i ee LL — -—- - — - } | Rr eae 7 =) 7 > | 45-ROUND BATTLE "eo 1 | THE DAILY NEWS IT lGI e LET a. iy) ARMED CARS TO BE { TOP TITLE OF PRIZE RING ul S. S. Prince George LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA PROVIDED BY CANADA ‘ ail mL LS a Ve | Published Daily and Weekly i-aT® LYE Opn. it | New York, Jan. 15—Jack K toria *nd Seattle on Fridays Guaranteed Largest Circulation | . i Canada may contribute mate-|Joh ind Jess Willard wil!) at 9 A. M. a i CLEANS-DISINFECTS i | : ‘ 5.round bout for the Hot 0 ‘wld Water in Every f ay dias my irially to the “punch” of the Al-jmeet in a roun Btateroom i . F. MeRAR, EDITOR AND MANAGER lies in their offensive movement| heavyweight championship of the Excetient Cuisine, and Every Modern Appliance for Paseen,.. ‘ ‘ Domten i HEAD OFFICE lagainst Germany by providing|world at Juarez, Mexico, on = S. S -Prince John : . ' ‘ ( 5 e ri 1 at Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98. he gave this promise to his }up-to-date war material. The ai day, Mar " ( i xt . : ; mae For Vancouver at 7 P. M. on Sunday, January 2 +) a ored cars equipper ‘Irangements to this effee eve TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Oontract faithful retainers of Branden-''" — er . ) pleted her eto., arrives in Vancouver following Tusedays ai 3 p ™ ae ; ., {first contingent ~ere found to be|just been completed here JOWN M rates on application. burg: ‘I will lead you,’ he said.) nee ao. ; a al J * canon han Ae neeentedl seen Har, Pense SUA. cies Musiataine eemiemonthiy service: sien » . : . i 5 f » for © heavs ork t nse i ities iia it ee | 9 SPlendid and giorious desti- ltietpated i had to be rebuilt.|#30,000, win, lose or draw, while G. T. P,. RAILWAY DAILY EDITION aya F ? ‘ nies!’ What destinies? Bat-| pe , and had to be rebuilt./! eetiliaieed 6 mit Pessenger, Weing,, curzzine, Stsaderd | Seeper and Pa ep 7 e ¢ as _ Oo actic yatr llare as been ass ed i " ‘rince Ruper o on ednesday . riday, January 15, 1915. tles, of course, in which the |4 a measure of practical patri-|Willard fh : Princeting. there With Hines for St. Paul, Chicago, Tors ay passin ai de oe Toe 2a German eagies shalt triumph. }°t#™ Mr. J. C. Eaton has con-|mum of $15,000 wen eee énn - sas rae Se aan _E iD d T Will Il. b h lieht ltributed $100,000 toward the ar When Johnson signed the arti ao the DOUBLE TR, TRACK ROUTE eee wny SYSTEM, O R I A L Ss item 3. Bas not the slight- ‘ke ago in Europe For Full information and Through Tickets, aoe ~~. 2 est doubt as to the issue. for mored car equipment of the sec es a few weeks ago led Avenue. Office } besides several minor cover ond contingent This generous|he was handed $1,000 for ex AGENCY ALL ATLANTIC STEAMSHIP Line: | ibe y eh onmilo . : saat , 4 nd a few days ago $1,000 A document of singular in-! holds conferences with God in eigns he has for his aily the 1d nation will provide fifteen |} ind a : 4 i“ i - . : “ more ¥ cabled to m ¢ if - terest was recently published in the burning bush of his Berlin} Supreme Sovereign of heaven |*"'": ae ‘ I " t bh Pani j , 7 £ rrie ; or uN ! OF’ . - 4 ‘ one of the newspapers of Lis- Schloss, and at the instigation | and earth fighting among the chine guns, and the ee m ’ ; < seb , " . bone 554 P.O Bar fh ; ; ty ditional [ha riled on his way are USIC bon. Tt was a forecast of the of God he is leading his people | German Landwehr.” will pay for twen five addit n his wa aoe M APERHAN Kaiser's career, written in to the joys of Canaan. Truly 2.6 cars of the same patter rhey j Willard, who has been Teacher of Violin and All I VGING ic . . are . ‘ ihe « eft or ¢ yrief sta if ‘ 1891, twenty-three years ago, he is Moses II. Like Moses, | Words more prophetic could |"" to be built solidly this ¢ ft for ‘ine a — as, AINT| " ’ sse ol mpa j ' Springs ” = ws Hl by. the well known Portuguese too, he never tires of proclaim- not well have been written. Bue re Ru Il Motor ¢ i \ / . : Sha sh ee 452 Kighth Ave. Gast OL HIN( AND author, Jose Maria Eca de ing (daily and loudly so that rope has been aroused to this der the supervision of Mr. W. K.