pT seaay, rere sy oN Eee THE DAILY NEWS. _——— OMAN’S BEST aa ee “4 RESPECT * 1” - ARMY,” TREASON CHARGE ee Box 23.-3rd Ave. and McBride 8t Box 24.-1st Ave. and McBride 8t Box 26.-2nd Ave. and @nd St Box 26--2nd Ave. and 6tb St Gor 27...G. T. P. CIRCUIT NO. 8. gic position is good. Human ma- kha aoa regard of the business terial? Do you know that the re- world. News windows, 3rd north to separate us from the sea ind envelop our right flank and} Bai AGAINST WEALTHY MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A | y Major J. H. MoMullin, TORO } Commanding, for the week end« . NTO MPORTER Bi , Til d | ing January 90, 4818; 3 irks Illustrated Catalogue — Toront an 7 « \ parade ol (he GERMAN WAR MINISTER GIVES OUT STRANGE INTERVIew— = [OC"'' 7" —n In Y ; Build n Tuesday BRITISH OFFICERS SCARCE—ANGRY AT VARIETY that man not in the dock? He is n our [Tome Durin 915 :. Kelly Advises all Women... | . 8 p.m. Drill squad OF RACES IN OPPOSING ARMIES. here charged with treason, and ~ “ N i i ‘ 0 Take Fruit-a-Tives ; ‘ aa” " son is f ras As a medium through which you may select gifte suitable for every | pa vill parade at th ieneral Field Headquarters of | plied Of food we h ‘ uah M sins occasion, you will find our Gatalogue of the greatest vaive MRSVILLE, ONT., AUG, 26th. 1913 Mxtibit Building M the German Armies in France),|Have you observed any ; tv iv = ate D ’ can highly recommend ‘ Fruit-a get, onday . : : : : ‘ ted | N h, the Sinks’, Vancouver, te the great gift store of the West. Gur Mall Greer because they did mean awful = “ Thursday at 8 p. m pDrijy Jan. 16 Mo e of such offen.|Germany? We may have to hus “ey he ahiain Vepartment and our tlustrated Catalogue forme a convenient avenue lead- vf ee — a too | Squad and Company sive referring to the present|band certain things a apa ' ym" ing to @ selection from our immense stocks. y wu ver » ” irs | ia ¢ ; Poli¢ ; someteneaeel taking ‘' Fruit-a rh commanding offieer has ffensive operations in the eam-|ing with our wheat « sump j CN ; ‘ t ' ‘ ’ ma een Ker for a general break-down a id vere Pleased to make the follow. | Palen of the Allies ‘can only be|tion, but our ‘war bread refer . , WRITE FOR THE CATALOGUE—.YOU WILL NEED IT. did me a worid of good. We i n the jail to th tectives’ of ht a good many dollar's worth ne provisional appointments Pee to us ring to the bread made from the , , , . Oo eECALISe _ ee rani vil his lay h te ee - mm A Company. rhe British are good fighters, |preseribed admixture of rye and, a ; 1 his law ) H , B fidd all ’ a vers ane nes ct ennedy ane r at ae is 80 tenet. Provesional Sergeant J. MeLeod|>ult an army without the neces-|potato meal to wheat flow iS! Mawist i m : e i. enry irks & Sons, Limited ther laxatives, tha ound only tw he int , aary office . ' ‘ J te taot P ; agistrate enisoyu mue«ht 1a eo. as well ae health, in taking | isional quartermaster | * Mcers an nonecommis-| quite as tasty and nutritious as}, + obtel weer ; , . . . They seemed to me to be | sergeant | sioned officers is seareely an|the regular wheat bread jhe she ra not be allowed such lib JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS 1 auitec " ’ ) vm: jerties * said so, ¢ ad dectarec oe s - Laubaatiee a The following privates to bel@tmy ‘Tie gedbiem of feeding the ~ : ss ‘ ui oe lare NY Granville and Georgia Streets Vv rere Was no suc € seo. E. t that same other women | |) ional sergeants: J. R. Beat. | We are fully preparwd for any|civil populations of Belzium, Po- ; “na uch thing @s Geo. E. Trurey, Meaaging Director VANCOUVER, B.C t taking “Hraitctives” efter | |bail when the preliminary trial | \& ter, and if they do, Iam y and H. Ward jattempt at a landing in Belgium; |land and the oceupied parts 6f| ‘ ' bi — y | was os mer til orro } | he ee B Company. the sooner it comes the better,” France, particularly such cities as ee " aed } own case’ |The court was filled with promi-| Mrs. W.'N. KELLY ‘rivate W. M. Brown to be pro- These are some of the phrases,|Lille or Lodz, presenis some diffi. | tl eer ‘ Sheds inen Ss * ae e! tives” ere eold. by all onal color sergéant j full of quiet optimism, of Lieu. |eulties, but for ourselves we have re | ruit-a ‘ rhe ) f | t soc. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial rl following privates to be | tenant General Erich Von Falken. |enough. cee raae jonal sergeants: A Bateh-|Mayn, the German Minister of| Ne Copper Searcity? | ° W. D. Hoskir J. MceGow }War and Chief of Staff of the | “As for the embargo on cop- Prin C | | uper } — i H. UW. D. Hemmell |German armies in the fleld, who |per,’ ’ General Von Falkenhayn € R t Feed Co. | ANADIAN PACIFIC Che following privates to beltoday received the Associated|laughed, “we have no copper un DEALERS {N SHINGL” , MOULDINGS, SASH, DooRS provisional corporals: W. A, Pat.| Press in the first interview given ;der ground, it is true, but above} Hay, Grain, Feed PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER C0. RAILWAY ii erson, W. Williseroft, J. Clapper-|£0 any correspondent lground we have more thar| and Seeds } as e — | . BURROUGHS, Manager ton, 6. L. Youngman rhe general talked frankly of|enough for all military needs f| 1INCESS MAY . : y ne tls gmonen pean A epesmary- 4! Tet Ave. and McBride si. PRINCE RUPERT, 8.0. SOUTHBOUND Discharges. jthe present military situation and|our regular supplies become ex-| PHONE 25 @rencn Vere wa € FRIDAY 8 P. mM Private Michael MeDonough is|the prospects of the war, which|hausted we need only draw on the} Agents for discharged from B Gompany for|"@ evidently does not expect will|enormous quantities of manufae DOMINION NURSERY & rINCESS MA INNA misconduct be a short one ; ‘ed copper "Og ri rerms ORCHARDS co. ; tured pper already in Germany. } SOUTMBOUND Transfers. General Von Falkenhayn 18 the |In our cables for transmitting | Mal! orders promptly attended to THE UNION STEAMSHIP C., OF B.C LIMITED SUNDAY 8 P. M. Private R. G. MeKinnon is/™man responsible under the Em-|high-tension electricity, for in-| "9 | | ; Eee } — 1. @& MONAB, General Agent transferred from A Company to] Pero! for the strategy in the | stance, we have a cotple of years’ 908 Third Ave. Prone 68 SS VENTURE rner Fourth Street and Third Ave Bh Company. great world war He- is a com-|supply. } . W. A. PETTIGREW, Lieut., paratively young man as com- “British interference with cop- | SOUTHBOUND TUESDAYS AT 9 P. M. Ac Adiuts manders go—the voungest of an ei . we ; -——— ae eng peeeeeeeeeeeens| Acting Adjutant Sides hinds : Ms , 0 mY ipet hipments, it seems to me, is Sailings for GRANBY, SIMPSON AND NAAS SUNDAYS AT * - 0 ti eaders of the European la heavy blow for America, but for “Ss f ‘ ” é | MIDNIGHT LATEST WAR NEWS * eennnnuanunnunuesiben jarmies—with a tremendous capa-|is it is nothing.” a ety First 1s the *) z city for the hard, concentrated “How ida. Your Susbiieies.f Slogan of Business” a oo oe ; i. o gg, ‘ Py Bs “eile ‘Vv. ao : rhe latest war bulletins | FIRE ALARM SYSTEM #|work necessary for the control of| vo. think the war may last or VER 75 y | PHONE 568 JOHN BARNSLEY, Agent, SECOND AVE. peived exclusively by The #) o kK the war may last or can ears oF the great apparatus of the Ger- ’ ; | AGENCY ATLANTIC STEAMSHIPS ily News are posted im- #| cincu : last? Lord Kitchener's three Bankin 1 } diately after coming off *| iin aS z man ermies years?” j has ee ives 1 , *! . Sth St. and Sra Ave * No , P | ome at the