Raturday, | THE WEEKLY NEWS — — ——— : : - 7 SHOW FEELING ~ |POINDEXTER SEES “The Daily News” j|{ LOCAL NEWS ITEMS OF DEPRESSION, FUTURE FOR MOOSE CLASG6IFIED ADS. Miss Cowie jeft today for a visit to f iends on the Prairies. People of Germany Now Realize|Senator Says if Party Quits, Its FOR RENT . oe % That War Is Not Going Members, for Most Part, — -—_—— - M. J. Hobin left for the Interior Well for Them. Would Join Republicans. von pans —Boven- roomed “house, electric} (his morning on a business trip. ; a _ “ies a ‘a * *¢ New York, Feb, 6,—A cable | Washington, Feb. 6. In re t . Pond Satesliy Recntea. "ADDI ii Mrs. Surtees, who has been} /rom London says: |sponse to questions as to the fu ao ( 99°99) Visiting her ister, Mrs. MeCly- “Alfred Arnold, a New York|ture of the Progressive party, the rOpaibe, including, pisno; ait moderns con: mbnt, for a few weeks, left today Herald and London Daily Express | possible lines of its future activ! hea toa gee agen st for her home in MeBride. correspondent, who has just re-|ties, circumstances under which FOR RENT — Large front bedroom, with ew. 8 turned from a tour of Frankfort-/it might amalgamate with th men ‘Pitteen dollars. eas iT de- dD. MeCorkindale left this}on-Main, Dusseldorf, Elberfeldt,| Republican party and its presen! 19s. the News: ee me morning for a trip to the East.|/ Bremen, Hamburg and Munich,! condition following desertions to FOR RENT— Steam heated, bright single}J. M. Campbell has taken over his] writes that the most signifi ant! the Republican party, Senato! Box i24, icare The News. per 9 position temporarily. symptom he observed was the ap-| Poindexter has furnished the fo FOR BORE — Poreines nousexeaping ». 8. 9 pearance of a definite peace party llowing signed statement to the rooms. Demers. 1 ; . . rn | «George McLaughlin, formerlytin the industrial centers and the|New York Sun: FOR SALE of this city, with a party of Fort/organization of peace meetings|* “¢ am not fully able at this George residents who have been/and placarding to stop the war. * : : ven, ae ee eee with two to Victoria in connection with the i time to answer fully the questions Posters at Dusseldorf were dis which you ask in regard to the ith tee new sirelxte “ae demands of that district, left to-|covered and led to the arrest Of Prouvesetie party Greutave *Veas “and 480 us fee,’ if oj day for their home by the G. T. P. |a ta of persons who attend-|/¢hée future may determine as t wat ed a peace meeting. the Progressive party as a sepa von Sut —80 0 ison, So Cee OV Eaynerrens. “On the whole the prevalent/rate and date political party Box 15, Daily News. _— asote, Candidates Elected by Acclama- sentiment in Germany is one of|the progressive movement oa WANTED tion in Five Districts. depression and anxiety. Stories|bound to go on and be one of the , , of great victories, especially over|chief factors in our polities and WANTED—-Three young men for mess in Rerlin, Ont., Feb. 2.—F. §,/|the hated British, are no longer| government. it uments ; aereyns e ost OE nas ; mente Mone Black 504 Stewart Scott, Conservative, extjcredited. War news is scanty, To Continue in Some States. "les. area gh ats, %|mayor of Galt, was elected by ac-}4nd has lost its power to cheer In states where the Progressive WANTED-—Young. Woman wants chamber clamation as member for South “The coarseness of the now/element is strong the organiza Ox 117, The News. . oe aD onm. e aaa | We aterloo in the House of Com- prevarems foods anuatly scarce,|tion will continue in any event or Se ie Ee ° mons, in sutcession to the late |but - fare is war fare—revolts|whether a separate ticket is put ar eee, by young lady as Hon. George A. Clare. the German appetite. All dain-|in the field or whether its intlu ae! hee Bes the pally "Aews, London, Ont., Feb. 2.