a" ~ e THE DAILY NEws THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly Guaranteed Largest Cireulation Hi. F, McRAE, EDITOR AND MANAGER Ee ° —— Tuna LUC Acct 4 'So Persistent Are the Reports, THE DAILY NEWS Sneed | . RUMORS RIFE IN SOUTH — PRESIDENT WILSON’S THAT GERMANS PROPOSE HAT IN THE RING | RAID ON WINNIPEG cITy Vigorously Defends His Policies | 4 in Notable Address to Indi- anapolis Democrats. vi. Sails for Vancouver, Vic. toria ‘nd Seattle on Fridays at 9 A. mM. Hot *0 ‘wld Water in Every Btateroom Excetiont Oulsine, and Every Modern Appliance for Paes, aa Canadians Spending Winter in ities. : vere’ Conten, HEAD OFFICE under his banner and possibly Los Angeles Notify the Indianapolis Ind Jan 8 S. S Prince John Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98. do teed them eealast thelr own Government. ‘ore ioe tite: bet For Vancouver at 7 P. M. on Sunday, January 3 47 hn , President Wilson shied his hi rrives in Vancouver followin TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract) countrymen. But virtually such " a to the ring for 1916 today. He ge eo vent dite. mete a Tuesdays at 3p Pm nniper, Jan OFS Tinto e © vev . -monthi ry rates on application. @ fate has befallen the Poles) eee a clos of a pro-|, é ae te bi Naas Rivers, Queen Charlotte tslands, etc. — ronan are ie os Angeles oft 0 inne do » gauntie 0 . eee ea = - this year; the far-off conse- Se a ; Ge Pe ee G. T. P. RAILWAY SSS ne is ie ai ki os posed raid on Winnipeg by Ger enemies and made a vigorous de Passenger trains, carrying Standard Sleeper and : DAILY EDITION < Ww ednesday, Jan. 20, 1915. ee ee man reservists in the I nited | long Prine Pe Oe te Te a “peut, Sieaaet - ays partition of their ancient king- States ie Oe te the dite fence of his policies in his long oe new Yor, 6 Ring ap No. 966 for Slee} - Mon a dom having been to set them in| : f ie “ ; So persistent awaited address before the In For All Pointe East & tae Thac noone RAIL Way SY 6vER ae or ” a ack “ yversiste , . » weeke ageine . \ sntormetion and Phrough Tike . ED D 1 T oO R IT A L an unnatural battle array against are the reports and so numerous diana Democratic ¢ lub im the ”™ a wa Boonen”? oS. TP. Tienes OMe ms OTD Ol ‘ ssnmmmniitiaciiaaae each other. The distress of the phases that give colot of | Hoosier metropolis AGENCY ALL ATLANTIC sTeaMsnip LINES sé s . » . lians | - ce ' thousands of helpless civilian probability to them that Cana He declared the people of tl The sorrows of Poland, if forth, causing widespread suf- in the desolated Polish prov- E con ia — written down, would fill a very fering and horror on every inces has so impressed their dians spending the winte i nation probably would have op . a, large volume. The tragedy of hand. More than five hundred compatriots and sympathizing eee pee ye a MUSIC ey hae, the conquest and partition of towns, chiefly occupied by friends in the United States seriously and have sent ee believed his administration was a APERHA ; wees a c to the Canadian government. Th ecess* or not His audier Teacher of Violin and All HANGING this brave nation, a century) Poles, are reported to have that a Polish relief committee TING } sritish consul at Los Angeles hast, his words and Band instruments AINT NG and a half ago, was long the been destroyed in the course of has been organized in New : thl 2 . ; A. PESCOTT ' favorite example, for poets and the fighting which has surged York; and when the whole|"~" ay ees ons pcgueregggmmeeadivn cheers, ending in “S050, w! a4 Se Seo, em OLISHING AND awe warding e matter — e wave e | TW orators, of a great interna-| pack and forth over this terri-| truth about these stricken peo- | )'*”* regarding th , choed through the hall WALL TINTING tional crime. And the hopes | tory. Dr. John R. Mott, who ple is more widely known no | Writing ee Los tony “|! nrolonged appreval of his cha ‘ | ene j eg, i e KNOWN |, and longings of the vonen | visited the Continent early in doubt help will flow to them os yout yd os { ~* race, all down through the | the autumn, in the interests of from other sources. eee wee ve } Sefende — ee, Martin Swansor “Severs ears ago as abi ; nn ed years, for the recovery of their; the sadly disorganized mission- cntliapiiapsieaiittinie Several years ago—was a President Wilson ‘a Second Avenur ‘ 0 oO f rerman rese ist a ver . : wr of ¢ tint liberty, have touched