WES HER LIFE 18 ‘FRUIT-A-TIVES” v mirnsTom, ONT., JUNK 20th. 1913, really believe that I owe my life ruit-a-tives’’, Ever since chiid I have been under the care of ians and have been aying e bills, Iwas 80 sick oak wore it people on the street often me if 1 thought I cowid get without help. The same old Trouble and distressiny nearly drove es me wild e ago, I got a box of “Fruit and the first box did me good band wes delighted and advi ntinuation of their use. I am feeling fine, and a n meeting me on the street my improved appearance and e reason, I replied, “I am t-a-tives”. Hesaid, “We Mt, ives are making you look » ead and take them They more for you than I can’’, Mas. H. 8. WILLIAMS tives” are sold by al] a box. 6 for $2.50, triai r sent postpaid on receipt of ruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa “ ee LATEST WAR NEWS latest war bulletins ved exelusively by The News are posted im- after coming off at the following Lely e's Cigar Store, 3rd Ave Vark's Jewelry Store, 3rd nee Rupert Hotel, 2nd yal Hotel. ntral Hotel. ndsor Hotel. Knox Hotel Daily News windows, 3rd ‘eer eevee eeaeee Hotel Directory embers P.R.L. Vintmers Association SRE Re ee ss se WINDSOR HOTEL ' Firet Ave. and Righth 81 WwW. & Wright, Prop. HOTEL CENTRAL and Seventh 1 end American Pies Peter Bleck, Prop reer KNOX MOTEL between Eighth ead Ninth Pian, Rates b0c to 81.00 Per Day Seener & Beaner, Props. vy D Caley EMPRESS HOTEL ) Ave, Hetween Sicth end oe venih Streets opean Pian, BO to 61 Per Day . Y Rochester & NOVAL HOTEL ortey & Burgess, Props. third Ave. and Siath St European Pian Bieam reaiec Second Ave. and Sixth St Phone 108 PHNGE RUPERT IMPORTING CO. } LimiTED fraser apa Giath Su Phone 7 PPPOE <—-oseseetstonesieenitbeeteatstiai eee, Certificate of improvements. Chance It Fraction, and Black Bear | Claims, situate in the Skeena Min- Division of Cassiar District. ‘here located:——i’H Chance it Fraction ‘ted between the “Lilly Bertha” and debaran” Mineral Claims. hear of Art, Observatory inlet, and “Black Mineral Claim, located one mile oF jess, from the northwest oS of cad Of Alice Arm, @ branch of ‘ ry Inlet AKE NOTICE that I, Pedro Salina, F ers Certificate No. 80313B., tntend, Y ‘ays from the date hereof’ to apply ~ raining seem for a Certificate vemoents —— 20 mes ee that bation, P Issue of such Certiheate. of ia- ‘his 2ist day of September, A.D. | PEDRO SALINAS. ‘FIC, PEACE Ru RAILWay AND prmanacen NOTICE. , “ Peace River and Athabasca Rall- | , JAG®, Ot its next session, for an Act, 08 the company to lay out con- ay tt operate the following lines of ates, -OMnencing at a nt on "a ‘', at of pear the head of Kitimat 2 '°Wihe the Kitimat River in @ 'y direction to the summit between it and Lakelse Lake, a, thence in @ hor- direction alon Lake and Neay tneas tee crossing the Skeena River 0s of @ high level bridge and over 7 wr Trunk Pacific Railway with ; clearances, thenee north-easterly mouth of the umkal: Ki ea Kits em Kiver 1 JOWiDg tts course to sumunit of hiver, thence, following the + o the Nass River, at or near an & distance of approximately one nee and twelve miles; (b) fromm the x ‘Of the Blackwater River, with Ass River, following the course of ‘iackwater’ River, to the summit be- i {tf aod the Galanskeest River, thence '. THOMPSON, puneses th COTE, ebbebaee till TTT Tre FOR A _ TAXI 75-PHONE--75 § PRINCE RUPERT AUTO co NTENEREREND DERE E ERE e EES ’ * * * * * . . . * * + , CIRCUIT NO. 4. Box 41. 4th Ave. and Emmerson Pl 5 Bor 42.-51h Ave. and McBride St *| : Box 43-—-5th Ave. and Green 8t. 3). 4 Bos 44..6th Ave and Basi) St. *| > Boa 45-——T7th Ave. and Eberts. | : BScx 141...7th Ave. and Ywne St a * PT RRAIR CL. KHER HAHED Ee +E GUARANTEED BY THE GOVERNMENT of CANADA | OLE ME Ga CTEM ML Cd Mia | 4 Demand the on) SRLELALOTE LE OGD STEAD" GUARANTEED FREE American Silk HOSIERY We Want You to Know These Hose They stood the test when all others failed. They give real foot comfort. They have no seams to rip. They never become loose and baggy as the shape is knit in not pressed in. They are GUAR- ANTEED for fineness, for style, for superiority of ma- terial and workmanship, ab- solutely stainless, and to wear six months without holes or replaced by new pairs free. OUR FREE OFFER To every one sending us 50c to cover shipping charges, we will send, sub- ject to duty, absolutely free: Theee pairs of our famous AMERICAN SILK HOSE with written GUARANTEE, any color, or Three pairs of our Ladies’ Hose in Black, Tan or White colors, with written GUARANTEE. DON'T DELAY—Offer ex- pires when dealer in your locality is selected. Give color and size desired. international Hosiery Co. 21 Bittner Street Dayton, Ohio, U. 8. A. Solicitors ‘f for the | i diplomaey armament THE DAILY NEWS. a LEADING FINANCIER REVIEWS FINANCIAL ASPECT OF THE WAR |SWEEPING REDUCTION oF F ARMAMENT AFTER THE WAR is ONLY HOPE TO SAVE THE SITUATION—CAPITAL WILL BE SCARCE. Though T have the firms militarism, and the long viewed the |low the mark, and they leave out the the war expenditures of Turkey, Jingo | Japan, Belgium and Servia, as | hewspapers of all the great Eu-|well as the mobilization expendi- ropean power | | another. We one see treaties