THE DAILY NEWS. Pure Blood Is Absolutely Necessary To Health These Wonderful Tablets, Made of Fruit Juices, Are The Best Of All Tonics To Purify And Enrich The Blood. h blood can flow only in a Now, a clean body is one e waste matter is regula eliminated from t! blood cannot be pure kin action is weak, when . does not digest the foo hen the bowels do not move the kidneys are verworked, when vod is the result of perfect harmony of stomach, liver kidneys and skin. ives’, by their wonderful ill these organs, keeps th as clean as Nature in r bodies to be clean. i-tives’’ tones up, invigo ngthens, purifies, cleans and rich, clean blood that is, in tream of life. tives’’ is sold by all dealers x, 6 for $2.50 trial size a5 tpaid on receipt of price by tives Limited, Ottawa. LATEST WAR NEWS war bulletins ed exclusively by The News are posted im- after coming off at the following he latest ely the wires Cigar Store, 3rd Ave s Jewelry Store, 3rd upert Hotel, 2nd Hotel Hotel. Hotel. tel. ews windows, 3rd i ee Hotel : Directory Members P R.L. Vintmers Association WINDSOR HOTEL of First ave. and Eighth 8 W. . Wright, Prop MOTEL CENTRAL First Avenue and Seventh 8: Europeap and American lian Peter Biack, Prop GNOX MOTEL ‘| Ave., Between Eighth and Ninth 'copean Plan, Hates 60 to $1.00 Per Dey Sesner & Beaner, Props. errr peeneeeeeianensetaomnenansee | Y. Rochester ¥. D Casiey ' EMPRESS HOTEL : 'Dird Ave, Between Sixth and Seventh Streets European Pian, GO to §1 Per Day ROYAL HOTEL Cortey & burgess, Props Third Ave. and Siath St European Pian Steam reared SEAVER WHOLESALE LIQUOR OO. LimvrTEeD Second Ave. and Sixth St Phone 102 PRINCE RUPERT IMPORTING 00., LimiTeD ‘reser and Gixth Sts Phone 7 | '"'0, PEAGE RIVER AND ATHABASCA | RAILWAY COMPANY. | NOTICE. | ace Kiver and Athabasca Rall | it its next session, for an Act, © the company to lay out, con. | ' operate the following lines of * Commencing at a nt on “oor, &t or near the head of Kitimat , [lowing the Kitimat iver in & 'Y direction to the summit between ‘and Lakeise Lake, thence in @ nor _ direction al the valley of the * Lake and piver to the Skeena neg Whee Crossing the Skeena Kiver (Aus of @ high level bridge and over ‘rand Trunk Pacific Ver ! folk Kitsumksiom River Wie Ls course to the summit of (il thence, following the > dintareg es, Muver. at ft hear aaa hee 0) roximately one ete aud twelve tailes (b) trom the oe Nt OF the Blackwater River, with ® ben Kiver, following the course of veer ttKWater River, to the summit be- ii, Jt aid the Galanskeest Kiver, thence the ASMrly Slong the Galanskeest River 4.., 1 te River, thence up the Skeena ; 0 ; iTly-seven Iniles a ree & Ollawa this nineteenth day of THOMPSON, BURGESS & GO'TR, Solicitors for the Applicant. PLober, WINGLE. . ee + ee eee eeeeeceenee & REEAAAAREAAAAAEAEREERAAE EAE REAR ERAREAAAEEEEEAHEH REE ee Pee eee eee «FRUT-ATIVES” PURIFIES "°°. THE BLOOD IS THE COVERNMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE. STREAM OF LIFE om ment in so far as it lies in your power, to remove all barriers that F | lend to prevent the men who have CONCESSIONS cast in their lot with this eity from taking advantage of every From Page Ty a jnatural resource that it pos- j o* - , r contentions ON) sesses; from preventing the fish. . y a , { AY ¥ li, 9 would sug-lepman from Catching fish when ’ that Saas ; ; " low the course land where he can closed seasons j we : namely, by writ. lalone excepted and selling his paid ab hs Gb Gate & | ‘ tlive fishermen in| eats h in the highest market—and : we dif mn , ; Wo . ' immunities, and | the way that can be done is by ike the ‘ s — . } nd that teid for a basis of |tetting us make this port a fish ‘ de aa ne | ? e he a ' jmarket of the Pacific, so that we, “< il he ‘ | Ketchikan as a fie estion we wish toland not Seattle, can regulate the - 1s ree : te 4 2 ; ntion is the form. | price rR a) rat f N } Reif British Columbia Yours faithfully, eq ting : b rict that is en G. N. NICKERSON, fr