Wednesday, } THE DAILY NEWS 5C-=___ eee; rrr ——_________ — - + - ’ | A peeeeetetd eae) GERMANS LED WAYTO a THE DaiLy News || : et rae ABSOLUTE CONTRABAND Sails for Vancouver, Vic. torla ind Seattic on Fridays Published Daily and Weekly ; —_——_ at 9 A. Mm Guaranteed Largest Circulation nd London, Jan. 27.—The decision » m, ’ al "a 5 ™ PY " F .e) wad of the German government ‘to Hot ~< (old Water in Every f Stateroom 1 Excétiont Cuisine, and Every Modern Appliance for Pas: S. S .Prince John = For Vancouver at 7 FP. M. on Sunday, February i4 21, 28 H. F. McRAF, EDITOR AND MANAGER seize stocks of flour and grain HEAD OFFICE makes them absolute contraband, 2 ) . one contre Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98. HOW GERMAN “PASTOR Sat serene : v7 ; band, as they were heretofore, ar * Comton : ’ etc., arrives in Vancouver following Tuesdays 4: 4 Pp TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Oontract LOOKS FOR VICTORY gues the London Globe in a lead Steamer PRINCE JOHN also maintains semi-monthiy eer, ma rates on application. ing article printed today. ee G T P RAILWAY ; ett ete ——e —— Here is a notable account of| “We permitted food to be im pesmnnne trains, carrying Siatiterd Sleeper and DAILY EDITION ie Wednesday, Feb. 3, 1945, the preaching of Pastor Samuel,|ported by Germany,” the news Prince Fars = with Hoes for St ‘iat Chicago, Tor F indi owe l, striking preacher in Berlin,|?)@Pe? Says, “providing it was in we ee te = Pg Bag lag Bn pan ai For All Pointe East & on use the GRAND TRUNK RaAii wo, syer & TRACK ROUTE em, for Full rotrenenton’ =e a Tickets, apply to @. Tr pe ket © Hird Avenue. Mee AGENCY ALL ATLANTIC STEAMSHIP Line: tended for the eivil population | EL. D L T 0 R 1 A L os fon ae alone, but now that it is to be London Evening News: ° treated as government property, 7 coe. | RT AUTO CO 4 Cosi was never more opportune. In-| ooo for twenty-two institu-|the beginning of this war has|/Take Oream of Traffic, Says Jour- eiaietaad sateivel eaten. aan PRINCE RUPE | Gennes, Brighter, Gest stead of bewailing about the been superb; but an Idealism| mal, and Leave Tramways 900.600 damages eh ben bee Tee Asmeton COAL 00, tions. If all the money loan- past, bet everybody get out and. ed outside of Ganada were without religion must lead to ae Kilgallon in the Supreme Court | wagers & Au Acts do something, and if nothing called home there would not be] {inal disaster. 4 : Pu > wm alot Queene Coun yesterday. The DOR. GILAOY, DENTIAT | Becond Avenue Phone tf else is in sight let him get a ; San Francisco, Feb. 2.—-The : } . . 7 ov much stringency in this coun- ““The victory of our arms is > rirl had refused to take a ride in Crowa and Bridge Work a little boat and go out and fish ; " ; Journal of Electricity, Power and|®! . , = , : & ' try but perhaps the bank divi-|certain. Since Frederick the Gas deals “editorially with the|Kilgalton’s automobile, but had Specialty. ') phone 174 Bor 9% There is no room in Prince Ru- dends would not be so great. Great Germany has attributed to a doth wf o ‘ " tion of “jit. accepted his offer to drive her to Office: Smith Bik., Third Avenue FoR mivemne ano HEATING pect for the knocker and every- 2 6 God the ‘habi f bei oe e operation 0 body should constitute him- a = oe se ney” busses onthe Pacific Coast}er home. Instead, he ran his a i Bis SMITH & MALLETT vont sik, The indications are that the|strongest side; now we can say in competition with the street|machine toward New York at 60 ! Largest stock of rh of uty tay semceggts Beet sdenen ship purchase bil! will not pass/that He is behind our guns. But railwa The sul 4g. 4 jealt|Mmiles an hour, when the accident tings, Pipes oat #6 - i re 8. 7 . pec s Get : ; ° on snat the Pule fe outorese, the United States Congress, atjeven if they are not the strongest, vith n foll s aceurred MAJESTIC ROOMS - rece sto “7 Ww as ( ws: . sae least in its original form.