Legidative Library x| THE DAILY NEWS Makes a Special Effort to Give War News Immediately It Is Received LA OO NO. 13 THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPEAT, B, C., SATURDAY, JANUARY 16, 19145. | WATCH OUR BULLETINS FOR THE LATEST NEWS PRICE i aia sae ONDON ADMITS GERMAN VICTORY AT SOISSONS = SE USSIAN FLEET SUNK EIGHT TURKISH TRANSPORTS--ACTIVITY ‘ON ALL BATTLEFRONTS {SIS IN HISTORY OF RUPERT— SHALL WE GET THE FISH TRADE NCESSION DEMANDED t BY THIS CITY WILL DECIDE MUCH OF FUTURE — MONSTER PETITION 1S BEING CIRCULATED. will be left unturned lar channel ind = hens pas the necessary eonces through Ame can water rh he fishing industry re makes it compulsory to call at the this port The Board |first Ameriean port they pas has been doing excellent which is Ketchikan. It goes with the past in an endeavor jout ving therefore that they the government Now |will not buy their supplies here ttee of independent bus unless condition and prices can are taking the matter conipete with those at Ketchikan rhis matter will be finally set resentative meeting of |tled when Parliament meets, and! ness men held yesterday Prince Rupert should do every lice of the Continental thing possible to get this conces i Company, Mr. G. L. Clayton |sion. It will decide whether a city the plans he had in viewjor a village is to grow up on card to the matter Mr. | Kaien Island s preparing a petition to nent and everybody in CRIES ON THE HARBOR TELL OF DISASTER | be asked to t also will be sent to ,r districts sign i i | ’ | S. ; ; ete, IN THE WAKE OF THE WAR'S CYCLONE.—J hic Mar nv picture shows what is left of the pretty village of Doremy, Department of France. WAR’S DEADLOCK HAS BEEN BROKEN FRENCH LOSS AT SOISSONS NOT AS SERIOUS AS REPORTED DESULTORY FIGHTING CONTINUES ¢ ON WEST WING WITH SPIRITED ATTACKS FROM OTHER QUARTERS. (Special to The Dally News) Paris, Jan. 16.—A denial has issued of the Berlin state- ment that 2,500 French were cap- tured at Soissons and 5,000 left dead the field. The. French engaged were less than three brigades and consequently the German figures must be in- correct. French artillery obtained notable advantage at several points. ae In the Argonne the Germans made a determined artillery at- tack on Fontaine Madame. At Flirey a spirited German at- tack on the trenches was re- pulsed. Northeast of Pont a Mousson the Germans were compelled to abandon a crest of hills. In the Vosges there are heavy artillery duels all along the front. In upper Alsace the situation is unchanged. on troops Spirited Attacks. Jan. 16—The French of- ficial statement reports desultory fighting with balanced successes between the sea and Somme. At Soissons and Reims the Paris, EARTHQUAKE VICTIMS ARE STILL SWELLING UP GENERAL SAM HUGHES ON TOUR OF INSPECTION GERMANS WILL RENEW ATTACK ON CALAIS ' cessions wanted for this About 7:15 last evening there (Special to The Daily News.) ° wt ) tently referred to as |appears to have been serious Avezzano, Italy, Jan. 16—Ofmi- Port Arthur, Jan. 416.—Hon. i ete. This; of course, |aceident on the harbor cial reports of the casualties of Sam Hughes arrived here today, ean that bait is given|Was evidently a boat in distress s the towns and villages in this dis- and is inspecting the militia gar- Tt eames Puthior, that{and the occupants were soream | Reported Successes of Germaps at Soissons is Confirmed--= (ici overtop the eariy estimates. [en sa ane tead ot the lakes free for-any boat, |ins terrifically for assistance Be 2 t rmi Ss On Paterno was completely destroy- He will be in Winnipeg on Sun- 1 reign, to come here Mr. Hugh Dunn was the first te New Attacks of ligeran A 7” ed, 1,000 dead out of 6,000 popu-/gay and leaves there for the ind other supplies, |hear the cries. He thought it was All Sides Reported lation. San Jelino was complete-|ywoc¢ ship fish in hand to/@ fight on the waterfront near the} ——— ly destroyed, 600 dead out of a they so desire G. T. P. coal dock and proceeded I j Ja i rh press ‘ in the war has been brokenjeasier, Turkish troops are mass-|population of 2,000. Surcota was CROWDED HOUSE asked why an at-/|there to locate the trouble but 1G ‘ tor several developments, inelud-|ing south of Syria. jalso completely destroyed, the AT THE MAJESTIC made to get the | When he got there he found the gh wy Sois x the Russian offensive towards’! The Suez Canal is guarded and|number of victims being un- to change their cries were away out in the harb points on the frontiers of|patrolled by war eraft, and camel/known. Villango has 25 dead; Mr. Delasala is to be congratu- become Canadian He immediately hurried back to +1 inane adit i vd-|Fast Prussia and Posen and the|¢orps are pushed out towards the|Fratturo, 200 dead. There are a lated on the success attending his ‘ matter of fact, that his phone and notified the police xpected Turkish attack on Egypt |e¢™emy. dozen additional villages with efforts to give a varied program he avoided, While |and the launches at the govern-| 1 A ind the renewed combined Ger- Berlin Report. from three to a dozen dead and on Friday evenings. Last night banks are neutral ;/ment wharf. The launches ma ‘PERSIAN NEUTR LITY man-Austrian planned attack on] Berlin, Jan. 16.