ive Library PRICE FIVE CENTS “ T D N NO. 30. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1945. ERMANY DELIVERS A SHIPPING ULT MATUM —= --— —--—___—_- - V GERMAN ATTACK REPORTED IN POLAND—JAPANESE CRUISER WRECKED OFF CALIFORNIA — - IANY DELIVERS ULTIMATUM — SUGGENHEO Favors WwW * SOCIALISTIC IDEAS |« TO THE WORLD OF SHIPPING : |Profit Sharing Provision for Aged » ~ Workers and Other . ‘TACK ALL MERCHANTMEN FOUND IN BRITISH wa- Measures. * iS AFTER FEBRUARY 1. —BRITISH AND FRENCH * LINES DEFY THE THREAT. New York, Feb. 4.—Taxation of |y : jlarge fortunes, upon the death of rh Feb. 5 The Ger- This announcement has pot|their owners, to aid the poor, the], ralty has given notice affected the intention of British blishment of government | » February 18 they will! . 44 Fpench lines to heap up thete agencies to find work for the un | mvs merchant vessel : employed, and provision for the|» sailings The British govern the waters of Great comfort of aged workers, were |» rhe attacks are expect-|' ent has announced that they/adyocated by Daniel Guegen- |» ide by German subma will use retaliatory measures | hein president of the American | against the German trade Smelting and HKetining Company, | ® - in testimony at the inquiry by the |» SE CRUISER KITCHENER WILL TAKE te Gitsaoas chy Satoh Git loo ee aeeeoesiaae ID TO BE WRECKED FIELD IN SPRING |'s:"""i"_ fedations and ane of industrial unrest see eue sees s+ THE SUPPLY OF GOLD | ” — oe SLIPS FROM GERMANY GERMANS MAKE FIERCE ATTEMPT > me cee oe TO BREAK THE RUSSIAN LINES ously opposed to the pres- * Withdrawals to Pay for —_ ent administration for * —British Views of the ——__--—— reasons Which any reader * Financial Outlook. ‘EIGHTY-FOUR THOUSAND MEN MASSED AT ONE POINT BUT may easily understand if * icin WERE PUT TO DEFENSIVE BY COUNTER BAYONET he will. The Bella Coola * London, Feb. 5.—Sir Edward H. ATTACK—TAKE TWO TRENCHES. General Hospital is a Con * fioiden, managing director of the | ee er servative institution and is * London City and Midland Bank. (Special to The Dally News.) of the bayonet forced the enemy run as such, and it would * addressed a meeting of the bank's Petrograd, Feb. 5.—The Rus- to the defensive. We took two therefore be foolish to ex- * directors yesterday, and dis-|sian official report states that on | lines of trenches. The fighting pect notices of this nature * cussed the gold situation in Eng-|the left bank of the Vistula the | Continues to be desperate and to be inserted in The Cou- * jand and Germany Sir Edward) penting is sepicsiicen; the encey | marked by great stubborness. rier, even if by.so doing a * took a prominent part in the bringing ii dekiaek abhaes In the ‘Garpethions we edvane- full meeting would be as- * solving of the problem which ~~ ', ed at Oujok, taking 2,000 prison- sured. Where ignorance * arose the latter part of 1940 in 84,000 men and 100 batteries of)ers and ten machine guns. is bliss, eéte., et Bella * the matter of cotton bills of lad-|@rtillery on a six-mile front in| At Mt. Beskid there were ten Coola Courier " Feb. n The Jap (Special to The Daily News.) M Guegenheim said that, as RITCHIE AND WELSH bayonet engagements with the enemy in great numbers. — she went to New York. In his ad- ” . 7 - - _ dress Sir Edward said: BRITISH OOPSHIP | MILLION “The bank of England at pres- TR QUARTER FOR * ine between American and Eng-|8" effort to break the lines. lish bankers, for which purpose Our counter-attack at the point Asema has been New York, Feb. 5 A promi CEpIare he favored tet) SIGN TO FIGHT ent holds about 8345,.000,000, of REPELS 10,000 TURKS THE DOMINION TRUST the lower California nent British military officer here|™°#sures, despite the fact that moana which about 8$100,000,000 has esmenienatlitin Titles news was at first kept says that Earl Kitchener is to go |they constitute some of the car- | (Special to The Dally News) been supplied by America in order (Special to The Dally News) (Special to The Dally News.) der to offset any to the front in command of the|4inal ideas of Socialism He also Los Angeles, Cal., Feb. 5.—Ar- {) ease their exchanges. If gold Cairo, Egypt, Feb. .—Ten thou- Victoria, Feb. 5.