THE DAILY NBWS : 7) TOG > — i ae s EE ———. ‘ORDER OF HIBERNIANS tions of the Trish people for a os a l “The Daily News” | |__ LOCAL NEWS ITEMS} "SPLIT OVER LOYALTY "snus nessa nat» a. 0 ‘ O'R ill Nae dl Tie, saat tomérrow ntl « masa tatoments SadAnercanergeieton, and ih Martin oe e] y by American Branch Cana- sands of its members are fighting OR has been postponed. Further an- F RENT : ; : dians Will Withdraw. in the ranks in France or are pre- - _.-- |Nouncements later. , f S POR RENT — Furnished housekee ing x ee —_-_—_— paring to do so as members 0 rooms, Inquire Demers. Pit . Victoria, Jan, 9.—One result of|Kitehener’s new army. All of For a comfortable room, come ; FOR nmant—ve rnished —— a F-4 to the St. Elmo Hotel, 836 Sec-|of the war has been the initiation|/them that are eligible are train- 0 and cold ter. Clean Pollen ne hea “> ond Avenue, near Eighth Street.jof a movement for the separationjing for foreign service or for _ .|Newly opened. Steam heat and/or jhe Canadian divisions of the|home defence, and are encourag- FOR SALE hot and cold water in every room. Ancient Order of Hibernians|ed to do so by their leaders, secu- Free baths. Rates reasonable. ; n,n ; ' * *¢ * from the A. O. H. of America for|lar and clerical. The Irishmen FOR SALE—Dining room set, rockers, : : an | bureaus, sewing machine. Your price. The annual vestry meeting of|loyal reasons. British Columbialin this city and province are as 810 Borden St. 7-9 FOR SALE—New house, Section 7 $100 the Anglican Church will be held|took the lead in this and Novalone with them in this. : cash and $20 & month; to O4 180. ae iS tonight in the church at 8 o’clock.|Scotia has followed suit. Onta- While it is too early to say Then follow the crowd to our mammoth January Clearance. The repor or >» year ] »}rio and Manitoba are considering t f ’ » after the con- OR 8 ée-8.?. uy 8 botler The reports for the year will be it a are consi ng;jwhat may be done af . . . ° ® WwW 4 8-H.P, stationary engine. Can be/ received and the election of offi-|the matter and are likely to dolvention of the British Columbia Sale which is gaining popularity every day. e find there are had ae. In excellent order. 7 : ai : ply Box 15, Daily News. 929%f./cers for the ensuing year will|the same. There is no doubt that|members to be held next June, it a a ak : a ee ee oe nina] wens plenty customers with money when real genuine bar. take place. re 6©other.)=6provinces Wi aiso'is not unlikely ia 1 omimnion . . wanes a * * |take this step and that the A O. organization will eventually seek gains are offered them. All of our customers know, and to Re eee ee eee eerie eee ot: of Canada willbe organized aslamiiation with the order in the | the others we wish to say, that, taking into consideration that the Surf Inlet mines, arrived inj}an independent body during the|United Kingdom. Meanwhile, the | ’ . . . . . Winall family, Abpiy 1144 Bighth ave: town last evening on a business/course of the year. It may nowloflicers named and a committee eur stock of men 8 clothing and furnishirgs 18 the highest SONAR E rs ae ak re ava stipe aft apo toed elvuceeer anes ct ae on|| rade ead bent selected in Che, ety, Kuo peicue we Dave place . ’ t 7 i ’ dd vee : orm oF @ te orary boart or; Vancouver Island ant e ‘om || ° - a eee ptm 4 tow | Inlet mines are employing about/British Columbia, of which John/the Mainland, are handling the on the following lines make them the greatest bargai: § ever aides” pecmanest, *° Baperiapee Un. sixty men and are likely to need| Hart, Victoria, is chairman; J. J./affairs of the order here. A few offered you Operetive, union Windsor, own, some more. Work is proceeding |Dutton, Vancouver, vice chair- | evenings ago Victoria Division Weprten—roer-rome, house in Section|}On a large scale. . man,, and W. H. Harris, Victoria,| No, 1, A. O. H. of Canada, reor crete elal pata.” bes 108, Dally News. Teor secretary. ganized, with Joshua Smith as Oe ae ches tal. letary tes $10.00 BUYS A $25.00 HEAVY For some years it has been cus-|president, and Vancouver Divi- sonable, Apply Box 115, Daily \News.