a a ee THE DAILY NEWS “aca news irae” HUNDRED AND TWENTY-FIVE See the made-in-Canada win- MEN TO BE RECRUITED HERE : dow at Williams & McMeekin’s. ile is FOR RENT Sie “7-59 | OaPTAIN CLAYTON IS EXPECTED TO COMMAND THE LOCAL - _ It is certainly beautiful weather ; com —E TO JOIN THIRD CONTIN- POR a a tote tenes rs ~~ for spring cleaning. Get yours oo > eanen 1A IN TWO oun Eighth Ave. W. cor. McBride. 36-38] dane early. Fritz, phone 583, ; pte: . FOR RENT-—Seven-roomed house, electric 33.37 | light and bath, §22 r mouth, Alse Instructions have been receiv- {teer for service, The parade wit! bath, h, $20 r month, Bown in beet Te: 2 iby M MeMull 1. {) I loth Phose 0 “ ajor Me! “oO f ei f 0 8 ose 8 pa and centrally located. Apply, 4it Mrs. G. C. Emmerson returned : ” ss — : oe ns venth Ave. W. 0-36 , ne the 68th Regiment, the local| volunteering will be inspected by to the city yesterday from Victo- POR RENT — a front bedroom, with , corps, to enlist 125 men for ser-|Dr. Tremayne, the officer charged sitting room itable for two genile-jria, B. 0, — ae se, os - > = = vice overseas as part of the third|with the duty of examining the sired, Close in; modern house. Box S08, “The Hews. Mr. Warren Dyke, of the Royal, |Coutingent. Tt is expected the lo- {local applicants, All who wish t oy ym - Mente private, Family, was among those sailing by the|C4l contingent will go out under | join in Prince Rupert should be wn te, Ce ee 96-87) city of Seattle this morning. the command of Captain W. B.|present this afternoon to hand POR Pee. _— ee sss Clayton, the senior officer of the |their names salibtiies ah aiatalitiinanaimnine-cnenattitnat Mr. F. C. Wright is shipping |regiment volunteering for service At Prince George inspection of FOR SALE 25,000 feet of lumber on the next! abroad. the volunteers will be made by FOR SALE—fFurniture f ae also | TIP of the Prince Jolin for build. | The contingent to be raised |Dr Richardson, of that city —Furnitu 0 . an piano, Room 4, Mcintyre Bik. 33-7) jngs at Skidegate. His company | will be composed of 125 men, to} There are reported to be a good POR se Dg -* capacity steam can bs | intends to do considerable devel-|be recruited here and as far east}number of men available there “LP. | : . ply oh . ni: poet. | opment work this summer on its|as Prince George. Major McMul-|and many have already — bet * | — coal properties near Lorne Hill. lin is now considering the num-|drilled for service Phere are WANTED Svastcneeninisiniigetaithdsiejmanstnanennitintien ber to be allotted to each place |number at different p is a - lalong the line of the G. T. P.|the line of the G, T. P. betwee “Silas aperemes ara veruwig te pet py re will be thr mmi n it I nd Prit ( umm. aver I h L B ere i re iree commission-| here ane “ince George r mont Phone Bl Black ‘s aye. t e Letter Ox led officers from here. Under the It is the expectation tfat the SITUATION WANTED — Girl wants work by day. Apply Box 126, The News. tf. new system the number of men|members who pass the medical | "Am sow on ain, The on a. Editor, The Daily News: and officers from Prince Rupe rtyin pection will leave h : Sir , . f the pr will comprise a half battalion |two weeks for the South to train WANTED—Four-room house im Section) Sir—In your report of the pro- lowe fre -_< Six for 919 down and 986 Bi at the City C “il In order to ascertain just how) They will form a part of the regi th until paid. Box 102, Daily ceedings a ie «lS swounel | Thursds rht. y many are available here, Major|ment under Colonel Holmes and WANTED—Second-hand organ at once.| meeting on Thursday night, you : Write P. O. Box 644. 