“The Daily News” CLAS6IFIED ADS, eee — Par BEDROOM WITH SITTING for two gentiemen, Meals if “dostred town. Very reasonable rates. Modern house, Box 122, The News 24-26 FOR RENT Steam heated, bright single room; reasonable - _— family. Box ie4, care The N 25 27 FOR pane = Seeteinia rooms. Inquire Demers. -f, i FOR SALE pt, Aes, ag, © moths to "Hye FOR er sito capacity steam 1 Sones — order. _ bly Box 16, . , Dally "Ne 2201f WANTED WANTED—eneral servant. Apply a McCaffery, 346 4th Ave. W. 5-6 WANTED—Y Woman wants r work. Apply Box 117, The Rews. uw. “Pive ot str house in Section RK ‘amt uate rgias bye oat a 4 until paid. Box 1 WANTED — sittin by feet es bookkeeper office sonable. Apply Box 115, Daily News. - WANTED—View lot and house; close in; thet 182;500 to $3,000. will pay 4700 Daily News. 7 Waban — tarp Mail Order house wants Wik me willing to work a few hours » comiract siven, position permanent. Experience necessary Samples free. un bo: Operative, Union, Windsor, Ontar: MISCELLANEOUS FOR TRADE — Land in Fraser Valley in Bex Be payment for Prince wear’ lots. x 1238, Daily News. 25-31-37 DANCING—Private lessons in Waltz, Two- Step, Three-Step, One-Step, Schottish and Minuet. Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings. Mrs. Brooks-Ander- son, 333 Eighth Ave. East. im THE DAILY NEWS {LOCAL NEWS ITEMS We repair and polish your fur- Also knives and scissors Fritz, phone 583. 28.30 niture. sharpened. s 8 8 Mrs. 8. M.