pagaative UNTO | $$ THE DAILY NEWS 6 a Special Effort to War News Immediately it Is Received NO rm E DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT,_B, C., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1915. PRICE FIVE CENTS PORTED TURKISH ARMY IS MARCHING ON EGYPT TISH TROOPS GUARDING MANS GET SEVERAL DEFEATS— FAIL TO BRIDGE RIVER MEUSE | | AEROPLANE srouanT DOWN IN BELGIAN LINES— N INFANTRY ATTACKS GERMANS LOSE SEVERAL BATTALIONS. ectal to The Daily News.) la The Official re- hat a German aero brought down within i ines amount- half of mans lost what battalion and a the fighting east nday La Guinchy that and onfirmed near Givenehy ins yesterday suffered a) On the La Bassee the CR ine road bodies of officers The consequently at SIX and 400) met the werr losses of (ret found mans must repre sent least two full battalions From Lens to Soissons there is artillery fighting Four violent German attacks in the of Perthes were pulsed, and one at St. Hubert, the repulsed with the bayonet The German the region re in Argonne, w as French destroyed the new footbridges thrown over Meuse at St. Mihiel H LOSSES IN NAVAL FIGHT The the Sea were Jan wt. ialties marine rth irteen in ‘ ‘ one killed, | and twenty-six men battle cruiser edo boat Meteor unaged This done to the British The IAT BERLIN SAYS pecial to The Dally News.) hat The eport that omMeial the says uccesstfully lost at ture a position outhwest of La Bassee. | mities on the COraonne vere entirely suceessful enceh have been driven their position on the} west of La Creuteferme of Hurtebiz and foreed the southern slope of the ountry Several points and 1,400 metres were y the Saxons and 865 | Frenchmen were taken and eight machine guns plured A supply depot rs and miners and much ial was taken, vast of St. Mihiel the captured a Freneh point rt All French counter have failed. eastern theatre Russian were of Russian losses made northeast el The places were heavy. ation in Poland is un- -1CS MAY EAT MEAT ON FRIDAYS Jan 26,—Cardinal vranted a dispensa- Roman the Catholics in | by whieh they may eat Fridays and fast days. toral letter he says that P is heeessary beeause of | prices of fish, Firat Baked 21.3 40s Canada ree Ask your grocer, O. E. | ANNIVERSARY MASQUERADE BALL MoINTYRE HALL THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 114 OF OPPO COODOORODS OOOOOOOODS total | attempted |! 'H. THAW TO BE TRIED ON CONSPIRACY CHARGE (Special to The Dally News) New York, Harry K. | Thi aw nine not guilty today to of The itrial is set for February 23. The no bail aie ja charge conspiracy. prisoner is in the Tombs, jbeing applied for. ‘WILSON WILL VETO IMMIGRATION BILL (Special to The Dally News.) | Washington PD. C., Jan. 27 ili is authoritatively stated that President Wilson will veto the mmigration bill on account of its | literacy test | Prince Amongst those arriving on the George this morning were Clayton, Mr. Cleland, Miss Davis G. E. Townsend, Mr. Willochs, Mrs. Silverthorne, Mr. Seale and wife, Mrs. Kern, Mr. MeCorkell, Mr. Wasson, Mr. Affleck and wife, Miss Oye, Mr. Pillsbury, J. Hor mens, Mr. MeGoftin, BE. Pare, Mr Kendall, Mr. Hinman and wife, Mr. Moran, Mrs. Goyle, Mrs. Hen ning, Mr. Hal Peck and wife and Mr. Creston. CLASS FORMED IN HOME NURSING The second class for ladies in the St. John Ambulance course, viz. “Home Nursing,’ has been formed and will meet for lectures in the City Hall on ning of each week at 8 p.m All to Those who did not attend the lec- tures in First Aid take the Home Nursing lectures examinations and later on take up Thursday eve- sharp attend ladies are invited may up and the First Aid work. MRS. G. A, WOODLAND 22-3-4 Sec. Ladies’ Class THE THE WEATHER. By F. W. Dowling, Observer. 5 a. m., January 27, 1944 Barometer ...... . 20,087 Max, temp. .~...-- 41.0 Min. temp. .......++++++ +320 Good Cashmere Hose reduced to Demers 25e¢ and 400e the following Mr. Mathews, J.| Romas and wife, Mr. Wright, Mr Collison and wife, Mr. Lempitt wife and family, B. Collison, Mr toss, Mrs. Guelphs, Dr. W. B SUEZ CANAL ARE READY—~GERMANS LOSE TWO | | } he +A GROUP of 'TOMMIES ® @YOME 27 THEIR SHEERSKIN COALS. P@SE for CAMERA + ee * WHEAT AGAIN SOARS. * * * 7 Chicago, Jan. 27.