83-6 report me as having used the MeMullin has ordered a parade|will get their preliminary tra os & e after fp 9-5 f et . # gy orig s anticipat bat tty 1063.00, Wi wii oon tee word “connived” in such a way as this afternoon at 2:30 at the Ex-/ing in Victoria. It is a ' cas apd arrange is 100, to infer that I was casting some hibition Building of all local mi-|that there will be no difficulty ‘ » rs s 0 - | 8e¢ ring suflicien nen tof the WANTED—Large Mail Order house wants|reflection on the character of q}_ | litia members who wish to volun urit ufficient 1 al omps n i f sl hours for @20 weekly. contract siven. derman Montgomery and on that aa Coyaey a position permanent. rience ul- . REE EEE EEE EHH Lire hecessary. Samples free. The Co-|0f the light superintendent. . RASELTORN NOTES eo} Operative Union, Windsor, Ontario. My statement was not in any z ’ Be cal * MISCELLANEOUS sense an attempt to show that SSSOSCSSSSVSSOSSS ENJOYABLE PARTY--- these gentlemen had acted dis- C. Gibbs, of Victoria, is here L 0. D. E ENTERTAIN Fon shnne — lane Priuce Rupert lous. honorably, but that the purchase} a business visit. jox 138, Daily News. nee *h wire looked like a bad Pr. oe + ad i mo = = " Miss Irwin, of Prince Rupe rt, | A most enjoyable bridge party DANCING. business proposition. is visiting Mrs. R. EB. Allen y Waits, T Thanking you, I am was given by the Queen Mar; ANCING—Private lessons ip tu, Two- ; . . nih ws ,. Chapter f the yerial rder f “on Three-Step, One-Step, Schottish Yours faithfully, Gus Olson and Jim Bates came | Chapter en oe and Minuet. Monday, Wednesday and WM. BEVERIDGE, |in from Omineca this week the Daughters of the Empire. M1 Friday evenings. Mrs. Brooks-Ander- Prince R ert, Feb. 12, 1945 and Mrs. Mobley very kindly lent son, 333 Eighth Ave. East. im rimee hupert, Pep. 12, 1940. Miss Kate Carr, of Smithers, is sole sheeeion and saves contort _ spending a few days in town okie 1 . nd = PRINCE RUPERT ASKS Sate ahaa pededicr air alt J. ©. K. Sealey left for his ranch |With Mrs. P. I. Palmer, the IF YOU CAN'T PLAY WHY NOT GET A FINANCIAL LEEWAY in the Bulkley last Wednesday venor, received the guests Al =" eof wieden ts ee en the Daughte f the Qu Mary used, at §500; including ro Semaine e Daurhters of e Queer . . Bor Oo t s : Third avenne. ee “tr Continued From Page One born, to Mr. and Mr Hugh | hapter were invited, togethe TALKING MACHINES, VIOLINS AND ALL manager of the Bank of Mon- Taylor, at the Hazelton Hospital with a gentleman friend, husband Musice! instru-|treal, and the managers of the|® 5°": rother, or fiance. About one ments repairea.| Royal, B. N. A., and Commerce c. P. Riehardson, of Kitselas, |hundred people were present, and Bows rehaired. The| Banks, the governor of the Bank|was a business visitor in town|the large and spacious rooms set Prince Rupert Mu-|0f England was prevailed upon to /|this week. ff to perfection some of the very sic Store, 365 sraj/Tenew certificates for $400,000, Frank Jackson is out of the |"andsome gowns that were wort Ave. tr.}and the four banks each lent the hospital, and will leave for the The tally cards and supper cleth “ —_——— city $25,000 to pay off the rest.|, decorated witt 5 hearts ? Coast tomorrow. i 1 ¢rimson ear School of Mlasic and Shorthand In that case the matter was all land winged cupids, reminded one Constable C. F. Evans, of Fort arranged by cable, and there , that St. Valentine's Anniversary VINCENT C. KNOWLES Fraser, spent the first part of the (Violinist Westholme Opera House) would have been no time to se- is close at hand and that Gupid’s TEACHER OF cure the approval of the execu- week in Hazelton. quiver will have many opportuni v Pi Mandolin in 1 , . ' Shae tone and Repaired tive: That would not be any safe- W. N. Jinkins, who has spent/ties of demonstrating the blind Phone Green 61 guard, as the Prince Rupert men;several months in Groundhog, |poy's markmanship during ¢ MRS. KNOWLES suggested, in any case, as the |left for the Coast Thursday. icoming season Teacher of Pitman’s Shorthand : ee Governor-in-council, The Hazelton second team | A most unique and acceptable Suite 15, McMordie Apt. jaeview approved the original is- played at New Hazelton Tuesday |Prize was awarded to Miss E! epee eee sue, would not withhold approval f who Lopped the scores half t i night, winning from the latter |‘ oO} ‘ a , IN THE MATTER OF THE Se any renewal. team by 7 fo 2. jof coal kindly presented by Mr WATERS’ PROTECTION ACT,” REVIS- Alderman Morrissey consider- iH. B. Rochester ED STATUTES OF CANADA, 1906, A dance held after the hockey CHAPTER 115, AND AMENDING seme: that it would be a safeguard for Th ! | | Among the guests who took i : And : jthe people, as it would make the a wredeg an ae Gan a ntage of the opportunity to b -'p IN THE MATTER OF AN APPLICATION BY tended Those present had an THE MONTANA CONTINENTAL pE-|COUNCiI! seek to secure the bes st | ble t the Daughters provide funds for VELOPMENT COMPANY FOR AP-\terms it could, knowing that the |°™!