Thursday, Janyo TT THE DAILY NEWS | eee r ee an “The Daily News” j){ LOCAL NEWS ITEMS vo mae GT eR LINE CERRO EEE E EEE EE TEESE OEE EE EERE ENN EY yyy CLAS6IFIED ADS. ALASKA RY. EERE EEE E EERE E EEE EERE EEE EEE TERETE EE EE EEE L TEES tn. | ~ Don't forget the great Liberal | president win Receive J. P. Mor- ‘ rally on Thursday night in the gan for Conference With FOR RENT KP. Hel 16-7 Geevteaty Lane. ance Real P. hou Nt Only a woman realizes the fu-| 4), one — Bie sw Sites : 7 ' on, ¢ J, h. —jtility of slicing bread or meat de -Diines’ CA wave conte ‘ FOR SALE with a dull knife. For a_ real ew 7 : . e ; h knife, phone Fritz, 583. enées tomorrow with President oe e : FOR SALE—Baker’s Oven; Hubbard No, | S"arp , seni 5 t 3; new, Box 492, Daily News. 17-9 s 14-16 " Yeon and Secretary Lane, of the ee : reas 30 moh Ri “estan 3 ae Se camera HARA AAAA EERE AER RRR ee ee hee : i ; j ; wat Pete Mb. Sox Yeo. ° pind byte For a comfortable room, come |°Ject of his coming is said to be Cote III RRR RRR RRR BRIE EE EES the reenee’ FOR SALE—50-H.P, ty steam boiler|to the St. Elmo Hotel, 836 Sec-/to discuss Alaskan railway prob- ' fad ScH.P. stationary engine. Can Pelend Avenue, near Eighth Street. |lems, with particular reference to ‘ r 22 Bor 1b, Daily ‘News. #90t!.| Newly opened. Steam heat and the Copper Rivver & Northweat- tarts rl ay anua y n hot and cold water in every reom. dite oa WANTED Free beths. fates reasonable.|°"" Railroad, which Mr. Morgan i ln tila ‘ si 2. © mas OBETOE 0 Sem to the govern. During the balance of this month we will endeavour to secure y ness by putting our WanreD Apmy Box #00, Dally News. You+ don't need to pay your|ment for use as a part of the rail- entire stock on Sale at prices never before offered in Prince Rupert. Come and let us show you 16-7-8] dollar to attend the Liberal Asso.|way authorized by Congress last L d WSon Apoly box” 117, The ‘News. it. ciation. Men are better than dol-|March to connect the Alaskan Below we give a few of our ea ers YOUNG GIKL—Wants a place w take care/|ars, Come along. K. P. Hall,|coast with the coal flelds BERBREEEEEEEE EEE RS Gian eadee vabanres. “Kine nit oe Thursday night. 16-7 Has Held One Conference. | UO UU UU UU UU eee PEEEEN ENE EEE Eee e ney Ave. W. . *_ * *® Under the law the President is went -room A. H. Tomlinson, government] authorized to select the route and FOUR SPECIALS IN CORSETS DRESSES HOSIERY ont watt fear aye awe an FHEe | vostlouitariat < Kisco, snncemeed|decide whether the entire road | No. 1.—La Diva; front lace; Come in Serge, Panama, West, Oe wont Shame Weve which ai. ite ivninn by oung lady &8#/yesterday at the Board of Trade|shall be built, or whether any ex | has long hips and back, ventilat~ oa SF ia. y ways sold at 660— bookkeeper or office he: Salary rea- ed back, with six hose supporters. styles 12.50 sonable. Apply Box 115, Daily wor luncheon that he had hopes of es-|isting roads shall be purchased Regular $4.00. Regular $ ; SPECIAL AT 40€ WANTED —Lot, chetp, Overlooking nar.| tablishing an experimental gar-|as links in the system. SPECIAL, $2 95 SPECIAL, $7,50 bor preferred, Froth owners only. den plat in Prinee Rupert. The} The Alaskan engineering com- | a 18.50 ply, stating price and terms, 10 Box 4: 8 . : / one , ; Regular $ 12 pebrted exact location has not yet been|mission, which made surveys 0 — A nice all wool full fash: and house: close j : No. 2.—New style elastic top; ECIA $ 50 ashioned “about§ gee $3,000 ooo will pay my decided on. all possible routes, including very low bust. A fine Corset f for E SPECIAL, Prince Rupert Hose. Regular 35c. Daly . 7 eo that coveréd by the Morgan road, young girls. Regular $4.00. should. take advantage of this SPECIAL. 