Wednesda 4 ; eee meee ind 14 THE DAILY NBWS a ee = a GERMANS AGAIN ARRESTED; a RESCUE TURKEY, NOT SEE PRINCESSES mace eenious OHAROE "ng Local, news mens] "4" SCT covspono SAYS THEEXMINSTER ON COAST THIS YEAR ne. Ee eee ATKIN Vanes . ' High Clas | tke on | Soue J. Si returned to Piaced on the), « ei ae h ois fr m th 2 ™ r end have had of triumphing over|Princess Margaret and Pri Owing t ubseque cS ae 1 . L ACADEMmy “ALP. . e ‘ rom a wwe e ; ‘rl ere elenee ; wiat.ovne ae ; . Russia and Britain. As an imM-J|ipene, stated that he did not ex-jtioens, the men were releaser but) asters and Ma Prepan ply Box 16, Daily News. s20tf./ Only a woman realizes the fu-jof the Gove, and on hurrying to tt outa) at ub ; ept under surveillance for Examinatio ediate «© i vartu an ( e seen of i ww Ss n WANTED tility of slicing bread or meat/the scene the skaters found Miss " ‘a aie : G tantit Pe ee On Wednesday fresh inatrue-.| " 2 . bioody revolution in onstan ww ' eont veat with a dull knife. For a_ realjOllivia Heal and Miss Eva Mac coast during the presen ceived by Ghief of | Compasses A — : es i . he last vestiges , |lions were receiver th 0 justed WANTED--Experienced cook wants posi-|sharp knife, phone Fritz, 583. guire struggling in the water neat a en er eee When chartered by the Admiral . 6 th to rearreat the two! sition. Apply Box 200, Daily News z of the Young Turks’ prestige ind Police Smith te ' 16-7-8 14-16/the channel at the mouth of the a coastet wet : . : } Helgerson Bloc) Op p ty, the two new a ‘ towether with a third mem PP. Roy WANTED—Young Woman wants chamber “er eve rid the Ottomans of. their crime Hotel— Phone pe . A ae alltel For a mfortable room, come wi stained masters and German|practically ready to leay th of the alleged gang, and Con © Red 602 ma or '@ comic om, ; ‘ithout waiting to removel”™ ; allt ae “i coe cee, wae ote to the St. Elmo Hotel, 836 Sec- monitors This accomplished,|(Ciyge for Vietoria to enter theletables Blair and Markland were ore + $e cceeey , nw skates or clothing, Fred Brown at ‘ » Sulitas dltamanat"° peeanes ond Avenue, near EKighth Street. saner heads will take the Em-|,. 004), Pacific Service | the|despatehed to Port Kells, where hecessary. Samples free. The Go- Newly opened. Steam heat and|°"¢e Plunged into the icy water they placed Karl Yon. Mackenzen Schoo! of Music d id Shorth Operative Union, Windsor, Ontario. b : , al . . he | pire’s future in hand, go peni lew ae The P ot and cold water in every room.|and grasping Miss Heal by the triangulat : : ‘ TED—Four-room house in Section). ; Rate y bi ™ itently to the Allies and plead + thel® ther of the famous German VINCENT © KNOWLEs ve or Six for $126 down and 25 a'Free baths. ates reasonable.) arm suceeeded in bringing her to : g Margaret was complete ane a . ; He (Violinist Wee a Sr ee an Co one Metret yt th ize of the ice, where willing |¥it# them to spare Turkey from i jzeneral; Dr. Redlick and Hans TEACHER oF ‘ e ’ » e, rhere y -Pne eached ne 0 WANTED—-Situation by young lady a3) . s*harge . apy lthe os sing ved off| Princess. Trene had rea Merzenich under arrest, 4 bookkeeper or office help Salary res ene SReES ae the Retery hands soon had both drawn to|!'¢ calamity of being wit team trial stage ing - oa ane Gag sonable, Apply Box 115, Daily a petitions are anxious that no one stat ithe face of the earth ean = =“s rhe men were brought down legen | Re paireg safety. | Now Captain Troup state — , _ ” “ WANTED—Lot; cheap. Overlooking har-|Should sign more than one copy. In the meantime Harold Heal| ‘This is the gist of a state I ind placed in jail at New West MRS. KNow.e bor preferred. From owners only. Ap-| Any duplieati rould injure the . . — , , alii mueh of the work that ha lminster on ‘Thursday, and will be Es ees Omeen sft terms, 10 Bon Sy ny Supliceniné wound inure el nad arrived and plunged after|made by General Sherif Pasha i the fine|. owes Veaeher of Pitman's shorinang “ae i i é ‘ riaher s beer ndone we fine s OMee, 7 hed has b “= held as prisoners of war, pending jvalue of the petition, | » of the wisest of Turkey's for | Miss Mz “a his ¢ » one o 10 WISE f IPs ‘ : “i mune. . oS 2 Miss Maguire, who by this time} the Young!|' irnishings having been stripped Suite 15, MoMordis Apt. in inquiry into the case, —— Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Mackay and|*S well mph ashauated. The we. /'e ee jout of the eraft in order that they Papen ieee ia se 5 hae ess ; . 