°3#™e® “me- s ‘ ° E t their many activities were the PROVAL OF THE PLANS FOR CON : STRUCTION OF A CERTAIN wHarnr|£0Vernment, for the protection of | A. N. MeDonald and W. Watsen |! following: nae a" ‘Pace RoreaT sown. the provincial credit, would not|are now in Atlin, having made the| Mr, and Mrs.: Patmore, A. I SITE. pacneent to any sacrifice by too/|trip from Hazelton; via Carecross Wright. Parkin. Hunter. Pattullo TAKE NOTICE that the Montana Conti- long a term or by too high a rate|Y. T., in seven days Tippens, Naden, H. H. D. Hem nental Development Company, of Butte, Of interest or discount. | While watching the hockey|mell, F. R. C. Brown, Tite, Sin Montana, bas deposited with the Minister Robert Baird. the 4 ri of Public Works, at Ottawa, Canada, and aird, the inspector of|game on ‘Thursday night. J. p./clair, W. H. W. Murray, H, Dum with the District Registrar of Titles, Municipalities, agreed that Prince | mepoye: : , sfortune to | Morrison, and Dr. and Mrs. Cad Prince Rupert, B. C,; under Chapter 115, eA : MeDougall had the misfortune t i i “ ‘ R. 8. C. 1906, plans and description of pert was in a position where it/fall on the ice, breaking his col- Mesdames: Reddie, DeGex, Mé Ee eames = of certain harbor works must get some consideration, and! jar pone. Neil, Ward, Dawson, Harrise ee ae oe ae a the department was willing, but it| TI MeMordie, Roberson, Seott i » special tre *t ig ; Townsite, according to registered pian or (esired that the term of renewal | 7 eee ee me | Misses Ellett, Du Vernet the said Townsite dsposited in the Prince should not be more than thi | Smithers hockey team ran into a ( Beckwitt oO , 0 f "ee ALPS S «c Slew: ay Rupert Land Registry Office, and number be **lhandear on Thursday, near Por-| orn tewart, Ra ed 92%, the aforesaid works consisting of Years. The only way Prince Ru-| : ae" | Phelan one wharf with ore bins. jphery Cree section foreman | So ; ; oe jpert could get over the situation | | Messrs.: H. P. Wilson, ¢ , AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the VE ee hie tell wean Bneton nih! ‘ aor : said company has applied to the Governor-|i Which it was placed was either | Newcombe, Boldrick, C. ¢ Pur General-in-Counell for approval of the |) : z joff, He was brought to the hos- ' cecions tuetiee ene oo 3 iby renewal of the certificates die, L. Holtby, J. B Doig, G. Took ’ permission to con : pital on the train. , struct the same. |which was impossible, according | er, H. Tooker, A. H. Tomlinson DATED at Prince Rupert, B. C., 8 i . | : Gey ot Senuere, A. 9. — this mito the representatives of the city, | Billy Reid, who has spent the|H. F. MeLeod, W. E. Burritt, R A ae : PATMORE & FULTON, |by the sale of fifty-year bonds, | last six months at the Coronado|MeGee, G. W. Nickerson, Lieu ee ae Montana cr which was impracticable now, or|group on Hudson Bay Mountain,|tenant Christie, A CG. Garde, A by the issue of new certificates. is in town for a few days and re-|Carss, J. Howatt, Barnjium, Fa!' _—_— rer On the motion of Frank J. Mac-|ports seme splendid showings.|Turnan, J. F. Pooler, Jardine lor a comfortable room, come kenzie the committee unanimous-|\Two shifts are working steadily Mrs. Palmer is to be congratu ae Se Elmo yo o Sec-'ly endorsed the application and!on development work, and three |lated on the able manner in wh'-b ee ORNs, aeeP - rect. asked the inspector of municipal-|carloads of ore are alongside the she, assisted by Mrs. Nade ! Newly opened. Steam heat and 6 . , ae. “ane, © hot and cold water in every room, jities to draft a section to cover |track ready for shipment,-Omi- | ganized and carried out a de! gi Free baths. Rates reasonable, | {lie case.——Vicloria Times, Feb. 9.|}neca Miner ful entertainment a (SOLD BY ALL GROCERS 31 Years Older Than The Dominion of Canada S the name implies, The Bank of British North America was established long before the Provinces united and became the Dominion of Canada. The sound, progressive management which has made it a power in Canadian finance makes it the bank for your account. THE BANK OF British North America 78 YEARS IN BUSINESS. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $7,884,000 PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH P. MARGETTS, Manager. Capt. J. McGEE, M.MLS.A NAUTICAL ACADEMY Masters and Mates Prepared for Examination Compasses Adjusted Helgerson Block, Opp. Royal Hote|—Phone Red 502 EPO ELE LA LOEB LOLA CEL POLOCOOLL SL POPOL ELS OL POE DLO DOR BD POOOL LD OOLDL CPLR FOR RENT Lo eee FIVE-ROOM HOUSE CONRAD STREET HANDY TO DRYDOCK $12.00 PATTULLO & RADFORD SECOND AVENUE } HARRY ATKINS FAMILY BUTCHER High Class Pork Sausage Vancouver Branch Selects Ali Our Meats and Very Best Quality Han | died. Give Us a Trial | Corner 3rd Ave. and 2nd St. | Phone 574 LAND NOTICES. Skeena District of Land District ‘ Five mast, Range vat E that William Watson, of occupation Contractor, in Ob [tends to to apply for permission to lease the following described lands Commencing at & post planted on the northerly limit of the Hight-of-Way of the Grand Trunk Pa citic Railway Company, and about 35 chains southwesterly from Mile 84, east from lp rince Rupert, B. C.; thence north 20 pontine thence west 20 chains; thence south 46 chains, more or less, to the north jerly limit of the Right-of-Way of the Trunk Pacific Rathway Company; | northeasterly along the northerly jiimit Of the said Right-of-Way to point of | tumbencement containing about acres, more or less | WILLIAM WATSON | Dated December 26, 1014 25-85 ge Hemo Grand thence and | wavie SELE WATERS PROTEC- PSeruraay, |} a SS = SSS ES Sa FRED STORK’S HARDWap 710 SECOND ave Tools Buliders’ Hardware Carpenters’ Bhip Chandiery |) Wire Cable Stee! Blocks Fishing Tackle i) iron Pipe Pipe Fittingr Rifles and Shot Rope Valves Ammunition = Pumps Hose Paint Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated tron “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE erst = = a STORK’S HARDWARE Make Monday Ironing Day ET Sunlight Soap do your washin, day morning and you can do ty ironing Monday afternoon. The rub, rub, rub at the board has no pl: Mon- light we in the Sunlight way—so with the hardest part of washing cut out you'll feel like making it a good days work by doing at least part of th ironing. Follow the directions that cut your work remember there's nothing in Sunlight to injur or dainty hand. A $5,000 guarantee backs thi | Sunlight Soa AN groce sell an recommen L . — — Time and Tria! Prov: the unequalled value of Beecham’s | best corrective of ailments of the dig r so common-—and the best preventive g @ serious sickness so often resulting fron boweb irregular action of the stomach, liver Beecham’s Pills TECTION ACT. R. 8. ©., Chapter 116. give | The Imperial Ol| Company hereby | jhotiee that it has, under Section 7 of the! | abov Act, deposited with the Minister of} Publi rks at Ottawa, and m the of. | fice of the District Registrar of we Prines ‘Nupert Land hegistration bistrict al hrince Lupert, B. C., @ deseripsion of the} si and the plans of the wharf and ap proach proposed to be built in Prince Ru-| pert Harbor, British Columbia, in front of | Waterfront Block “G,” according to reg. | istered plan of the townsite of the said! City of Prince Kupert deposited in the aforesaid Land Registry Office as No. 923 AND TAKE NOTICE that after the ex piration of one month from the date of the first publication of this notice, the said Hips ria! Ol Company will, under fection 7 of the said Act, apply to the Minister of Public Works at his oMice in the City of Ottawa for approval of the said site and plans and for leave said wharf and approach to construct the Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C., this @d day of verve, A. D. 1015 THE IMPERIAL OLL GOMPANY 28-34-40-47 - SUBSCRIBE FOR THE DAILY NEws ) have a great record. For over half a century they hav« n used ¥ n entire teem in thousands of homes. few dos prove @ you that you can find prompt relief from the headaches, (i) rown general no- eelings caused by indige stior iousne oe and mand such you wi n An Invaluable Aid to Health P y Thomas L "Rist ca by ® hagas Beoshom, Be Helens, 5. Amerios. fo know what it is to have at you re, Kngle CREAM BAKING POW)! =, EMPRESS COFFE! prince RUPERT. o