THE DAILY NEWS THE DAILY NEWS ‘@ERMAN NEWSPAPER ATTACKS NEUTRALITY LT or vu. &. GOVERNMENT i] S.5. Prince Geo: g Vic Salis for Vancouver, THE DING LEA NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly , Guaranteed Largest Circulation a“ ,, (Cologne Gazette Charges Wilson toria ind Seattio on Friday: seed e recent address at the —_—-——— | : ee Administration With Favoring | ato am Hl. F. MeRAE, EDITOR AND MANAGER ee ee tan a Countries Other Than the ~~ ——_— i merece oO tuffal President ar ! Hient Oulsine, and Dail HEAD OFFICE | roll, of the United States Stee seanadipenautteaed’ eet. ee we ree pe elie y New i 1 , 5 S P J h y 8 Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98 Corporation, made some interest - dam, Feb. @—The —_ . ; < rince Jonn 2 . en r Vancouver a mm, : TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch, Contract ing and significant remat Gazette, a copy of which - 7 - M. on Sunday, Februa, Ath, 28th rates on application. regard to the trade of the Uniter vanateed wel tte otc., mbm n Vancouver following Tuesday Pow ° . . BUSryeN , , Bteamer PRINCE JOHN also ™ tie ; Leu States with Canada, On this sub .meriean government's né Naas Rivere, Queen Shariotte ae” mOWEMY 0 Cems ject, Mr. Farrell said states . cvitioles G. T. P. DAILY EDITION agi ies Tuesday, February 9, 1915. | it ; ile ectsnsiininie , Phe .agwere 0" Passenger trains, carrying Pr. RAILWAY is a peculia mmenta ry of State Bryan's lette Prince Rupert for Winmipeg at 10 A.M an” Weds a ae ! , . view ¢ fore commecting there with lines $t. Paul, Chi ED D on the public's iey ! Wr 1. Stone, chairmat treal, New York ote. "lane "r he te 4 = a 5 trade that, while mt tt For All Pointe East of Oni . iT T O Ro T A L 5 " , tates Committers the Spenee “00 the GRAND TRUNK Fay oveven ial tion is given to ovel ide d nalatione fut For Full information and vr Tickets, apply to @ + + | velopment, Canada, unde . a - AGENCY nied Avenue “— W. J. Bowser’ \ he Ut Sta ALL ATLANTIC STEAMSHIP Lin . J, Bowser's defence of his) but the whole contention of - conditions, buys mor id sh partiality to the A Ea ce Th r . ’ . . v1 £ ee with the Dominion | Germany is that she recognizes RANCHERS FLEE FROM United States than do a ( any and At . ——— _ failure is a very lame a’- no jaw but her own will. This! FURY OF LASSEN Paes oo MOIS ape b ' nate. Ete etrongest argument) te precieely what she is fighting | hbase “Ente Tenpervant part o! ows Mr. Bryan made himself th MUSIC — - that they did the same thing for, to establish, by her might,|@ ternational trade well repays e@% thoie of the brutal British . in Manitoba Mr. Bowser i ne nang of Volcano and aminatior | t 1 , Teacher of Violin and All A HANGING roe , aes sei her right to do just whatever) Reopening of Old Fissures ; ; : Bports to eng © t, which is based Band instruments AINTIN( vead of the Department of Jus-| she chooses to do regardless of Diets Qhion ports from the Dominion at We are certain that Ge A. ae tice in this province. What} all outside : ler F grounded upon mutu 4 de Signy Ave, & OLISHING AND eet | considerations, 5 cases eo Americans and those yh snc aren 0aT a ve say to a murderer); such as international law,| Aypurn, Gal.. Feb. 8.—R , Ities. The transactior the bi hare their views will furnish the ¢ WALL TINTING w ie sfe . y | > », “al, Fed anch. ess ve . . 10 tried to defend himself by rules of war, treaties, conven-| are jiving eee if in valued in the fiscal yea nt reply to Mr. Bryan's epist , saying that somebody else had| tions, traditions, and moral re ig in the vicinity of Mount/4914 at $605,000,000, is faciina’-| wy I eR ee *, ore Lassen, frightened by the ¢ naw Enaw ean ye mess committed that crime . ’ ’ shtened by the grow-jed | ailroads whi ‘ ‘ : M Surely, this is the ae. oo sean ing activity of the voleano, have t ae or a toe . t fron Mi Bryat on $ FOR A TAXI 3 artin Swanson a, ’ ' ’ . ‘ ” rs sit i ti man h k . , we “ A . . begun to move their families and nr negra ) { f foreign afta > 3 Second Ave > Bi “ nows