TUE DAILY NEWS Wedn: EEE dt ne Oorccccccccocosleeee. noo “The Daily News” CLAS6IFIED ADS. TO MAKE GOVERNMENT LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Canada First Beans are a Ca- nadian product. 21.23 FOR RENT ee nee Miss Davis, of the Government ro NT— ; a iis, ee cae va: non office, returned to the city today. enable, Washi Block, Second. -_ “of T — Furnished boueeping Inquire Demers. 4 Mrs. Henning returned to _. |eity today by the George. FOR SALE * * * Sa Mr. J. H. Pillsbury returned a! age nae a >? 2 this morning from a business FOR SALE—New house, Section 7 #100 trip to the South. eash and 430 a mouth; woul #41 *“* @ FOR SALE—650-H.P. capacity steam botler} Mr. and Mrs. Hal Peck return- ata. wlth excellent order. ©» Ape ed today from a pleasant visit ee — with friends in the South. WANTED SS Lientenant Colonel Clayton re- f WANTED —Ex rienced cook wants posi- lturned this morning from a short | sition. A Box 200, Daily News el 16-7-8 course in the military schoo) at| WANTED—yYoung Woman wants chamber . oi hetort work. Apel Los Ml, The News. tf. | Work Point, Victoria. WANTED—Four-rocm in Section | fh. im... ve or Six for $125 down and wy S| ir. i KWleck of New month until paid. Box 102, Daily r. and Mrs w bag ee a by a " [Hazelton, came up today on the! bookk office rea- eeper help. Salary sonabie_ ‘Apply Box 115, Daily News, WANTED—Let, cheap. bor preferred. From owhers Ap- | o~v's ly, stating price and terms, 10 Bok i281, ews Office. 16 ao] For a comfortable room, come) WANTED—View lot and house; | te the St. Elmo Motel, 836 Sec- 708 | about. 42,500 10a i mow pay ‘00, end Avenue, near Fighth Street.) Daily News. Newly opened. Steam heat and| WANTED—Large Mail Order house wants men everywhere willing to work a few hours for §20 San contract given, sition permanent. Experience un- Eooseserr. Samples free. The Co- Operative Union, Windsor, Ontario. DANCING. DANCING—Private lessons in Waltz, Two- Step, Three-Step, One-Step, Schottish and Minuet. Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings. Mrs. Brooks-Ander- son, 333 Eighth Ave. East. im IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE THE BAR- in we can give you. Second-hand ‘iano at $125.00; easy terms. Prince Rupert Music Store. 345 Third Ave. tf. TALKING MACHINES, VIOLINS AND ALL Instru- Musical ments Bows rehaired. The Prince Rupert Mu- 345 3rd tf. School oftlusic and Shorthand VINCENT C. KNOWLES (Violinist Westholme Opera House) TEACHER OF Violin, Piano, Mandolin and Singing renthone “areen Sth Phone MRS. KNOWLES Teacher of Pitman’s Shorthand Suite 16, McMordie Apt. repaired. sic Store, Ave. WATER ACT, 1914. NOTICE is > given that a petition the wal of the undertaking of the of Prince Rupert in connection with water development on Thuime River | been oh =" heard in the of Investigation at a/ date w be set by the Comptroller of Water Rign ‘Objections to the petition may be filed with troller of Water Rights, ie and left for the Interior | iby the train. | Ger rge |hot and cold water in every room. Free baths. Rates reasonable. | = * * A few years hence the beautiful Pioneer Booklet will be a valuable Souvenir. Get one at Orme’s while the supply lasts for only 75c. 6t. *_ * @ J. Kansas City, Sydney Smith left today for where he will in fu- Mr. Smith has been years in Prince Rupert, having started the Atlin Fish- eries, Ltd., which he has recently ture reside. several sold to the New England Fish Company. Mr. Smith will be missed by a large circle of friends. * ¢ « A. H. MacPherson, received word yesterday death of his father home near Ottawa. of this city, of the at their old Hée was 93 years of age and was quite active until recently. It is thirty-two years since Mr. MacPherson left home and he has not been back since that time. Salvation Army. Publie meetings, Tuesday Thursday and Saturday at 8 p.m Sundays at 7:30 p.m. “MY OFFICIAL WIFE.” |Splendid Six Reel Feature at the | Westhoime Theatre Tonight. Among the really great special Parliament ‘pulldings, Victoria, B. C., or) moving picture features recently — the Water Recorder at Prince Ru- nt ; produced, the most prominent ated at Prince Rupert, 2 c. 6 December, a es this 86th success has been achieved by the CITY OF PaUNCE. RU : ; : E. A. WOODS, City Clerk. PERT. | splendid six-reel production en- —— titled “My Official Wife,” which FOR RENT —HOUSE— HANDY TO DRYDOCK PARTLY FURNISHED ONLY $8.00 _—_ PATTULLO & RADFORD HARRY ATKINS FAMILY BUTCHER High Class Pork Sausage Vaneouver Branch Selects All Our Meats and Very Best Quality Han- died, Give Us a Trial. Corner 3rd Ave. and 2nd St. Phone 574 |will be shown tonight and tomor- jrow night at the Westholme \Opera House. This fine feature holds the ex- traordinary record of a_ three- |months’ run at the finest moving jpieture theatre on Broadway, for that matter, | story or America. The is a splendid one, dealing the adventures of a young j|American diplomatic attache at | the in St. Peters- | burg. | In some respects jthe - “Million There being with Russian court it resembles Dollar Mystery,” the exciting rapid fire development of plot and |counter-plot, the interest inereas- same | ing every second and the final so- jlution following only at the con- | clusion of the last reel. There is this advantage, how- ever: it all at the same performance, the story being complete in six reels. very you see one and crriasntinsieeenenpaignensiiieatitie Germany understands the art of ruthlessness to a T. In other words, she also understands the jane of truthlessness. F. G. DAWSON, WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR the PARTY TO COLLAPSE Discussion on Financial and Land Matters Taking Place in the Provincial House. 24. the government Victoria, Jan, planned by the present session of the Legis- lature shall be short, that no new will that touching upon the introdue- legislation be enacted save tion of a partial moratorium, it is likely that before adjournment the eleven years’ truce so far as debate is concerned will be broken. af. airs will be aired during the com- Dominion Trust Company's ing week and it is promised that be jcharged with having been a party leo many of the late W. R. Arn- jold’s activities leading up to the j the government will openly | collapse of the company. Depositors Are Busy. The depositors in the Domin- ion Trust, not as an organization, jhave a strong lobby at work in | Vietoria and with the two mem- j bers from Nanaimo, Messrs. | Parker Williams and John | Place, are stated to have enlist- jed the support of at least two ef the Nanaimo depositors to the | members government | party. number pf nearly 200 waited upor the representatives from that city and have urged them to proceed with a request for a thorough and impartial enquiry into the affairs of the Trust and the relations of members of the gov- ernment thereto. Mr. Alex. Yale, will introduce the new agri- cultural bill some day next week The chief feature of this is said to be that the farmers wil! be given cheap money. It is said that a plan has whereby 4 per cent will be charg- ed bona fide farmers for land clearing and building. Possibly owing to the financial situation the were not brought down today im- the opening of the session as is cus- tomary. It out that this is the first time that this cus- Dominion Lucas, member for been worked out for money public accounts mediately following officia! is pointed tom has not been observed since 1899. Due by Speculator. What to do with the speculator is one of the problems likely to be discussed the floor of the Holders of large areas of farm lands who have the first payments thereon have brought pressure to the from upon house. made bear upon government to release them further liability allot titles to land to the value of the money paid in, al- lowing the balance of the land to revert to the Crown. and them clear This matter has been considered by the executive and it is stated that owing to the position of the province, much having been borrowed on the assumption that the $13,000,000 or more ow- ing upon Crown lands was liquid asset, it would be impossible for money the government to release the speculators. NOTICE. To Members of the Prince Rupert General Hospital Association. Notice is hereby given that the Annual! General Meeting of mem- bers of the Prince Rupert General Hospital Association will be held at the City Hall at 8 p. m., Friday, January 29, 1915, to receive the Directors’ report, to elect Di- rectors for the ensuing year and other general business. By Order of the Board, W. M. WRIGHT, Managing Secretary. OF DOMINION TRUST Though it is | that | ‘SAYS WESTERN CANADA | CONTAINS OIL FIELDS | OF IMMENSE VALUE Belief Expressed by Cunningham Craig That Petroleum Will Be Discovered and Pro- duced Profitably 26 The | pective oil flelds of western Can | London, Jan pros- lada, formed the subject of an in- teresting paper read by Cunning- to the of Petroleum mem ham Craig tonight bers of the Institute Technologists Of the various groups of west ern Canada which had been tested he stated that three, known as the Edmonton series, the Belly River beds and the Dakota-Koole- nay had shown distinet signs of oil bearing sands. there was ais valuable evidence pointing to the possibility of oil flelds being dis covered in the eastern foothills of the Rocky Mountains which might be called the Calgary field ‘ It might be in the prairie tet ritory, in the Sweet Grass country or in the much-criticised Calgary field, or one of its unexplored northern extensions, but he be- lieves that there is petroleum in these great territories and that it would be discovered and pri ducing profitably at no very dis- tant date. 68th REGIMENT, EARL GREY'S OWN RIFLES. i Orders by Major J. H. McMullin, Commanding, for the week end- | ing January 30, 1915: A Company will parade the Tuesday at Exhibition Building on and Friday at 8 p.m. Drill squad and company. B Company will parade at the Exhibition Building on and Thursday at 8 p. Squad and Company. The been pleased to make Monday m. Drill has the follow- ing provisional appointments W. A. PETTIGREW, Lieut., Acting Adjutant TO wHom iT MAY CONCERN commanding officer The firm of Kissick & Edwards, heretofore doing under the an insurance above name, has this day been dissolved. War- ren Kissick will continue the bus- iness and assumes all outstand- ing liabilities whom all accounts are payable. (Sed. W. KISSICK. J. A. EDWARDS. Prince Rupert, Jan. 18, 1945, business and to of Aldebaran Minera! Claim, situate tn the Seems Mining Division of Cassiar Dis- tric Where located:—About three-quarters (3-4) of @ mile, more or less, from the northwest point of the head of Alice Arm and adjoining the Black Bear Mineral coum rch AKE NOTICE’ ae & ane TA ) th edro agent. for William J er’s Certificate No. sate 7 "tor = self, Free Miner's Certificate No 80313 tDtend, sixty days from date hereof, ly to the Mining Seater for a Corti cate of improvements, for the pur- pose of obtaining a Crown Grant of the above claim. And further take notice that action, under section 85, must be commenced be- fore the issue of such Certificate of Im- provements. Dated this 2ist day of September, A.D. 1914. PEDRO SALINAS. PRIZE. NUMBERS The following are the win- ning number in the Grand Drawing Acme importer Limited 1st Prize ....... No. 2654 Qnd Prize ....... No. 2379 3rd Prize ....... No. 2049 4th Prize ....... No 14 Gth Prize .. . No. 1833 January 20, 1945. J. 20.29 led except MPRESS C EDNA WALLACE HOPPER. Now Mrs. A, C. Brown, who has be serving with @ British arnto ambulance corps and is @ g to ci any on an Americat lele gation to inquire into the treat nt of prisoners, ADVANCE OF TURKS MET BY BRITISH BOMBS (Special to The Dally News.) Cairo, Egypt, Jan Skirm ishes curred east of El Qan- tara Kevpt, with the advance guard f the Egyptians. The losses are one officer and four men slightly wounded. Detach- ments of Turkish troops were sighted at three points east of the | Suez Canal but no fighting result at Fl ritish seaplanes dropped