the ary cause, stated that from to d a Germat ory himself as in favor ana i heart. f all free - . . : PROHIBITION PROVES great favor, and he in return employment bureau for the first CUT PRICES pode } ~ earts of all free people. what he heard in Germany he ' - FRANCE’S SALVATION called him up last Friday to say)|,,, t litical career; he ; s was inclined to think that the ne agen egy mag M But evidently the sufferings trials and sorrows of the Poles dliteitabiaiii he wanted to see him and £0 to} staune hiy defended his pelicy of Call and Save oney Ngton fi of the Poles are not yet at an must be even worse than those |Emabling People to Withstand his place at once, which he did. |. otentyl waiting” in Mexieo: be end, and in some sections of of the Belgians, although we Emotional Shock of War— The burden of his trouble re d the Republican party up to The favorite Movsenoia Cosi . : ses . " . » on \ ight their country their condition is) have heard so little about Helping Birth Rate. that, knowing be had consi@er-|pcorn as reanization which DR. GILMOY, DENTINT ee more deplorable than it has! «nem —— able property interests in Winni . a “new idea in thirty » Gridein Were es WELLINGTON = y e qr been for many years, if ever * ¢ e@ Paris, Jan. 19.—The French|peg, he wished to warn him of] vans and declared that the et = iam ee | Becona ci — : vecialty. before. The eyes of the world One of the ghastly tragedies|people are enduring the emo- impending danger and to take|...t. of the nation must adopt oii, inate — aie ie i venue Prone + have been so steadfastly fixed of the war is the way in which tional strain of the war well, said|/some steps to protect his Win speedier methods of administer _ ' -_ ‘ upon the appalling spectacle of compulsory military service|Prof. Anatole Chauffard, an emi-|"ipes property. ing justice in the near future —_—_—_—_——_—_—_—_—————— Phone 174 a brutally ravaged Belgium has forced Poles to fight;nent member of the French “This man was appointed by a He called upon the people of? — ee & — wenn and the sympathies of all the against Poles. There are great|Academy of Medicine, speaking|German officer to go to Winni-lihe United States to cast their SMITH & MALLETT nations have gone out so uni- numbers of them in the Rus-|yesterday at the Academy. i Seon ae lee Oem heel Rose, Se Eee Soe MAJESTIC ROOMS vai niver cra va " 7 aek . or . » | = a versially to the poor victims of sian army; and perhaps as Normal persons, he declared,jof attack, together with Port Ar-lipuy would be satisfied with life! } Gags, epee cut to order dP German outrage that the con- many more in the ranks of the|had adapted themselves courage-|thur and Fort William, in order) i) 4 free and peaceful republic = mae prasad . ~ Wiese Supe dition of the Poles has been al- Austrians and the Germans.|ously to the agonies and uncer-|to cut off the grain and other I love the Democatie party, | niences—Very ee soos most oyerlooked. And yet we They have all, as far as known,|tainties which suddenly had|supplies at these points. He said}io¢ 7 jove the country more,” he ate Price Alex M Manson, B 4 are told by those who know done their military duty; but|broken up all their customary|the recruiting officers told him) J. iq He declared that when- | —— — ! W. & Wiltian. 6 ait that conditions in some parts it must add a bitterness to|habits of thought, action and|that there were now about 20,000) 0 the Democratic party ceas-| -_ Gave =i WILLIAMS & SANSON of Poland are even worse than death for them to know that it|feeling, but in the case of certain|(ermans in Winnipeg, and virtt-|og ¢, be the party of progress he | Barristers, Solicitor, Ee in Belgium, and searcely any- is their own blood kindred|emotional subjects the emotional |ally all were armed, and about). u14 eave it i — ve Len thing is being done to rescue whom they are, in many cases,}shock had resulted in mental eon-|200,000 would make the attack. The President declared that the peenRNCenRaE een, Helgerson Block E ro huper, & the people from starvation. compelled to fight. fusion and excitement or in de-|The date was about January 2 new currency act had been re-|$ : ia oe ae : ° * se pression, and these, attacking According to the writer he was sponsible for the first January in 1 35--PHONE--35 : Office corner tnd 8 ln over the Polish province Saternational law no longer |the nervous