—W. Gray, |ties are reserved for the hos-lence is executed in conjunet *- Conservative, was declared elect- |pitals. with the progressive Republica WANTED—Vie About 93,500. to J psi000 300. Will pay pay #700 od to the House of Commons for “Only paper money now is|in Republican primary cash z ’ Ries *.| the city of London, in succession | used in Germany, and all gold and I can say in answer to one of “wn ever ywitere wing to —_— Chel to aan eae F silver has’to be surrendered to|your questions, that there will be hours for 0 weekly, contract given, ntrea ep. 2. ere Wi : ‘ipal ¢ rities.”’ o amales “ the sense o} position permanent. ™ experience “4 ere the municipal authorities. no amalgamation ia th I f necessary. Samples free. The Go- be a contest between two Con- a any surrender of the great prin Operative Union, Windsor, Ontario. : ; : : eatin hidnensigngeeilllae servative candidates for election SACRED CONCERT. ciples of which the Progressive MISCELLANEOUS to the Federal House from the movement and the Progressive FOR TRADE — Land in Fraser Valley in, constituency of Terrebonne. At The following is the program party are incidents There is upert lots. , : : Bex ibs. Daily we. - 25-31-3 Hy 37 ‘the official proceedings, Gideon |for the concert tomorrow evening | fundamentally a vital difference — me 188, Dolly News. 80-81-87 | . . : - | Rochon, the choice of a Conserva-|in the Majestic Theatre in aid of|betweén liberals and DANCING. errs enit ; ; ; ' jtive convention held several|the Italian earthquake sufferers./tives or progressives and rea: Admiral Von Tirpite Your Majesty, I have to report that while the B DANCING—-Private lessons in Waltz, Two- |weeks ago, was duly nominated, |In order not to interfere with the|tionaries, whether in one party. utrol of the open sea, Your Majesty's fleet still remains in complet Step, Three-Step, One-Step, Schottish | ’ ‘ ‘ and Minuet. Monday, Wednesday and)Dut a few minutes before 2jlocal church services the concert}the other—Progressive, Di , Friday evenings. Mrs. Brooks-Ander- o'clock, the nomination’ of J.|will commence at 8:45 p.m. sharp.|cratie or Republicat son, 333 Eighth Ave. East. : . iblies |Beaulieu, a Montreal advocate, Admission 25 cents. Natural Political Division. ° . ew eee. ar we music. j}who was a candidate before the PROGRAM—PART I his difference continue en = eonvention, was handed in. The|Overture ............ ‘Norma”™|[t is the natural political div Canadian rr L IF YOU CAN'T PLAY WHY NOT GET A . ' Player Piano? We have one, slightly entry of Mr. Beaulieu was unex- Orchestra sion, and when some great cor STEAM LAUNDKY Su i j oa used, at $500; including 50 rolls. Easy lo . ge terms. Prince Rupert Music Store, 345 pected, as it was believed he had|Song ...... Lead Kindly Light’ | crete issue of vital interest to the Third Avenue. w. . 7 EE decided to abide by the choice of} Mr. C. D. Jones people is presented party divisior TALKING MACHINES, .VIOLINS AND ALL the rent Both candidates |Soprano Sol Fr rh i ! 1s] Latest and Approved Methods ; | SG Boe aang * re conven ates oth candidates |Sopre ms ol~ oom 1e nena will take place along this line Only Skilled Operators Employed cuts Monday’ s labor clean announced their support of the max". .**The Song of the Soul So far as the present politica eoencnsint in half t ired. . ' : ce er m, (Borden government. Mrs. J. Lewis. tininbinn: te 'Gihtarthd tin bee Phone us and we will call ws rehaired. . : . ¢ ld pmol nupert wu.|_ Moncton, N. B., Feb. 2.—Mr, A.|Song ........4.. 