Wednesday j Ts A045 THE DAILY NEWS ; . tawa, where they will probably | PYDRCTS GERMAN | QUEBEC LEGISLATURE 0 5.5. Prince George THE DAILY News a LINE TO CRUMBLE PLEADS WITH ONTARIO Balls for Vancouver, Vic- THE LEADING NEWSPAPER NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA : Published Dally and Weekly i a a ameer Ne | Resolution Moved by 4 a a; ag Guaranteed Largest Circulation — very anxious to see the inside Times Looks for Collapse Sanam jSnapwneus a .™. i of Front Two Protestant Members Hot 6 eld Water in Every of the parliament buildings. One Part un Pale Pes Stateroom i. F. MeRAE, EDITOR AND MANAGER The Tory machine long since Is Broken | Aoke Excellent a eS Prin, ay Panen acre’ Comtan i y but — HEAD OFFICE ee London, Jan. 26.—English lead-| Qyepec, Jan. 26.—After a debate . «F rince Jo n Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98.) COUN do it and so, regard=) | till" fort in| nt Por Vancouver at '7 #. Gl. on Gunday, January 3, 47, » ng, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. elephone . less of the welfare of the city, |er writers find great a sal Iwhich was charged with mome ete., arrives in Vancouver following Tusedays a: : > . TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract made, him mayor, well know- | the French oficial assurance lof importance, and speeches Sreemer ee Sea —— SOMI=MONIhly service to Bie : : : ler fe » has yeen Naas Rivere, jueen ands, ete. wart, rates on application. ing his unfitness for the _— regen cee -epecne h in, l which varied from the judical one | > G.T.P. RAILWAY = ee s —_ The mayor and the chairman |broken and tha , The lof Mr, Teltior, leader af the op-| Passenger train’, carrying Standard Sleeper and mNnce ’ , ’ nh. 370 | erince upe for mipem at i0 A. M. on ednesda ave DAILY EDITION aio: Webuseiey, on 27, 1915. of finanee have put the city ie nee will an broke , sole ‘ great! oien and that of Hon. Mr or ae there with “ies for at raul Cheap’ . | ; rdays against it financially. Such a| times regards as a blu me] Poster | treal, New York, ¢ n& Up No, 260 for Sleeping " bungle have they made of the stress laid in German despate meet: Paschereau, to the challenging For All Pointe East Zt Cn! Suse, “seins the name J, TRUNK RAiLway SYST Em, | E D t = 0 R | A L S siiuation that any hopes whieh | upon German preparations in the | deflane of Orangeism by Armand For Full intormation nd PTnrougn Tekets, apply 0G. T. P. Ticks: Ofc , ear ) prese sitions. ; ssembly AGENCY ALL ATLANTIC STEAMSHIP Linc the mayor may have cherished |rear of the present posi Inaverane, the House of Assem es 7 ei Pe and probably still harbors that | “If the Allies had to take, tO afternoon adopted unani-| ——z TE There are many marks of) the days of rapid expansion he will be the Sepeteenaie, et every trench the Germans ‘ely the Peeotution: propontd ee s jmous f osu . or 96 “6 ‘ real greatness about the eri they needed all their money at} candidate at the next election /chose to construct, the war sar and seconded by two Protestant | f°**rrrrrrrs al a ae al hone 554 P.O.Bex ple of the United States. As a) home but now that the country have been knocked into a cock- jlast till the erack of doom, t members, asking for fair play and MUSIC i commercial people pernape| bs ‘teach Gevelamed thew ort ed hat. says, but nothing is more certain | otante 4s tas een ts Teacher of Vielln ene Qh | APERHANGING 8 e deve B y 3 equal rights to . ‘ they have no equal. In the! een : 7 * *¢ « than that when one part of the|°" : Ontario in the matter of Band instruments AINTING . , svetty 4 ario e mi realm of inventive genius, too looking for a safe market for The Tory machine, not able|German front is badly broken the)" ‘ French in their schools A. PUSSOTT OLISHING AND they have shown wonderful de-| their funds. This new turn in] {) knock out the mayor, placed weenie =. whole of their present line must) 452 Eighth Ave, Gast wholly defensive. ; ' he leader of the opposition Phone Green WALL TINTIN velopment as witness the! events may be the salvation of him where he has knocked him.