t 1 ’ l t bef tl} ' . ae Chairman Fisheries Committee. ; ‘ i Having an it } nee Rh ipert| Department of the Naval Service, ; t ttawa In| Ottawa, December 9, 1944. Ketchika » Saw 08 " te: * are basing our|/Geo, W. Nickerson, Esq., and , * ns as they | Others, Prince Rupert, B. G.: ‘ sider t M provinces { y } ientlemen—I am directed by A ‘ 5 : ma Westmin | the minister to acknowledge your 1 ter ree i, - x ba ed miles to}letter of the 27th ultimo, dealing he sout ' " ! he mat-[with different questions affecting b dvanta thet « . a _ a 1t pertain|the fisheries in British Columbia herm this u — ee Your reasons for urging that " A if { i : h re is|T nited States fishing boats and a. hat the ] her Boa hy i be} small vessels be allowed to sell ho he ' : \ Putte their fish to local dealers in " fial dent : ler Prit | re Prince Rupert on conditions that . 5 , “ i t ! ' ‘ mat ; i fis} rf 1 ish — h ch dealers will eventually be re- 0 . ' ‘ . teres 0 A 1 ship them to the Unit- , as ‘ . t This wv ed St have been carefully ‘ f M lave Lise j ¢ , : a Nova Scot and they will be fully eon- we f ! the Wi f f I } { : pe don dered by the government when ave hee se that/ith 1A : h a ' nbia | the question of renewing the | t counties that have fleets : ; “4 ; tat have fleets} A n hat ish}|bonding privilege for the year of sh vessels e re he j ‘ ‘ j u Lunenberg b cal tenti is the \' ‘15 is being dealt with. neg the pr neipa me If youlnumber f t} j } 1 fisher-| You are, evidently, not fully in- iman requires j t} n . — ! a 3a , formed with regard to the effects ymparisor { thos . CANADIAN PACIFIC | in tasters poe: at the ceded vide! tile ibs ! astern pre Ces There RAILWAY , provi rh doubtedly had on the fisheries of e eleven licenses req the Maritime provinces. Such has —— he while in Nova Scotia I i : °’"\been a matter of careful investi- PRINCESS MAY a man is going to run a fish trap é' SOUTHBOUND 1) “P| gation on the part of the depart- FRIDAY 8 P. Mm 1 Goes not require any license.| ment, and the information before . mM. Our contention is that in view of it leaves no room for doubt that the Onrents ques mn « nat PRINCESS MAQUINNA : ental q ‘ “ man lit has retarded the development shoul “ ; elle o take ov . " SOUTHBOUND | Should be compelled t ake outlof a Canadian fishing industry ne licens for er if ¢ 1 ‘ - SUNDAY 8 P. Mm. | ” "* if f about 84./ there. You intimate that the ob- i That should enabl it 0 slo 4 @ MONAB, Genera! Agent ln re Sn eee ee ae eer tions to it have come from the Corner Fourth Strest and Third Ave J Ses in any part of the pr whers of fishing vessels, owing _— to the competition that it involv- i Ve also wis refer f cate 2 Seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeneeeeeeey, YO ISO Wish : cateh-led to them in procuring bait sup- *ling of bait b b ishern FIRE ALARM SVETER ih on ee Oa auth |plies. Even of such were the ease, * | , nelr own ust Our conten-/T may point out that it is a vessel oieue an. < $|' s are that a halibut fisherma fishing industry with which the Gor 125th St. and 3rd Ave *| ene BO Hes ted t ch bait} Canadian fishermen have to com- Box 136th St. and Srd Ave s| his own use ny place, at! pete Canada, on both coasts. Box 14-.8th St. and Sra Ave e| 4 time, and by any means, bat has certain geographical advan- Box 16—Junction of ist, @nd and ah ng dynamite The amount of];. ie sal Sra Aves 7 iges in carrying on a fishing in- Bor “ ist Ave., — 8th and gba t that the fisherman would re dustry The modus vivendi Oth Sts. (Knox Hote a| ¢ this way would have n0O|jargely removed s st ivant 1s Box 17-—tst Ave. and 7th St. (Cen 9 | ‘argely removed such advantages Tort 7 . a ~ te » tral Hotel. —— the fish, so far as ex-| from the Canadian fishermen af- qumourt #0. 