i THE P*. ysurert .o8 wovtal Effort to » War News Immediately it Is Received ee s\ ——— PRINCE RUPERT, B. 6, , BATURDAY, JANUA RY 30, 1945. THE DAILY NEWS = WATOH OUR SULLETING FOR THE LATEST NEWs PRICE FIVE CENTS HIPPING FACILITIES ARE SCARCE IN ENGLAND RMAN TRENCHES REPORTED NEAR WwW TRIANS REPORT SUCCESS— GERMANS CLOSE TO WARSAW A TELLS OF FAILURE OF RUSSIANS IN HUNGARY AND IN TRANSYLVANIA BUT REPORT HAS NOT BEEN CONFIRMED. [Special to The Daily News.) i, Jan, 30 iys that the present 7 ar for the of the army rrably ittempts the \rchduke Sandec to Joseph Ferdi in Lowy and to a led to Archduke threatens rear against the nications of the RIA OBJECTS TO in Galicia is proe yhase Austrians Russian out nand ttack a counter offensive rmhow ward Russians DUMANIAN AGITATION Special to The Dally News) Switzerland, Jan. Mini justrian Foreign ian, has that from requesting refrain itation among yopulation in H LOSE ARMORED T 30 ster, telegraphed | ' the fo- the ran- RCHANT SHIP VIKNOR OFF COAST OF IRELAND 40 It by has the ' Jan ‘\ announced that the t vessel Viknor had ui Y freland with all hand essel, e it was stated, i mine or foundered nity statement says: ry has been missing days and must now | as lost with all her off yer The eause of her but been washed ashor prth of hed that during the rather eing carried Pp. struck | the aid them.” ertain, as some wr ny coast Ireland re founs of in she either out a mine Viknor was formerly and commande was \dimiralty is in charge 4) her Ballantyne. Phe 1 be December been Ad- British armored been ither The for ac- lcers loss reck- e on it cent Is seas Germans are known to the ered 12 of Commander urn crew cannot be ascer OF WHEAT IN EMPIRE le i Jan. 30 All stocks of i been seized by the Vernment according to hal statement, in order to ard the bread supply until \l harvest. This measure, 0, Was made neeessary by ‘| that the people have fail- conomize, ‘The tributed according of the to tion various MoINTYRE HALL THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 114 ts $1.50 Westhoime Orchestra stocks will the jin Galicia and the The gary Carpathians Hun invade invasion of to Trans¥ivania from Bukowina Russian andethe attempt are equally ineffective The German trenches are close to the Austrians are the now Warsaw forts and the gaining ground in Carpathians. In Bukowina the Russians re- treated to Kimpolung after Gen- eral Fishcher’s victory near Kirli- baba PROHIBIT EXPORT OF OATS AND MAIZE (Special to The Dally News) Pretoria, Jan. 30 The has announced that gov- the export of oats and maize has heen ernment prohibited. SACRIFICES AUSTRIANS FOR ITALY’S FAVOR 30 The A dispatch Post Jan to London, from Rome says N ARSAW--RUSSIANS I A, HEAVP FRENCH 774ZD GUN -'N ACTION IN THE ARGONNE REGION’ — stds SOME OF THE FRENCH HEAVY ARTILLERY. Much has been said of the German heavy howitzers, but here is shown a French gtin, a sam- of a howitzer which has cau sed great damage to the enemy's NF LICT ANOTHER DEFEAT ON IN TURKS | | | lines. BERLIN SAYS FRENCH that German | circulated here the is trying to “Reports are Prince Buelow, new ambassador, keep on good terms with Italy by sacrific ing Austria “The they Germians are annoyed be- eause share Austria's great unpopularity in Italy, but Italians | want more than scraps of paper in proof of Germany's desire to give them Trentino “The committee of the Radical party bas unanimously adopted | a motion that Italy's participation in the Ruropean conflict is indis pensable to the satisfaction of her aspirations and the revolutionary associations of many cities repre- sented at Milan have voted for in- tervention and the immediate de- nuneiation of the Triple Alli- ance.” BRANDY IN PIE MAKES MAYOR'S AID DROWSY So Portiand Eating Houses Are Ordered to Be Cautious About Seasoning. Ore., Portland, Jan. 29.—Rigid inspection of restaurant and cafe officials of was teria mince by the City Health ordered by Mayor pies Department Albee yesterday, following a discovery made by W. li. Warren, that heavy proportion was being used the mayor's secretary, aleoholie liquor in unduly in minee meat served at some eating houses. Mr. Warren told the mayer he had ordered mince pie in a cafete and that it strongly impregnated with liquor fell ria, was 80 he asleep after eating it. “Investigate this matter thor oughly,”’ was the mayor's order lo the city health officer, ©. B. Mar cellus, “arid prohibit, on penalty of arrest, the sale of mince ples anywhere which contain more than a reasonable proportion of aleohol.” FURNISHED APARTMENT. Opposite postofice Will rent for three or four months, H. G Helgerson, Limited, Phone 96. tf GOING UP! * REGIMENT | DESTROYED - Reigns * | (Special to The Daily News.) * (Special to The Dally News.) * Winnipeg, Jan. 30—May * Berlin, Jan. 30 The official|y wheat broke all records * German report states that the |, today, closing at 149%, * Germans captured twelve French | y with July wheat at 150%. * officers, 733 men and twelve mia | 9 Chicago, Ill., Jan. 30. * chine guns in the Argonne for- | y& Wheat for May delivery * est The French losses were) cold today at 152, a jump * jheavy, being from four to five | of 3 5-8 from yesterday. * | hundred left dead on the battle- | » HRESERERESHREHRHESD fleld A French infantry regiment seems to have been annihilated. | The German losses were com-| | paratively slight. Destroy Ammunition. Paris, Jan. 30. The French oficial report says that the Brit- ish in front of Guinehy, near La Bassee, German livered by three ions which resulted in heavy German losses. North of artillery the the Freneh caused an explo- Arras heavy German ammunition sion mn wagons. At Albert, Roye, Soissons, Cra- onne, Reims and Perthes’ there were rather severe artillery en- gagements at times in which the French batteries acquitted them- selves efficiently. In the Woevre district the Ger- mans exploded a mine with the object of Freneh trenches but resulting in the de- blowing up struction of German trenches, METLAKATLA ELECTS NEW COUNCIL The municipality of Metlakatla held its annual election yesterday and chose the new councillors for the The following constitute elected Albert Leighton Charles Powell. then chose One of their number, Wm. Teask, to be chief councillor for the year. ensuing year. the new RK Leighton John council as Wm. Teask, Jr., Reuben Campbell C Khyan, and The new couneil REDUCTION IN COAL. 25, Beginning Monday, January the price of New Wellington Coal as follows: { House Lump Coal, per hom oot eens eee $10.00 Washed Nut, perton,.. $8.50 Pull weight and prompt deliv- Rogers & Albert, will be No ery guaranteed drove back an attack de-| battal-| = RHE HHH HH EH HH CANADIAN CONTINGENT LEAVES FOR THE FRONT (Special to The Daily News.) Montreal, 30.—A special from London says: “A start has been made in despatching the of the First Canadian Contingent to France. A number but the great- er bulk will be moved across the Channel next week. The are highly elated. It is reported the Pats have further casualties in action.” Jan. cable men have already gone, men suffered ACTIONS OF ALLIES MUST BE IN UNISON TO ENSURE SUCCESS 30, Germans Paris, Jan. drive the chose to attack Nancy, “We back here if we said a staff officer who the on a tour of the positions held by the “But via could in foree,” accompanied correspondents French in Lorraine. this. We would have to retreat unless advances were made certain other along line. Every thousand yard trench is linked up with another and division front the points each with others.” THE WEATHER. By F. W. Dowling, Observer. ples of ladies’ hose, cows, house dresses, Jabour Bros, there would be no objeet in doing at) our (5 a. m, January 30, 1915. treatment. The expenditure for Denannstel.. <... 66s. vne-akean 29.324 the year, ineluding bad debts, Max. COED. ..00 sec denne 52.0 and depreeiation, amounted = to Min, temp. oo. cere ereeeee 34.0 |$42,486.96. Hospital fees from PORES «0-0-0 0.0:0sbeked aetna 15 [patients amounted to $26,255.77. ° _.. —_— The British Columbia govern- WANTED. ment per capita grant was Piano at reasonable price, Ap. $6,414.15, The olty of Prinee ply P. 0, Box 895," 40.25 | UPert contributed 640,000. Special Sale of travelers’ sam- muslin night corset covers, and ladies’ TURKS. MEET DEF AT-- ROUTED BY RUSSIANS (Special to The Daily News.) 30—The offi- the Russian Caucasus says that there Petrograd, Jan. cial Russian report from have been Russian successes in the vicinity of In the Persia. of Alashkert the the supplies, Tabriz, Valley Russians captured colors, the ememy retiring toward Tabriz and abandoning on the battlefield hundreds of killed. In the region of Tehorok, of Batum, the enemy's troops at the village of Baschkioi. Near Sarikamysh the situation is unchanged, ading guns and military south the Russians repulsed the Turks cannon- part of the without success. Russian |HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION HOLDS ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the Prince Rupert Conservative Hos- pital Association was held last evening in the Gity Hall. Reports were presented for the year, showing the institution to be eon- siderably in debt. Reports from the matron, Miss MaeTavish, and the resident phy- Dr. Wall, that the hospital is well equipped and do- sieian, show ing good work. Six hundred and twenty-five patients were treated the ‘during the year, average stay per patient being 18.3 days. The of for the being a percentage total number deaths year was 20, of 3.2 low rate. , Which is considered a very The tem had been tried and was con- monthly ticket sys- sidered suecessful. A new X-ray yeen added to the during the year machine had and possible more eflicient institution had made The following offleers were | the ‘anticipate }and urges quick and drastic reme- front} BRITISH TRADES UNIONS WANT GOVT. TO UNDERTAKE SHIPPING. HIGH COST OF LIVING BECOMING DESPERATE — GOVERN- MENT ACCUSED OF LACK OF ORGANIZATION— (Special to The Daily News.) Jan. 30.