THE DAILY NEWS ee —_—_— THE DAILy NEws THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA” Published Daily and Weekly Guaranteed Largest Circulation H. F. MeRAB, EDITOR AND MANAGER HEAD OV FICE Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. TRANSTENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING rates on application. DAILY EDITION | Prince Rupert is enjoying! one of the finest winters on record. So far the thermom- the freezing point and there hardly eter has barely reached has been enough snow at any} » time to cover the ground. The, | average days is more like} spring than winter. Wher ene reads of temperatures running all the way from 35 to 50 be- low in the surrounding cities, one begins to realize what great advantages Prince Ru- pert has. Forget that thought} of yours if you ever had it that lead you to seek for fairer climes. They do not ex- average the whole would ist if you year and you will waste much good money if you try to in- vestigate that it is the distance that makes fields afar look’ green. Start something i1 Prince Rupert, and let -the, growth of the city carry you to! the top. .¢ = The of the millions report given yesterday Kaiser investing his in New York State bonds in anticipation of te loss of his throne is probably without very much foundation. It doubtful transfer of such a large sum is whether Jie of money could be arranged at present between Germany and the States. The British dogs of war are too active for the Kaiser to take such a long chance with his private for- tune... Then if the Kaiser han- the ease of defeat there is no rea- son why he could not find a scapegoat whe would carry his particular faults to the wilder- ness in so far as his own sub- dies himself properly in jects are concerned, and with his power for evil the Allies are hardly likely to insist on his imprisonment. What the Kaiser will find hard- | est to get rid of will be his guilty conscience. ee destroyed In a recent issue of the New York Herald there is a cartoon gow | Canadian STEAM LAUNDRY Latest and Approved Methods Only Skilled Operators Employed Phone us and we will call for a trial bundle Vote Our Address: 515 SIXTH AVENUE WEST PHONE NO. 8 NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS Canadian Steam Laundry Telephone 98. 50 cents per inch. Contract ose Thursday, Feb. 4, 1915. EDITORIALS. entitled, “A Serap of—Asbes- It the Chancellor trying to set fire to tos.” shows German the “scrap of paper’ on which | the neutrality of Belgium was assured—but ‘t will not burn. There is something tremen- dously tragic in the thought and the cartoonist has ‘scored a hit.” It demonstrates again. a well known law of life that you cannot outrage nature and escape the consequences. The “seraps of paper’ that have been buried in the depths will stay there. They return again to haunt the scenes of their former sufferings. Shake- speare had the idea when he represented Lady McBeth with hands of blood that couldn't be washed. What an awful spec- not | GILLETTS LYE Din = ticians the Hospital itself must be injured but it is just as well to have the “operation” right away and get at the evil that has haunted this city since its inception NO PROTEST MADE, SAYS MR. BRYAN Denies That Any Government Its Exercised Over the Ship- ping Bill. Washington, D. C., Feb. 3.— Secretary Bryan has formally de- that €fny protested against the bill pending nied government has in Congress for the purchase of ships by the United States. Mr tacle that must appear in the dreams of a man like the Kai- ser or his war lords that have drenched this world again with innocent blood. Periodically a discussion breaks out in the newspapers about the nature of the Bibli- eal place of Torment. One school holds to the idea of a material Hell with all its con- commitant herrors, forgetting too often that they have secur- ed their ideas indirectly from John Milton instead of direct- ly from the Old Book. “ Another school finds comfort in the fact that if there future punishment it and is a is mental For anyone who the man who has out- not material, ean appreciate mental state of raged all the fundamental laws be The pains of a of nature there will smal comfort in this. the compared to the pangs of the body are small matters mind when despair has over- whelmed the last ray of hope. When the armies of the Kaiser be His fate is have been routed he will just such a man. too awful to contemplate. ‘..