bombs on the Turkish hadad Qantlara forces near Biermur- inflicting losses. WALLA WALLA HOSPITAL TODAY 1S IN FLAMES (Special to The Dally News.) Walla Walla, Wash., Jan. Mary's Hospital here is burn- 27 St ing and there is little hope of sav- The damage al- All the pa- have ing the structure ready is 8100,000, tients are believed to been rescued NOTED LAWYER DEAD. (Special to The Daily News.) Winnipeg, Man., Jan. 27 Na- thaniel Francis Hagel, K.C., a well known criminal lawyer, is dead, aged 69 years. TORONTO FACTORY WAS BURNED TODAY (Special to The Dally News) Toronto, Robert Me was seriously im- of this afternoon, Jan. 27 Killop, a driver, jured £125,000 and worth damage was done when the five-story block building of the Rudd Paper Bex Company, Richmond Street West, was gut- ted by fire. “CALL US SERBIANS,” SAYS SERVIAN LEGATION Present Spelling Is Offensive to the People, Meaning “To Serve.” London, Jan. 27.—The Servian legation in London has addressed a letter to the press and public, urging the adoption of the spell- ing “Serbian” and “Serbia,” in- stead of . “The Legation “Servian” and Servia.” latter spelling,” says the spokesman, “is to highly offensive our people, mainly because if suggests a false deri- vation from the Latin root, ‘to serve.’ It is a source of hidden pain to Serbians to see that some Journals persist in using the cor- rupt forms.” It is reported that the old gar- bage scow had a bad mishap yes- terday. She slipped off the ways at Cow Bay with a full cargo on board. the She was under charter by provincial government. (SOLD BY ALL GROCERS) BEER BARRELS USED OFFE ~ atte tion against the enemy are the | istest surprise of the war Capt. J. McGEE. Hue MSA, The Japanese in their war igainst Russia carried with them STIOAL A ADEmy sandbags which advancing in-| Masters and mar. Prepared fantrymen pushed before them for Examination for protection against the bulle ae Compasses A. — of rifles or machine guns. The ; barre! ansWers this purpose much Helgerson Biook Opp. Roya better, as it can be rolled forward! Hotel— Phone Reg se with comparative case and econve- nienee ee rn Oooo ccccneneeal The “Baka,” that is, the dhon-| a garian infantryman, fille the bar rel with sand, gravel, or broken stones used for road making. | Barrels thus filled are impenetra ble to bullets The men on the firing line erawl ahead and rol | the barrels with their, heads the Soniguces The Whisky to them they stand the barrels up | of Quali Vv Onee at position jand fire from behind or between | : ed in Wood them. ' Ag rae & Y ears This rolling trench proved a Rien Senet signal success in Serv t not ep nmadelianenhaeon only diminished the losses in de vad | GOVERNMENT. and wounded, but owing to its | ; mobility made quicker progress} ; possible. ' an f i [ id io ae Wome Look Well wien they escape the sallow skin, the pim; black: | heads, facial blemishes due to indigest r | ness. At times, all women need hi the te | system of poisons, and 1! pafoct mast / convenient and most cconor } 1 in| ; Al? | ~” A Pes This famous family remedy has 2> cxcellent to: pon | the entire system. It quickly relieves the ailm: used by defective or irregular action of the organs headache, backache, low spirits, extreme nor) usnes Purifying the blood, Beecham’s Pills im): and Clear The Complexion The directions with every box are very valuable—especially to «9% only by Thomes an Helens, Lancashire. | nd, everywhere in Canads and U.S. America. In boxes, > KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1624 Tinware MALLEABLE ™ ‘*; Builders’ Supplies Plumbers’ supplies Paints Oils Varnishes MONARCH Sheet u Plat« Stover 710 encens | AVE Carpenters’ Tools Builders’ Hardware Ship Chand'e’) Wire Cabie Stee! Blocks Fishing Tackle tron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Showune Rope Valves Ammunition Pumps Hose Paint Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated |'0" “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST FRED STORK’S HARDWARE | prince RUPERT ®