-jcrumple up. | a an" Mr. Lavergne on | **teeeneooner seereooe , : TING a : . se . » ‘ ne —” » Taleer . a ;while one t erg , ia ee mapas) “te a a oe ae sa a neo Retin ane a pa — 0 lications | ithe object in view, dissented from | gay COAGUDRERON SSO OO CRO IOTS Sees Malden uke ae ee ve = va: eae f ; : = 3 t > “ated a ’ it the manner of attack containe “i it * _TAXT} M tin Swanso E oo ; aw rets. » war is passing into its al a - oa they om a immediate cunply of capital ew reg ae that - oe i no oy seaieealts the address of the member tor FOR A ee aon - - sec Mase, 1 whie dispar ciintninniaiis fue sgt . oe oe a from Britain,but will curtail . - nine vee Montmagny, as he feared it would | Fe glo-Saxons in general that they , P « Of course, the people have to) ,¢ yyumbers and munitions will ; are without doubt much closer| ‘t for many years to come. It foot the bill for these political |),,, fully redressed and the main|Provoke recrimination in Ontario ‘ ' : i i j ing ; The ollo 0 N 8 lloek is to Canadians than any other} #8 fortunate, therefore, that} manipulations. The toll is go- strategy of the enemy will be| The motion of Mr. Bull : 75 PHONE--75 ; foreign people and perhaps in there is supply and demand of ing to be a heavy one. i as follows i i » ic i “Thy s House, without de . some ways more assimilable| ‘is much needed article in oan aomceene The Daily Mail ridicules Ad-| “That this House, wil alte The fevers Wovsenete ems than a certain class of British-| C1080 POTRNENT SAL SNP AENER NO CLASH OF PARTIES miral von Tirpitz’ notion that he rogating from the pr a . . ; » PRINCE RUPERT A o Cleanest, Brightest, Best , i -ovineial autono ~ without) + i ers. While all this is true it tage should be taken of it, can create ‘a submarine blockade | Provincial autonomy, ane a helaeiaehahahabelelelelcheicheieieeeisisiaialt . ‘ . Somebody ought to tell the IN FEDERAL ” anv intention of advising or in- heat EW WELLINGTON COAL ¢ is also evident that as a nation ai ate Maas’ anpiaael of the British coast and starve a wits sin ait tes wid Rowers & Albert. Agu there is about them a certain an tint guchate they Six Members of Dominion House|the country by torpedoing mer- om . Santini ata DA. GILROY, DENTINT | Second Avenue Phone : B inces ¢ ‘ p ‘ smallness that is unworthy of sodillh dnacet ities sintehbes Are to Be Chosen by chantmen. manner whatsoever, views with| Crown and Bridge Work a | —- vill a great people. Their unyield- . ‘ * z ; Acclamation. “British transports,” it says, ais wedi atid etal rapt Specialty. PSS Seen ano att ing manner in _ arbitration “have crossed the channel unin-|"°*"™ ' FOR PLUMBING AND HEATING treaties between themselves ae. SENN AE SBMS, Stee OND Ottawa, Jan. 26.—-While no of- terruptedly since the war began to exist among the people of the | Office: Smith Bik., Third Avenue Ca —a and Britain is well remember- requirements of Prince Rupert! qoia) statement has been SiVeDi ond in no case ‘have they been Province of Ontario over the) tenis eis nsnieaiisiciiaaenncialien SMITH & MALLET | . stoc f Pipe DO , ed but their conduct in the are to arrange for her current out by the leaders of either politi- successfully attacked Von Tir- bilingual school .question, and) v muver, Crane Valves a ‘ absae : : - . _ J a ‘ ae tings, pes cut t rder present war is perhaps more| bilities. If this city had had) oa) party, it is learned that the pitz will not have long to wait to] >elieves that it is in the interest MAJESTIC ROOMS he & — typical. While the vast ma-| ler long term debentures piac-|suggested arrangement whereby liearn what America will say if|°! the Dominion at large that all CENTRALLY LOCATED ———_ jority of Americans do not at-| 4 48 she might have had.} vacancies in the House of Com- American cargoes and passengers |°UCh questions should be con- Steam Heated—All Conve- “4 tempt to hide their friendship| ‘ere would be no city in the| ions will be filled without con- are sent to the bottom of the sea.