|God is with us all the same. He : ait CENTRALLY LOCATED ed A document of labored sta- . “The competition of the ‘jit | =a There can be no doubt of the|gave us our genius, our culture, : FINANCIAL STATEMENT Steam WHeated—All Conve- tistics arrives periodically at i , ney bus,’ te which reference has | Alen M Manson, B 4 a value to the Americans of se-|our art, our music; He gave us QUEEN MARY CHAPTER, niences—Very Moder- o. ‘ the office of this paper and the ; j ‘te ., previously been made in these ate Price Willian. ALLO : curing the use of these ships|the mission to make us teach it DAUGHTERS OF EMPIRE casual observed would ordi- ‘ ‘ columns, is seriously affecting — WILLIAMS & FT ANSON for traffic is congested in every|to the whole world. - SPECIAL RATE MONTHLY Barristers, Sol!citors, Ete narily convey it to the waste ort while fine ‘Hamburg “op, cli ek alia . street railway earnings in all Pa anceps . e a papet. basket with the thou-| * . he vietory is certain, but)ine Coast cities. If this were|nal rev 4, 1914 ¢ 299.90) _ tesa nee tees American liners lie at ease infwe must afterwards be worthy proceeds of dances (inetud i sands of useless periodicals fair competition on even terms steteeeener sneer eeewe arene MHelFerson Block Prince Ragen, Es d A cl St eer ea nee aed the street railway men would hay oa : ‘ a comer 1 oti 2 received. close serutiny, : ‘ laid eee : a SVE] ONS ss ae ae 7 v other side to it, however. If “At this moment it was that I . ie i mortal Fund, 64 51.35 : & | ottier corner fod & however, reveals the fact that) 1. Germans could sell these but little to say, but ite unfair-) is nations 136.00) @ *) is i rer » ~eturn | : 'S®)really saw a new Berlin, a Berlin|ness is so manifest that they are} sundry entertainments 153.05 | * nee ® om; - ee ee ge ships there would be a vast| unsuspected, a Berlin I did not|seeking to have the trafic ep ee a eee i : | PACIFIC CARTA UE : or e charterec anks 0 : y se 2 . ‘ 7 — : D E. Patriotic Fund 127.9 ’ (s ssore to Pecit Canada. The one received is sum of money set loose for the} know, a Berlin which is really a erly regulated dale of fees, et 6.7% ; 3 | Ey aioe Cartege use of the war, and since the] «peation of the war Sie tihng die ates io 2 Hospital War Shig llections * * dated December 34, 1914, and determining factor will proba- ° n the first place the nicke Prince Rupert bay. See state * * LADYSMITH OOAL has the following interesting bly be flinance, the Seitich “Five thousand people had|busses take only the cream of the} ment below 835.20) 3) 03—Prone—o3 ; : hiaale' : ’ ~ teome to this theatre to hear that|traffic, the short haul, while the $1,098.56] 3) ‘ pene information: government cannot be blamed EXPENDITURE $ ra 3) The total assets of the Ca- Dal ee God is net neutral. After the/|the street railways are obliged to sii = . le | TIDE for objec ‘ , as ie . Expen in connectiot with | nadian chartered banks is , onset ting to the oats —_— preacher had finished the people|jcarry passengers to suburban! dances 8 197.80 5 ALF HALLIGAN . i JOHN CUR RIE cially as it is forbidden by in-|_ ~ tes aie Stain : fare. The [Expense in connection with en * os Contractor & Builder $1,555,556,815. The currency ternational law. It is possible agg ee ee nee : 11.40 | Se e | P , i ee ony : cafe . > a is|street cars give transfers, main-jVaid to Canadian Patriotic Pund ee Estimates Giver ‘ of all the banks amouits to shat & wer imam be Greed oat A safe stronghold our God is 7 , ars 3 5 ; ‘ reg atin f a , yer Mr. Heward, be proceeds ' $62,569,688. Besides this they of the difficulty whereby the still, lain a regular schedule during the 7 oe —_ hy wre prs | Phene Biack 204 Rave in circulation $138,040,- Americans can ‘get the use of «A trusty shield and weapon; inost inclement weather and offer |Payment on loans 380.00 | —_——_~ — or s ‘ . la ini . ee” . « roe » do not. Ward 7.90) ayes. Seay have deposited mouey being handed over to the pps ee TIS. “Puorther » I} : Angii vs Church Patriotic Fund ‘ ool > IN with the Finance Minister for Germans until after the war ‘At@r'that a sudden extreordi- urtnormare, the sirest Fable twos purchased 85.90 C. B. PETERSO! the security of