| WINTER OVERCOAT AT MARTIN s 9 e tr. tomary for the A. O. H. of Ameri- | sion No. 2 has done the same WANTED—View lot and house; close in; O’REILLY’S JANUARY CLEARING ea, at its annual convention, to | with J. J. Dutton as president. In about 49,500 to 93.000, wil pay ee —s pass a stock resolution declar-|Ontario a committee of which © cash , Daily News. ing that nothing short of absolute |J. Foy is chairman is dealing with : THE WEATHER. LOANS. separation for Ireland would sat-|the matter. By F. W Sewil Observer isfy it. Many Canadian delegates — One lot of $25.00 Suits that were the One lot of $30.00 Suits and the re- “ t- . W. ver. ee, vie om Cao a t, y a ee have refused to attend the con- THE DAWN OF DAY. very best values to be had at that price. maining Hirsch-Wickwire Suits that sold 6-11 —_——_- ‘ eagmem, sa ie Semin’ 46.: 8006 ventions because of this, and for — To close, at for $36.00 for nfo Der. hy .-o. : —— oe » of vears . Each parting day sends after j LosT a eo ke | i 29.480 the past gna : . ee , aoe Another glorious morn | 1 1 00 16 75 pressure brough o bear rom To cheer each heart that sadness POOR: CORED. oad ces oe cads 40.0 Pp r ‘ LOST—Small, gray- ted dinghy, off Is- —" ~ ; . Leaves ked d forlorn. land Point, Porcher Island — southeast | yg jy). Aaa obs e ic ks ss eee this country, the putting of this feck res 4 af ore, = e ga please = notify — resolution has been dropped tem- Ot another happy day va ee cali ee ee And the glory of his rising “ . = WEIGHMASTER. poreriy. Doth turn despair away. Remember every suit we are offering at these prices is a high grade suit i Since the war broke out refer-] 6 even tho 5 i r WATER ACT, 1914. Season tTeGns meshed “CWelsenaner* ad ~ | 80 even wpueh Ris setting as we do not handle any of the cheaper grades in clothing, used by most will be received by the undersigned up|e™ces have been made in The Hi-| _ May shadow us with night st for —_— to 5 p. m., Monday, January 18th, 1915, a iia mes ‘ There always comes his rising ores sale purposes NOTICE is hereby given that a petition! for the position of Weighmaster. Posi- bernian, the official organ of the To gladden us with light. eo os of the undertaking of the | jion carries with it free water, light and of Pri ince Rupert in connection with| quarters and fifty per cent (50 p. c.) of order, which were considered to And thus each closing hour, its water development on Thulme River | the receipts. . As like the setting sun, has been filed and bp heard in the ERNEST A. woons, |¢ anti-British, and in the Octo- Brings after it another, vestigation at & uity Clerk. > dado - ore happily be Gite we tet Wt Gases or Water : bs Et City Clerk.|her issue the national president More happily begun | . e ‘ea > 2 So why be filled with sorrow? Objections to the petition may be fled |WOTICE TO DELINQUENT CO- denounced John Redmond for hi » why be ed jorro ya Rights, er sill i And why be grieved with pain? aaa = ian vane ona OWNER. attitude and his encouragement] +pjs true the sun is setting: with the Water Recorder at Prince Ru- “ig > . @ s , as It soon shall rise again Pe ated at Prince R B his 26th z ee eee aes And why then let the shadow We have picked out one line of our One lot of Heavy Overcoats that we Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C., this , : , s came to the : : . i ear AB, tote RUPERT : Sa baka ooh Sen may Rave ee ee ee ee ee oe OF ‘Gls Right oppress cur Reart? famous P. B. Cow Raincoats and will have decided to close out rather than CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT. [S00 © ooo aa -|members in British Columbia it] When morn shall join together | ~ansferre reste, Notice | ™ } : ee that L the “undersigned Go-Owner \ with | What gloom has rent apart. place it on sale at carry over another season. These coats “ — ~ No. 1.4 »;caused a storm, and Mr. Hart at vnastings” Mineral Claims situgsed at the | And why look on the shadow | sold formerly for $256.00 and $30.00. Now head of Hastings Arm about three-quar- | CC® resigned the presidency for of another of life’s years? i | ) . ’ ~ y 1 ‘ . € Wil not the next bring with it [ters of salle from the beach, tn the Skee lthe province and sent a very| Wi Mitel" tot she ata’ 10.00 | British Columbia, have done the required | trong letter of protest to ‘the na — if a oe — aore 6 ‘ You would have difficulty in finding . | amo: oO or ( he above itio: pStrons ro roles a- sp on 4 mats done, F R ee ee cee eee, 0 ee eee | Let morning be the dawning this coat’s equal at any other place for ; cms , pete, oo jtional president With Mr. Dut Of a better day begun } $100, in order to hold the same under $16.00 | Section 24 of the Mineral Act, and if|; r Harrie ‘ a ‘ . “VV. | within 90 days of the publication of this| M arris, and Joshua And shee let tee Seating Our Heavyweight Ali Wool Cettee j » ¢ r efus ontribute | c , " of vis othe ar « >» . » | 640 ACRES i ome port oo a! meen ; Smith, president of the Victoria Be stamped with resolution | Union Suits for | ; u ) ac ¢ =. To conquer in the strife gcetier with tx S of this advertise-| division, he took the matter up We nee i. rood beginning One lot Mediumweight Union Suite, | jment, your intere in the said mineral | But yet that is bat all , in gray for GRAHAM ISLAND t aden Pa ‘3 a on a oy ine | with the members in this prov- rhe noon may see us falter y $3 40 mndersigne und ectio o e | , eral Act Amendm Act of 1900 | ines and entered into correspond We may. Gunign? Mem , T. H. COVERT, . o . 