[w proet ' t ' . Phone Green 327 WALI TINTING - ’ ies . yp os f ah is raining I the Quieroz, who died in Paris in| none may ignore the fact and roar of clashing armies in or- McNaught. The turret and all h my I a “" Rie 1900. In this forecast the Kai-| through ignorance contravene der that this dilettante may tal parts are to be prote d a He wi es 1 th ser is pictured pretfy much as; it) his spiritual and temporal know war and enjoy war, and/(arter inch of Harveyized paneled zeae { Martin Swanson i t f I } } ill robabilit nad ¢ ects the world knows him today.| relationship to God, which blast and sear his name for-|®"¢ the pattern of chass 6 ore, ? ‘aa ' Beeond Ay ; : aie 4 nnunds ‘ Secon enue The Portuguese author, twen-| makes him infallible and there-| Ver across the history of Eu-|“*td Is that of a moto Hy ' ; > 1 : : P 7 ty-three years ago, cited Renan | foré irresistible.” rope. And Eea de Quieroz, in |#°4"'" 's to be so arranged - ‘ : s the ae oe CUT-PRICES oe as having declared in his last *“* © 1891, concluded as follows: aren eemaee epeyee either to the cae Saat t one letter to unbelievers’ that The Kaiser has kept on pro- “If he wins he may have ome SF she tear whe ee ce Call and Save M y New eG gt. ih death brought him only one re- fessing himself the special fa-| within and without the fron-|G¢*™ans had distinetly the best)Jua ae vee 8 ae gret—that of being unable to vorite of the Almighty during tiers altars such as were|®! ‘t in mechanical appliances | the The 08,000 am aed hag maa follow out the final develop- years in which a generation raised to Augustus; should he|¥!e” the war began, but that ad-|been given f ee = re OR. GILROY, OENTINT a ow ment of the German Emperor.| has grown up—a generation] lose, exile, the traditional ex-|Y@"tage has been lost since th Te sae A Bridge Work wew a Oe “Up to the present,” added Eea| that learned in infancy to ac-| ile in England, awaits him—a|'™eChanical genius of the French Ore caeat — sions gta a — de Quieroz, “the picturesque cept, or at least to entertain, degraded exile, the exile with |@% British peoples has eae: ae = s “e Oh. Thive Aven | a ae work of William Il. has been| this exalted estimate of him as} which he to sternly threatens |'U'ed toward the production of s 5 ee = 7 ~ to convert the throne of the the favored son of heaven. The} those who deny his infallibility, |©@" Material. Canada’s machin: Petes Tas Caeee ae le lipo ~|] Phome 174 mm Hohenzollerns into a stage on| author in 1891 wrote of the ; In the course of|#U" armored cars may be as use- ve eT j ae on Westie men eae Keiser as “‘ . ‘ 4 ful in the closing as were Bel- which he exhibits himself con- Kaiser as the most dangerous years this youth, ardent, pleas- oe The defendant,” said Mr. Jus | SMITH & MALLETT stantly and proudly in unex- of sovereigns,” because in his ing, fertile in imagination, of }@'¥™S in the opening phase of ec defendant, sar ad MAJESTIC ROOMS veh cy ra . : : . r 0 | ’ ‘ va pected parts,” he then, as now, dilettantism he had still to ex- sincere, perhaps heroic, soul, the war. ice Lane, commenting om the) TRA LOCA goss, “Fines oe Saye professing the greatest inti-] perience the most educative] may be sitting in calm majes- ease, “is undoubtedly and fani- oan weed vee voseoe eon macy with God. Let us quote a experience that a king can| ty in his Berlin Schioss pre- case, “is undoubtedly aud mani- iencee—V io —-— - brief passage, written twenty- know—war and its glories. siding over the destinies of Bu- + aah agemernes He eates apperealiy from 6 Sem ee ete Price Alen, M. Manson, B three years ago: Then came this passage: rope—or he may be in the Ho- NERVINE POWDERS class more inferior to that of the —— -- W.E oe ; ape, B A a “The world has never seen, “It may indeed happen that} tel Metropole in London sadly plaintif, whose father belonged ae Cree oll | WILLIAMS @ “ANSON since the daysofMoseson‘sinai,| one day Europe will awake to} unpacking from his exile’s ho the legal: profensta,” | Same | Barristers, Solicitors, Ete. such intimacy, such an _ alli- the roar of clashing