¢ 2 An make it attempt foot to appear that the sug- is. on gestions of polities in connec- the intended to include every Board. As it spe- tion with Hospital Board was of the of fact, prov ided member a matter was that independent cifieally there were a few members on the Board but that the control was in the hands of men with well known political proclivities. It is to be regret- ted if His Honor Judge Young will take the charges to him- self for nobody has ever sug- gested that he had dabbled in local polities. It is also to be regretted if in the exposure of Bryan issued this statement: “No nation has protested against the passage of the shipping bill and it is not likely that any na- tion will or would, as the bill does not necessarily raise any diplo- matie questions. “It is not proper for the State Department at this time to dis- cuss the manner in which the au- thority conferred by the bill will We sume that the authority conferred or should be exercised. as- upon the President and those who will be associated with him in the matter will be exercised properly and with a due regard to the na- tion's welfare.” In administration spheres close to President Wilson it was reit- erated that it is not the adminis- tration’s intention to buy vessels under the shipping bill which will cause friction with the belliger- ents. President Wilson and Secre- tary Bryan have takentheattitude that trusted not to do anyhing to in- the administration eould be volve the United States in inter- 1aional trouble. Friends of the President stated today that it could be taken for granted that no ships of bellig- ‘rents would be bought unless a satisfactory arrangement were made. Pat and his bride had come to London for a few days, and had taken their places, at the dinner table of an hotel, when a young man opposite took a stick of cel- from the glass in the center of the table it. The bride looked at him a mo- ery and began to eat ment with disgust, and then nudged her husband, with the re- mark: “Pat, just look that guard ‘ating the bouquet.” black- at About the only way to settle a dispute over a bill is to settle the the villainy of Tammany poli- CANADIAN CONTINGENT WILL NOT BE SPLIT UP Plain, Feb. 3. —T have never seen so many emiling Salisbury faces in the Canadian ¢ ontingent | The weather, as though in sympathy with them, is as today. | bright; crisp, sunny and frosty. | i iContingent will form a division in the British army. So far it is as possible its men will be kept to first to last, } jwhen ill and wounded, The Brit even gether from | pian authorities have never intend led destroying a valuable feature lor the national strength by scat tering the main force of the Ca jnadians in different British divi the division the Canadians Before war is ended, the men believe they the fresh Canada, isions. Today aes army will form, with pouring from an entire army corps, Much nonsense has been talked the troops until evén high officials have re abont illness among ceived an idea that this is a cam; Sir Terley visiting the camp a few days ag» the markable fitnese of the boys I of cripples. George expressed amazement at re he @ seen many soldiers of man nations, but T have never seen a huskier, heart fehting army, better built physically, or in Miu form than this,” said he. Sick ness at present is 3.4 per cent but this sickness is of a minor character. There is, perhaps 1.5 per cent of others, chronic grumblers, men who want more time for physical preparat and others who, for one reason or another, are not ready for the fighting line. These are being kept in the base camp. Ninety-five per cent of the Canadians are magnificent soldiers, whose ¢ duct under trying conditions, has been admirable; whose physiqu: is perfect, and who will- bring clory upon the Dominion A tremendous sifting process as been proceeding continuously since the contingent arrived here have beer ind = investigations nade to remove any possible Ger nan potential spy Practically ‘very soldier's record has been minutely examined, and a_ few amazing discoveries made, which fiction than fact proved to be the read more like Thus one man son of a German who had been charged with espionage in Eng land, and another was regularly in touch with a German Jew in Fast London. Every suspect who has not been able to clear him- self has either been returned to ‘anada or sent to the base camp officers of the regiments The commanding lifferent have been given wide discretion regarding the removal of any man from the ‘anks whom they consider un suitable. This has led to a num ber of chronie grumblers remain ing at home. | Practically the entire hospital staff will accompany the contin gent. It is intended to use the base hospital for cases likely soon to recover or too bad to send home. Colonel Jones informs me} they will have abundant orderlies vith the from Canada. further men now sent Tonight the camps are thrilling with excitement There are rumors concerning a visit by the King and Lord Kiteh-. enel ! | Everyone is happy. The Canadian|is forces |i THE ONLY WAY TO FINISH THE WAR An interesting letter has been ent hone by Dr, P. W. Janie ot Croydon, who is