| Legudietive Library THE DAILY NEWS Makes a Special Effort to Give War News Immediately It Is Received THE DAILY NEWS WATCH OUR BULLETINS FOR THE LATEST NEWS PRINGE REE NEW ALDERMEN ELECTED VOTE SMALLER THAN LAST YEAR | SULTS OF LAST YEAR'S ELECTION COMPARED — THOS. R. MAITLAND LEADS POLL 89TH YEARS — SCHOOL TRUSTEES ELECTED. | | | | of yesterday's elec- | be pumped into the tanks and re also interesting to com- |turned by the action of gravity | vole for to | The dock built in the the aldermen is being { last year, which shows @/strongest manner possible, piles derable reduction. The fol- | heing on five-foot centers The * Is last year’s aldermanic jpiles and all woodwork under high-water mark will be creosot T. R. Meta ec 5904 ed, able to resist the action of W. Kerr ........405 539 - toredoes, P MeClymont .....+...500 The plans for this wharf have “. H. Montgomery ..... 4o4 been approved by the local gov Py DyphAVD woe e eee eens 477 heomatbid engineer and have been | r W. Morrissey ...... 425 sent to Ottawa for the final sane ‘. Basso-Bert .........879 tion. As soon as this is done work . H. Morrison ........328 will start and will give employ y’rank Salter ..........327 ment to a goodly number of men 1. Nadom ...4.44+4+927 The cost is estimated as being . Douglas ........0.-202 around $25,000. H. AbliaG@h inns be ee ed Gham... 05%743 0.2 245 |To THE ‘ELECTORS or PRINCE KE. Dyep 3k). - a, eee RUPERT. Orge lege Se ke 232 --+ Ladies and Gentlemen Allow me to convey to you my sincere thanks for the splendid me yesterday at the polls And can assure you that I will I and apreciation vote accorded MAJESTIC THEATRE TONIGHT —DOUBLE ATTRACTION— —AT POPULAR PRICES— in the future as have done in to the best of my ability THOS KR MAITLAND MANAGER OF LONDON TIMES TO WED “YANKEE” | London, Jan, 15. ment has been announced of Reg Petween Reels, Singing and Danc- 9 Through the Entire Two Shows. N Harry 1, Lacelle will appear ron in Comie Songs and Mono if you feel blue see him, The engage Mrs. Fred Stark Pearson, of Great | Admission: 1 ee and te Barrington, Mass. ult Dy 104 that three members of | J Harmpt 170 Couneil drop out, viz., D Phe tof the te f hi Ml VY. Basso-Bert and jtrustees for this year ‘ i ivi while Wm. Beye- | follows W. Edge and Jack Nicol! J). A. Kirkpatrick 20 ted in their place wee; Dy Fee sc iveacdecs 324 neil for next year wil O. H. Nelson .... 108 be as follows: i ae a ics 07 d, G. W. Kerr, T. MeCly W. Casey ; 230 nt, J. Nieol, W. H. Montgom he Ps 08h weecaee 194 W. Edge, D. W. Morrin- | The first three were elected to ind Wm, Beveridge. ) all the vacancy. sult of the poll was as] a te eS the first eight constitut- WAR MAY EXHAUST the Council: i Maitland .e.scee- 489 WORLD WHEAT SUPPLY W. Reve cc wctapies 405 lr. MeClymont .........387 euratgpioneip Nigel 2ccicence poeneedee (Special to The Bally News.) \V. H..Montgomery .....367 Chicago, Jan. 15.—Fearful that . Ww. Réee ie 4 339 persistent European buying must W. Morrissey 803 speedily exhaust the visible sup- Beveriéee. 224k. ?.. 204 ply of wheat in the United Morviseik he 248 States, the price of May options Dybhavn .sbesb ace ves 241 shot up to $1.43 5-8 on the mar- \ Bere 90s 5.890 kets opening today and making a fis PEC Sess (eq [ROW War recoré price Cae beseces tai | 2 AEN ithout doubt less TENDERS CALLED FOR . (ie sw a G. T. P. OIL WHARF | I strangest mingling Tenders were ian abel a few f servative and la- days ago for the construction of : place, for appar-|4 450-foot oil wharf for the G were no party lines|p. p_ It will be located betweer the matter. A num-|¢he drydock and Cow Bay and will kers were noticeable, |he ysed entirely by the oil steam irge majority did potlers of the Imperial Oil Company | ticket. and any steamers purchasing oi! he vote was consider-|from that company The oil} ser than expected, it fell tanks, which are located a little der that of last year's. higher on the side of the bluff il vote polled last year |will be connected to the wharf by while this year it Was |a* pipe, through which the oil will the past endeavour to serve you) Sata ear a tal inald Nicholson, manager of the The Bailey Sisters, Spanish Dance London Times, and Miss Natalie Pearson, daughter of Dr. and| AUP ERT, gr gy C., PRIDAY, JANUARY 145, 1915. ——- a= —= PRICE FIVE CENTS ———— LLIES REGAIN LOST ADVANTAGE OVER THE ENEMY ERMANS PLANNINGE NEW ATTACK ON WARSAW-—DEATH TOLL SWELLS F ROM EARTHQUAKE shows the Faith. The head of the by Mussiman