he is guilty | So far as Germany is con-| stock to places of ~ : relieving settlements f the de smeriéen neutral - is t and, fine , s aateae io k to places of safety is- | pendence inn “i red a sen Sgr Agi veto } cerned, ‘there is no law in the sures——relics of prehistoric ac er, ee muropes thin veil behind whieh | mcea z predicament, tries to divert at-| world today -exeept her own ag 7 . I © €@C-lehan@e characteristi f ot — . ne j d England > E--75 3 p , j The | : y—extending as far as ae ! wlan . te ntion from himself. The will. If she is as strong as she|(jear ‘Greek re a ; ae ' the jover-sea trade, and a steady i dt Knov thie, we w nglo MN bb Re » y . 7 : - b 4 2g m, so) or crime of the Attorney General, hopes she is, there will be nO| mites from tt er : xa rty jvestment of American capita | by knowledge mig Th however, cannot be overlooked.| law in the world tomorrow e n the volcano, are giv-|which develops Canadian indus f PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO je Faverite Woussnold Geel He he teonil i ai | OW @X-ling off steam and ashes, causing i Ameri espect only brute « Gleanest, Grighion, Beet s already incriminated| cept her own will. That is how| win ; sa try and enlarges the demand for sees shall give full plas REE REE AERE EERE ATER ERE RED : | espreat ' Bive ' rhe himself by declaring that he| her teaching runs. Why , ee American materials ‘ - |WEW WELLINGTON COAL ¢ knew the com : . yeter Armilly arrived t Rowers ¢ aene re ympany was insol-| should not the strong nation Si tials olin ta a 7 Pree In this trade are appat th DR. GILROY, DENTINT | Becond Avenue : Pree | two years. It will not} strongly work her will on earth ’ a . arrange- |benefits of the applicatio: ! FEATHERS FOR MEN'S HATS Orown and Brid w do to deny this. He has been instead of weakly hampering . nts to bring out his family an@ |eommercial, industrial snspor-| a ; . rvdge ork a . _ ey ‘ estock Ar nied i . } rec! : caught red-handed in a mixup) herself by respecting the will = ek. Armilly, who owns 166 }tation and financial activities fa-) AN elon’ ts lo tha’ "attics ont is. te "WOR Put te that spells political doom. ! of weak nations? What Ger- : res in the affected area, said| piliar in our own dom bus. {spring t ie nek Ab eear 2 . rd Avenue eum AND WEATING 2. -=_. 2 rat in one place a fig orchard of | ; TH . ce * many proposes to do is to mas sie el ine - : fig orchard of jiness life, but which, exe rt th pon the hat CC SMI é MALLETT is sheer waste of words to | ter the world and-manage it, to] | ¢ th ad sunk until the tops | Canada, Mexico and Cuba, we have |" ' ue the drab, as if ' Vad ouver,. re ‘ and Pit denounce the Germans for} smash all conventions with her ‘ ve trees were on a level with| not largely applied to foreign |°XP i. We shall wait, to sé ih fees, Pines : sinking Britist - ; the surrounding bank mi R Thiet Ave. Head of Second Sires ; g British merchant ves- mailed fist, to no longer fetter : « bank made by the |markets hat w shall see. nor declaim oz a9 : Prince Ruper ‘Is wi . ; : Ss! g ere i ither pnlae NTRA LOCA ; Sr sels with all on board. The pi-| herself with considerations of n 7 ground. At anoth place Der eaert toad - lwith a she if arrogance that the i ow rates use i a several acres have “Oppe e ‘ same Steam eated—A nve= nip d to do it, and by do- | so-called right and so-called|s nan gets " uve dropped b sofiebie. noi merely by ‘ee at won't go. When it was an niences—Very Mode ater M Manson, & ing it the pirates used to in- wrong, all of which her lead if he Ret Phe | of its great volume, but also | al ounced that long trousers would ate Price av. Willian spire great fear. . ; . ground fell from 1 f arn ' ly ‘ : great fear S is for this ers would describe as NOD-|j cine it t n under a barn,| .ause it consists in a wreat part|“*' he place of knickerboekers ePaciaL aura ies WILLIAMS «4 “ANSON reason that the Germans have sense from Nazareth, making 4 ] ee es jof manufactures it hieh lal he impulsive yelled their disap Barristers, Solicitors, Ev resorte ractice hic . - rmilly sé 1 . alll . . hich } resorted to a practice of which| up a siave’s religion, which ae tid that shortly be-| epresents a high 4 ial | val. and swore by halyard and ils a aes at wonsv TO LOAN rac P > , "en ore » Cf »¢ e ae awake ' : ee a Oe | they are to supercede with a .. 