armies, handbag the battered double what a Montreal judge said in | @OMEY TO Loan ance between the creature and only because in the soul of this crown of Prussia and Ger- giving his decision in a separa- So eee aes Biock a ipo © Rupert, 6 the Creator. The reign of Wil-| great dilettante the burning| many.” tion case. As a matter of fact 3) liam IT. seems to be, as it were, desire to ‘know war,’ to enjoy Vietory he cannot have: ex- the legal profession has made f 30 DHONE-35 5 | ornee eoraer fad Str: a] an unexpected resurrection of| war, was stronger than rea- ile he may have, if he lives to onsiderable advances since the 3} the Mossiom of the Pentateuch. son, counsel, or pity for his face it, but scarcely, we think, —One trial will convince you that visit of Peter te Great to Brit. : PACIFIC CARTAGE uc He is the favorite of God, he subjects. Not long ago, indeed, in England. Too many of Brit- asure and safe remedy for any sin. At that time Peter was *| ee. = Fe sities ; nia’s. b0nn Witt. have fale te headache is at your service in taken into Westminster Hall and | AXI Si General Cariege i on allow of that.—Toronte Star. MATHIEU’S after seeing the court in opera- 2 LADYSMITH COAL saat “ Nervine Powders on asked who all those busy] § ; 3 | _ We are often reminded that so- 181n4g box. 280. Sold everywhere. If people in black gowns and flow-|§ |” a called common sense is. uneom- box on receipt of price, 25c. g wigs were, and what they| ALF HALLIGAN . JOHN CU RRIE J. L. MATHIEU CO. Props. re about “me at|z | mon, GubReneeas, 0.0 were about. When informed that|¢ 3] | oo — they were lawyers the Crar re. |S ttertirer ere ereret Contractor & Builder ‘ narked in astonishment that he — —— * —" Every Ves had only tw all Russia. “And,” Phone Blac 294 " he added, reflectively, “I shall ee es a PROOPOO POPOL OODLE EC EETITINNE Car vee hang one of them the moment I E get home Ottawa Citizen -_ : | and ought to use occasionally, C. B. PETERSON oi ~~ a a the EXPERT ACCOUNTANT + backac > or nervousness and le “ 1836 THE BANK oF 1914 AND AUDITOR ion to which she may be B s N A Prone 318 subject. These troubles and r itish or th merica erccceee others are symptoms of debil- : ity and poor circulation caused eee a eaten Gr ass-Widowers by indigestion or constipation VAPITAL AND BuURPLUS ST TO6. 666 JAMES Gil MORE ! and ; s [AND ARD A Service Business Men Bachelors _—* PILL | . | FLOUR I Appreciate DON'T WASH | cuarantee 2nd Avenue, near M cue are at : . : 3 : InN my coll Ww i a alt St Rg a se oe The complete and valuable ICY WATER "8 You bot ieacennienl Sigg Se Big Bac ‘ and purify on eon service rendered by the Bank water the Mi anitoba’s nest ert a general tonic stect and of British North America has Tees — wee © Delivered to any par wheat. Laboratory tested before oa ~ § ~ ee em secured and retained the WinTEn ” ~ Good = — ” oe organs A ene urre we buy it. So it gives full support in com without consing accounts as well as the con- —fifteen minutes after you Pur: Knott's Gator) + y ae to your baking. And it also gives thousania who have tried then. fidence of a goodly proportion have started the fire ©] ruton cas morse knows Beecham’s Pills act of Canada’s prominent busi- } en : a “th HALLAM’S prominent busi upport—daily—to one a hundred PRICES GUIDE feck tae ness men. ‘The same service EASY TERMS 17.50 Cash Milk Govt. Inspected (ows B. C, workmen and their families. T j HALL AMS TRAPPERS i ; at oe bam } 0 n wah, awaits you, whether your $5.00 2nd Monit The Best Equipped ani Most ; ALLA account be lar smi 00.50 See Month San Vancouver Milling & Grain Co, Ltd. Advantage ene sett OM Pre — | i ' ARRY HANSON neouven mew wesrameres | || Worth a Quinen n Box wmiréS"‘ipnyrp | PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH | MARRY MANson Pace Rupert | S Directions ih Evry Bos of Spoil Valeo Wome “Desk 513 P. MARGETTS, Manager. vues aie wuene Green 282 conta, ——— EEE = = = ee ee a P a 4 ty The Only Loot That Interests Scoop THERE S JUST ONE TREASURE Ir HOPE NOBODY BEAT ae ME OiT'*A Drawn (©) i916 INTL: SIND -BALTe - for The Daily News by i