serving as a leu | tenant with the Seaforths He | says Phe only way to finish the wa to pour nm er wise of men Nimbers must tell; that's the wa to reach Berlin Let no mat away with the idea that the Ger man army is rotten rheir a tillers wonderful in. its um The explosiye that they not so good as our own, but h where h due, and t their batte seeking and ft finding ul wn is pure & Of their infantry they ure brave men, but what T have 1 fr " the beg ine is that the liscipline is that of fear urs of es] and the latter must ways te Don't run away with the idea that because f th Englishman is equal to tw Ge ins——he isn't where war rned We approach war sportingty they approach it prof al Let me 1 few examples “very Germa / irries his napsa a stick of lheortv meant ! t heck a uugh when on outpost or sentry Their equipment is alum um.made their waterproof heet not only shelters fr . 2 rain on march or dew by ght but also makes a biv uc. Again n wire entanglements, whichofter ire put | n turnip flelds, the sts supporting are painted zreer ke the leaves. Pvery ns ry irtifice, and ghily. t War is war s the less that Englishmen have yet to leart Although a f ind his money may be easily separated they are hard to find! Is silence golden? Then no von is worth her weight in id! N 18 in a box of Cloth Pert —One trial will convince you that asure and safe remedy for any headache is at your service in your dealer does not se!! them we mail box on receipt of price. 25¢ J.L.MATHIEU CO. Props, SHERBROOKE, Pa. MATHIBUS ERVINE POWDERS ATHIEU’S ne Powders . 25¢. Sold everywhere. If 6-5-0 , with the eS ay For All Pointe East of Ohi MUSIC Teacher of Violin and All Band Instruments A. PESCOTT 452 Eighth Ave. East Phone Green 327 - SPSS ESET E SESE ROE SEES Sails for Vancouver, Vic. toria ond Seattic on Fridays S. S .Prince John For Vancouver at 7 P. M. on Sunday, February 14 ete., arrives in Vancouver following Tuesdays ai 3 p ™ Steamer PRINCE JOHN also maintains semi-monthly servi. Naas Rivers, Queen Charlotte telands, etc. G. T. P. RAILWAY {FOR A TAXI} PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO SHEARER TAT EHAARANEAEE DR. GILMOY, DENTINT Crown and Bridge Work a Speciality. Office: Smith Bik., Third Avenue MAJESTIC ROOMS CENTRALLY LOCATED Steam Heated—Alil Conve- niences—Very Moder- ate Price SPECIAL RATE MONTHLY SARAH AAARAAAA AAA RERH ERED 35--PHONE--35 TAXI ALF HALLIGAN Peeerereereereerrererecere SAAR AAAAAAA AERA B. C. UNDERTAKERS FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND Em- BALWZERS — SATISFACTION GUAR- ANTEEDOPEN DAY AND NIGHT 117 2ND STREET.PHONE 41 BRUCE MORTON, Funeral Director Grass-Widowers and Bachelors DON’T WASH | guarantee In my coll Ww give you hot ICY WATER oe the THIS frst thing in WINTER the morning —fifteen minutes after you have started the fire EASY TERMS 1750 Cash $5.00 ist Month $5.00 2nd Mone $2.50 3ra Month Same Old Price HARRY HANSON The Rellabie Piumber Phone 489 SSSSESSESESESCESSEE SEES | | Thureday, at 9 A. MM. Mot o (ald Water in Every Stateroom Excellent Culsine, and Every Modern Appliance for Pose. Gere’ Comtor 21, 28 Stewart Passenger trains, carrying Standard Sleeper and ja Prince Rupert for Winnipeg at 10 A. M. on Wednesda \ connecting there with lines for St. Paul, Chicago, 1 : treal, New York, ete Ring up No. 260 for Sleeping use the GRAND TRUNK Rai w the DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE AY SYSTEM, For Full information and ven Tickets, apply to @ Tr. p hird Avenue. AGENCY ALL ATLANTIC STEAMSHIP Lines ee OMe ———— hone 554 P.0.Ber APERHANGING AINTING OLISHING AND WALL TINTING Martin Swanso Second Aven: Mey i | 7-PHONE~75 : New Wellinglan Co The favorite Hovusen« Cleanest, Brighten 'd Coal Be /\NEW WELLINGTON ©cOAL | 1 Becona Avenue i | Rogers & Alber Agts Prone | | | | Drawn for The Daily Nive Office corner nd Stre } Phone 174 ul FOR PLUMBING 4ND HEATING Bor 9 SMITH & MALLET Largest stock f Pipe Vatouver, Crane Valves and Wh tings, Pipes cut w order Third Ave. Head of Geoond Sire Prince Rupert — ‘ten @ Manson, B A W. 8. Williams, 8 4.1 WILLIAMS & TANSON Barristers, Sclicitors, Ev BOnEY TO LOAN Bos (686 Helgerson Block Pris * Rupert ‘ , PACIFIC CARTAGE LIM rer f General Ceriege LADYSMITH COAL 03 —Prone 03 JOHN CURRIE Contractor & Builder Estimates Given on «6 Phone Black 294 (Successors t POROE CEL OOREIM C. B. PETERSON EXPERT ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR Phone 315 POPPE OL EOE O OLEATE JAMES GILMORE Arohitect 2nd Avenue, near M Je 5 — CANADIAN PACIFI RAILWAY PRINCESS MAY SOUTHBOUND SUNDAY 8 P PRINCESS MAQUINNA NORTHBOUND MONDAY NO! 4G. MONAB, Genore! “eer Corner Fourth Street end Third | ———e ——— — by “H wars \ TH’ FUNNIES (TS A LOND LONG WAN TUH TIP-ER-RAR-EE- 4 / | A COW SINGIN’ IS « ENOUGH: BUT CARRYING— TWO PARTS AT TH BAD WORKED FINE DIONT iT