2 eee alue Canadian-An i m lhy hinges that they would never REAR RRR ERATE EEE D eR ree | Helnerson Block peri | dent in modern times When cefiaten of water. ‘ yy a flash of light which limerce is a particula es il idopt such foolish raiment But $ a pirates seized a ship they used ea « changed the night into day and)). cceation bee ~ lthey did > & | tice corner tnd ce » occ / . caused the roosters #6 begin enya aes Sem * ° make the occupants walk The sinking of unarmed . ~ % ters #© begin to strates that our capita : | I imagine a full-grown man 3 Pa 3 PACIFIC CARTAG © UNI , k » ry > . crow, Great clouds of smoke ¥ oe : 1e plank, then they looted the whine, the. shelling af unte- a loud f smoke were bimid of foreian 1 a i oateia ith a feather 4n his hat is to in ; a | Gk D ‘ize . » The Ger youring om asseen's ata ” ’ coenn prise and scuttled it. The Ger- fended coast towns, the drop I ; a : ™ , ovmer onditions are understood It i } ur a desire to do bodily harm to ‘ : as ioe 8 . when © looker yt —_ wUr ‘ 5 . | ere! Oerieer mans cannot even loot the ping of bombs on sleeping vil i 1 1 out a we ins ithe wearer And vet. who knows ?| # ] AX] 3| non-combatant vessels which| lage - _ wah rine * 3 LADYSMITH COAL tl . ’ ” ages, the setting afloat of EXHIBITION OF RA }$650,000,000 of Unites State ve humble and inconspioucus ed , . 03 Prone 6 vey make their prey—they mines in the open sea to drift STA —e leapital has been invested durin litor may come to such a fashion + ety 3). — but wreok and sink them, where they may and work such MPSOSS U. 6. aoa tive last ten vears in Canadian ir wr there are stranger things u : 3 | ed their crews, passengers, destruction as chance may di Washingt Fel | dustries This does not inelud pms .peeuete of the race -than : AP GALIERS : JOHN CURRIE and car 1. ae ashingtor ve 9 as a | rot ! e| a — ‘ ’ rect, the demolition of historie hibition f S44 yond Pe “= ) the enormous sums taker by jwearing feathers; there are more bene rere rne : Gamerastor 4 Sulew ition of S44, wor ~~ oe ax athnee to or a buildings, the general slaugh teen ie Re dd rth of ra American settler ‘> the Cans diotic things charged up to man aeetane caieetiien eves cours “ar i "out ; ‘ ; e first to be extracte : ana-| Mr: irse it is contrary to all ter and sack of Belgium the Saas he ve extracted hicin Cinilicmeas wad Meine devoted |*"™" adorning himself with a bit Phone Biack 2% ne rules of war, and is done in echidna anh titlimiieees deat Te: a dium-bearing ore by the}, on, gave lof color plucked fro » te ? defiance of tl ‘ny COD- United States government jto the development of the great-| i nthe MECC 4s hte. — ; 2 e ‘inciples o . ' *s government, caus ; at ve principles of ducts it is a war in defiance of|eq an unusual e¢ rent, eau lest of all industries, that of ag cockerel or canary Dayton | | weemecorocooocscrssccrereree civilization and world opinion, law, in challenge to interna-| fy f a er l riculture The investment News al ¢ ; oor of the House when show1 a ae . tional authority, and if Ger- Si wi os | have been of reciprocal advan eR C. B. PET! RSON ’ *prese t » art » o ‘A Dollar In the Bank is many wins there will be no law ' ntative Martin Foster, |tage toe both countries wan wuo SANK COASTERS EXPERT ACCOUNTANT Worth T i Pro : ” except her will, for there will who was a practicing physician | GET COVETED IRON CROSSES . wo in mises be no power, no might greater before coming to Congress want ITALY TO i AND AUDITOR HEN than her might brought the radium into the Amsterdam, Feb. 0—A @2-00° oh Phone 318 you have a right. REFRAIN FROM FIGHT [patch received here f H j nsaaeueal substantial Savings “* * louse, and asked permission