“The Daily News’ CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR RENT FOR NENT — Purnished housek Inquire Demers rooms. ee wa. eae rooms with hot ory 80 oo er week + a comfortable. _— Hotel, tf. FOR SALE POR SALE—Dining room set, rockers, bureaus, sewing machine, Your price. 810 Borden 81. 7-9) FOR SALE—New $100 cash and $20 a Senet ola Py 180. . Box 190. gist. FOR SALE—50-H capaci gocam, Bs potter | oe 8-H.P. stailonary cowine nea. In excellent “a nae by Box 15, Daily News. 220 WANTED WANTED-—An office desk and safe. quire Box 120, The News. WANTED—-Good general servant for small family. Apply 1144 Eighth Ave- nue East, 301-06 WANTED—Young Woman wants chamber work. Apply Box 117, The News. En- u. men everywhere willing to work a few hours for $20 weekly, contract given, position permanent. Experience un- necessary. Samples free. The Co- Operative Union, Windsor, Ontario. WAN TED—Fou Beate r-room house in Pive or Six for $125 down and month until paid. Box 102, WANTED—-Situation by — a as bookkeeper or office belp alary = sonable. Apply Box 11 Daily New _ WANTED—View lot and ho about $2,500 to $3,000 wil py © pay 4704 cash and arrange ’ balance. Daily News. a6 LOAN—$1,000 can be had on first mort- Section i property. Apply 7.) feclymont. 6-44 LOsT—Small, ot t Gach. of Is- land Point, Fore id —— southeast | wind, Finder i notify “~ Moore & Co. WATER ACT, es 1 LOCAL NEWS ITEMS | session. | Shack. Chimneys, Pipes and Ranges Fritz, 8.10 cleaned and put in order, phone 583. Mr. Nash, of Pride, Nash & Go., arrived in the city today on a visit to the local branch. é 8.4% H. FE. Gampp left for his home in the South last night after com- | | pleting his business in this city. | 7-6] Mr. and Mrs. Mason Adams, of |Smithers, arrived from Vancou- ver this morning and left by jt rain for the Interior e464 :«@ to the St. Elmo Hotel, 836 Sec- ond Avenue, near Eighth Street. Newly opened. Steam heat and hot and cold water in every room. Free baths. Rates reasonable. eee Nick Wursich Police Court today tf. | WANTED—Large Mail Order house wants. the charged with having stolen goods in his Articles of food from neighboring was up in pos- were missing a For a comfortable room, come {loo In Private Soldier's Overcoat and Cap Sir John French Slips Across to England. London, i.— ence For three days the oper- of the British army Flanders directed by tele- graph from the home of Sir John French, near Hyde Park, London, during the Jan. Correspond- ations in were general's recent visit While it took Wellington three days alone to get a message to Whitehall and as oe re. ceive during the Water- here. a reply campaign, General French was able to communicate direct- ly with Sir John Archibald Mur- ray at the base headquarters at St. Omer, France. Attracted No Attention. From a man who was in close touch with Sir John during his jrecent visit to England, the fol- shack and it was contended that | located Nick's The case was postponed for three days. . 2 SPECIAL PRICES ON HEAVY they were in |ALL-WOOL UNDERWEAR AT MARTIN O’REILLY’S CLEARING SALE. JANUARY A letter written in an attack on the beloved head of the engineer- jing department has been received jand while the writer states that he can get three witnesses to cor- roborate his statements yet this paper is a little shy of a few beau- NOTICE is bereby given that a popes for the ——— of the undertaking of the rince Rupert in connection with | development on Thulme Ro heard the oMce of the Board of apreehention” ata = & be set by the Comptroller of Water Objections to the petition may be filed with the G troller of Water Rights Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B. C., oF | — the Water Recorder at Prince Ru- pert Dated at Prince ‘ee B. Pa this 26th, day of ays me A. 1914 ‘OF PRINCE. RUPERT. ITY E. A. WooDs, City Clerk. FOR SALE 640 ACRES GRAHAM ISLAND $3.50 PER ACRE Lot 32, Block 3, Section 8 $400.00 PATTULLO & RADFORD SECOND AVENUE For Rent 8-ROOMED PLASTERED HOUSE WITH BATH—8TH AVENUE $25.00 PER MONTH 5-ROOMED HOUSE ON TAYLOR $15.00 PER MONTH R. Naden Co., Lid. iC. | same tiful arise libel that if a hitch occurred actions might in the evidence, . * The 1. 0. D. E. has kindly pack- ed and forwarded a bale contain- ing the following articles: 20 |pairs of socks, 5 pairs wristlets, 72 belts, 35 dozen khaki and 1 silk} handkerchief for use of the} Prince Rupert Mr Cullin and Manson, M. P. P to take of it to destination, offer was gratefully accepted. 