1 90 i $3.50 PER ACRE Co-Owner e with the other provincial] ®%%,,PeTzeverance wins the Aght. $ e | : This was the best value obtainabie Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C., January | iy th. we must bend . moms | presidents in the Dominion, with Te carry rough ae gece begun Don't fail to see this one. at $5.00. Unto the very end. ithe result mentioned. ' ae cies m+ Fant ae ae | There comes one day eternal dawn Lot Block 3, Section 8 i< 4 | Members of the order here say With light eternal biest. Pee ‘School offflusic and Shorthand |i. cis te an inivatice to th = | ’ | aan eae ton |majority of the members of the The above stanzas were written | (Violinist Westho } , ‘ y ackay. so 0 te nis me = ouse) Rieger rey eae put by W. V. Mackay, son of J. R. Violin, Piano, Mandolin and Singing jthem down as being pro-German Mackay, of this city, in commem- Planes Tuned and Bepeires lbecause of the remarks of some|®?atien of a recent birthday of | Green PATTULLO & RADFORD MRS. KNOWLES lof their leaders, but as Irishmen|"!§ father. This young man, who 3rd Avenue | : has also had considerable train- - : ? i ton ‘ é SECOND AVENUE Teacher of Pitman’s Shorthand in British Columbia they feel that Suite 15, McMordie Apt. lthey could not remain affiliatea|'"* ©°™es naturally by his literary ;}with any organization the loyalty tastes. He is a great-grandson lof whose membership is in doubt of Dr. Charles Mackay, an suthor For Rent ADVEKTISE IN lat a time when the Empire re- and writer of considerable pro-|=— . 7 | quires the active support and portions. T D |sympathy of every son, and every Marie Corelli was an adopted HE DAILY NEWS 1836 THe sank of 1914 THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1624 PHONE No $ daughter, of the Green Isle. The|Cchild of Dr. Mackay’'s, and his son trouble with some of the Irish in|Erie is the hero, Lord Erie, of > l the States is that they want to|Marie Corelli's “Story of Two BritishNorthAmerics WITH BATH—STH AVENUE lcherish the memories and feel. |Worlds.” | T6 Veane in Business. ings which existed in Jreland a The young man referred to VAPITAL AND GBURPLUS $7 Te6, 666 $25.00 PER MONTH jcentury ago, forgetting that both|above has written several pieces De aks i ; an - 8-ROOMED PLASTERED HOUSE Builders’ Supplies Sheet and Plate Glass Plumbers’ supplics Plate Glass Mirrors ia HARDWARE f=." Oils Tinware ‘ —_—_— Varnishes Granite ware |the English and the Irish people|that have been favorably received ; > > The following are the wine 3 ave been changing materially |in literary.circles. A Service Business Men MONARCH MALLEABLE The “ Stay Satisfactor ning number in the |and are every year coming closer . . Range Appreciate The complete and valuable | together, and that the English of 5-ROOMED HOUSE ON TAYLOR A Real Lever Simulation Grand Drawing § wi» re ser toe aspira-| ip a ; om : 8 | oe OLD WATCH FRE service rendered by the Bank at the ‘tablished of British North America has $15.00 MONTH Acme Importers } Capt. J. McGFE, M.M.S. A ey hacia || secured and retained the accounts as well as the con- NAUTICAL ACADEMY | ; Ee i dd fidence of a goodly proportion } Limited } Masters and Mates Prepared foe fre tom of Canada’s prominent busi- , for Examination \ Scots ei | ness men. ‘The same service mr, ' Ist Prize ....... No. 2454 3) / wine Sea ian awaits you, whether your 2 3 @nd Prize ....... No. 2379 Compasses Adjusted greed ive = account be large or small. : Co Lid '2 3rd Prize ....... No. 2049 5 il ies ; R. Naden ® ,\$ 4th Prize ....... No. 14 Helgerson Block, Opp. Royal foe, oe ee Yea PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH wv a # i P. MARGETTS, Manager. : } | } \¢ Sth Prize ....... No. 1833 3) Hotel—Phone Red 602 eit be amared ELIAS : 324 SECOND AVENUE sete | | Biaiand EE SS ———— EMPRESS COFFE Ff. G. DAWSON, WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR (SOLD BY ALL GROCERS) PRINCE RUPERT, s