to| ; POR eri —— ———— burg says i aise hale | Account, you do not It is, therefore, no use to de- say a few words on the radium . ce vy that Kaiser Wilhelm)! Grass-Wido have to ask fa : i Amsterdam, Feb. 8 An article|visited Wilhelmshaven base le t| wers ar “ { vours nounce Germany for her mur- mservation bill now on the eal-|from its Vie ; cs é As JAMES GILMORE cou refusals when you devois ' ca endar. ienna correspondent | Thursday His Majesty inspect and ul require ready cash. A Savings vs and piratical deeds. if jwhich is attracting much atten Jed the Germs : hoe Account i The B nies’ auaaediin than sudanen wt hie, tee * teatime -| nan submarine U-24.} ye in e | ank of 1 will began, hold |tion appeared in the Frankfurter} going over the ve | 5 ; a eiors Arohive ere America makes standardize such acts. The|'"* aloft a red moroeco case, | Zeitung, a cops f whieh | it be er ‘ou in ependent of promises. only way is to o ; | ty ; ’ g, a copy of which has been| te bestowed the decoration of the y way is verpower Ger- vo tubes containing $11,000) receive cs 1. . ‘ onue § money is yours —ready many and disar > lworth of rad a ceived her rhe ecorrespon-|Tron Cross upon the members of DON'T WASH =| suarantee 2nd Avenue, nea when you need it—protected , y4 isarm her, using) adium,” and the stam-|dent indicates that an endeavor is|the submarine ee ; IN my coll edie against loss—safe from fire and foree greater than her own jpede began itt wintuen: ate aiiaek ti tint , larine’s crew U-21 is ICY WATER give you hot — ‘ ) i i effor s being ade dergoing rene ' ’ y theft—and earning interest and subject her to the will of} epresentative Foster explain : : made undergoing repairs at Wilhelms water the $§) : at I f explain-|by Germany and Austria to keep) haven foll THIS Orst thing tn PACIF highest current rates. the world and the laws she has|©@ that the tubes contained bro-| Ital ren keep |haven following her recent ex ennven wegen | CANADIAN A ; ‘ as i t 7. aly out o ‘ ar sé = eiploite j . : orang A Deposits of $1. and upwards are dettied . bea dd its ; iki iad oil De ve war by satisfying |ploits in the Trish Sea RAILWAY geosived on Savings accounts. i iis is to be adium, extracted by the |her territorial aspiration The The Er I after : | aUIOTS J » csonpero t 0 apected | __ THE BANK OF done Canadians must take a| Bureau of Mines, one tube hold-jarticle says Germany and Austri th i ' 3 inspected fifteen onteitien you e i ‘ f t strié . bs , : a ‘ j larger hand in the doing of it|!™* "adium worth $5,000 and the |have frankly 1 i1 pe et a ee SS ee have started the fire PRINCESS MAQU'N i i h ecog e ev's o she » Mi } British North than they have beg , .. other tube being worth $6 nthe nized Turkey's |helmshaven. The men on the va-| SOUTHBOUND gun to do as g worth $6,000, to-|claim to Trentino and adds that/rious warships lined tl EASY TERMS 17.50 Cash FRIDAY 8 P . TT > . we > ~ s ” ‘ 5 s e : sche » 78 YEARS IN BUSINESS. } yel Toronto Star vether weighing 170 milligrams. there should be no difficulty in|) and eheered His M ' we deck 95.00 181 Month CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $7,884,000. Austral Che radium, he said, had been| reaching an agreement ted tt Cie Maley loudly ae bene a Mout! 3|] PRINCESS may | stralie oo - . F ah agree ; rrovide ‘ { : i. ars - , ” < seas ! istralian Wool” says a head-j|loaned him by Dr. Howard FE. Kel- | Italy pl rv ‘ are, eee eee pas Same Old Price SOUTHBOUND ' "he ‘ ; , ‘ preserves co onal! To . ; . RUPERT BRANCH ine What about Sendanaia lili sad Vain dies, cabiinas si. tnannaniiie a unconditional; Town Couneil of Withelmshaven HARRY HANSON i sunpay 8P P. MARGETTS, Manager. ltemetel ton amcbhas® a itrality and remains a member! gave a dinner of honor of the EF j } pert : m The Reliable Piumber of the Triple Alliance peror Phone 489 4 @ MONA, Gener! AO" ———————— ' Corner Fourth Biren ° Thied ——— ae — Scoop Did Not Reckon On The Wire Entanglements hibit TT Drawn for The Daily \ oF ee onthe’ . © 4H. INPRO NR BA?