THE DAILY NEWS a S.S. Prince George —_—___—_eo ore ee - —— — . THE DAILY NEws WHEN BUYING YEAST Salle for Vancouver, Vic- THE LEADING NEWSPAPER WN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA a Bane | toria and Seattic on Fridays ' Guaranteed Largest Circulation Hot tae ie tn Every ue Btateroom Exceltc rt Culsine, and Every Modern Appliance for Pass. S. S .Prince John For Vancouver at 7 P. M. on Sunddy, February 14) 28th ete., arrives in Vancouver following Tuesdays ot 3p 2 H. F. MeRAE, EDITOR AND MANAGER HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98. * Comfon TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—5O0 cents per inch. Contract ee + ‘ Steamer, PEnnes genre gave Eaipicinn SOMIAMONINIY service io Siewen rates on application. a Ses ee yee " i ae - pet Pai ikcgtpiad .. 2: eee G. T. P, RAILWAY SO OS ee ‘ a ite ll adil ath wits Passenger Teint, eerTne, Srenderd . Sleeper and Pa . = nee ti e 0} on edniesda ve DAILY EDITION a Saturday, Feb. 13, 1915. C. P. R. BRIDGE DYNAMITED BY GERMAN. Comnet ung there wine ies for st aul Chica “ ays ; s the treal, New York, ete up 260 for Sleeping : rosicmtitirtisihatemenenataiie retail The br son the C. P. R. a@ Vanceboro, Maine, marks th | Che bridge on the t a ony. ta, WL cian For All Pointe Gast of t Daseage wee the GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY Sere, &£ D I iT oO R I a i “es “Tee | boundary between Maine and Caiada where : For Full Information Mane vareage Tickets, apply to @. 7. Price om | B STITUTES| | Werner Von Horn, a self-styled German officer, dynamited a se ld Avenue. " ‘a (DECLINE s ea — ‘rs ee tion of the bridge recently He claimed his act was a “politi * AGENCY ALL ATLANTIC STEAMSHIP Lines i cal” one and therefore not extraditable. He is now serving sen There is a feeling in a great en are the ones who are closest | ihe on —e “nce . ‘ age to surrourne we property caused by many quarters that the present to nature, it is surprising how WAR GIVES CANADA eune ae oemnee | ae aia aii hone 554 P.O.Bo war, with its impoverishing ef- | many crave the artificial. When! NEW INDUSTRIES aE rate MUSIC 4 APERHANGING fect, will make impossible od Robert Burns was introduced | vecsnee Gf Gita ans ts luxury of the last few decades. into society he became lionized, NOW FOR Band tneteumentes AINTING ’ ’ Bed W me ’ J The standard of living as well | not because of his finished Satarte Company - EMPRESS OF INDIA HAS NO MARKET A. PESCOTT OLISHING AND as the cost has been going up manners, but because he was a 0 ant ane-Manwtasture BEEN TRANSFORMED SEAL SKINS AND OIL 24, Se On, Om WALL TINTING for a great many years; but it man fresh from the heart of Shells. is the misuse of wealth that is nature and throbbing with her Otieiwe ets i what Victoria, Feb. 11.—With a red|Muntsmen Take ‘Year's Holiday eed ane eeemaae oe Hig sam most to be condemned. Many strength and tenderness. Great meg a 2 a : - Iband painted around her hull and and Let the Supply Increase ‘ M people, even’ in matters of} people all the world over are Gous ee of shell indus- ‘ During Depression. FOR A TAXI artin Swanso dress, do not seem to appre-| never “snobs.” That is left for try to Canadian ‘manufacturers, SWO FSG eroeess on her funnels — Satend Aven: Mets ciate the difference between| the little “ape” who in some and to the Dominion generally|the Indian hospital ship Loyalty,| st. Johns, Nfld., Feb. 13.—Un beine “well dressed” and “over sides of his nature has not may be gathered from the fact formerly the Canadian Pacific}less some plan ean be devised ‘ dressed.’ The amount of mon- ¥ evolved much further than his that over 100 firms will shortly liner Empress of India, is now within a month whereby the skins ; 75--PHONE--75 New Wellin [ ey that is annually wasted on fallen antetype. True great- be working upon 4 big order for running between Mombasa, Brit ind oil of the hair seal can be)‘ | (if needless and hideous adorn- ness never exists without be- i egret ote io fi . sar y . : io ; ina ful slaughter of human oat given and from him that hath|time, be benefited, but nearly|+ived in Victoria from Bombay on depression and the war, none of Office: Smith Bik., Venue | shall be taken away even every manufacturing firm in the board the Nippon liner Aki Maru, last year's cat h of 372,000 skins | iit tate iene an | SMITH & MALLET that is now taking place. } not 9% that which