|*i#ered on broad, generous ad at Alex. M. Manson, B A for Britain and her allies, their| COUtTY with a better outlook. |tests has been consented to by all The policy of frightfuiness de-|P4triotic lines, always remember-| ee ats | W. B. Willtape. 8 4. government continues a pue- A couple of million dollass for parties concerned in so far atlr.t. itself.” ing that one of the cardinal prin- | ~ . | WILLIAMS @ MANSON rile policy of heckling the| ® City like this is nothing and)),4.¢ as the five constituencies The Deily News save: “Sub.|¢iPles of British liberty through- SPECIAL RATE MONTHLY Barristers, Solicitors, Et British government during} '" Normal times could be easi-| mentioned in previous dispatches | |, arines are slow vessels and can|°Ut the Empire is regard for the ! en eh this critieg] stage, when every ly arranged. There should be have been concerned. The death}, possibly hold up fast mer.{M@hts and privileges Of MINOT | gateewee etre eee t mem m eine | Helneron Block Prince Kuper, interest in the world should ee eee mapitan. of Hon. George Clare, Conserva- chantmen. The only method of ties.’ ; ae a prompt her to assist them. If| ‘tes, however. Let the main|tiye member for South Waterloo, carrying out Von ‘irpitz' -pro- em nanan aa cemnaiemnenamensas 35--PHONE 35 : a eee eee Gevect ent hg . rai > ‘ ; = the United States continues cnt Mr ae a seep, and}/adds another member to the list. gramme is for German subma.|@O&ST CITIES WiLL - : 5 PACIFIC CARTAGE UM this policy shaw will meh onle : * o men x 0 ” , = P-! This agreement_will doubtless be | ines i ibesinettoctios. end eink. FEED BATTLE FLEET ; itis tn pecs lose a great deal of the friend- amt c instead. “part "POM extended so as to include that ing, without warning, any mer- ale atl T | Genere! Coriege ship of Great Britain but will the ordinary wear and ce, constituency, or any other which chantmen in sight.” Bids for $26,000 a Day Menu Will AXI s/ LADYSMITH COAL have lowered themselves in| ‘“eets and plants, this city/may become vacant in the near The Daily Rxpresseaye: “Amer Be Asked in Places Visited. t 3 03—Phons—0s the eyes of .the civilized world. should be able to. get along for future. As matters now stand, ican newspapers are emphatic in we ee I: # poe i, $ alanine ‘ +. - * several years without any fur- the Conservatives on February 1 their attacks on German method re aoe a ee * JOHN CURRIE . ad i 2 ; ; . _— ' . *leos gr #825 i t e} i It will come as a surprise to ther bonded indebtedness. It is} o».thereabout will elect new FeP- land ambitions, but American pol- ae oe 2 ey ae ; ALF HALLIGAN | : ‘ t the spending of city money] .ocont- ti » Jacaues.Cs - C r q bought of Pacifie Coast mer-| | Contractor & Builder Canadians that the United _ , resentatives for Jacques-Cartier, | iti,iang are busy creating difficul- : . | States should strive to become that builds up a town. Our Terre Bonne, London, Prinee Al- ties for Rerintitn enemies.” eee ean ee —— Canada’s money lender. In| Prosress in the next few years |pogt, and Waterioo constituencies, a ee aa fleet, whieh will open the Panama Phone Black 294 some quarters across the line will depend largely on the fish- whjle the Liberals will return-|HALIBUT AND SALMON Canal next month, while that fleet oe they seem to be as anxious to ing business and any attempt unopposed, a successor to the FROM PRINCE RUPERT | |" Pacific waters More than il corner this business as other to boom things by the expendi. late Hon. H. R. Emmerson, who 30,000 men are to be fed and they lines of enterprise. No doubt) ‘"" Of city money should be} sat for Westmoreland. By virtue|Shipment From This City ts dey-|Will be fed on Coast priducts C. B. PETERSON the security of conditions in| ‘warted. Let the city lay on|o¢ this arrangement there will be fully Received in England. rather than on supplies bought EXPERT ACCOUNTANT Canada as compared to Mexico its oars and avoid the shoals no clash of party opinion as a on the Atlantic seaboard and AND AUDITOR " ‘ that have wrecked other com-|,,,. ‘ : nile Ottawa, Jan. 26.