dignitaries ‘TURKS ATTACKING STATE OF PERSIA (Special to The Daily News.) Jan. 15 Pur ondon The kish itr whit zed i adva vod that I fr a tish d B s mo rthwatr of the ian Gull suppor! the ob h the with oO ining ds North Pet The leaves Teheran soot HENRI BOURASSA IS STILL TALKING (Special to The Daily News.) camel ry har Russian sia Or Prince labriz Persian own Montrea Ja 15 Bourassa speaking here last ht, assert ed that the British navalist was as great a tyrant as the Germar ta ! that the dread nought trust was the cause of the ; war. PATRIOTIC CARD. | The Prinee Rupert Liberal As | soc iation, which holds its an I nual meeting on January 22, ha leurned out a membership ecard of a high order On the f t there} is the Canadian Ensigt nd Un | ion Jack entwined in two rs lon the back, as an inspiration, luhey have the following quotation ifrom a speech of Sir Wilfrid Lau rier, delivered on November 27 last to the Young Liberals of On- tario, gathered at Hamilton “Stand to your ideals, Stand fast, stand true Fulfil the ge duties that belong to British cit ideal before | lizenship. Keep your Sam like the cloud by day and the} | pillar of fire by night, which} guided the people of God from the Itribulation of bondage Let all jtow ether, young and old, join I hands Qird your loins, buekle on our armour, unfurl our stand lard and go forward together in| service in earnest whole-hearted i unselfish service for Canada first anada last and Canada for] evel Sir Wilfrid Laurier Turkish high priest, Mu sulman faith is shown reading the declaration of war surrounded She RUSSIANS EXPECT NEW declaring NEW WAR RECORD PRICE | HIGH PRIEST OF MUSSULMEN Pe DECLARES HOLY WAR—This photo from Constantinople ik-Ullslan, Holy ATTACK ON WARSAW! (Special to The Daily News.) Petre in oe deer / st we \ ent hy ‘ ssiat faaiieia ma H gar verad, General mh and irral nies indicates that this will be bined with fri ry, Jan. 15. Staff ins are mo southwest of W of the ¢ aggressive igement m Hungary n the Carpathians and} Large numbers ¢ troops have arrived ir believes against The Rus-| that preparing for a vement | arsaw. irerman an offensive move- the if Ger- 1 North ITALIAN EARTHQUAKE DID GREAT HAVOC (Special to The Daily News.) Ron Jan. 15.—The latest es- timates place the dead from the earthquake at twenty thousand, and the injured at thirty-dve thousand. almost all were killed, vezzano al ter In A id Sora 1 thou- dat the former place and four thousand at the latter. In sixty other towns affected more than six thousand were killed. The King returned to Rome with a tra id of the injured. Prince After night noon, were cg and since taken, won the . CONSERVATIVES ARE SHOWING ACTIVITY (Special to The Daily News.) Sask., Albert, convention s. J Conservative nomination. ae yesterday after- Donaldson, ». 15. all during which eight ballots M. L. Federal “JAPANESE MAY SEND VOLUNTEER ARMY CORPS (Special to The Dally News.) Tokio, 1 volunteer movement are appeal- rps }rope If murder taculatr inight killing Jan. 15. Allies juries eould as well as th trial stunts, different. Promoters of r funds to despateh an army to help the witness e spec. verdicts War "BRITISH SHIPPING BRILLIANT |POSITIONS TAKEN BY GERMANS (Special to The Daily News.) 15--The French of- ficial report records steady prog- | Paris, Jan. ress in Flanders and a brilliant advance by Zouaves north of Ar- ras, capturing the German pogi-| tions commanding Arras and the | Lille road. | Northeast of Soissons Germans captured the village of St. Paul, but it was speedily recaptured. Farther the Cham-) operations are confined to} artillery engagements. | —$$$ j east, in pagne, SAFETY ENGINEER OF | G.T.P. TO HOLD MEETING Mr. Seadihaw, safety engineer for the Grand Trunk and ~~~ | Grand Trunk Pacific, is in the city jin connection with his depart- ; ment, : His work is instructing railway ‘employees with regard to pre- venting train accidents and dur- the years he has been the Grand Trunk the acei- dents have been reduced 40 per cent. Mr, | bi } in front of the Mosque of George | } GREATLY ( CONGESTED | (epecta! Liverpool, to The Dally News) Jan. 15.