he seemeth to/country can do something in the} whieh docked yesterday after- in 1913 remains in the hands of} Var ouver.. Crane. \ sive ar . es ; . ni 2 or e "7 : ; u rt ‘ The worst aspect of this have.” That may require a|turning out of one or more of the |ygon,. brokers in London and New York. | MAJESTIC ROOMS Thee hun. fens ae Soshet: tie mad rush for display, however puzzling bit of interpretation|Parts required. This new indus-| oy. former members of the The war has prevented the trans Princes Rupert ‘ ’ , ‘ . OCATE -_—— --— — i i di fect under some circumstances, but|t'y, whielr has just sprung UP]) aie epew a: ' yo port of seal oil to Germany, for- CENTRALLY L o is not the immediate effect, soyalty’s crew say that the out Steam Heated—All Conve- bad as that may be; it is the if it is applied to the qualities |Within the past two months or so, ward appearance of the crack) erly one of the principal mar niences—Very Moder- ”% oo" influence it has on future gen- of the mind there can be no|is eee of the most im- ship has not been changed to any kets for the commodity ate Price W. & Williams 6 4.1 erations. The boy or girl who dispute. Nature is not only/Portant which war conditions marked degree, but that it is dif Some time ago negotiations | SPECIAL RATE MONTHLY } WILLIAMS & MANSON is brought up in a home where just, but severe. If a man does wave ongondered,: and there ap- ficult to recognize the interior.) Were Started which it was hope a Sarristers, Solicitors, Ete frivolity of dress is the chief| not make use of the qualities|Pears to be scarcely any limit, |). nine weeks the vessel lay at| WOuld result in an arrangements | -| ie we ? ° aiid ain . y 7 . i topic of ecdnversation cannot) of mind with which he is gifted while the war shall last, to the). mbay while mechanics assailed|for the British government See ee eee. Bloca Prince Rupert have the wholesome outlook they will soon become dwarfed demands which will be made upon her elaborate fittings with crow-|take over the entire catch for the] | . ; if upon life that would otherwise and disappear. Nature will not/Ganadian firms to _— steep bars, axes, hammers and other |Coming spring, for use in making | § 3 35 i ; ’ stand for imitation. It will|Produets for the Allies’ armies. The : vinter garments for soldiers. | 1 be possible. Carlyle’s philoso- tools. interior was com | (fttce ecoruer tad PACIFIC CARTAGE ust * phy of clothes would lead one not do to pretend that you have In faet, Great Britain and the pletely gutted, and then the work| Word has been received, however tl to indicate that it would give such a sweet voice or gentle|Allies are finding out every day of equipping her as. a hospital|that the manufacturers of eloth ial @estees a very superficial point of view. disposition unless that convice-| Some new thing which the Domin- ship started. Space was reserved |'n& for the army find the mater ial | | AXl LADYSMITH COAL depth of|'on can supply, and it is expected insuitable, and that ne practica | 03—Prone—¢3 His attention is diverted from| tion comes from the what he is to what he appears the soul. You cannot hide the|that further new industries will stationary hearths. Operating |le method of using seal oil in for 450 “swinging cots and 100 eteceererenwerreee j i e« SEESSSESSSESSSEFESSSES to be. Perhaps, indeed, this is secret from nature and soon it} ind birth during the coming sea and X-ray rooms were provided, |connection with military opera- | JOHN CURRIE the reason why the world’s will be written on your coun-|50" to ensure a certain degree of and the ship carries one of the | tions has been found ALF HALLIGAN } } great men are mostly recruited tenance. The reverse is true,| Prosperity at least to Canadian most complete sets of surgical In addition, owners of the ten Contractor & B:ilder from among the sons of toil. on the other hand, of the man} ™anufacturing, and to the eoun- instrdmetits ever pieced on waited steel steamers ordinarily sent to SRARAEEAR REAR AR EER ARR iin » bale ; fi . . , seek |try in general. : . ~ibteietiltin: ctpineeliitiitiie Under their conditions men re- or the woman who would seek 3 s hospital sh Many Europes the sealing grounds in March say Phone Black 294 tain more of their normal elevation of character with an tine ~ ae the chartering of their vessels for! DPOOLOLOLODOD OO LOL LETT EET i , » of the spheres ork