8. yy minat _ them goes. Th : ap-| fected. Ges G8—8rd Av. end ore 8. RB) plies to the catching of salmor I also think it well to point out (host Office.) ® | for bait as well as herring that Prince Rupert 3% strik J Box 23-3rd Ave. and McBride St. #| i ince Rupert has striking Box 24--ist Ave. and McBride St a Another absurdity to our mind geographical advantages even Box 26--2nd Ave. and end St #/\is the size limit put on the mesh Ketehik: as a base fr Box 26 2nd Ave. and 6th 8t Z| , ’ ' ; evenikan, @8 a ast rom @ox 276. T. P. 2 a gill net, and the number of} nich to engage in fishing. At quneur? 80. 6 : nets that one man can run AT ee present time there is no duty i fishe an wouk t operate a net Sex 915th Ave. and Fults sg | Herman would not operate a = er Box 32-Borden and Taylor Sts * i that caught herring so small that Box 34— 7th Ave. and Fulton St he could not sell them. As to the | AaeBMMMRGRURRataRaRr a ata Box 369th Ave. and Comox Ave. } : Gen B—Gt> dee. end Betas 11 jnumber of nets, a man should be FOR A TAXI Box 38 6th Ave. and Thompson St permitted to work up to his eca- CIRCUIT NO. 4. pacity, in the fishing business as ng 4 Ave. and Emmerson Fi well as other walks of life. If t P ox 42—-5ih Ave. end McBride st. # {he is physically qualified to run * 75-~-PHONE-~75 Box 435th Ave. and Green St. itwo nets, to his neighbor's one, Ss 68 oe 8 Ee & Ithen let 1 run two net * Bos 45—T7th Ave. and Eherte. On 166 Em Tun wo oo % RT AUTO Box 141-—7th Ave. and Ywng St We also wish to take this op-j # PRINCE RUPE A co we RRA ER ee Ree EERE ee eee Horny to point out lo you thal | stm e eet eee eee ee RR ERR GUARANTEED FREE American Silk HOSIERY We Want You to Know These Hose They stood the test when all others failed. They give real foot comfort. They have no seams to rip. They never become loose and baggy as the shape is knit in» not pressed in. They are GUAR- ANTEED for fineness, for style, for superiority of ma- terial and workmanship, ab- solutely stainless, and to wear six months without holes or replaced by new pairs free. OUR FREE OFFER To every one sending us 50e to cover shipping charges, we will send, sub- ject to duty, absolutely free: Theee pairs of our famous AMBRICAN SILK HOSE with written GUARANTEE, any color, or Three pairs of our Ladies’ Hose in Black, Tan or White colors, with written GUARANTEE, DON’T DELAY—-Offer ex- pires when dealer in your locality is selected, Give color and size desired. International Hosiery Oo. 21 Bittner Street Dayton, Ohio, U. 8. A. the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is running an ordinary express car out of here for carrying small shipments of fresh fish In this jway, fish cannot reach points as | far east, as they could advan- | tageously be shipped in less than }carload lots. If we are to put fish lin a fresh state to the small towns of the Prairies, we must be able to land them there so that they ean be eaten. This cannot be done unless refrigerator cars can be used. At the present time it is somewhat risky to make L. C. L Kd abl | | shipments farther east than tales while we should be to ship them as far as Winnipeg Speaking, after having closely observed the fishing industry on this coast, we can assure you that jyou have got to put the fishermen jot the basis as those of the Pacifie Coast on the same Atlantie, you wish to build up a big fishing The country if population, producer is what the jorder to get producers of the kind that for | must remove barriers that are a needs, and in | | make prosperity, you jhindrance to these men using the lability that they are endowed l with It is the duty of your govern. Prince Rupert Feed Co. DEALERS IN Hay, Grain, Feed and Seeds CHICKEN FEED A SPECIALTY Agents for Mal! orders promptly attended to 908 Third Ave. Phone 68 m1 REQ UE see er on fish going into the United States, so that fishermen operat. ing from Prince Rupert can ship fish to that country, or dealers purchasing from such fishermen may do so as freely fish- ermen operating from Ketchikan Should a duty be again imposed | fish into the United States and the bonding privilege was not in force, Ketchikan oper- ators would at the least have to the of a double transhipment, as