2005, Selected| gressive patty has .claimed al for a trial bundie The Sunlight way is so easy ms ; » Q slecte . ; “e : ; aie ; “ir ‘ s D iin sca ea ae Libe _ ee | o ae along to be the party of Lineoln Vote Our Setreens ee note. a ) l af ain (acclamation to succeed the late/ ART IL. Republicanism, It also favors a 515 SIXTH AVENUE WEST the garment, then en _j|Hon. F. D. Monk as representa-/Overture....‘Barber de Seville’ | reasonable protective tariff I tosoak. After a \ you School ofiMlusic and Shorth 1, ‘tive in the Federal Parliament for | Orchestra. believes that tinder existing con NOW dou Pol iemace rinse it thorough! y 1 «ne Jacques Cartier. The Liberal|Solo...“Nearer My God to Thee” |ditions an active and powerfu ws ass dirt drops out like magic | tg ely erg | nominee withdrew. Mr. Davey. Federal government is essential. | fe Wh t ‘ {J it Wes ‘ ‘ . " ee ana I and | P TEACHER . ee |} Prinee' Albert; Sask., Feb. 2.—|S5oeprano Solo, .“Out of the Deep"| For these reasons should there! Canadian Steam Laundry y ae De j +} | ; + . é I Les | — Piano, Mandolin and Singing Heturning Officer Paul declared Mrs. J. Lewis. be no separate Progressive ticket es th ‘| an Bnone arson, 6iP oie |S. J. Dunaldson elected by acela-|S0n@ .........-e.eee. Selected/the great bulk of those compos when the gentle “aan — | a ‘ - wu tne | MRS. KNOWLES jmation to fill the Federal seat of Mr. Clapperton, ing the Progressive party would Ca J M GEE M M.S.A. oe wane : e+ t | Teacher of Pitman’s Shorthand ithe constitueney of Prince Albert|Vocal Duet ........... Selected| make their fight in the Repub. | pt. “mc iar: ‘ work with nev a Suite 15, McMordie Apt. |rendered vacant by the elevation Messrs. Fletcher, Davey, liean party rather than in the| NAUTICAL ACADEMY fabric or hands. a“ lof James McKay to the Supreme and Evans. Democratic party.” \3 Masters and Mates Prepared r te acai THE MATTER OF THE “NAVIGABLE Court bench. PR Sa bank oceen Selected j i | ee WATERS’ PROTECTION ACT,” REVIS- | ; ee ainda oe Other Leaders Coincide. for Greminetion this Sunlight ED STATUTES OF CANADA, 1906, ! Mr. Evans. Charles 8. Bird, of Massachu way. CHAPTER 115, AND AMENDING ACTS NS 5b 6 A's outa ais tts; Char ; ; Compasses Adjusted And tree setts; Charles 8. Bonaparte, Sen At il — ‘ 2. a ** aan Ts IN THE MATTER OF AN APPLICATION BY HARRY ATKINS -. War March of the Priests” | ator Moses E. Clapp, George Ade " an & THE MONTANA CONTINEN .- heaton i — VELOPMENT COMPA " POR AP- FAMILY BUTCHER Orchestra. Medill MeCormiek, Willis J. Hu sigerean Bieok, Opp. Royal Pr ae - . » has 6 . Hotel—Ph PROVAL OF THE PLANS FOR CON- High Class Pork Sausage Mr. Brady has kindly consented] jings and Fred E. Lewis furnish jone Red 602 -—_—- STRUCTION OF A-~ CERTAIN WHARF Vancouver Branch Selects All Our %\to act as chairman |e AND ORE BINS ON WATERFRONT Meats and Very Best Quality Han- } , ed somewhat similar statements —_— died. Give Us a Trial. ques BLOCK “BE,” PRINCE RUPERT TOWN- pg | Corner 3rd Ave. and 2nd St. 68th REGIMENT, EARL GREY'S mg oe eee the ee Bow. e 4 | that th Phone 574 OWN RIFLES a ee eres) : ews TAKE NOTICE that the c , “the . » of the b ae es Ss * oakee ae cont ; ih... that unlea@® one of the old pat F 0 R R E N T y Montana, has deposite. with the Minister | _ ne lh al ties comes around to the con-| of Public Works, at Ottawa, Canada, and Orders by Major J. H. McMullin, tructive "ine . . . - 5 ‘ principles of the Pro- ER a ES ——e with the District Registrar of Titles, \NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTEC Commanding, for the week end- p ple 1e Pro Prince Rupert, B. C., under Chapter 115,| TECTION ACT. eressive party, the Bull Moose “a