vio- ‘ } * with anxious sus. | tures of Scandinavia, Holland, picion, and though T have seen |Switzerland, Italy, Greece and ‘ny warnings of increased taxes! Bulgaria. Of course the true cost and lowered credit justified (and |of the war is very much greater lenored) year after year, I con-|than the mere budget cost, A re- fess that the outbreak of Arma.leent French calculation by M., geddon at the beginning of last|Y¥ves Guyot puts the value of lost \ugust came upon me as a stag. {production caused mainly by the gering surprise jtransference of some fifteen mil- I was on the point of starting |!ions of men from trade and com- for Lucerne, taking the flelds of|merce to war at even more than Waterloo and Gravelotte, the|the budget price, and the same dismantled fortress of neutral | authority computes that the mon- Luxembourg, and Treves on my | €y value of the men killed and vay. There was to be a Confer-|maimed (the average value of a jence of Eeonomists, and 1 was |young Englishman is taken at looking forward to meeting | £800 is more than half the friends from Paris, Berlin. Vi. | budget price of the war. It may enna and New York. For several|be added that M. Yves Guyot, days TI waited, expecting the thun adopting the view that in a mod- er-clouds to pass away: but in-/ern war every man under arms stead, the greatest war storm in|costs on an average about ten the annals of humanity broke,|shillings a day, thinks that the | the German hosts suddenly|war, if it lasts six months, will spread like a deluge over the/|have cost £4,265,000,000. But this pee of Belg and the hills|stupendous figure is inadequate, of Luxembourg All our efforts | since it makes no allowance for for peace ard good-will have the property destroyed in the failed. | bombarded villages, the broken Instead of a revival of the Con-| bridges, the ruined farm houses cert of pw pe we see the armed/and all the other devastations of |e amps fighting and destroyi civilized” warfare. In the face of these figures, ated, the laws of war broken, and|which indicate a speedy peace— the kind let loose. all worst passions of man. the non-combatants in Belgium, | how along the French frontier, Poland are indescribable. anguish of the wounded, and in| w inter jand for my part I hardly see, as a The sufferings of|student of economics and finance, this survive the it is wonderful how any war can The/sane men can look forward with loptimism to the immediate future the sor- row and suspense of those who | of trade and finance. No doubt remain at home are terrible|after the war a great effort will ough; but even worse, to my|be strained to the uttermost, and mind, is the prospect that per-| fresh loans will be raised at high haps for another generation some| rates of interest to rebuild farms of the greatest nations of Europe |and factories and to provide State will cherish fierce enmity and|work for millions of disbanded schemes of revenge just!and otherwise workless soldiers. jbecat diplomacy failed and|Every country which has been at few military tactieians as ajwar will have to find pensions for mine put it—hatched| widows and orphans and disdbled great war out of the little|soldiers. It will have to provide Sarajevo egg interest on an enormous new Stupendous War Expenses ldebt, and the only hope of sol- Ac I 1 e, after more than five ;vency will depend on a sweeping months of war, there is a military|recuction of armaments. Will ideadiock all the way from the|this be found possible? If not, Belgian coast to Switzerland,|the state of Europe will be far iwhilst in Poland and Galicia the| worse than it has been in living fortune of battle has oseilNated|memory. Bitter discontent and I for weeks, now inelining to Rus-| violent revolutionary movements sia, now to Germany and Austria.) must be anticipated. rhe losses in men and money The new world, and pre-emi- jhave been stupendous and unpar-|nently Canada, will find that the lalleled. It is no exaggeration to| assistance which it has drawn so }say that one month of this war I freely from London or Paris will is equal, in many respects, to|no longer be available. Even if jtwelve months of any previous wal For example, Germany must have lost already eight or ten times as many men as she} lost in the Franco-Prussian war of 1870 Already Great Britain |t has added moe to the national debt than she added in the Cri- jmean war against Russia From the first we have spent on an average a million sterling a day, and now, thanks to the rapid en- listment of men, we are spending more like one million and a half. | i | | | heavy rhus, jculate ithe Total Cost to December. The Giermany average daily expenditure for and Russia has been at least two millions apiece, and that of France and Austria at The and in most cases to the ete national least one and a half millions. whole amount a great deal more, owing decline in customs, added to the of the combatants been of at the end of the first week has debt each in December we may roughly cal- the new war debt, war expenditure and the interest on iwhich posterity will have to pro- vide if it ean, follows: Great Britain ..,. .£125,000,000 250,000,000 as Germany ..seees Russia