The G. T. P. apparently can- not secure that trade. It is also true that instead of fostering local industries on the water- front, the G. T. P. has insisted initiation on eee This is not the way in whieh progressive institutions sue ceed. The man who makes the biggest success in this world ; | today is not the man who wants | to squeeze the last sou out of his venture before he disposes of it. The big money makers are the ones who are willing that the other fellow should make some too. Niggardliness never succeeds. The success- ful man is not only progres- sive; he is big hearted. If he cannot get all he wants he is willing to take all he can get, always remembering that it is not the price but the size of the turnover that counts. It would better for the Grand Trunk to give away free sites on the waterfront to par- ties who would swell their trade than to wait ten vears for somebody who would give them their price. * be business * * The famous “road round the Island” was visited recently by ee » lot the A — eting Pari or lee tr ' G . JOFFRE THE SAVER ind take Paris, TT 5-5. Prince George aU OF FRENCH CAPITAL ntly desired nv" Sails for Vancouver, Vio-~ ~ d political | Au toria ond Seattle on Fridays a ring Their if they el he | at 89 A. mM. v1 AS . Tricked Germans During sali me an 4 1d Wale te ree | MAKE S PERFECT BREAD First Rush Upon Paris—Now they risked enveloy saeseeeue _ — —A_ -_—_— Calied “Fox.” intry cul by numerous wa Excetient Cuisine, and Every Modern Appliance for Passengers: mien ‘ne, Grand M Sy J h - { Marne, ¢ ! S. «Prince Oo n . pose things upside down or com By Philip Simms ete.-but if they el : For Vancouver at 7 P.M. on Sunday, January 3, 17 44 menee in the middle of a job| With the French army at the cond, such @ vast number © ete., arrives in Vancouver following Tuesdays at 3p.» instead of at one end. If it had, front, Jan. 2.—After talking With |jpoops would be necessary tha Bieomer PRINCE JOHN alto maniaing semiemonthly service to Gower ' | ' lel be Naas Hivere, Queen Charlotte tsiands, ete heen started at the townsite /ofiicers here who took part in the],cowhere their lines wou G. T.P RAIL WAY not only could it be of some | fighting, and who havesince made | weakened that an offensive by the — caervine Si ondard Sleeper and Par | 1 ue ert { t e at i A M on ednesday ‘1 service immediately but it ~“ exhaustive study of the situ@-|ajjjos might prove disastrou Prine tus rt et tees ete. bani aD oomasdays : . . : he o c The » commenced around eal. New York, et Hing up No 0 for Sleeping Car | would cost less. tion, | am now able to throw at he battle os mene f = eile ail ot Sheath hen tne > LMAY oy . © # ditional light on the “mystery Of} september 5 The danger of the ¢ DOUBLE TRAOK ROUTE ° . bably For Full entermatton ‘on — Tickets, apply to G@. T. PR. Ticke: of Work started on this road|August,” that period of the war) nyeloping movement, proba nird Avenue. about the first of August. From |ieading up to the battle of the} ropegeen by the Germans, but AGENCY ALL ATLANTIC STEAMSHIP Lines fifteen to twenty men have|/Marne, and about which practi-| qjgeounted because they thought been employed ever since (at/cally nothing thus far has beet |ip, Allies definitely in retreat and —— o ' , lite ji bene 554 7.0. f $3.00 for nine hours) and only made public. incapable of serious fighting, a ho a little more than half a mile} The official communiques dur-|, ne. became apparent ‘The MUSIC APERHANGIN( ( is graded, which shows the/ing August were short, and con-|ppench and British pressed in Teacher of Violin and All IN diMeculty of the task and the/tained no details. All that the]ppon, the west, making a pocket Band Instruments AINTING lax methods employed. In the|world knew was that fierce fight-|;),6 pottom of which was in. thr aan OLISHING AND 9 Ean first place, the right-of-way is|ing was in progress; that the region of Coulommiers, Courta Phone Green 827 WALL TINTIN( covered with heavy timber and|French and British armies were} oon and Esternay, and here Gen tien ave when this is removed, cuts andjin retreat; that Paris was iD] opajs, Foch, d'Esperey, and fills of good proportions must|gloom, with most of her lights] ,~ners. resuming the eneanone Martin Swansor be made to secure a grade. Ajout, her population fleeing south-|)ogan their smashing blows. The , ani Second Avenue, near V further diMeulty is experienced|ward and the government pre-|pest of the story is known. The in preventing slides and wash-|paring