Guaranteed Largest Circulation i, ¥. MeRAR, EDITOR AND MANAGER HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract rates on application. ee DAILY EDITION eGR GH Saturday, January 30, 1915. E DITO RIAL ———————SSaE ee , of mystic are great believers is known as “double the art of reading by the Nearly everybody has experienced what is known to the vulgar as a “hunch” about important pending matters. Modern study of psychology shows that there are mainly two causes for these phenom- ena. In the first place, wave messages People tempera. ments what sight,” the senses. in or future intuitive are known to pass from one mind to the other by a process known as telepathy. The human mind is in reality a miniature ‘“‘wireless’’ system and when another mind be- comes pitched to the same key he can break in on the other fellow and get what informa- tion he desires—at least this is the theory and very often it works. This would explain how a man often has a premonition about what an opponent is about to do. There are many cases on record, however, where information is received about the future and as nobody knows the future it can hardly cane by telepathy. .The theory of the subconscious personal- ity has been advanced to cover this. It is believed that a part of man’s nature known as the subconscious personality is not subject to time or space, or, in other words, that the subeon- scious personality isaspark off the Infinite and is eternal knowing all things, but for ordinary purposes is veiled or shrouded by this mortal coil which men eal! flesh. There is, eee bowels, is known the world over tobe _BEECHAMS PILLS Sold everywhere, Ix boxes, 25 conts , ae Canadian STEAM LAUNDRY SS E> Latest and Approved Methods Only Skilled Operators Employed Phone us and we will call for a trial bundle Note Our Address: 616 SIXTH AVENUE WEST therefore, a rational theory for the origin of premonitions. see the it is interesting to notice how the Dropping almost from sublime to the -ridiciulous, masses of the people are intu- itively informed about an im- pending change in govern- ments. At the present time there is a feeling in the air- and everybody has it—that the Conservatives, not only in British Columbia, but through Canada, are in the last stages of their power. This feeling, too, is not confined to the in- dependent electorate; it has invaded the ranks of the Con- servative party, and even their tried war horses are beginning to droop their heads. Of course some of them, like the youth who was passing through a graveyard in the night, are trying to keep up their courage by whistling. In spite of all they can do, however, psycho- logical waves are escaping that tell of their mad plight, and a trembling among the leaves speaks of the impending doom. The Conservative party has been weighed in the balance and found wanting and they will now have to make room for more progressive ideas. oS A friendly taking place the other day be- discussion was tween a Britisher and a Ger- man. The German was natu- rally holding up the view of his country in demanding territory expansion at the expense of the British. said his opponent; that I came to Prinee Rupert in the “Look here,” “suppose early days when property was cheap and bought a dozen of the best residential lots in the city upon which a little later I had built myself a magnificent “A Dollar Saved is a Dollar Earned” ‘ | A DOLLAR to your credit in the bank, is yours. You don’t have to work for it over | again—as you do for the | that have been spent. How many dollars have you | that you can call your, own P Why not start an account in our Savings Department and save a part of the money you earn? A few dollars saved each week,amount tohundreds in the course of a few years. THE BANK OF British North America : 78 YEARS IN BUSINESS. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $7,884,000. Canadian Steam Laundry oo P. MARGETTS, Mapager. THE DAILY NEWS WHEN BUYING YEAST INSIST ON HAVING THIS PACKAGE a MES THE WHITEST Lich rae ( awl home. Several years after that you come around and, viewing my palatial residence, you in of the fact that you are a more cul- tured man than I there in form me that in view is no justice me having twelve lots while you have only one mean little lot of twenty-five feet. What do you think of your argument when you The trou- days see it in a new.setting? bie is that in the your writing philosophy and poetry early while ancestors were our ancestors were out fight- ing and now when you have got tired of writing philosophy you want us to share the spoils with you.” There was no reply. FIRE DESTROYS HOME IN POINT GREY Family Awakened by Cries of the Baby Find Mouse in Flames. Point Grey, B. C., Jan. 30.