x ; af prety THE DAILY NEWS" PRINCE RUPERT, B. G., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 19145. USS = PRICE FIVE CENTS NS, REINFORCED IN BUKOWINA, ADVANCE OODS HAVE CREATED NEW PANIC IN ITALY—HOSTILE AEROPLANE WAS FEAI FEARED AT T OTTAWA SSIANS ARE REINFORCED IN BUKOWINA AND DEFEAT ENEMY ANS RETIRED ONLY TO oer IN TOUCH WITH COommuUNI- CATIONS AND SECURE REINFORCEMENTS — THE FIGHTING NOT YET DECISIVE. (Spe The Dally News.) | the Rissian” side on the East! A dispatch | Prussian frontier and the fh le from Gzer Sereth, within Bukowina rh ubting continues |! ussian 1 es have withdraw ! Khussians have mane Se Nast Pras end ta | ke wina the face f up ' ements and |g, . sid Austria ais es of counter | tha } fight be able ¢ . shattered the jcentrate and come int touch with nes at three | the eof mmunicat The their - retire Tieia report make only the briefest eferet s to the opera ire now moving |t at the two extrem mpedes their ‘the castern front but what they 6 intense, the |d say indicates that the Rus twenty below/sians already have reached the snow is ren-|lines which Grand D Nich distinguish j|olas has decided to give battle fo diundred feet |th rest of the campaigr n the of wounded |east perished from Even the ehting in the Carpa thia which is proceeding un Battles Imminent. the worst weather conditions i5 Two big ershad ed by these greater have al-/events the result f which on begin on both sides are staking so much MANY FEARS STATES “GERMANY WANTS BRITAIN: AVORS BRITISH CAUSE TO PASS FOODSTUFFS (Special to The Deity News) (Special to The Daily News.) The German Washington, D. ¢ Feb. 15 that the United Count Bernst: this mor u reat Britain is'a vote to the State Department ro Pictures Explain Loss of Life in Italian Earthquake. Ruins in Aveggano, Italy. The upper picture shows what was formerly the main street of Avezzano The arrow indi- cates a shop in which 48 peo- ple perished Of the entire population of some 10,000 only a small fraction escaped. The lower picture shows the ruins f the Bank of Rome im Avez- zano)6oshowing--searchers for old. HOSTILE AEROPLANE | VISITED CANADA * GAVE NO WARNING-- SUNK BY SUBMARINE (Special to The Daily News.) the note to Ger intimated that Germany was w hat Great Brit-,ijing to recede from attacking mer- American lives |chantme: f Great Britain will | « Post sneers| withdraw her efforts to prevent and flutelike “istuffs reaching the Germatr vilian population. LEY VALLEY IS. toca LIBERALS TOUR FULL OF HOSPITALITY; INTERIOR DISTRICTS s to see lev Fred Stork, A. M. Mans al real good fel H. F. MeRhae returned last eve - the Bulk eas atl of the Skeena and pportunity to | Bulkley Valleys in the st ial fune-|the Liberal party Meet \“ this williheld at the chief centers ent degree.| the 1 e and the greatest inte ¢ that there|/est was shown by the settlers | good cheer| The people of the { than in thelhave beer that ry fr essity drives|tive to ty years nd tw perhaps theyistanding the fact that n I but, at any/dollars have been taker tof the void that arti-| country by the government the it is so evi-ilway of land sales, coa enses nters ind taxes very little has Oe! fines, how-|done for the openine | ru ple live onleountry Where meney has bee wk the grace bappropriated it was nany ty cousiné}eases wasted by either building ind especially|roads where they wer vat re towns and set-| quired or starting nowhere and Grand Trunkjending nowhere.” the people in One of the greatest complaints come them-|too, of this district is the stagna r centers andition caused by having thousands r education andlof acres of land tied up, which high Indeed, prevents the formation of settl that gives one|ments. As it is, the settlers are ew country is}so scattered that hh f citizen that/churehes and other socia ! : at every point tutions are impossible of last week | These people have ber ! ‘anhee Was given }supporters of the ¢ ent \idermere, in aid|the past but have received th Fund Every-|ing but fair promise Now they Miles aroundiare determined to try a el | of the mostiand from end to end of the dis functions was |trict there is the greatest enth “' J. &. Gray andlsiasm in favor of the Lit | ' Smithers, )}party, which is pledged | Page Pou