to move to Bordeaux. Just] Germans retreated precipitously, CUT PRICES —— outs. The completed portion|what was going on at the front leaving behind considerable ma M ® n ‘ of the grade is a mass of mud|the publie did not know. Rumor | jopjaq) The French praise the Call and Save oney ube and to use it in its present|had it, toward the first of Septem-| German commanders for escap state would be almost impos-|ber, that the Germans were iD] jng at all. Under less able lead- The favorite Household Cos sible. Before it will be of much|the Paris suburbs, and the exo- ers, the French say, they could | DR. GILMOY, DENTINT | Cleanest, Brightest, Bes service for traffic it will require|dus was increased, railway sta-|) ¢ have extricated their armies, “teat went bs \NEW WELLINGTON COAL o : } } 7] ize 0 a coating of crushed granite}tions were packed, and many|,, well prepared were the plans | Crown em rm . Rowers & Albert, Agts ‘ . pecially Becond Asenue Phone or gravel. people with first-class tickets|,¢ General Joffre. ‘ore ik., Thi Avenue, = 8.9 were glad to find plank seats in cnnthtnssuntenerentingnninssssoscaiicceittin | loo: Smith Bik., Thire insitininmattanittane This road was one of the|freight cars bound for the south. |@ERMANS NOW KEEP vidal j — ese >remier ‘Bri ITALY Phone 174. Box 2 presents Premier McBride Joffre the Checker AUSTRIA OFF FOR PLUMBING AND HEATING promised several years ago to At the precise moment, with- _—- ; —fo we Prince Rupert, although he is}out the public knowing it, the |Changed Attitude of Giswene| MAJESTIC ROOMS SMITH & MALLETT : ; r | stock t bortl f new trying to get the Grand|tide had turned; the Germans had Following Italy's Ocoupa- ty wer, Crane Valves ‘end rit Trunk to pay a share. At the|abandoned Paris as their objec- } tion of Aviona. i CENTRALLY LOCATED Steam Heated—Ali Conve- i , Pipes cut to order Ave., Head of Becond Biree Prince Rupert on keeping this property to a representative of The News. ig rate of construction tive; General Joffre had outplayed ila ‘ills ‘hides ieitieil ates Very Moder- a themedives and driving away The first thing that strikes « = wil ¥ yar a Generals Von Kluck and Von Bue- hes aes a eatin tine "ae Price co ; ; ‘ 1¢ road is finished. le dis-|low and set the stage for the Ger- , . : — | Alex, M Manson, B. A ’ visitor i ene oe va help “Diy = - —- it a ought to tance round the island is said|mans’ check and retreat and the surrounding hill country SPECIAL RATE MONTHLY W. EB. Willian. © uild up their trade. ne im- e calle 1¢ road up a gum ’ =" ’ ee a ' ; . . pression the average man gets| tree,” for it begins nowhere| ‘ ¢ twenty-five miles and| It now appears certain that}! a. ard eee a SAISON ee , : since it has take stically |Gene he cee ; ,jand discontent in Austria-Hun- | | Barristers, Bollcitors, Etc is that the G. T. P. thinks they and ends nowhere—unless you tas taken practically |General Joffre deliberately led the om, teen have the whole world in a cor-| climb a tree and jump the rest six months to finish the first|Germans into believing his army|*@"¥. A Secola corresponden UES re Bon 0808 ner and that all they have to of the way. In this, however, half-mile the road may be ex-|was definitely beaten and the lalegraphing from the Aust ian — 7 — do is to hold it down till some-| it seems to be quite in keep pected to be completed in| British expeditionary forces com-|{ontier, says that ~ aan wal 35--PHONE--35 HF reat r i ' a Riles” eiimabaii ; have snteovenitil in Vienna in an soon @nd Street and src body comes along with money; ing with the rest of the pro- about twenty-five years—but|pletely done for, letting them uintaae to gleaa'<” eoban + s pubeomys —— ; » only ww the ~~ * endeavo event ¢ 8 : enough to cover their property vincial government's acts. It is that would be only under the |think all they had to do was to Austro-Italian incident at thi ‘¢ ; PACIFIC CARTAGE LIMIT . . » oe » » fare ¢ ’ lar ro for : a > = stro- G 3 mt with gold. an old policy of theirs to do MeBride government. Were a |let Paris go for the moment, fol jelicate sture. C t Berct S| (Successors wo Pacific Trans! government elected friendly to}iow up the French and English, |2°'C@e Juncture. , a : ma A » Genera! Cartage this end of the province, which and crush them for good and all. |*@!4: i peon nti tae w=! : LADYSMITH COAL the present government is | Overeonfident. the Germans |® lengthy conference with Em * . not, the whole thing could be|were caught off their guard