— The home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Baker, on Twenty-Ninth Avenue and Mackenzie Street, was com- pletely destroyed about 3 o'clock on Tuesday morning by fire which is supposed to have originated in the basement. They were awakened by the cries of their baby, and found the Mr. Baker at onee tried to communicate with the fire hall by telephone, but ow- house in flames. ing to some trouble on the line was unable to get into communi- cation, the alarm being sent in by Constable McPherson. The brigade arrived too late to save the premises, although the new brought into requisition for the first time. The pumper was house and contents were valued) at $4,000, and were covered by insurance to the amount of $3,000 in the Yorkshire Guaran- "| Seattle, JITNEY CAR BUSINESS IS GROWING ON COAST Are Wondering Where Inno- vation Will End. San Francisco, Jan, 29 bus threatens to affect street rail- road companies in Pacific Coast cities in 1915 is shown in esti- mates compiled here. The jitney men report their minimum aver- age at #1 an hour for an eight- hour day. In San Francisco Bay cities, Los Angeles, Portiand and the number of cars now in operation and their daily re- ceipts, figured on this basis, are: city No, cars Daily repts San Francisco .... 300 #2,400 Trans-bay cities . 450 $3,600 Los Angeles .. 1,500 $8,400 Portland : 75 § 600 ee ee 500 $4,000 Total 6o0cs 008 STS $19,000 At this rate the jitney busses would take from the traction companies in the course of a year the sum of $6,935,000 if operat- ed in their present number. But the business is only in its in- faney. In San Francisco the number of cars has doubled in the last week, and an organizer of the jitmey men has assured of- fivials of the Panama-Pacifie Ex- Shion that there will @e 2,000 ears to handle Exposition crowds on the opening day, February 20 The busses have just invaded Portiand, and the number there is expected to increase rapidly. Legislatures of the Coast States are deep in the problems present- ed by the birth of the unforeseen industry. Traction officials given a hearing at Sacramento have re- ported not only heavy losses in daily receipts, but one Los Ang- eles company announced that it had already been compelled to lay off 400 of its employees. Others reported that they would have to make reductions in both men and equipment. Where the jitney idea will lead to is a question that is being by automobile dealers as well as the A tive of one of the largest automo- has made the prediction that the jit- given earnest consideration traction experts. representa- bile factories in the country ney would soon disappear, and with it the street car. ed both would be replaced by au- He believ- tomobile express cars, built espe- cially for city passenger traffic, with a capacity of ten or a dozen persons, and each operating along regular routes, with branch lines and He said manufacturers were al- transfer stations. several tee Company and the Winch In- surance Company. ready at work on this idea as a result ef the jitney bus advent. = * HEF - « them to give a little ground and jane St. Marguerite. Since then t side of the river. They may be able to undertake another advance. ~~bine held by French WHERE FRENCH RECENTLY GAVE LITTLE GROUND. A German attack against the French near Vregny compelled retire to Bucy, Le Moncel, Missy hey have withdrawn to the south Automobile and Traction Experts, How | securely the advent of the jitney | 1045 } ~~ OF DELAY IN : Sails for Vancouver, yv | CANADIANS TO FRONT Loria “nd Beatle on Frc, EO —— ato A. M. er Hot («© fold Wat . A New York paper publishes Shanes in Every the following dispatch from 4 Excetiont Culsine, and Every Modern Appliance fo. “a sepondent in London S S P . J VT Comton | correspt ne . e rince ohn The Canadian army ie thor For Vancouver at 7 P.M. on Tie don, a jourtiy Amerione, us ety Goes oto., arrives in Vancouver following Tuesday. a 4 xa it use American slang, sine Steamer PRINCE JOHN also maintains semi-monthiy sey... a American songs, and use em Naas Rivere, Queen Charlotte Islands, etc to Sewer, jean C words, but G. T. P. RAILWAY phati¢ American cuss words, anaisiiea trang, carryine Ab a he > > ric P oF t fo nn at to o aA hon the spt tof he fue & oe arcing ners, Wa Mines eit “baat Tsere : ren and independent, It is because of treal, New York, ett, Ring Up No, 260 for Shor; Wa May For All Pointe East of use the GRAND TRUNK H > way so this fact that the Canadians have a oe mao . v evere e 7 been held in Salisbury Plains _— nied aeeeemy wo @ chet Og his is best shown by a quarre! AGENCY ALL ATLANTIC STEAMSHip VES overheard between an English of s ficer and a Canadian fellow-ofll —! - | bone 554 Pbat It was terrible,” the English MUSIC | a ] officer declared, “the way you Ua Teacher of Violin and al RHANGING nadians came into London. Your Band Instruments NTING A. PESCOTT cere ant ; ates a ered t : iMeers and privat gather an Gam bak HING ND gether in the bars and drank to Phone Green 827 WALI TINTING gether You can't build up an seereee army with such familiarity $50 95064SE008S 550808588058 | : neal “But that is the way we have replied the Cana- A Ua illusions to build it up, dian with a show of heat no He and nadian soldier has knew them he about his officers life, worth, in private knows what they are “You havent got all,’ ‘answered the British officer. ‘It's our army I'm the father of my men. They) ask my advice, and they have con- fidence in me. If I was familiar with them they would not do so. A soldier is not expected to have any individuality. His only duty is blindly to obey his superiors.” “Well, none of that stuffwould declared the Cana- Mis- our idea at) paternalism in go with us,” dian souri and must be shown.” Then it took half an hour for “Our men are from the Canadian to explain what “from Missouri” meant. Out in the corrugated metal huts where the Canadians live when not drilling, the great game Because play hours be dulged iz to any great extent. The is “craps.” are short, poker cannot in- Canadians were astonished to find that they could net buy crap dice in London. They had to draw spe- cifications to have them made. The present paper money in use in England is hardly conducive to crap-playing. The wants to keep his money good) sport in his hands while flopping the ivories. The English war money is a poor texture of paper. It tears easily SURAT KAAAe wveere SERS ERAAAAAAAAS SHARAD ARAED FOR A TAXI 75-PHONE--75 PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO Urown and Bridge Work a Specialty. ; Office: Smith Bik., Third Avenue CENTRALLY LOCATED Steam WMHeated—Ali Conve- niences—Very Moder- ate Price SPECIAL RATE MONTHLY and becomes dirty the first day The result is that after a few days in the game it is in circulation. When a Ca- nadian soldier gets leave to come to town his first visit is to a bank to exchange the dirty money for clean Currency. it is unrecognizable. a The great diplomat usually stands back and lets the other fellow hand out the diplomacy. Anyhow, the alienists seldom prove that the victim of the mur- derer is not dead. A shrew can look pleasant when out in company with an angel. A lot of snow appears to fall on the straight and narrow way. It is better to burn money than to save it at the expense of your health. Salvation Army. Public meetings, Tuesday, SRAAAAAAAAARARGAORCATARAEE SSOSCESEESSERSOESESESESSE Thursday and Saturday at 8 p. m. Sundays at 7:30 p. m. Grass-Widowers and Bachelors ———EEEEE DON’T WASH 1 guarantee in my coll to ' bot icywater foe THIS Oret thing in WINTER ‘e morning —fifteen minutes after you have started the fire EASY TERMS 17.50 Cash $5.00 ist Month $5.00 2nd Mont $2.50 Sra Monta Martin Swanson Second Av: Me Hride te New Wellington Gu The favorite + tenold Cagi Cleanes:, © el, Bont WEW WELLINGTON COAL 0, Rogers « Agu Secone Avenue Prone 1m Phome 174 vor Bor 9% PLUMBING ONO HEATING ’ SMITH & MALLETT Largest stock Pipe orth @f Vv uver, Cre valves and Mh tings, Pipes cut wo order Ave. Heed of Second Siren Prince Rupert LT Alex. @. Manson, # 4 wiew ame. BALLS WILLIAMS & ANSON Barristers, Solicitors, @Onrey TO LOAN Box 1685 Helgerson Block Prince Rupert | anc tnd im PACIFIC CARTAGE LI (Suecessors & audter @ Genere! Coriege LADYSMITH COAL 83 Prone 63 Office corner tnd Sire JOHN CURRIE Contractor & Builder Eeittwates Given « Buildup Phone Biack 294 ee ee eet eeetwen C. B. PETERSON EXPERT ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR Phone 318 oe + eee COTIOe JAMES GILMORE Architect ride Str —e CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY PRINCESS MAY SOUTHBOUND FRipay 8P.# 2nd Avenue, near ¥ PRINCESS MAQU VINA SOUTHBOL ND suND/Y 8 PF 4. @. MOMAB, Genere! Asen Corner Fourth Siren ene Thine SH - THOSE, SHARPSHOOTERS SEEM TO LiKE ME - The General? -