44 helmets, handkerchiefs ihe contingent. Mr. W. offered charge which The made by the wom- its garments were en of Prince Rupert and the sur- rounding districts. the I. D. £. ents was also A parcel from oO of New Year pres-| forwarded at the; time. + $10.00 BUYS A $25.00 HEAVY WINTER OVERCOAT AT MARTIN |O’REILLY’S JANUARY CLEARING SALE. ‘Schoo offlasic a Shorthand VINCENT C. KNOWLES (Violinist Westholme Opera House) TEACHER OF Violin, Piano, Mandolin and Singing Pianos Tumed and Sageiees Phone Green 61 MRS. KNOWLES Teacher of Pitman’s Shorthand Suite 15, McMordie Apt. PRIZE NUMBERS The following are the win- ning number in the Grand arawing Acme ‘importers Limited Ist Prize ....... No. 2454 @nd Prize ....... No. 2379 Srd Prize ....... No. 2049 th Prize ....... No. 14 Sth Prize ....... No. 1833 324 SECOND AVENUE | old soldier istreets to the station. lowing details are learned: French arrived wearing the coat and rather soiled cap of an man. He made no at- tempt to disguise himsel fother- wise and on the channel boat at- tracted no notice whatever. At Folkestone, he was met by Lord Kitchener and both proceeded by motor to Walmer Castle, near Deal, where Premier Asquith re- sides. There a council of war held, attended also by the leaders of the two political par- ties. “General Folkestone, over- enlisted was Met His Majesty. Sir John then came to London, where he attended council the next two days, the King being present on one occasion. His nights were spent in his own home, where hourly messages were received direct from his headquarters at the front. On his trip by train from Folkestone to London and on his return from Victoria Station none of the pas- sengers gave a second look at the in the private’s coat Nor did they on the boat during the trip to Calais. and cap. On landing at Calais, however, General French appeared in his full uniform of field marshal and was enthusiastically acclaimed by the crowd as he drove through the General French is said to have remarked that this would be his last visit to London the end of the war. until IN TWO PLACES AT ONCE. Much Doubt As to What Hap- pened to the Von Der Tann. Vancouver, Jan. 11.—Saturday night and Sunday reports received from places in Brazil of a fight between the Ger- Von Der Tann and the British cruiser Invincible, in which the German boat was said to have sunk with all board. official were various man cruiser been No confirmation received of this story, which appears to be discredited. A Petrograd dispatch today says that the Von Der Tann was damaged by a collision in German waters several weeks ago, and if this is true she could not have been in the South Atlantic at all on has been German Cruiser Sent to Bottom Off Coast of Africa. London, Jan. 13.—The German man cruiser Koenigsberg, which was bottled up in a river on the coast of Africa several weeks ago, has been sunk according to a dis- patch received from South End Monday. THE DAILY NEWS Wednesday, Jar MUST NOT INTERFERE WITH CAMPAIGN PLANS SAY GERMAN GENERALS Kaiser Definitely Sat upon—Ger- man Government Said to be On the Verge of Making Big Loan AMERICAN BERNHARDI TALKS VERY LOUD--- WOULD TAKE CANADA t Detroit, Mich., Jar nited States, in tt ntury, will increase ion from 100,000,000 p00 000 000 ..London, Jan. 13.—The Daily business man who has just re- turned from Berlin. According to the now definitely barred by his gen- the Field the his statement, kaiser . 1s) interfering with strategy of the Marshall Von erals from campa lien Hindenburg, ‘ing made his non-intervention | condition ‘in the east. | The Daily Mail's informant | also savs that the German gov ernment is on the verge of issu ing a huge new war loan, at least | €1,250,000,000, | at | money to subscribe | ‘jof the British fleets may uninten- j tion that they do nof particularly national idol, is reported as hav- a of retaining command as much as the preceding issue of and that the there Ger abundant The Ber- be offering on mans boast is it lin banks are said to 9 2 per eent interest deposits which is depicted ‘as an indica feel the need of attracting cash to their vaults. FRIENDLY IS BRITAIN’S REPLY TO U. S. NOTE Great Britain Points to Alleged Fraudulent Practices by U. 8. Shippers. Washington, Jan. 10.—Great Britain's preliminary reply to the note of the United States govern- ment in the treatment of Ameri- ean the British fleet, was made public here and in London today by mutual agree- ment between the state depart- ment and the British foreign of- fice. commerce by The British communication concurs in the view of the United States that commerce between the neutral nations should be in- terfered with only when impera- officials of the Washington government con strued it conceding that the principals by the just and up- tively necessary, and as expressed American note were held by usages of international law. The forma! made tonight was contained in a brief statement the previously accepted only comment issued by Secre- tary Bryan, who said: Preliminary Answer “This answer being prelimi- nary and not being intended as a complete reply, we will postpone comment until the full answer is received.” Briefly, the conceding the American British principles note, while of the government's conten- tions, points out difficulties in ac- tual practice, to fradulent and increase, refers alleged practices by statistics showing an rather than a decrease, certain neutral of Great Britain's picions that Germany shippers cites in commerce, In support sus- and Aus- tria have been indirectly obtain- ing contraband through neutral countries. ' The note promises, however, that Great