—Tbe German}many ee re ee ~ the theatre was packed. The pic- ount of fis « |record time in getting to the se¢ | Sas official report says that after sev-|eorrected figures place the vic- . : ih ge amount of fish i es oe ae IGNORED BY TURKS ervia pecned at, anmenmtare titania: aa aaa ae tures were particularly good, es \merican waters along |and Captain ra , It s reported that immense eral days of violent encounters d \. . pecially “Lhe Kid,” who was ne } po e e ; » fig g sar Soissons has}dead at Colleresse i wl 5 1 Coast. Indeed, these Who happened to ! I me I , ‘Important Base Secured in North= },..jjos of German troops are be- the fighting near Soissons ha . “ at olle oo es forty. > “some kid,” and “The God of Gir- nly waters the small dered good assistance with fis ern Persia — Wil! Probably moved across Flanders, pre- ceased. Elsewhere the situation) AmM — = Ry es : ory zah,” which was full of dramatic fisherman can reach searchlight Force That Country into sumably to renew the advance on|!* quiet. The Germans wena aes this district. seatdend. required concession Mr. Dunn reports that after he} the War. Calais small successes in the Argonne| eae erg Bead ae The Bailey Sisters, daintily ac : ouse he eould] i rr f Ver , ° —O i ures nable these boats to|/#et back to the hou . - faking advantage of winter and north of Verdun. sh = total as z costumed, performed gracefully » direction of| hia . aasiaai ‘ ace the to ead at over]. : headquarters here and | See 4 light out in the direct , f} i Ja 1 ters iking the passage of the desert od : a 1 : i the injured in 0 -Gpeal aa waa, wee 1 op the city the cries he cr emed tO} pojegram Company has ed|_ : a REVIVAL OF RELIGION _— : na ans es ee heartily encored, while Harry La- - ss frequent and \ a wrty rousand, . boats leaving here for #¢t fainter and less freq : ~ |@ dispa " ent iffer assistance to Persia in the IS STIRRING ENGLAND at retunensaensenled bans salle, the coon comedian, brought g banks go along the in. |0on they ceased and the light ap-) i, petrog: ying th ™ » of her neutrality as a re- -_ s eond , down the house. r : contend rer and cold. — parently went out I\ al letact t of t i h ; ' ee ger ae : of Turkey's advance. Preachers Asked to Use Old ion emi Captain Freeman reported that : ceupi the Persia ' More Destruction. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. PORT OF WHEAT ft eben hing the harbor in th arn a ; When the Ottoman activities in Hymns and Old Tunes and Benes: Sam.’ 26 iy after searching the harbor atl nitw of Tabriz : ; ; : ‘ errito ere first re- Simpie Addresses. bad dai aa - k , . MAY BE PROHIBITED vicinity he was unable to local r ‘ ae rabriz An h territory w ‘ Pp declares there are 5,000 dead at Morning worship, 11 a. m,; ¢ : } ersii ot only announc- naine 2 ‘o 9 ; ——__ any sign of life. Finally, he dis-jipoe t) I 8 ho undoubt reared { k 4 tt London Jan. 16—The Man- Pescina, 3,000 at Celano, 2,500 at evening worship, 7:30 p. m. The he neutral aske¢ 1 : » ot mi . i : y (Special to The Daily News) covered a small launch across the}).. the backing of son utrality - _ : a. | ehester Guatiiian, AeMineas inlay Canchio and 1,000 at Marai. morning service will be under the igo, Jan. 16 May wheat ‘ » . x shore. It good offices of Grea an | ; : — ee ie f the Y Peo- : harbor near the othe: 101 iwild ‘I sh tribesn | hehe e center © , the auspices 0 e Young d five cents today, opening ter where the a ' prevent violation of her neutral- lished in th center of virile RUSSIAN FLEET SINKS le’ Societ Special music a ; was in shallow wate leality, have secures a sans ould be done at the|Protestantism, says: “If a sim- ple’s ociety. pe oo aa i) this morning on reports i sould not enter but wa8}),.. important bas sa ce | : eda wiinicad TRANSPORTS Sunday school meets a $ there was a congressional ere — hit ascmoagoue me as the territory invaded lay|Ple religious leader should prove TURKISH y : an ‘ & congressional | aoparently all right and with 8) Q01.4q German-'l cish atta “ the aphere of Russian ins lhimself stronger than an army of : p. m. Wednesday evening, - , ‘ : afoot to prohibit the jlights on He decided, therefor: ithe Russia positions mm tin i. Sven thoenh “Susker lenMiious it would not be the first (Special to The Dally News.) uary 20, Young Peoples Rally. De- of See lthat this was the boat that had) )ovinee of Erivan, north of th i fail t h farther ‘ial’ ltime in the history of the world.”| Petrograd, Jan, 46—The Rus-|votional meeting at 8 p. m., fol- me ( . ule at oO push tar er -| . ; . , , A GUID SCOTS NICHT Pann tn RNS, | GE ENN nO [Peralen hander ead south: of TH me - she will have gained a basis} One indieation of the grave|sian Black Sea fleet sank eight} lowed by a social. Special music. a ote f otiations if she is able to }mood in whieh England is prepar-|Turkish sailing vessels, trans-|You are cordially weleome to one y R eines in ®t. An A further search is being made No Opposition Fabris, and will have ob- ling for the continuance of the war|ports loaded with troops for Ana-jand all the above meetings. : : : ae is no felt that the 7 ne of i OCR ss aor — en i ; ; : : s