following * Box 13--6th St. and Sra Ave z ort German ae sce th “It ean last,’ said the German the strength, security, : ; : ee ai s Box 148th St. a 3rd Ave. is Wrong to interpre 1e Cole's Cigar Store, 3rd Ave * . : . — pad . chief-of-staff, pickin® out that safety and service of The 8 ’ Box 16-—Junction of 1st, 204 @ud Fl operations in Flanders as an at- ° 4 Wark's Jewelry Store, 3rd *; cme hea et h Cal particular part of the question, eee: of ee North : «| : ist Ave., between 8th and empt on our par oO reach aiais a ‘ e = " I I t Hotel, 2nd . COO - nee and outflank the allied armies. On er ee a! Se ee ie ben! f 7 eae 9 Prince Rupert Motel, 2nd *| ® go. 47—tot ave. and T1b.9t. ‘Cen ‘ ing that can force us to stop} is bank for over three- : eal .| tral Hotel.) the contrary, that phase of the fighting quarters ofa century has : \ ' ove I a is the result « t at- 7 — —_—— . a . ul Hotel. * SOUT He. 8. Sa paisa aged 07 “With food and materials we been one of progress and & : Hotel. s en 22-810 Ave. and ord St tempt on the part of the French ; : development, and of : = or » (Post Omee. ) and British to foree their way|#"¢ amply supplied. Our strate-) consistent growth in the * * |" *) *) » ‘ree evp een ee ee ir, relieve Antwerp and oblige | CPuits of the 1915 class are to be THE BANK OF s to retire from Relaium. jealled to the colors. October 1, heir plan was the failure, our|*915, is the normal date. I was British North America cuts Monday’s labor clean lt | es | ; Je ounter-strike thé success, of the /CeuPying myself with this ques- 78 YEARS IN BUSINESS. in half. 2 Sth Ave. and Fulton St. Bor Borden and Taylor Sts Box 7th Ave. and Fulton St a 32 34 perations in Flanders They | |tion yesterday. Does that look as| CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $7,884,000. Box 369th Ave. and Comox Ave 37 38 have not outflanked us, and ‘welt there is @ lack of soldiers? We} PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH é; The Gunlight way is se easy --just note. First you soap | SUBSCRIBE FOR | HE DAILY NEWS| Bor Sth Ave. and Dodge PI SEEK AEE RAE EAE AAA AAA EAA AEE EE 4 24 of the Mineral Act, and if » 90 days of the publication of this you fall or refuse to contribute Portion of such expenditure, to- with the costs of this advertise- your intere st in the said mineral ecome the property of the *\ she d under Section t Amendment Act ot seo” - T. H, COVERT, Co-Owner, ea at Prince Rupert, B, C., January PRICES FOR RAW see WHERE FRENCH WERE CHECKED. Phe long series of successes gained by the Freneh along the Aisne suffered a severe check recently, when the Germans with the aid of veinforeements recaptured a number of trenches near + MIvitiiiiiiiittitiiitii iit it iat i tity ake 2 si ; ta Gor 6th Ave. and Thompson 8t. are still here.” have more troops in Berlin to- ; CIRCUIT NO. 4. . : ae : your view of the day than in peace times. They PE, Manager. % the garment; then roll it up Otel ‘ Directory Box 41--4th Ave. and Emmerson widely heralded general offensive still need training, however. No 4 ay to soak. After a while you a oan obits bm ent Games es, GION Mitohouer’s new arngt” hep" ere send Sevens front wifheut Se eee ramp tie epee i and the Bon 435th Ave. and Green St. lasked adequate preparation. ‘GOLD WATGH FREE, dirt drops out magic. mbers P.R.L. Vintners Association es era “The offensive,’ replied the| “Enthusiasm? You have been A, senanttorwart ewoernce I) | Y Why. scrub, and rub, and Box 141—-7th Ave. and Young St German chief of staff, “was to be-|at the front and know that there . Eee ons Ure ones wear and tear the clothes WINDSOR WOTEL tO N k iekd }|gin, aceording to General Joffre's |is no slackening in the zeal of sm when