—- == THE DAILY NEWS [== PRINCE RUPERT, B. C., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1915. PRICE FIVE ieee RUSSIANS AND. TURKS FIGHTING A NEW BATTLE HEALTH OF CANADIAN TROOPS REPORTED EXCELLENT—PRESIDENT CHAMBERLIN AT AT OTTAWA RESIDENT E. J CHAMBERLIN CONFERS WITH GOVERNMENT ENIED RUMORS THAT HIS VISIT HAD ANYTHING TO DO WITH CHANGE OF TERMS BEFORE TAKING OVER THE NATIONAL TRANSCONTINENTAL. RUSSIANS AND TURKS FIGHT BATTLE INCLINES TO RUSSIA (‘92ND TURKISH REGIMENT TAKEN PF PRISONERS BY THE RUS- SIANS AS WELL AS MILITARY CAMP WITH MILITARY SUPPLIES. | omasthis ame ; 4 >! Wing aed Yao 2e3": ee (Bpecial to The Daily News.) Mr. Chamberlain denied that he | a (8pecial to The Dally News.) officers and fifteen hundred men, Wtawa. Je 3 Che Jot a f Jan. 1 oe had come to Ottawa on anyth | unsure Petrograd, Jan. 43.—The Gen- and also a platoon of the 52nd president of » Grand int codenbiy eatetindls 6 fone | } eral Staff report says that in the Pacific, by } ind Trunk general counsel, accompanied Caucasus the fighting at Olti, 35 Regiment. miles west of Kars, continues ob- stinately. h aving said that his object was t The Russians are reported to have captured a military camp I ir. arrived here at noon |*ecure considerable modification | with Hon of 1 conference Oochrane, Minister j the of the Trunk took over the the operation of terms before Grand National Transcontinental (Special to The Daily News.) Dover, Jan. 13.—It is perist- nily rumored that two German ubmarines were recently fired 1 and sunk by the coast bat- BUILT IN CANADA (Bpecial to The Deity Newsy RUSSIA SECURES NEW YORK MONEY (Special to The Bally News) New York, Jan. 13.—-Headed by J. P. Morgan, a syndicate of New York bankers has agreed to ad the immediately government dol- vance Russian twelve million lars ‘CONGRESS ADOPTS | NEW NAVY PROGRAM Montreal, Jan. 13.—Work. has | arted on ten new submarines (Bpecial to The Dally News.) r the British navy at the Cana- Washington Jan 13.—The | an \ s yards here and or-itouse naval committee has| more have Been re adopted a navy building pro-| or gram of two battleships, six de DEnAD* stroyers and seventee BERLIN REPORT (8pecial to The Dally News.) Be Jan. 13 The official iys that the Allies were ve out of Pallinesburg, a of Nieuport, by German illery fire French attacks La Boi- repulsed and a German near lle were ittack succeeded. SOLDIERS LEAVE MINES. Boulder, roops, Gol., Ja Jan. 13.—-Federal which have been station- (in the Northern Colorado coal elds sinee last April, have left nd saloons at Lafayette and Su- erior have the first opened for ime in seven months. Capt. J.MeGEE, MLMS.A, | Masters and Mates Prepared for Examination —_— Compasses Adjusted Helgerson Block, Opp. Royal Hotel—Phone Red 502 St. Mihiel French attacks | yY sappers weré defeated. In the Vosges and in the east- rh theatre the situation is un- hanged To The Electors of Prince Rupert —-7 Ladies and Gentlemen: As a nominee for Alder- man, T beg to solicit your ‘Support. If re-elected my Motto shall continue to be: Independent and impartial judgment, the city’s inter- ests first of all. Faithfully yours, V. Basso-Bert ~~" | general order subma- | rines. | KING ALBERT HAS SCANDINAVIAN AID via London, Jan Poliitikep prints the fol-| from King Albert | iof Belgium: | Copenhagen } 10-—The jiowing message “IT am deeply touched by receiv | ing your telegram in which you} jexpress the heartiest feelings of| jsympathy for Belgium. The Scean-| dinavian people have jgreatly tow ard mitigating sufferings of my people, faith in treaties and devoted|whole time we were cleared for|guarding the Duteh frontier to themselves to the defence of their{action and all the men were at|check an epidemic of desertion. |} honor. | the ir guns |/Eleven thousand Germans desert- “I appreciate especially the -- —- ed to Holland from the Bruges lgreat sympathy shown by the | WORLD IN TROUBLE. garrison in December. Scandinavian nations. The Scan ae | pildiaee he dere. of thet” ee OR jdinavian in history demonstrates | » and an nae * TO THE ELECTORS OF * the high spirit of independence | * sncouver pepe! i * PRINCE RUPERT. * which animates them. jget back their money before _ * nC aes * “Please give my best thanks ee ” bess an * Ladies and Gentlemen: * all noble minded and generous | ‘ey wild tnne (