—The ship-| great difficulty Many of the utilized exclusively for | dock- | had there is a great | skilled dockers. just by } | j ing two ‘owners are under lin handling freight. with | ports are jnaval purposes and where Bradshaw is first visit to this end of the road A jand will conduct a meeting in the the’ Westholme Theatre on Sunday, association | January 17, at 2:30 p. m. All employees of the G. T. P. and freights | their and Britain tend. ean be of lage scarcity resolution passed owners’ that if not removed steamship declares these impedi-| | ments are families are invited to at- iwill continue Mr. W. C. C. Mehan will may an actual shortage of/act as chairman and Mr. Brad- food supplies and raw material. ishaw will give a lecture on the jmethods employed in his system, much assistance cannot be to rise have INDIAN EVANGELISTS "meh assistance cannot ts HAVE MISSION TOUR la laudable end in view. oT oe An interesting body of sineien lamin @ D. TAYLOR passed through Prince MAYOR OF VANCOUVER today. They the band workers of Port | Vancouver, 15.—In_ the election here yesterday for mayor, Too workers Rupert Christian were Jan. Simpson. The party included Mr. Joseph Pierce, leader, and Mrs.|L. D, Taylor was elected. The Pierce, Mr. Mark Luther, Mr.\vote stood as follows: Taylor, Peter Nelson and Mrs, Ross. 4,848; Baxter, 4,022; Martin, In North was elected mayor by a majority of 67. 2,176. Hanes They left Port Simpson on De- 3,067; Douglas, cember 17, and visited all the In. | Vancouver, dian villages along the Skeena up} to Hazelton, ineluding Port Es- ee ee sington, New Town, Gitwangah, LLOYD'S WAR RISKS. Meinskinish, Glenvowell, Kispiox London, Jan. 15—Lloyd’s quote cent against war Roumania and Austria and Hazelton. . 65 guineas per These Christian band workers a tour between are evangelists and make or between Roumania and Tur- like this every year, The leader, |Key within the next three months. Mr. Joseph Pieree, called at the|}Roumania’s entrance into the war office of the News, and is an ear-|i, pow regarded as absolutely nest and serious man. Their certain, method is to hold meetings in | bridges ereeted making his! ALLIES REGAIN ADVANTAGE--- BRITISH ATTACK RECAPTURED BY ATTACK— ROADS TO ARRAS AND LILLE CAPTURED BY THE FRENCH. The French have destroyed the the Germans St. Mihiel, by Meuse south of Senones. across the at In the Vosges a German attack ,was repulsed. British Attack. St. Oller, Jan. 15—The British, by an impetuous attack, stormed ithe strongly entrenched German position at La Bassee, taking many prisoners and gaining a mile of important ground. ~ [quarter MILLION OF CANADIAN UNEMPLOYED (Special to The Daliy News.) Ottaw., Jan. 15.—Addressing a cabinet committee receiving the annual delegation of the Trades and Labor Council of Canada, Jame Simpson, of Toronto, stat- ed that a quarter of a million Ca- nadians were unemployed, and appealed to the government to provide work at road making or land clearing. President Watters, of the Trades and Labor Council, urged lregulations controlling immigra- tion to be made more stringent and Premier Borden promised to give the matter his serious at- tention. HUSBAND SHOT IN MONTREAL. Havre Widow Writes Pathetic Letter to French Consul at Halifax, N. 8. Halifax, N. 8., Jan. 15,--A pa- thetic letter from a woman living in Havre has been received here by the French const, asking for news of her husband, Henri Not- ter, from whom she has heard nothing since the outbreak of the war. It is now learned that her husband, who wasta reservist, had gone to Montreal early in the war and there had been shot and killed by mistake by a military guard near one of the armories. The case is particularly sad in that the wife has written from Havre saying that she and her children are destitute and im- ploring some definite news of her husband. —— ND p The grouch who ean find no joy otherwise in the holiday season had better go out and imbibe something seasonable. churches, school houses and even Se in the open air, where the simple gospel story is told. They re- port a number of conversions during the tour. At Kispiox they report that half the population are heathen, or taken up with the “old ways” and gave the mis- aval Association will be held sionaries considerable trouble by stirring up the people during the and work. services otherwise discour- aging the taken de. and amounted to Collections were to fray $104.75, expenses of which Hazelton con- tributed 89,25; Kispiox, 15.95 and 4 é, ie ors are cordially invited to Glenvowell, 8.25. The party expect to sail today for Port Simpson, LIBERAL ANNUAL MEETING The annual eusens meeting of the Prince Rupert Lib- K. of P. Hall, Helgerson Block FRIDAY, JANUARY 22nd Beginning at 8 o'clock This will be a rousing meeting, “and all Liberal support- ory at be present.