the gentle strength of rner of Pirst Ave. and Eighth st ea order, on the day of Deece:aber 17 |men for their task. No! We can Sunlight Soap will do the W. © Wright, Prop. So far, we have no reason to be|go on indefinitely. work with never a hurt to ee ne ee GUARANTEED dissatisfied with its results. We “And if in this war, in which fabric or hands. oe pr og ol a FREE American Silk have not only held our lines sue-|Kalmucks, Kamchatkans, Turco- European and American Plan HOSIERY cussfully, but have even gained|mans, Senegal negroes, Indians, Try it once— Peter Black, Prop We Want You to Know ground More of such offensive|and what not, have been brought this Sunlight g -- They bere a when ean only be weleome to us. in to maintain in ‘the white man’s | | gboat oe tnd, uw them the bengtiia' catch, anes wove, all others failed, They give “British Are Good Fighters.” |Burope the so-called balance of | 42%) S°2.2e™% PLANS & Lybeh hme eoaan EE Eighth ens —. real foot comfort. They have “As to Kitehener’s army, the|power; if in this war to erush a}/f ee ee Ss Per yo a | no seams to rip. — never British are good fighters, and T/nation whose offence is that, | eee Beener & Besner, Prope. rege nas _ a on have all respect for them, but an|through industry and hard work, SRG oe 4 e seal pressed we They are GUAR- org een the necessary ofli-lit has pueepered and is preset ‘ srtrirtrtrtrtrtetrtrtctrteirtrtetrtrteteteietrtrtrtrtetrteirte tebe trtctetectetetrtrteirterteirtrinictrtrictetrtrtetetrtetctetgtech EMPRESS WOTEL ANTEED for fineness, for cers and non-commissioned offi-|ing, we should go down, we shall a. rere ena heii style, for superiority of = cers is searcely an army, accerd-|go down with honor, fighting to } Seventh Streets i en eee ling to present-day standards.|the last diteh and the last man,” : “ peeeee Ce aaa oie ciaedna without Shey may cong heap ever Asay en aa { : ‘ee —— holes or replaced by new tack us. but I think we are strong) TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN : SOVAL MOTEL pairs free. enough to beat them and drive —— j z Cortey & Burgess, Props OUR FREE OFFER them back with bloody heads, The firm of Kissick & Edwards, SEE ————— * rare Ave. Gao Giam Os To every one sending us “The proposed landing in Bel-|heretofore doing an _ insurance ‘ i n Plan Steam reated et - Be es gium? We are fully prepared for|business under the above name, for Prince Rupert “and No Northern B. ¢. VER WHOLESALE LIQUOR CO. pone Serle. absolutely free: any attempt in this direction; the} has this day been dissolved. War- LESS Theee pairs of our famous sooner it eomes the better.” ren Kissick will continue the bus- ‘Phe Daily News goes into nearly every home in ne Seen AMERICAN = SILK HOBE “What effect upon the German|iness and assumes all outstand- Prince Rupert. It is the popular newspaper of i ; oo with written GUARANTEE, conduct of the war,” General Von|ing liabilities and to whom all the city because it is clean and reliable. It has all NOE RUPERT IMPORTING 00., —— of our Ladies’ Falkenhayn was asked, “has the|aceounts are payable, (Sed. the news of the city, and keeps in touch with events hissed pow os Hose in Black, Tan or British blockade and contraband W. KISSICK. and topics interesting to Northern British Colum- See a White colors, with written policy exercised?” J. A. EDWARDS. bia. It treats these subjects with moderate opti- 4 GUARANTEE. , “Practically none at ali,” he re- Prince Rupert, Jan. 18, 1945. mism and reliability, ; ICE TO DELINQUENT ©O- Sn. fe eens : — : . — : The Daily News le the most valuable paper to ] OWNER. locality is selected. Give @ CHAVIGNON advertisers because it ls read by the buying public. a color and size