'Turks shot jn his apartment int’ s — START YOUR CHILDREN IN MUSIC NOW a . Pa Dati 4|ter was very deep and weighted anverted into feat seeul . —They will entertain you next Christ- their two sons, Wallace and Parid. deck -winter, and who re-|™29 be converted int ‘ ee mas. Second-hand piano at very rea-| oe leave Hridey for Seat down as they were with skates}! é tea " e Senable price: easy sefus. Prince Ru. )VFuCe, leave on Eriday for Peat- ceived a press representative at}¢™™! SSS SSS Se teal pert Music Store, 345 Third Ave. tf.) tie after a stay of a couple of and clothing the outeome was for al | Gums are to be mounted athe oo EXPERT VIOLIN AND MUSICAL INSTRU- | ay a time in doubt; but after a brave| his bedside, being still confined ” lend sessed ’ ment repairing; bows rehaired, pianos'vears in Prince Rupert. They . decks of jese splen pe tuned and mre Prince Rupert a 9 return here in the fuiure struggle these two were also land- ‘Constantinople, he said, “wi raft. which die 46 (Od mest sic Store, 34 ird Avenue. ° é pe B Pe. | ae eri i i ’ : P , 5 - — ae 0 ene e shock of revo re aaa ed in safety and rescued and res-|rock beneath th h f rev das chavnnvisiett Mabaaiie tiie. WATER ACT, 1914. — ~ie > Pe nee on , s ( as mys-| , You don’t need to pay your/Cuers hurried to the residence of}lution when it is known, as m ed when the contract was placed Moses Scott, nearby. Restoratives| terious emissaries will make it 710 SECOND AVE NOTICE is hereby given that a petition | dollar to attend the Liberal Asso- iwith Messrs William Denny 4 i ana [undertaking Of the | ciation. Men are better than dol-|Were then administered, and by } known, that, following Russia's lRrothers. Captatfi Troup i# keen Carpenters’ Toots Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery | - » ’ . *kle ; F shi speing : _ re i of — T Sera. ee BS liars. Come along. K. P. Hall, the time Dr. Buckley, who had|shattereing blow, the 1 oor li disappointed at the recent Wire Cable Stee! Blocks Fishing Tackle . ai natin — e flower ‘ : s fleeing ot Sete Coen eeli ee at wnt | Thursday night. 16.7}been hastily summoned, arrived| the flower of our army i WONG | en if weenie: dttbentihe tel iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotgun Rights. eo” «2 at the house they had recovered|from the snowbound Caucasus Rope Valves Ammuritior Ubjections to the petition may be filed : ‘ ' izes that the two craft can be ee Parliamen Be Rings. Viet Nas Rights,| Mr. A. H. Tomlinson, the local | sufficiently to talk over their ex-|Our troops, onee the finest fight used to splendid advantage by the Pumps Hose Paint Par t Buildings, Victoria, B. C., or) : , . ‘ . ; a6 5 i ; : * a ps se os f i Ag with the Water Recorder at Prince Ru-|horticulturist, delivered an inter-| perience; but if it had not been|ers in the world. cannot. reeover pvebedmeett. coding to théle cael Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated iron Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C., this 26th esting lecture today before the|for the bravery of the two young/from their gigantic defeat, be day of December, A. D. 1914 ; , AD. 1914. Z ; re speed “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST ITY OF PRINCE RUPERT. | Board of Trade on “Agriculture;men who so gallantly risked their| cause, under the Young Turk re- a E. A. WOODS, City Clerk. ‘ ‘ é The two vessels were desiqned ltt ae -— in the North.” He quoted a num-jlives, this account would have al gime, the army entirely lacks ot ; : : after Captain Troup’s ideas, and i i , i Pp ondi we atio f erefore, ree | ber of interesting facts and fig-|very different ending. STO, O08, therefore, reeu are undoubtedly the finest type ~ FR D ; ures which makes the article of -———- —_—-— perative powers. misiind qn@lilbdiiians dives’ Mencia special value and it will be repro-| BRITAIN MAY NAME Phere are patriotic Turks in| + of @ shipbuilder’s yard for }@ Gueoeece 3)! in tomorrow's issue in GREAT NEW YORK HOUSE Constantinople who will now! vice on the Pacific Coast i eo — HER FINANCIAL AGENT | ,.,,,,,, |, . iy deonevate 4 ; , : i FIVE ROOM HOUSE mes Hp th ANE make a deeperate ef. In view of the commandeering | — = wees fort to save the Empire from an of the Prineess Margaret and the | Two Block From School, Alderman A. W. Edge returned London, Jan. 20.—The Daily|pinilation. The men headed by p I th i ' ae i r ress rene le re SB Outil Section 7 today from a pleasant visit to the} Express understands that Messrs Talaat Bey, the corrupt and n . ‘ wer , 7 ' ed by the C. P. R. for the sum ONLY $12.50 |South, going as far as California.