—The * * high record for the war * oon: * price of wheat was broken * r a ~ BRITISH SQUAD * today, when July wheat * - in” AMBUSH ¢ * went to 132 3-4 and May *| SOME PICTURES OF THE SRITISH SOLDIERS IN ACTION IN * wheat to {47 5-8, three. * FRANCE AND BELGIUM. * quarters of a cent higher * * than the previous record * :.ricecvstsies+e2)BI6 TURKISH ARMY MARCHING ‘STEAMER IN FLAMES ARRIVES AT ST. KITTS (Special to The Daily News.) Res ee TO ATTACK BRITISH IN EGYPT ‘THREE ARMY CORPS UNDER DER TURKISH COMMANDER ARE NOW UNDERWAY—TROOPS AND WARSHIPS WILL OPPOSE THEM. | i | | | 97 aée inidad Jan iThe British steamer Maraval has tee | , jarrived at St. Kitts with her for- (Special to The Daily News.) leana! Important reconnois- pwecd hold ahve, cae seeny ae. Athens, Greece, Jan, 27.—It is |sances are being made. gineer was killed fighting the pepjorted that three Turkish army poss 6 | es ; ‘ mn are | Gam ; corps of about 120,000 men are Before reaching Egypt marching on Egypt under the Pucks wit have to pét- pebenenies | VIENNA REPORTS. . alia command of Djemal Pasha. y aiid 2 of the Suez Canal, and the battle- News. leet Will Appear. ; (Gneciel to The Batty ) °P . ships of the Allies will make that Vienna, Jan, 27. The oficial Cairo, Egypt, Jan, 27 Great |] e Oss : The jreport tells of the suecesses i itary activity prevails at the well nigh impossible. Phe only the passes leading into northeast- Suez Canal. Troops and warships other alternative is to dry up the ern and northwestern Hungary re being assembled, and civilians |Red Sea like In the valleys of Ung, Latorezajare leaving the vicinity of the |lites. and Nagyszamos the Russians were foreed to evacuate impor- vo nus‘ WIRE OF GREEK CONSUL utes counter stacks W68| SENTENCED THREE YEARS (Special to The Daliy News) Belgium WAR HALF MILLION MEN (Special to The Daily News) Australia, Jan. heavy losses BRITAIN WANTS. ENGINEERS. Liege, Jan, 27 The Sydney, 27 27 27.— Qualified Men for Waval Service Wile of the Greek consul, M. Cal-'The Australian government has Advertised For. iwaert, charged with aiding the announced a plan for the forma- iui ai | Belgians to escape, has been sen—'tion of a-rifle reserve of half a imprison-!million men, Ottawa, Jan. 26.—The British/teneed to three years which may be used Admiralty has notified the Cana-j|ment. in EKurope if the war is pro- dian Marine and Naval Depart- |long ed. ments that there are openings in COL. WILLIAMS R CALLING OLD MEN the British naval service MAY RECOVE considerable number of oa } marine engineers, They are need-)| oe TO GERMAN COLORS ed as artificers and for other| Ottawa, Jan. 27.—Considerable relief was felt at the Militia De-| Province in Which h Bertin Is Situ- branches of the service ated Is Reported to Be in Extremity. partment on the receipt of a cable | from Salisbury Plains which stat-/ REDUCTION IN COAL. — ed that after a consultation of, Beginning Monday, January 25,|doctors it had been decided that Amsterdam, Jan, 27.-——-A tele- the price of New Wellington Coal | Col Victor Williams is not suf-|g@ram received here from Berlin will be as follows: ifering from ecerebro-spinal men-jsets forth that in the provinee of No. 1 House Lump Coal, per ingitis and that there is a good! Brandenburg in which Berlin is Om +. cmaminedeee $10.00 prospect of his recovery, It is|loeated there have been ealled up Washed Nut, per ton. . . $8.50 hoped here that Colonel Wil-| for medical examination the 50- Pull weight and ookanalh de!iv- liam's recovery will be rapid and} year-old men of the Landsturm ery guaranteed.—Rogers & Albert, | that he will in time take the com-|of the 1886, 1887 and 1888 tf.;mand of the Canadian Mounted | classes. om _ Brigade, for which he is slated. | —- SanaaaEEREEEERREIID Bargains in furs, coats, sweat- | EAP EX-SENATOR DEAD. ers——woing at half priee. Jabour WANTED. : sina nae 22.3 | eimai’ a (Special to The Dally News.) etna | Piano at reasonable priee. | Kingston, Ont,, Jan, 27.