fish being ship- ped in bond in a commercial way would need to enter Prince Rupert | in a If they| did not do this, their shipments | would have to Seattle, as can on going go to expense merchant vessel, reach the markets via over five hundred miles distant | For reasons, these and other obvious the prosecuted more ecc Rupert any port in the United States, and fishing industry can he nomiecally from Prince than from there seems little room for doubt | that if fishing vessels can punease} supplies and equipment as cheap- ly at Prince Rupert as at other | points, which they should be abie | to do, the industry | of the Pacific Coast will, in the! | great fishing course of some years, be carried | on from it. Signed G. J. DESBARAT, Deputy Minister of the Naval Service. MATHIEU S NERVINE POWDERS f MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A Birks’ Illustrated Catalogue In Your Home During 1915 TS As a medium through which you may select gifte eultable for every occasion, you will find our Catalogue of the greatest value. Birks’, Vancouver, is the great gift store of the West. Our Mall Order Department and our Widstrated Catalogue forms a conveniant avenue lead- ing to a selection from our immense stocks. WRITE FOR THE CATALOGUE—YOU WILL NEED IT. Hensy Birks & Sons, Limited JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS Granville and Georgia Streete Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director VANCOUVER, B.C ————— a ee LUMBER SHINGLE: ,, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. A 4. BURROUGHS, Manager tet Ave. and McBride 61. PHONE 25 PRINCE RUPERT, 8.0. Branch Yard at Smithers iF THE UNION STEAMSHIP CO., OF B.C, LIMITED SS. VENTURE SOUTHBOUND TUESDAYS AT 9 P. M. Sailings for GRANBY, SIMPSON AND NAAS SUNDAYS AT MIDNIGHT For Further Particulars Apply to PHONE 568 JOHN BARNSLEY, Agent, SECOND AVE. AGENCY ATLANTIC STEAMSHIPS —One trial will convince you that asure and safe remedy for any headache is at your service in 18 in a box, 25c. Sold everywhere. If your dealer does not sell them we mail box on receipt of price, 25c. Certificate of improvements. rll Chance It Fraction, and Black Bear Mimeral Claims, situate in the Skeena Min- ing Division of Cassiar District. } re located:—I'll Chance it Fraction | located between the “‘Lilly Bertha” and | “Algebaran” Mineral Claims near head of | Afiee Arm, Observatory Inlet, and “Black | Bear’ Mineral Claim, located one mile, | more or less, from the northwest point of | the head of Alice Arm, a branch of Ob- | | servatory Inlet. } TAKE NOTICE that I, Pedro Sal Free Miner's Certificate No. 80313B., intend, | to "Yao a from the date hereof to ape | to ining Recorder for a Certificate of Improvements, for the ee of ob- ‘atalog 4 Crown Grant of above claim. further take notice that action, vements. Dated this 2ist day of September, A.D. PEDRO SALINAS. 1914. | | ubscribe for the News’ cuts Monday’s labor clean in half. The Sunlight way is so easy --just note. First you soap the garment; then roll it up to soak. After a while you rinse it th ly and the dirt drops out magic. Why scrub, and rub, and wear and tear the clothes when the gentle strength of Sunlight Soap will do the work with never a hurt to fabric or hands. RRA ARERR RARER EERE REAR RERRRERE SANE SPICY IMPARTIAL INDEPENDENT INTELLIGENT Prince Rupert. and topics interesting bia. misma and reliability. the vity. NEWSPAPER for Prince Rupert and Northern B.C. The Daily News goes into nearly every home in It is the popular newspaper of the cily because it is clean and reliable. the news of the city, and keeps in touch with events It treats these subjects with moderate opti- { The Daily News is the most valuable paper to advertisers because it is read by the buying public. It has a bigger circulation than any other paper in It is read by the class of people the advertisers want to talk to. It has all to Northern British Colum- i DAILY NEWS RARRARRAARRRAAAARRRARARRR RRR RRR RRR ™