25( G. R. Naden, president of the already has held one conference SPECIAL, $2. 95 Dress Sale. Sure, Board of Trade, stated yesterday|with the President and is now . _ START YOUR CHILDREN IN MUSIC NOW that this was the mecet Prosperous} compléting its formal report. Mr. | Se. SnD, A. Mas mediom BRASSIAR SPECIAL mat. secund’ hand pao. at, Very. fem year of the board’s existence in|Morgan discussed the Alaskan | low bust, long hips and back. Regular $1.50 Brassiars, dur- FANCY WORK sonable rms. Prince Ru-ispite of the quiet times general-/situation with Secretary Lane | Made of double coutil. Regular ing this sale, for pert Music “Store, "48 Third Ave. tf. oo VIOLIN AND MUSICAL INSTRU- tuned ten repeired, Prince Rupert Mu- success to the good work done by/time offered to sell his line to the sic Store, 345 Third Avenue. ./ Mr. P. F. Godenrath, who recent-| government. WATER ACT, 1914. ly enlisted for service abroad. Mr. Morgan on his arrival here Mr. Naden urged the members to/tonight was asked whether he ly. He attributed most of the;seyeral months ago and at the SPECIAL, $1.95 95C An assortment of Royal Soi No. 4.—D. eta A.; medium bust; RAINCOATS HALF PRICE a sane) oat light weight Corset. Reg- A Raincoat is a necessity in this eee ular $1.50 . . i climate. Why not get one now ate e is ey. oe ots eee continue their support of the|would discuss with the President | SPECIAL 95C when you oan out a Querest Anetl — ity’ ot rince. Rupert von. Thuuge River board. questions in connection with the $10.50 Coat for ed Centerpieces, Runners, Cush- has been filed and will be heard the incecearesonenat anaes loan to the Russi overnment lon Tops, etc., at prices less than oMce of the peers. of investigation ata ANNUAL MEETING ussian & rnr : * an pe eg sane BERAL associ oe CU PO NOUS REE Beg te OF. NECKWEAR eo bjections to the petition be filed ul LA ATION |. ‘ ; ; with the troller of Wates aes, vanes what matters Be one) Pretty washable Satin an SILK SHIRT WAISTS a ae ys wider Teteoue as” Prince "RU-| ‘The ‘annual meeting of the to discuss at the White House, | in all colors. Regular 50c. but that he came to Washington primarily in connection with a SPECIAL, 0C shirt Waist, in wi nite, Wavy and SWEATERS pert Dated . Pree B B. c., this 26th cae on a 8 _—*, Prince Rupert Liberal Associa Biack. ular $6. EEE EEE EEE EEE EE EEE EE EEE EE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EE ee PARRA RRR RARER RRR REE REE Ee ee CITY "OF iach RUPERT. ition meets tonight in the K. P. ; ‘ . Our entire stock of Sweaters, E. A. WOODS, City Cle: meeting of the advisory cil of SPECIAL, $3 Hall. Besides the election of of-|) no? See cs Senne of hemartad Crttade.-te 0 regardiess of cost. We have them = : the federal reserve system, of} ’ in all styles, colors and weaves ficers the event will be turned obits tie @ % teens a =av Busta. etc. Regular ; , : : ; ; 2 is B . u rom captny See ae ae ae Wilson Gets Prot SPECIAL, 50C MILLINERY SPECIAL AR UP ‘4 otb.aapa bed eb atiped —— Since the announcement that We have only eight Trimmed ONE DOLL é There are other events on tonight Hats left. less to say, they in. but t li th i an American banking house was won't last long at ut anyone attending the dance}, pnance a credit loan to Russia, ITALIAN SILK 2.00 / ean also attend the meeting, as che tame hand oie tiheod Sh DRESS SKIRTS SEC. 6 EIGHTH the dance will hardly start till the} i., white House exgriiaies x3 COMBINATIONS : HOUSE, ? meeting is over. Good Liberals ee Allover Laces and odds and 36 Skirts, in Navy, Biack, Green + : jection to such a course. There! A tuxurious garment at the ends of Dress Trimmings that you nd Brown. Material, Serce and ! everywhere will put the meeting ie ‘he fennl