their notes, , nary and fascinating thing hap-|“@ys must have franchises, their}Taxes on Lots 19-20,- Block 2, | EXPERT ACCOUNTANT : : axes . ' eet « Section ¢ 04.7 $6,732,562, There is due to 68th REGIMENT, EARL GREY’S pened. The preacher, with his 8 are an ee yon: nt ia Dues a badges on os AND AUDITOR them from banking institu- strong, calm voiee invited the au- |" Municipal revenue, they are |Sundries 28.90 | 1 . : —— . OWN RIFLES. : . held responsible f all acc lef Hospital War Ship collections per ; —— 7 . ; Phone 315 tions in the United Kingdom, a dience to pray with him; Pater|"¢'¢ responsible for all accidents!” oi. (see statement below 835.20 | peeanocccces the sum of’ $10,239,738, and Orders by major J. H. MoMullin noster . . . The men stood, the|'o life and limb, and are required] Bal. in bank, Jan. 31, 19145 29.09! . from other foreign bankers, Commanding, for the week aoa women knelt down with the ehil-|'0 Maintain their right-of-way $1,026.56 Grass- Widowers MORE , The bus eseapes all these bur- HOSPITAL WAR SHIP FUND. JAMES GIL’ ing February 6, 1915: dren, struck by a sort of mystic ARCEIPTS and is . terror. dens. Both are common carriers, | Collected by members Prince : : “Vater unser der du bist im|#Pd if it is just for one to come |, Murer ; B h l — | A Company will parade at the , , i Port Essington collections re acne ors | Diestee) under the jurisdiction of a public ceived 411.00} Eee eee | /Exhibition Building on Tuesday } Stree STEAM LAUNDRY jand Friday at 7:45 p. m.- Drill “Pive thousand people of all|'!tility commission it is certainly $1,246.20 DON'T WASH | cvarantee 2nd Avenue, near ) ¢ ; 45 p. m, EXPENDITURES . a “de » ‘ig . .lright that the other should be my coil Ww |squad and company. classes, of all social conditions, , iN Kemittied by wire to LO. D. B., * ss Latest and Approved Methods 3) f} Company will parade at the|°Y°TYone With @ father or a regulated likewise. ape aie re Ov WATER Ser eae Cc : a as ie g cost of telegrams 501.295 Pp " Only Shilhd Operators Employes Boje.) inition Building on Monday|?"°ther or a husband to pray for, Mistress How came such a{i*mitted to 1. 0. D. &., Victoria THIS Gret thing CANADIAN \CIPI ome I. ta eee recited the Pater noster in the SSESLE ORO ~ ame such @) tor Hospital War Ship Emer WINTER mo morse 3 ‘AY Phéne us and we will cali 2 sr pac p.m. Drill ied horrid, greasy mess in the oven gency fund . 744.00 -—- RAILW: ey wea eh T sate They recited it in a low voice,|@@"4¢? Maude—Why, the can- $1,246.90 ~—itiasn aunutee aher gee PRINCESS MAY ne ra ‘ers. ’ t ’ a tie aa 2s N. B.—-In addition to receipts shown | have started the Vote Our Address: Private Alex. Rae is transferred like the murmur of a quiet river, die fell into the water, mum, an on the Within statement, the sum of $131.- | ° Gre SOUTHBOUND 515 SIXTH AVENUE WEST from B Company to A Company I can see, I can hear the war.” + pet om & Risoven. bo dry. sa Sieaen ahah oa = eonew on . csev TaN Se aeeeev OR o o 5 f s ee. wo RE ee 2 aa dae eM te * laa sd spire tearoom 4 e Soctety Cirenus, 5.00 tet Month PHONE NO. 8 Private T. ©. Chalmers is yn ; “How would you 1 classify tele | account of Me Beiginn Relef Fu aoe Soe ee AQUINNA : Salv A S é a account oO pe Belgian Relief Fund, 2.50 3ra Mor PRINCESS ™ Q NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS | transferred from B Company to A phone girl?” asked the old fogey. = A ere Vvennee ‘ tion a Satan oa NORTHBOUND Sorrep jCompeer. Public meetings, Tuesday.|"!s hers a business or a profes- es ae | HARRY HANSON MONDAY NOON Canadian Steam Laundry | W. A. PETTIGREW, Lieut., Thursday and Saturday at 8 p. m,|sion? “Neither,” replied his What Belgium needs is less) The Reliabie Piumber J. @ MONAB, Genore Aare Acting Adjutant.|/Sundays at 7:30 p. m. friend. “It is a calling.” culture and more bread. } _ Corner Fourth sirest ans Thine At i ee lle senate we iis ale ne Certainly A Most Cow-ardly Trick a namie SME ON- MORE SPet FRONT MOULL GE" 4 » S) ABOUT In YOURNEY : WE WE STOP Ne Yr 4 ‘Wy © 1914 eri een 'e ~BALIe - D —_—