—The Federa- tion of Trades Unions in a high London, price of food manifesto charges government with failure to organize against certain consequences of the war, and to avert a situation which is “becoming desperate.” The committee suggests a bet- ter distribution of the ineoming j:teamships at ports other than and Liverpool and the procedure of the prize courts ex- pedited and all captured ships manned and utilized by the State dial action London CAPTURED SHIPS PUT IN SERVICE. for the transportation of supplies purchased direetly from the pro- ducer, the supplies being placed on the market at prices covering the « only. The Federation also reeom- mends that the British govern- ment take over all what supplies, as was done by Germany. The British farmer, the Federation et of distributive charges says, would suffer no real hard- ship or loss if the government commandeered the whole home grown and unmarketed wheat at 42 shillings per quarter. (@pecial to The Dally News.) London, Jan. 30.—Lieutenant is dead at the age of 92. CANADIAN EXPRESS CO. ABOUT TO CELEBRATE FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY Within a few days, the Cana- dian Express Company, as such, will celebrate its fiftieth anniver- sary, letters patent having been granted to the forwarding com- pany under this name by the Fed- eral government early in Febru- ary, 1865. The original name of the company was the British American Express, established in the early "50's, when it operated stage lines during the winter months, supplementing these with steamboat connections during the when water navigation was possible. months The Canadian Express is there- fore actually older than the Grand Trunk Railway system, on which it operates today, al- though the Grand Trunk was the second railway opened on this continent. As early as 1858 a braneh office had been opened in and for many years this was the only express com- pany with headquarters in Amer- ica having offices in Great Brit- ain. Today, with European head- quarters at 17 Cockspur Street, London, it has branch agencies at Liverpool, Birmingham, Man- chester, Glasgow and Antwerp. ; With thousands of 9,676 miles of railway lines and routes are served, including the entire system of the Grand Trunk Canadian Government railways, and the Central Ver- Since October 1, 1941, iwhen Mr. ©, M. Hays, then ai the head of the eompany, became chairman of the board of direc. tors, the president has been Mr. Liverpool, employees, inland water Grand Trunk, the Pacific, the mont. at Orme's (either store) for T5c elevted for the year: Judge Young, J. A. Kirkpatrick, G. W. ‘Morrow, Dr. Clayton and O. H. Nelson. while they last. General Sir George Bryan Milman John Pullen, formerly assistant freight traffie manager of the Grand Trunk, Under Auspices of A few copies of the Pioneer Booklet remain unsold. To close them out quickly the publishers have reduced the price. Get one The speech of Parker Wil- liams in .the Legislature should be read by every person in the province. Here are a few gems : from the speech: Sir Richard had spent $5,840.40 on railway fares, according to the returns in the public accounts record. Mr. Williams estimated that at ten cents a mile this would have enabled the imperious Prime Minister to travel three times around the globe. At two cents a mile, Sir Richard might have had a return trip to the moon with this money and have had a thousand dollars to blow in which cireumnavigating that planet. The Public Accounts. Mr. Williams charged from the records in the public aceounts that the Attorney General had been appropriating to his own use the funds of this province. He referred to the fact that the fees of the Attorney General for membership of the Barristers’ Association had been paid out of the public purse. It was not the sum, said Mr. Williams, but the principle. The law association was the lawyers’ trade union and the people were not entitled to pay Mr. Bowser’s membership fees therein. He declared that if a copy of the public accounts just handed down could be got into the hands of one-third of the people of the iprovinee, that upon the record for last year, the MeBride govern- ment would not last thirty days. The “people, if they were familiar with the manner in which the rev- enue of ten million dollars of last year frittered away, would rise up,in rebellion. There was a deficit of seven million dollars and more. The public accounts had been so cooked up, the speak- er declared, that it took the aver- _ (Continued on Page 4) was P. R. CATHOLIC CLUB In Catholic Halli On Tuesday February 2d Cards at 8:30