Canadian Bed Company, of Ches- an. SRP GY Comgapeniat. men instead of fops and when si¢ 0 © spheres is working ; re When McIntosh and Trapp left transatlantic service. It is argued | ay » > ee wr ‘ . a ‘« ‘ *b > ' they go out into the world it with the man or the woman|!ey, which wilt ontonvas i. one the Loyalty she was operating be- by many persons, who believe] e. B. PETERSON does not require even the lan- who is genuine and in whose/Compensation for the decreased tween Mombass and Bombay, |'"#t restrictive measures are ars EXPERT ACCOUNTANT tern of Diogenes to discover heart there is no room for hy- comang tor Ks sevmal prodest by taking home to the Indian empire cessary to protect the seals, that | AND AUDITOR them pocricy or sham. “An honest|™@nufacturing 25,000 shrapnel of} shells, valued at least at $100,000, Phone 318 el JAMES GILMORE the brave native fighters who are |??esent conditions present a fa a ae man's the noblest work Notwithstanding the fact God.” that great men and great wom- too seriously wounded to return to vorable opportunity for omitting and ealling for the installation of $12,000 worth of new plant. This the hunt this year and thus per- | mitting the animals to ine rease, | Grass- Widowers ’ a. : eatin ill ,jand German forces in Africa. j Ready Help i nly an instance showing the leat a ig : ie ee a probably by about half a million. | } wide range of firms which may oe ae. TOPO ‘a 2 Shp i | | the struggle between the British will be sent to Marseilles at a a | in tine of phy y 3 caused by jembark in this enterprise. It is | Arohitect Canadian indigestion, bBlonsness resulting from : a later date to carry to India the RUTHERGLEN ORE } Bachelors i” torpid liver, inactive bowels, is al- expected that later orders will be a bin CREATING cumnaen | ways given, quickly, certainly, safely | placed for the larger calibre pro-|""® 10 Have sustained serious ig “ee Mi de St STEAM LAUNDRY by the most famous of family remedies ee Ce ae wounds in the mighty confliet , | DON’T WASH | guarantee § 2M Avenue, nes , jectile. ont. North Bay, Ont., Feb. 13—Pros- ; in my coll to ca eee ee ee eee To such an extent does the in- now raging in Flanders and pectors are still pouring in from | give you bot } a Only a ot teoenes eine BEECHAM’ S lustry promise to grow that the|Northern France. the Rutherglen region, returning | aan Ear tine Ss | CANADIAN PACIFI a ' lgovernment, it is understood, The Loyalty was purchased/to North Bay with marvelous | WINTER the §=morning ‘AY Phone us and we will call PILLS contemplates the establishment|from the C. P. R. by the Gaekwar|/samples of mineral ore in silver, 4 a RAILW: for a trial bundle bs ae ate of a shell testing and inspection|0f Baroda, one of the most prom-|gold, molybdenum, platinum and —fifteen minutes after you PRINCESS MAQUINNA Wote Our Address: ‘1 verywhere, In boxes, 25 emt | plant in me Dominion. inent princes of the great Indian|zine. There is no doubt that Ru- have started the fire } SOUTHBOUND por ens ec tetera ae iit clini ai empire. Capt. Hailey, R. N. R.,|/ therglen will be one of the biggest | 615 SIXTH AVENUE WEST ‘i ah i $7.50 Cash | RIDAY 8 PI rhe Atholl Highlanders, a foree|who was master of the vessel for|mining eamps in this country, as} ae ye $5.00 ist Month | NOW Oren Fon susinEss ow REE of men drawn from the Atholl/about one year before she was|the samples brought in by Mr 4 pe re ae | PRINCESS MAY at RS Sevoly Cetpios ond country, and commmanded by the|taken over by the Gaekwar, is still| James T. Lindsay are creating a! s ole eis SOUTHBOUND 2 Write today, address Duke himself, is the only private|in command of her, and most of|big sensation among people who | HARRY HANSON | SUNDAY 8 P ‘ Canadian Steam Laundry Te Ur 2a. MALLAM Li LiMiTED {regiment which still exists in{her other officers are sailing on|understand minerals. It seems to | The Fricble cuemeer 4. @ MoNAB, Generel AeMt - | Great Britain. her. be a refractory ore. Corner Fourth street and Thiré M LS -_—— 9 id e ss n orkKs Drawn for The Daily \ ——— I HAD A TALI SIA Ota CODEN NO WE AINT- IT IS INDEED A HE SAID HE COULD BUY T CAN KE TH SAD SI@HT- HOMELESS GET US PASSAGE | MATTER UP WHT A FATHER AND CHILD 2 g FRIEND WHO LIVEs GOINGTO AMERICATO |-Zc) . ¢ 7 , ? START LIFE ALL U¥//' Ty ee oo” ’ v 7 7 Y OUR. a K/ | WIND FORA RDN | = & 1 t ae a «=: f s if -)I Qw/Siw re SND - Beare » FAST Trip_riome MONAT