—Attorney vantage American British infantry when the ad-|"°'° ree industria democ- ticles were signed today by Willie has to be exported, it is to be hop-| sand Turks engaged in an attack|General W. J. Bowser has an- have now gone to the vance is made by Kitchener's |"™ wherein ‘We Wormer Fe: Ritehie and Freddy Welsh to ed that English bankers will be|on the Suez Canal but were re- nounced his plans for essiatense ind she is reported army. Sir John French is to com a portion of the promt de meet in a ten-round bout in New, of 48 much assistance to their|pulsed with heavy losses. to the losers of the Dominion ng up. mand tire cavairy ed from the products of his)” . + hee own country as American bank- The British troopship Har- Trust Company. He has decided + ggecmmaaes —s ee ee a eee ers have been to theirs, and place|dunge was struck by two shells, to place $250,000 in bond for ee FORCED TO WHOLE UNITS WIPED industrial unrest was caused at their gold at the disposal of the }wounding ten. benefit of the creditors, and in ABANDON RELIEF eompuevacy eyt|'° * ereat extent, the witness be CANADIANS AT Bank of England.” The total British casualties |the meantime will engage E. P. eved, by the inereased cost of ONCE RECOGNIZED ‘Turping to the question of|were 15. killed and 92 wounded Davis, K. C.,, to fight for the stand- pends on a a TesttRe German Leéecs in Gast ne In bis opinion oe —e Germany's financial mobilization, {in the entire engagement. ing of the depositors. ther t e¢ organizations dic 10 . . notte neo «igen re ; " a h re let ; - aaa New York City Hears a Story ©"! Edward said: FRIDAY VARIETY ——— is the average worker was reluc- About Their Answer ‘Germany's exports undoubt- NEW SYSTEM WILL 5b.—Herhbert ¢ ; re secept charity and pre to Sentry. edly will fall off to a much great- CHANGE OLD METHODS AT THE MAJESTIC in of the Ame _— sa ome par - —— silimmas er extent than her imports, and 3 Rap. apes telief Commissi Mail's Copenhagen correspondent ee ce London, Jan. 30 By mail to the adverse balance will have to The Imperial Machine Shop has There will be the usual Friday for an important ae : Sanat aieeeie ~ RUPERT FINANCIERS New York An army brigadier, be paid in gold. Superhuman ef- " Sateen Gee — w — ®*-lavening concert program in addi- th the German gov-( ee REACH VICTORIA "0 'ed for his biling tongue, book forts are being made to increase/@mining. it is what is known **Ition to a first class picture dis- Prnssia during and August have ; Be . « the gold reserve in the Reichs-|the oxy-acetelyne plant and is : . . . mportant are these ial up a position near the outpost: play at The Majestic tonight. that it may be said been published hese ay Victoria. Feb. 3 A deputation of a big training center near Lon- bank, which now amounts tojused for welding cast iron ~ The Bailey Sisters will dance them depends whether paar % ahemee oy Sar Oe yee from Vaneouver composed of Dr.|don to discovel whether Lord $530,000,000, but already with. |other hard metals. The flame is an Irish jig and Mrs. J. Lewis will jim—~.1a..° » euBored up the west WB. MeKechnie, Mr. John Law-|Kitchener’s new army seriously drawals are taking place to pay|So intense that it will cut off a make her first appearance as a front Among the regiments in ne for yorts i2-ineh steel girder in about two : ; : ntinued or nei son. Rev. Dr. Fraser and Rev. D.|recognized the importance of, for imports. vocalist in Prince Rupert Ap- M Hoover are Dr. Wy which no lengerczist tc the Bes P. Henry waited upon the execu- sentries “Plans for the financial mo-|minutes. other delightful evening is 4s- nd teed Maen mr Reserve Regiment. Au tive eouneil yesterday afternoon| In the darkness he shouted the bilization of Germany were care- Mr. Love has used it with great}. .eg Admission as usual. heen investigating con ee re seeane. Seve Ben and pressed for financial assist-|customary sentry’s challenge to fully worked out long before the}suecess in repairing cast iron camanbiiiiaaie maa Relstem and Gactere} nded, er are Missing. | © to the Vancouver City Mis-|returning regiments. From the war. When hostilities began war|eylinders of gas engines. He can | WOTED AUTHOR GIVEN behalf of the Rockefel intuntey, samimente Hos. 64 siot Consideration was prom- | Scots Greys, the Grenadier banks were created in all im-|cut a slice out of the cylinder in BRITISH COMMISSION tation and ths Binetican [°° ” 151 were annihilated during ie Guards, and other regiments portant German towns, and warja few minutes, repair the parts, On Setting te eens” Messrs. J. A. Gill, James A.\came the proper reply, and they bank notes were issued for the}and weld it in place again with] Salisbury, Feb. 5.— Charles G. Ameri¢ang are it Fraser and G Finlayson, of were passed purpose of driving gold from cir- |splendid precision. PD. Roberts, the famous author, consider the establish- PULSE CARES SEESTS. Squeamish, made representations “Halt! Who goes there?” he culation into the Reichsbank This process is largely used/has received a commission in the ef organization for a : preliminary to application for in shouted, as another infantry col-|There was one defect, however, | now in boiler making. Instead of]Royal Field Artillery. He came \ condition to the un Won't Gtew Students to Slscuse corporation umn advanced that the Reichsbank note, which} aj) the riveting of the past, this|to England with the Legion of the pledge of the Gussie as Menace to Maver Newton and Alderman None of your business!’ replaced this gold became incon-|fjame is passed over the parts to}|Frontiersman All the members Austrian govern Gren. Morrissey chairman ‘of the|was the unexpected reply vertible into gold, which caused be joined and welds them as firm-|of the corps paid their passage, equisition from the é ey finance committee of the Prince “Pass on, Canadians!” snapped the note to fall to a discount ly as if they were one piece. Great |but could not obtain places with y foodstuffs what Foronte, Jan. 6 The inter. Rupert City Council, accom the brigadier. aan ennrRNnE : importance is placed on the de-|the Canadians, and have been do- se of the German ee — a panied by Mr. William Manson nn “THE ONLY ONE WITH BRAINS’ velopment of this principle, forjing remount duty at Southamp- armies in Poland ey peer a M I ce presented a statement THE WEATHER. it is felt that it will revolutionize |ton and Bristol. Many are plan- reason to believe pron. tell Retwesn “Tyennte Un! | sth wing the urgeney of govern- ——— “You may take it that every|the methods of iron workers. ning to join the Territorials. Or- will be given out versity and Ottawa in Ottawa ha ment assistance in the matter of By F. W. Dowling, Observer. man in the British ranks has im- Except for one at Granby, Mr.}ders state that all troops going to are not the relief been called off by the Domini the execution of certain civic un- eS - plicit confidence in the men who!]Love'’s machine is the only one in|France must wear British boots. Poland as at pres ee Se Ce. aeeeee ldertakings which are under way 5 a. m., February 5, 1945 __ |lead him,” a soldier remarked tO|Northern British Columbia. No Canadian footwear is to be y have to be. abas the subject, whieh was, “Reso! |__ancouver Province Barometer... eee e eee e® 9.571! an interviewer. “We do not be- = ene Joffre. It will not be far from|sian Grand Duke Alexander Mi-|which, however, is steadily Ge- McLeod Clark and J, Line Robhe broke in last night to} MONEY TO LOAN the truth to say that Sir Johbn|chaelovitch on a_ battlefield in|jcreasing. ——2e ig .) se of Brackman-Ker, French is literally loved by our! Persia, did not know that he was ——— — —_——_ P 9 WEDDING BELLS. _ oma aaa and helped| “%® good security. Apply P. ©. nen and in some curious way I}a Grand Duke. And one of the FOR RENT. ‘ 8 — rge . McColl & whe en ee aon natiien lene maelves to the stock of food | Box 895. tf. can't help thinking that this -_ mont nsionnetny — on Completely furnished een Lemons, per doz...850 Fiiay, at the home of Mrs. C. L }suy giles, Goveneh Gam $0 een obecaenane: en am rs , ~~ caue tt oa ; a he roomed house near drydock, $25 | Oranges, per doz., 25c Munro. sister of the bride, of Geo | flous and B. & K. oats were TIC TRE John's panne er oh. watiboais ” the ae - ' ais \ticbeesens. Gd, tf. tin Keiller’s Jam. . .30c A. Taylor, of Essington, and Miss |taken The cash drawer was left} MAJES THEA hort time ame —s the -~ noble — comer — oT ee es tin Corn Syrup... .160 Marion Deneen Miss Deneen|untouched, 80 that the robbers TONIGHT of one of our tren - ; wi . . an - ne: ye : : , — a iwas formerly a nurse at the port{apparently wanted something to number of other olfeers sta . caste are oneal ace to face ™ Society EORGE P. McCOLL’S laileenees ceientte’ ee al | oat more than anything else. They | wart men who quite dwarfed their|with dread realities. Death, the Scandinavien jeoescenan their home in Port Essing | wained admission to the building | —DOUBLE ATTRACTION— nah chief \ ute 4 wee great tovaler of pene, is sitting ene = | lby removing the glass from the —AT POPULAR PRICES— cYatting together a gruff voicejat the desk in the sghoolroom of Will Give a oo on without even breaking it No} —_—— from the trench startled every-| war, teaching a momentous les- Ne and > FE = a » or damage was reported, | FIVE REELS OF FEATURE DRAMAS [body by saying, “The littlest one|son of human brotherhood, Social Dance : . eo a ee : —- of the lot, and the only one who's|which it will take the nations in- In the 1 ANNIVERSARY oo ae _— —— ane | whe Independent — Com oe oe, ee a got any aang ao oe to|volved a long time to forget, sae nin oa | » was awarded the contract} ae find that man sul nobody knew npieuaaeell 'Clock oe a ee a Bee my ae ee me pumping station by the ™ ¢ pe one ee he was.’ Chief Constable Dunwoody and ’ cae ———— a i Renae and Mrs, Bachus Roeanias © Company w. T The Bailey Sisters—trish Jig Constable MeKenzie, of Fort Gentlemen O1—Ladies Pree , When telling the truth it is bet- | Muse secured the econtraet for ™. Harry Fletoher—Bongs W*® ean all heartily recommend |George, went through last night * 91.50 -~ = Refreshments Westhoime Orchestra | tor not to flavor it with lemon | the rereneeeeeoooee juiee every time jwhieh the company is installing OPC CCR Te three additional oil tanks Admission: 100 and 160 A Hearty Invitation to All Scandinaviens ltove in a cottage-—for the other | with a party of prisoners for New, jcouple | Westminster, i