Britain “wil! make redress whenever the action tionally exceed” ternational law. ST. JOHN AMBULANCE ASSOCN. NOTICE TO MEN. A new class for the instruction of First Aid for men will be form- ed on Wednesday evening next, 13th inst., at the City Hall at 8 o'clock, All men are urged to avail themselves of this oppor- tunity of obtaining a knowledge of First Aid to the Injured. the limits of in- s SO believe the to do this.’ o, a pent impression peal sits at Public $10.00 BUYS A $25.00 HEAVY WINTER OVERCOAT AT MARTIN O’REILLY’S JANUARY CLEARING SALE. to have been made by a neutral | wow York City, the 5 O08 nd £32 in court.” Newell Mail publishes a statement said|pastor of Old Plymouth Chureh government O00 ama Canal in Central on 13 } in Dwieht told member of the Board of Commerece ut address here While this is if process the United States w be forced to seize Mexico, Cent America and Western Canad Dr Hillis declares beca their geographical locat i because Americans wi if \ s of land Dr. Hillis’ address was haps, the most enthusiast received of any offered bef tt Board of Comme Pi ~ were given by the why the United States supreme tomorrow They a Political democracy, ed { democracy, industria ecclesiastical det ucy and tl American family As long as we 1inta ih standard of 1 ind rear pu and large fan - said Dr. Hil lis yur success is assured in the centuries to come It is when a nation falls into an idle mode of living through its wealth that it falis as a world power I do not United States is ge We will ultimately intervene in Mexico and take it over Dy Hillis asserted “Americans own millions of acres of land in Mex th Chief Justice Hunter’s Comment. surt at Victoria. This, perhaps, is to be wondered at, as in my thir- teen years’ judicial experience I have seen Mr. Bowser but once Salvation Army. me q. a. at etings, 30 p. m. Ame instead Tuesday Thursday and Saturday at 8 p. m Suudays xt Hillis in has Par rica When asked for a statement it reply to the remarks made against | him by Hon. W. J. Bowser in Ker risdale on Friday evening, Chief Justice Hunter said IT must de cline to enter into any newspape | controversy It would be against | the ethics of the bench for me t reply to public attacks The | Court of Appeal is open to any one who feels aggrieved at at y| judgment of mings I can only remark that it seems strange that! the Attorney General is under the} that the Kerrisdale of s 8 5S EMPRESS F. G. DAWSON, WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR (SOLD BY ALL GROCERS ) B. C. UNDERTAKERS FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EM- BALMERS — GATISFACTION GUAR- ANTEED—-OPEN DAY AND WIGHT 117 2ND STREET—PHONE 41 BRUCE MORTON, MGR. NOTICE TO DELINQUENT co- TO HARRY JOHNSON, 100, ection tice pent, Dated 6, 1044. your the 24 of fall of at Prince Mining the within 60 days of the you your portion gether with the or interests, undersigned “Gold King No Mineral Claims, Hastings Arm about three- quar ters of 4 mile from the beach, in the Skee na River British Columbia, amount of work claims for the year 1914, amounting to in order to hold the Distric have de on the Mine such or w son or persons to whom you may transferred that I, you in the “Hastings” head o situa t, mie above Pr ral Ac ublication of this refuse to expenditure, Take Co-Owner 1” the same under any per- have Notice with and the ted at the ovince of required mentioned t, and if contribute CHURCHILL'S TROUBLES NOT APPARENT HERE—\ oy tI 4 rad ad f the Brit } a“ con Limes The . Wom an Who Takes the proper help to keep her digestion right and her system | free from poisonous accumulations, is not troubled | with headaches, backache, languid feelings, unnat- ural sufferings. All women who have tried | BEECHAM'S pals know this famous remedy to be the proper help for t! few doses will make immediate difference and occasions use cause a permanent improvement in health and strer They cleanse the system purify the blood and every woman who | relies on Beecham’s Pills, not only enjoys better pagal condition, with quieter nerves and ter spirits, but Enjoys A Clear Complexion Worth a Guinea a Box only by Thomas Beecham, St. Helens, Lancashire Fngiend Sold everywhere in Canade end U.S. America. lo bowers, cont KAIEN HARDWARE COM THIRD ANENUE DRAWER 1524 PANY P.O. Builders’ Supplies Sheet a te Glass Plumbers’ supplies Plate Mirrors he HARDWARE ©: Oils Tinwar Varnishes a Granite MONARCH MALLEABLE ™ °°: —— i a | FRED STORK’S HARDWARE 710 SECOND AVE Carpenters’ Tools Q@uilders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery Wire Cable Stee! Blocks Fishing Tackle Iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns Rope Valves Ammunition Pumps Hose Paint Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” FRED STORK’S HARDWARE SSB Corrugated Iron ee oo —— —_— —— to costs of this advertise the Rupert, proper your interest in the said mineral | claims “will become undersigned under Section.4 of the eral Act Amendment Act of 1900 ty of the Min- | H, COVERT, Co-Owner } B. CG, January yn aie ee ee ;