|Morgan, Grenfell & Company are/farious artisans of Turkey's { | nN ot to | | mers raye wi Mve “0 ” Aiso KAIEN HARDWARE COMPA THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1624 NI | }He visited the Overseas *contin-jabout to be appointed financial) puin. will disappear At present Nel : i jgent at Victoria en route. Dur-jagents to the British government they have the people completely é arrival of the ster ers 0 THREE ROOM HOUSE jing his absence the people placed|Charles Grenfell, of the Londo beneath their heel ae ast ti ee as p . ja handle to his name, which he|branch of the famous New York The Only Way to Salvation Po eee or Partially Furnished—Handy y y : planned to place the Princess |wears with a smile. house, is also a director of the ; Drydock | I have evidence that in the last Charlotte in the Alaska touriat! to : ” ¢ < Bank of England. : = ; eighteen months thes: men have : : oP . . « = ONLY $10.00 | Captain W. J. Thomas, of the ~ ws 1. aa [teade. As no other vessel are | changed Following the proposed Builders’ Supplies Plumbers’ Suppiics Plat Morton ra HARDWARE: ~ weketed millions of marks whieh], ‘ ; shema ave jlaunch Alice B, arrived back in|/¢ : ’ ‘available, this scheme will have Germany poured out in order tolin pe PATTULLO & RADFORD town today after a two months’ In the Letter Box ; ivisitin Victoria. He reports gen- SECOND AVENUE and aggressively against Russia abandoned t Turkey politically, militarily eral dissatisfaction with the gov- Talaat Bey, especially, wallows in jernment in the South. Among all) pditor, Daily News: |the people he talked with he says Sir—I see by the papers the} ;pejp venality and treachery to the wee was not one who had a geod eity clerk is advertising for a tottering Empire are bound to ex ue Aopen Steck en weighmaster. cite the population to reprisals, ‘pees In his advertisement he states|yow that it is - J tomes fre be °s8 a » ge s ~ i nd Prize i Game Fn Tae omarhable if he. dite one _ hes dbiamerdtt Eee Chemists have shown that a large percentage ot x. ; |read one. bib ee INTENSIVE CULTIVATION the chem‘cals of which alom baking powders arc 8rd Prize ....... No. 2049 Tho averace Frente ; .|Seme means whereby they ean get aa made rema in th xd in th m of Glauber’s @th Prize on al ne average French newspaper light from the telephone wires, |Gaperte Trying to Sepay British z= . e remains in { e food in the form of Giaubers moet 90:0 , jtoday consists of neat vertieal| seangliapety: vying y Sall, hydrete of aluminum and ether impuril! Sth Prize ....... No. 1833 and parallel lines, showing where There are no other wires in the for Hospitality Shown Them ; ‘Wer : ithe columns in yhich the new building and never have been. in Their Need. Read ie label on thecen. Reject a bal mt powcer _ | eiehe ae "hte . . ns ; - = Respectfully, Ls unless the label shows cream of tarter. Buy and use NOTICE TO DELINQUENT co-| 4 Sie : ” J. H. MeLRAN. London, Jan. 20.—Great Brit- . censors see SU. : OWNER. jornsore Ratt gat peep it fins Prince Rupert, Jan. 19, 1915, ain is to reap benefits from the Naturally, literature of this TO HENAY JOHNSON, or to any per- | kine is not caleulated to tear any or rsons © whom y may B transferred Your interests, Take Nowes | aN away from the interesting Ri a a) a c agricultural skill of the Belgian | TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN [farmers who are exiles in Great! in PRICES Madc from Cream of Tartar No Alum within 90 days of the publicati f this) Thursday § ’ , @ ‘ hie notice you fail or refuse to contribute Sundays at 7:90 at 8 D.™.liness and assumes all outstand.|sive cultivation which has made ing liabilities and to whom all) Belgium famous the world over. | that |, the Sohertignes nie Owner With | came éf .eutencnsing the fellows ‘ ; Britain. As ® token of their ap-| ” Mineral Claims, situated at the/in the other trenches. Ex, me Sv aS Kiealeh Mi eiegede, joresiotion sf nepielity thal tare of a mnile from the beach, in the Skee. | heretofore doing an insuranee|Queen of the Belgians has sug- Me Ceseeenee petit eee ot “Gaivation Army business under the above name,|#ested that the agriculturalists | BAKING * ier The year “W16, amounting ss — ; has this day been dissolved? War-| from her country instruet British % coe ender to Mineral Qume under’ Public meetings, Tuesday.|ren Kissick will continue the bus.|frmers in the system of inten- roy. portion of such expenditure, to-|* ther with the costs of this advertise t, your interest , | ig a cli 3 ll became the ‘property ‘Of tm, Some tails appear to wag the|aceounts are payable, (Sgd.) As many as five crops of vege~ et Amondmmbot “ket ot “1890.” Min jdox more successfully than W. KISSIOK. tables are grown in a single year “ “to aee, others, But, in any ease, it is J. A. EDWARDS. |by the Belgians on traets under sted at Prince Rupert, B. C., January not mue h of a dog that is wagged, Prinee Rupert, Jan. 18, 1915. |elass. prince RUPERT