instability, had pro-|told by a detective that the plans]... geeades in which money 1S *) of Eastern Prussia, Russia and permits a conqueror, like Na-|duced grave disorders. of the reservists were to ship as] .,.:, geney had not occurred ; ; PACIFIC CARTAGE un Austria that the desolating tide poleon, to foree the troops *of The early closing of wine|™many trucks as they could near Congress’ Great Record : : (Successors to Pe of battle has swept back and a beaten army to take service}shops and cafes, the prohibition |the Canadian border as quietly as rhe present Congress has the | ] AXi 3 —— of the sale of absinthe, and phy-|Ppossible, with the armor plate in]... remestabis conend of ete : LADYSMITH COA ‘ »} 4 : : ; A i : 03 #ro 63 sical education, Prof. Chauffard|>oxes in a knock-down state since the Givil War. he de $ aR » - said, were among the things|"eady to be bolted together to] oj. .0¢ * 2” ae . ; which explained the strength of — eo ipa The ex He also created a sensation by ; ALF HALLIGAN : JOHN CURRIE the race supporting, the shock|Pedition would then move to Win- sserting ; lag ; > . + ° oa he res. |Dipeg ‘sserting that if last November's | peeseseeententeseeeneenene Contractor & Builder also would contribute to the res- ? election had been a Presidential Esitmates Given : ( buldeg toration of the birth rate and to 7 npn ever the Democratic party ceas oi : JCHN REDMOND AGAIN Phone Black 294 the moral and physical condition HEADS IRISH LEAGUE have had a majority of 180 votes uU ; Silat of the nation. n the electoral college B. C. UNDERTAKERS i ole , : De ee ee a COPPER IMPORTS INCREASE Annual Meeeting Congratulates) |!" President's address is re. | Irish Nation on Self- garded in all uarters as by far ‘C, B. PETERSON EXPLAINED BY SWEDEN the most important utterance of Government. ales ' EXPERT ACCOUNTANT is political career, and as the . — : AUDITOR Growing Domestic Consumption Publin, via London, Jan. 20 signal for all his supporters to oo —lectrification of Rail- ite tata tw al Phone 316 Jo . 0 1as been re-elect-| rally to his side for his eoming |} ; OL OOOOTOEM roads Contributed. ed president of the United Lrish |fight for renomination | = League at the annual meeting of —_—-—--- Grass-Widowers { Leadon, Jan. 19.—The Swedish |ihe directorate held here. GEN. LEMAN, PRISONER JAMES GILMORE Legation has issued a statement] Resolutions were adopted con. OF KAISER, HONORED and | concerning copper imports tolgratulating the Irish nation o1 ! I ; , i asl \ , . ? = ee Architect S ANDARD Sweden, which purports to show line triumptral end of the ambition Paris, Jan. 19.—A bust of Gen- Bachelors ) an increase of 1,179,374 kilo- of the last forty vear 7 . } ‘ » las orty years for a na-j*'r® Le man, the defender of aa : grams (4,794,623 pounds) over ae DON’T WASH | «usrantee 3 2nd Avenue, near ) ie tional self-government, but]“ieee, who is now a prisoner of TT my coll to } O41 — ; ieee 1913. It points out, however, maintaining that in view of the|the Germans, was crowned with a TER tive you hot | cocnarerer that of this increase 853,334 kilo-| critical situation which might |Wreath of laurel in the presence 1 oe water the §| Made from Manitoba's finest grams (4,879,534 pounds) were : THIS fret thing in 3) Deliveres to any mm IIe 1 arise in the near future the con.|Of representatives of the French | WINTER the morning Gvod of town, or can be wheat. Laboratory tested before imported since the war started.|/tinued existence of the nationaljand Belgia: governments and|§$ —— = rs Pes : Se , . . q > » ele » —_ » m > * akery we buy it. So it gives full support This was entirely due to growing} organization until the crisié has |5,000 spectators in the Trocadero —fifteen minutes after you anon Cast market 1 tic ¢ : Fulton to your beking. And it also gives domestic consumption, to which| passed is vitally essential. here. During the ceremony Jean have started the fire | 5 : the electrification of the State he 4 Milk Govt. Ins ccied (ow . ; rilnentitliibiidiess Kichepin, the dramatist, decls . vt. p support—daily—to one a hundred oS 7 , qocraiae EASY TERMS *'7.5° Cash ' aan . : or railroads and the needs of the Selects Rhodes Scholar. ed “The Marseillaise.” $5.00 1st Month : + and Mos - ©. workmen and their families. army largely contributed. With| Halifax, N. S., Jan. 18.—Harry - 4 = SYM D —BALTS >! Ours = INL SIND