R. 8. C. 1006, plans and description of ing February 13, 1915: will be in the fleld in 1916 with a ---HOUSE--- a SS ese PASS SII A —, the proposed site of certain harbor works ov ion , : ae v to be constructed by the said Company on4 R. 8. C., Chapter 115. national ticket.” Waterfront Block “E,” Prince Rupert The Imperial Oi1 Company hereby give Parades. _ V N ’ \ ARE Townsite, according to registe notice that tt has, under Section 7 of the : er ere ‘ 8TH A E AND YOU G S the said Townsite eee te die’ pane above Act, deposited with the Minister of} “ COMpany will parade at the LAND NOTICES. r "| Public Works at Ottawa, and in the of | Exhibition Building on Tuesds Rupert Land Registry Omce, and number- |’ " P : Ding sday : ed 923, the sforessid works consisting of|°° Of te District Registrar of we Prince} ing Friday at 7:45 p.m. Drill me io eae « oes em onem : one wharf with ore bins. Rupert land Registration District at ast, Mane ive SCHOOL HOUSE 710 SECOND AVE : AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the Prince Pupert, B. C., a deseripsion of the} squad and company. TAKE NOTICE tt w . site and the plans of _ Ww 2 NOTICE that William Watson, of ° tied said company has applied to the Governor seating nll «yo Z 2. 2 = B Company will parade at the|nemo, B. C., cecupation Contractor, in Carpenters’ Tools Builders’ Hardware Ship Chand °'y a aan ong aoinan beng a pert Harbor, British Columbia, in front of Exhibition Building on Monday — to ceoty ~ pomnteston to lease the $11 00 Wire Cable Stee! Blocks Fishing Tackle * Watert 3) “G.” ace : me a ollowing deseribed lands :-— Commencing at une struct the some. : aie ete =e i. af jand Thursday af 7:45 p.m. Drill|a post planted on the northerly limit of ” Iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Sold yy a wnep Rupee B. C., this 8th! city of Prince Rupert deposited in the|squad and company. the Right-of-Way of the Grand Trunk Pa- Sree Rope Valves Ammuniti day annery, $ aforesaid Land Registry OMce as No. 923 : seneends oe : cifle Railway Company, and about 35 chains Pumps PATMORE & FULTON, - _ : ae W. A. PETTIGREW, Lieut., | soutnwesterly from Mile 84, e : » Hose Paint sousiuors tor ane Moana canines be. | AND TANK NOTICE. that after the ee ust | F PATTULLO & RADFORD 4! s ° velopment Co. 23-53 piration of one month from the date of Acting Adjutant. ooo — % oo one se = toves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugate: | SS ithe tirst publication of this notice, the said ; ence 7 ; PLC ‘ c For a comfortable room, come |!!!P¢"4! Oi Company will, under Section a _- south 46 chains, more or less, to the north- SECOND AVENUE “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST . , 7 of the said Act, apply to the Minister Salvation Army erly limit of the Right-of-Way of the “te the St. Elmo Hotel, 836 Sec. jot rues Works at Ld omce in the City ee , 7 Grand Trunk Pacifie Ratlway Company; 7 =n end Avenue, near -Bighth Street. anu plans and (or leape to conetrast ‘he » . thence northeasterly along the northerly Newly opened. Stean, heat and |**i@ hart and approach, ; Public meetings, Tuesday, | limit of the said Right-of-Way to point of SUBSCRIBE FOR FR ED STO ’ DW. AR atec rine i = * . » “0 sneeme “ hot and cold water in every room. |day ot February: i. De iuse. Cc, ml 24) Thursday and Saturday at 8 p. m.| {mmencement; and containing about MPERIAL OIL COMPANY. !o.. 4. a WILLIAM WATSON I D N ‘ Free baths. Hates reasonable. 28-34-40-47 Sundays at 7:30 p.m. Dated December 26, 1014. 95-85 HE AILY EWS SSS SSS SS i Me Se ng Re SS - G. DAWSON, WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR (SOLO BY ALL GROCERS) ” prince nuPenT ®