—The war has|sent through the canal in refrig- is one of the causes for this. ke re te ce es asian Ghat ae DN tor ships following the fleet pene G80 Perhaps the real eause, how-| MUM tes. ment, whieh, it is anticipated, : , a See TOTIERG ‘WhO Eee: Seen eeten * * = ever, is that the States are fast becoming money lenders. In will be practically free from eon-|'™8 Some good to one Canadian Senator Wesley L. Jones in a The mayor and the chairman : 3 tentions and partisan strife. industry and that is the Pacific|letter to the Seattle Chamber of Grass-Widowers . of the finanee committee are Coast fish trade. The naval ser-|Commerce, encloses a copy of a j JAMES GILMORE lo take a jaunt at the city’s ex-| ganapa GETS U. 8. MONEY. [vice department has been advised|ietter from the paymaster gen- pense upon a financial mission. of the arrival in England of sup-leral of the United States navy Aa ! y, rehitect Canadian It is said that they are first) The Montreal Journal of Com-|plies of prime Canadian halibut| stating that bids for provisioning Bachelors , to interview the representa-|merce points out that the advice|and salmon from Prinee Rupert|the fleet while it is on the West- oe - , , =n DON’T I guarantee d nue, near Meliride § STEAM LAUNDRY tives of the city’s bankers at|offered by Sir George Paish some|which have made a very sueccess-jern Coast would be called for in) a my coll \ to -tnaemmepedaan Vancouver. Being unsuecess-|months ago that Canada should|ful debut on the British market. |Los Angeles, San Francisco, Se- | icy water ‘“* You bet * oe ar clan as and “Approved Methods ful there, they are to go to Vic-|turn to the United States for a In view of the difficulties of|attie and other coast cities. i THIS er oie Paty NNN Ronnnbepe -Sraateges toria. Imagine the cold, icy|eonsiderable portion of her finan- supply which faces the trade in| This action was taken as the | WINTER the morning ¢ d oo. “ae ogee : : s - s town, or Phone us and we will call reception they will get from|cing is being carried out. In the the Old Country in this time of|result of the coneerted effort of | ith cnet 00 ~ meee’ mor! , for a trial bundle the McBride government,|month of December alone Canadal|war, the shipments have proved|the San Franciseo, Portland and 3 —fifteen minutes after you Pure — oo SRE : which is itself up against it}seeured $25,000,000 in the neigh-|very welcome and it is hoped to}Seattle Chambers of Commerce, | have started the fire w ~ Note Our ones a financially. Thenee, it is said,| boring Republic, made up of C. P.|build up a steady trade of this following the discovery by a San | EASY TERMS 17.50 Cash Milk Govi. inspected t 515 SIXTH AVEN WEST they will go to Montreal to tell] R. Equipment Notes, $12,700,000; |kind. Another shipment will leave|Franciseo firm that the navy de- $5.00 t8t Month Mi )PHONE NO. 8 the city’s bankers how to run|City of Montreal Debentures, on the Grampian on January 29.| partment was planning to buy the} 4 os — oe The Best Equipped an’ NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS | that institution as far as the|$6,900,000; Winnipeg Railway,|[t is considered that at present supplies in the Kast suffieient for Quthe -Oi0 sie Sanitary Dairy is Se ies «Qin aaa city’s account is concerned, at}$1,500,000; Province of British prices cod and haddock from the|the entire cruise and send them | HARRY HANSON Prince Rupert Dain Canadian Steam Laundry least. Being unsuccessful |Columbia, $2;700,000; and ©. N. Atlantic should also be exportable|with the vessels in the refrigera. | The Reliable Piumber Green 252 . there, they will proceed to Ot-|R. Equipment Notes, $2,000,000.}to England. tor ships. = whane Gre ont : | eee _—_—_ —-———— — - —_—_—_—— ———_—_——— —_ ‘The General Isn’t Interested In Athletics Drawn for The Daily News by °! : WHY TH OLYMPIC DIGGING TRE NCHE: | ARE HELDIN’, oie BERLIN- IM DEVELOPED TH 5 GENRAL PUNCH a ENTERED s0- al, @ ie rite Bawre- Me