redteiétion éltber in price of speesy underwear. Reg- must not overlook. Perhaps the ? F ~~ 3 AVE. -NEAR SCHOOL of the association first. Let there domestic or internaiionsl lew! ular $6.59 very thing you want at a wares, ; Pp ) av-at-ho 28 Svervb« Pp ; : ? ? . be no stay-at-homes. Rverybodrlassingt the floating of loans in SPECIAL, $5.00 THIRD OF THE USUAL PRICE FROM $2.50 UP $13.00 ura ous. the United States, except that the | * ————__—_—__—_ aicasinainiih: tment: tu “aihiiakt RARER ARERR EERE AREER REED RARE RERRRERREARREEAA EERE RARE EEE TENT 675;3 CHAMBERLIN SEEKING Piece his “4 Ge ee rom lending financial aid. . ° ® — BRITISH CITIZENSHIP) | The whole stock to compare in prices with the above Leaders 2 | Ottawa, Jan 24.—While in Ot- School ofMusic and Shorthand | haan aaa nanan haha nnh ann nn nan nanan nna nnhan ana annnnnnannnnnnnannannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnennan PATTULLO & RADFORD 3)tawa test week President E. J. VINCENT C. KNOWLES : : SECOND AVENUE eens. the ee we (Violinist Westholme Opere House ) : 3 4 A 9 , : ‘acific, filed an application for] yiotin, Piano, Mandolin and Singing ue : naturalization under the new na- Oranep ae and Seguives : r venue 7 ™ 3rd Aven ; # turalization law which came into ~sepamemme 2 - : force on January 1. Mr. Cham- GMS. HHSWLES t ; ats ’ a « re Teacher of Pitman’s Shorthand | RARER EAA RRA REAR AERAREREEAEEEAEEAAEAAA EERE RAHA ERERRHERRERERERA ERE R EERE REET verlin has been a naturalized Ca- ——— PRIZE NUMBERS nadian for many years, but now, Suite 15, McMordie Apt. | ' ee) Se ae Fe ee: aie Noah i eae - oe a like Sir Thomas Shaughnessy, a ae ce The following are the win- Sir William Van Horne, Sir atl ss alee ning number in the George Perley and other Cana- Capt. J. McGEE, M.MS.A. } : . | ; dian citizens who were born in NAUTICAL ACADEMY VANCOUVER LAD GOT ELOPING COUPLE ARE has been obtained by the couple | Poccccccocccccccscsceeserwt Grand Drawing the United States, seeks British Masters and Mates Prepared THE GENERAL’S O. K. | ENJOYING HONEYMOON fits not been learned. HARRY wis alleen citizenship. Ges -Quamioction —— | nn Mr. Brady says he does not be Ale — | Winnipeg, Jan. 18.—While he|Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Murray lieve (he charges against the cou. | Pamty Pork Saves When you cannot flatter a wom- Compasses Adjusted lwas standing talking today to| Disappear Immediately After ple will now be pressed. tas te st qual an by calling her good-looking it oneayeie leome friends in the hotel lobby, | Their Marriage. eo. ee og hy ey is better to “beat it.” Helgerson Biock, Opp. Royal 3) " eee It is doubtful if even the avia Corner 3rd Ave. ® |General Sé¢ »s’ attentio ! Limited Hotel—Phone Red 502 |‘ pee: Ree: Oa papation Seattle, Jan, 24.—Rose° Ellis tor should burn his br idges be- Phone 574 - MATHIEUS _ attracted by every small lad, and Mitchell Murray, or rather hind him, canna Ist Prize ....... Mo. 2454 NERVINE POWDERS eee tas = |dressed in khaki and wearing a|Mr, and Mrs. Mitehell Murray, | “NoTick. ani Rnd Prize ....... No. 2378 ames pn ee buglers’ cord on his shoulder. The | who led an irate father and a eon- ae ne Srd Prize ....... No. 2049 Se ee Canadian | little fellow was standing at | Stable from Rainier, Ore., a merry | Te Members of the Prince Rupert wom th Prize ....... No. 14 ON i al I OF once |¢hase last week prior to their| General Hospital Association. Gth Prize ....... . 1833 : : , oni Seattle , vows siiieniensies wats STEAM LAUNDRY stepped up to him and asked him |'“'r'aee 1 wear Steepennen Notice hereby on that the Can ¥ what he wanted. e ifrom this city yesterday. A. G.