just |Perer Francis Josef on the mat-/§ : - ~ + completed inside of a year. as Joffre expected they would be|‘® 40d on returning to the For- t ALF HALLIGAN g JOHN CURRIE vidinnemesinennneomaii and as he is believed to have plan- |°'8" Office the count at once sent i$ 3| $1,000,000 CARGO OF ned; and the so-called battle of |{0' the Malian ambassador, pyre er desl Contractor & Bulider i FOOD FOR ENGLAND (tlic Marne ended in a vietory fo: is reported, was requested to |————— Estimates Given on Moving Buildin tees the Allies and the consequent rocure from Rome a fresh | Phone Black 294 Barley and Canned Goods Sent) saving of the capital. tatement of Italy's declaration ae DOMINION a . t Aboard British Ships iow did Joffre lead up to his ‘tober last that the latest move | Mf Undertakers and Embalmers . ‘ at San Francisco. victory? By refusing to play|“®* merely a police measure for | cornet ond. Uneoristery Supplies : the grandstand; by attending to ae time being applied in virtue tad ae “a C. B. PETERSON San Francisco, Jan. 9—Three|his job regardless of what the |! fie decisions of the Tontes PALLET, imanegor EXPERT ACCOUNTANT large cargoes of barley and food-|public might think. onfercnes. AND AUDITOR stuffs worth approximately The Freneh Commander-in- London, dea. °. Phere is a Phone 318 a $1,000,000 left here a few days|chief decided to retire the bulk|*®! © confirmation of the report | ago for England. In addition to|of his forces east Of Paris to po. | ‘Hat ® Germmn army corps has | ° j y barley the shipments ineluded|sitions south of the Marne and|"@" Sent to the Italian frontier, | Grass-Widowers t canned goods and dried fruits and|the Ornain, and there prepare his but it is reported from ornnm and JAMES GILMORE ; up F other state products. The two/offensive. On the first of Septem |%0UrCes. : i amily” lour barley ships were the British |ber this movement was well un- miss FRANCES HAZEN A erie Bachelors Architect J Ov a hundred families like this steamer Craigon, for Liverpool,|der way, and, so far as I can ee ' eal ,, a living in British Columbia under charter to Strauss & Com-|gather, it was the rapidity of this a te SO we &.. ed DON'T WASH =| suarantee § 2nd Avenue, near MeBrid: ma..wg and selling Royal Stand- pany, and the British steamer|movement which fooled the Ger- Frances Hazen, second daughter | - ee ae a oe “dF ; Cairnhi > Ouee P . si : ¥ —_ : s give you hot ard Flour. : bite 7 ep eg under|tman commanders and led them of Hon. J, D. Hazen, Minister of | ICY WATER ine the "he se ; : i ixture to Gir byre. ce > err ston When you use Royal Standard oe =n -_ In ad | Into the ee of believing the Marine and Fisheries, and Major | Tes eee SP Delivered to any pe Flour YOU help to maintain these dition, the British steamer Dis-|French and English armies to all T. Malcolm MeAvity, of the 26th | WINTER eo «morning Good of town, or can be he homes and moreover you get the coverer, of the Harrison Direet|intents routed. I ; i 4 ee ee Serko : oe 2 eS Jattalion, were married here on —fifteen minutes after you Knott's Bakery and th best flour you can buy. Line, was despatched for Liver- Free From Pose. : e Marke: 5 | . last Saturday afternoon, Major | have started the fire Cutten Cash ee ‘that dhe flour sau et. i pool, From this supposed definite re-| 14 aes MeAvity left on the Bo Milk ; ‘ . 2B 3 5- | ' branded on the sack with our Pre err treat of the Allies the German ton train for a short honeymoon | EASY TERMS o so Coeh Govt. Inspected Cow i ie a It spends : - aha ea Thay } 5.00 1st Month | trace-mark. depends entirely upon the commanders took their cut. They trip. | * $5.00 2nd Montt The Best Equipped and Mos h . temperament of the subject | had two alternatives before them: $2.50 Sra Mon . Vancouver Milling & Grain Co, Ltd ivid imaginati ip ane aaa, same "Gif Sanitary Bary te the iN ’ . whether a vivid imagination pro- | either they would have to pur- If they waite . nai talk a wood | Old Price : : | VANCOUVER ae Saeee duces rosy day dreams or hideous |sue the Allies with the bulk of|many handsome women would! — HANSON } Prince Rupert Dairy | cavemen nightmares. their armies, in the moment neg-|see meven more handsome. | ‘Prone’ eager Phone Green 252 Scoop Believes In Plenty Of Winter Clothes — \F Im NOT DEAD-I CERTAINLY MUST BE AWFULLY MORTALLY Drawn for The Daily News by “! MY SUT L™ , GLAD I PUT. 'TS COLDOUT ) Tue DEN- BUT IM, DRESSED FoR +M-M-.1T DONT SEEM TO HURT M TO REMOV ® as. (MTL EY rb Remine et.» ' pee —_—