— tien. P- A few copies of the Pioneer ae. Dr. \ply P, O, Box 895, Michael! Sullivan, Conserva- Booklet remain unsold. To close | oe : et ae tive ex-senator, died here taday them out quickly the publishers | Our Seventh Annual Clearanee!at the age of 76. have reduced the price. Get one Sale will give you an opportunity at Orme’s (either store) for 7T5c while they last. et | io buy goods at your own price Bros. sale will be in full 3 Jabour Bros eo Jabour 22-3) swing tomorrow 22 ve ) : Capetown, manding the German examining. WAS The night is said fact, lost cause. {hinted that in tamest ever seen in this city. (Special to The Daily News.) South Africa, Jan. 27.—Colonel Seydebreck, ¢om- GERMAN TORPEDOED TORPEDOED German Southwest killed by the accidental explosion of a hand grenade which he was in Africa, was forces CONSERVATIVE | A HUGE FROST Conservative ‘smoker last the In to have been it was the dying wail of a H. 8. Clements even case of his defeat | there he had been offered a seat Saskatchewan, so he realizes ‘the end is near. It is said that he told his andi- this that 'touring seeing right. ever triets he did boats, and it The | have th done for only | se cure the gov Portland, were 000 feet will month, ruary March. overe sixteen the frequent pleted. depot today a were popular. glad hand, everything was As aamatter of fact, when- he visited the outlying dis- Ore., eign engagements for 27,000,000 feet of Oregon fir, leave the Columbia river between now and July 4 next. Of the lumber engaged 4,000,- United Kingdom, to begin at enee and continue at intervals until out with H, 8, Clements. only difference today was that it appeared to be the people who the | ence that he has spent $7,000 in and all constituency, it 1s government if he in doubtful the ancient Israel_| even paid for his meals. ing he claimed to the district was to ernment telegraph AUSTRALIA MAY SEND T0 tines for Graham Island. SUBSTANTIAL ‘REVIVAL IN LUMBER IS NOTED Foreign Engagements for More Than 27,000,000 Feet Made in Oregon. ~ 27 Jan. -—The first substantial! signs of a revival in the Northwest hamber industry noted here yesterday, when announcements were made of for- more than to go to China this four million feet in Feb- and tthree million feet in Contracts have been closed for million ‘feet to go shipments com. W. 8. Fisher left by the G. T. P. today on a visit to Terrace, The popular member stuff was laid on thick around the G, T..?. s the train pulled The Everybody got the mn BATTLESHIPS RUSSIANS REPULSED ALL GERMAN ATTACKS (Special to The Daily News) Petrograd, Jan. 27 The wi. offi. cial report says that in the region of Pillhallan the Russians took j the offensive and drove the enemy ; back to Malvisohken, on the Las- denen line. On the left side of the Vistula the Germans attempted an offen- sive but were driven back with se- vere losses. In Galicia, between Gadisk, Oujek, Nijnevretzk and Maidanks, the Russians repulsed the enemy, and captured three officers and 300 men. A German Zeppelin throwing bombs was brought down near Virghen. The crew of seven were taken prisoners. CRUISER ESCAPED (Special to Tne Dally News.) Berlin, Jan. 27.—It t& admitted that the German cruiser Gazelle was torpedoed off the Island of Gueben, but though damaged she made her port unassisted. PARKER WILLIAMS ATTACKS BOWSER Williams, lature at Victoria a few days ago made a severe attack on Attorney General Bowser and the McBride government. He called upon the Attorney General to resign over the Dominion Trust swindle, ing that he had been false oath of office end unfit to be the advisor of the Lieutenant Gov- ernor of British Columbia. Dealing with the deficit of $7,000,000 in the publie accounts, he attacked the heavy traveling expense of the Premier and the civil servants. The premier's traveling bill for the year was $5,840, and the total sum of $108,000 was spent by the civil servants on railway and street car Parker in the Legis- say- to his fares. As a result of the government's intimacy with M & Mann, the province must begin next year to pay interesf on $80,000,000 which the goveriment guaranteed to the C. N. R. The gallery vw ws crowded dur- ing Mr. Wiltiara’s frequently broke into applause so great that the sp aker was com- ackenzie address, and pelled to threaten to clear the galleries. AT THE WESTHOLME OPERA HOUSE “MY OFFICIAL WIFE” MAGNIFICENT BROADWAY FEATURE IN SIX REELS Admission: 10, 15 and 260 a “RUNAWAY JUNE” onoe