| “'lCe Is Rereby given } ; 14 -Phing Annual General Meeting of mem- “casio , Brady, a merchant, of 1044 Third ht to occe The boy drew his hand smartly bers of the Prince Rupert General and oug’ for i ’ eay . : ‘tle as ‘ss i r n \ |from salute and handed General} Avena, Wa, acted a6 bet meni ’ , headache, _ os | iy, Carter Wel Jonte pie: Hospital Association will be held backache, ER. Tho napa) | When Rev. id anc ae Hughes ard. The general)" ” ie at the City Hall at 8p.m., Friday,| Rervousness © read it, smiled, took out a bi jformed the ceremony, said last ion to which ‘ . . 8 January 29, 1915, to reeeive the wubles night that he did not know where subject. These tov " the young couple had gone, but ' others are symp _treetors for the ensuing year and it and poor circ ilaty expressed the opinion that they |"® y st other general business. by indigestion 0° const Latest and Approved Methods Only Skilled Operators Employed —One trial will convince you that asure and safe Seuedy ter any Phone us and we will cali headache 1s at your service tn for a trial bundle Vote Our Address: 5165 SIXTH AVENUE WEST a a signed the card with a big Directors’ report, to elect Di- ‘and his name and hand- jon ( a. it 2 to the lad, who again saluted and went off, his face|*°"e merely seeking to enjoy ae NOW amnp oeaee NESS beaming The litthe bugler had their honeymoon in peace. By Order of the’ Board, OPE Bus! ° , : WwW. M. Gn" TICE To DELINQUENT CO- worked his way from Vancouver The couple eloped from Rai are wae ae — cn ig Secretary. OWNER. Ca ii St with the sole idea of enlisting in jer In Tacoma, where they January 20, 1945 ' J, 20 as PILL ° TO HENRY JOHNSON, or to any hive eam Laundry the Second Contingent, but when) "ere found by Themes Hite. ihe ae ca ae 7 ane eS rene © saan 04 _med, Dace as he gol here, he found that he /#irl's father, charges were PFe-| we WHOM IT MAY CONCERN | are at once safe, “i that I, the upcepetgned 6o-Owner with must have the O, K. of the Minis.|ferred against both, but the girl ee convenient. Tt ‘ou in the ‘Gold King No. 1” and the , eiaiihe « ‘1 fe = — and purify the blood Mie Pidaaings manera iin, Siced, Square jter of Militia befere he could be jeseaped to Beattle and here ob rhe firm of Kissick & Edwards,| ert @ general ~ od at ters of @ mile from the beach, in the Skee- attested. Knowinu that the gen- tained, by pledging her jewelry, | heretofore doin an insur . insure good healt! iy Off na River Mining District, "Province. of ‘ . PARCET go that all the boil!) i: cueunt of work’ Ge the shove mentoned eral would bé at the hotel the lit. |the necessary $500 to secure the business under the above name,| their natural work ae e100 in ee reer i514, mousing wo THIRD ANENUE P.O, DRAWER 1624 PHONE No. 8 tle fellow waited until he saw the |"elease of the young man on bond. | has this day been dissolved, War- - he tre ; r same under : a F Sectio oft of the Mineral Act, apd. if Builders’ Supplies Ghose att Clabes Gines minister, and then presented his |e darted over to Seattle on Fri-| pon Kissick will continue the bus-| knows that Beecha ' notice you 1% ‘b expen =". Pee Supplies Plate Glass Mirrors request day night and the wedding quick-|jness and assumes all outstand. u . ° : “ > ‘ tei ia” at cae eats | Bae ARDWARE seers, ones Wy followed ing Viabitities and to whom all] FQ Cortaln a *et eee’ 2. - ape Varnishes Graniteware DRYGOODS, MEN'S GOODS, The constable then returned to |aecounts are payable (Sed. Serene) Sater sored «me ee BOOTS AND SHOES, LADIES’ |Iainier, and the father followed, W. KIS8ICK Advan ‘bya. || MONARCH MALLEABLE ™ “* Ss" |/wean—como a7 sia meoue-|scvsrie io Mr tray, , es «, Wet at Prince Rupert, B. C., January TION. PRIDE, NASH & CO. whether full and free forgiveness Prinee Kupert, Jan, 18, 1045, oingsates ety