ithese problems speedily Ne j Feb. 15—-The Amer a embers of the crew of the Brit f ghter Ikaria, who have arrived here, say the vessel vas nk the Channel by a submarine without any warning itten at rescue on January sist LEAVE FOR FRONT. A priva iblegra was t { t sal lay f u I l ving that th 1 ach t f the Pri ] iving f Fran It s is sed of Vess a ( vy, De i I a WAS THERE AN ACCIDENT? t ea that ana le YT “ tion with | f the hy ar port says the }pip Anoth says that k pla was ly b k “pa rhe govert s being { } » the last few days. FOOTBALL NEWS. (Special to The Daily News.) ( B, { Feb. 15 Oo ha von its way into the Mia Cup finals by defeating ir Cottage by 3 to 0. | the Rugby ehampionship Mod i ed the ¥. M. GC. A 15 r ticultural Bociety ie sday, February 18 ‘ when the officers year will be elect \ neon will leeture i atjon of Vacant ' \ ve attendance is 36-40 (Special to The Daily News.) 15.—The the Ottawa, Ont., Feb. GERMANY y STILL AFTER ITALIAN ASSISTANCE ... ere extinguished the on nent buildings, royal and the Governor General's (Special to The 5 @he Gate News.) Rome. Feb. 15 rhe “Idea Na- | esidence last night owing to a ale” forecasts a German offer mor that two aeroplanes were the Italian government of | aveling over Brockville. The he province of Trienti and the /,,,ji¢, report that the machines ectifcation of Sep Mouton 5) eturned by Morrisburg, across Italy will aid the Dual Alliance d Quote Von Buelow as saying the St. Lawrence, at 1:30 this Either Ltaly will be friendly or |™orning The United States is we will treat her worse than Eng- linwe stigating the incident land.’ - sliiiithimcaiiamn 'PORT ESSINGTON LADIES SEATTLE CELEBRATES | DOING PATRIOTIC WORK NEW PERIL I ALTAN EARTHQUAKE CREATES THROUGH FLOODS ELEVATIONS OF RIVER BEDS EDS CHANGED AND SWOLLEN RIVERS ARE THREATENING THE COUNTRY—VATICAN IS (Special to The Dally News) Rome, Feb, 145—ITtaly, after the earthquake, facing the }peril of floods. Streams are out lof their course and following the | There’ are The Tiber fifty , and is rising |two inches hourly and threatens |the Vatican quarter. Hospital pa- tients have been removed to the top floors and there are fears is now altered elevations. heavy rains. is | feet out of normal ‘ 5 and Friday at 7:45 squad and company. B Company will parade at the Exhibition Building on Monday and Thursday at 7:45 p.m. Drill squad and company. Overseas Company. Men enlisting for this company who have passed the medical ex- amie will parade at the Court House, Second Avenue, on Monday, February 15, at 8 p. m., p. m. Drill tion lest the building collapses. The famous St. Angelo bridge, built by | the Emperor Hadrian, is now un- der and it is feared it may collapse. water 68th REGIMENT, EARL GREY'S OWN RIFLES. Orders by Major J. H. McMullin, Commanding, for the week end- ing February 22, 1915: Parades. A Company will parade at the Exhibition Building on Tuesday for the purpose of signing the roll. Married men must bring with them the written consent of their wives to their enlisting. Men will parade in plain clothes. W. A. PETTIGREW, Capt., Acting Adjutant. (5 a. m., Feb, 15, 1945.) BerOmistsh ccc ces wsines 29.486 Mak. WU. ie cis awescses 40.0 GOs a6 66645 0 0085450 Precipitation ......-cece 59 GERMAN AIRMEN WERE LOST IN STORM (Special to The Dally News) Copenhagen, via London, Feb. {5.-A German aeroplane, in a badly damaged condition and with two officers aboard, was found to- day near the cost of Mance. The officers were greatly exhausted. They had lost their bearings in a snowstorm. LIBERALS ORGANIZE IN BULKLEY VALLEY On February 11 the Liberals of the Bulkley Valley met at Smith- ers and organized a district Lib- eral Association. Representa- tives were present from the dif- ferent centers, Mr. Frank MacKinnon, of New Hazelton, was eleeted president, 100 YEARS OF PEACE | The Port Essington Women’s}and Mr. R. E. Williams, of Smith- (Special to The Dally News) utr Guild have just sent off /ers, secretary-treasurer. Mem- Seattle Fel 15.—The eltheir second shipment to the Red|bers of the executive will be sundred years of peace between | 2 f ty and to the Belgian|Chosen by the several local asso- Brita ind the United States was | telief Committee, Montreal, the }¢lations. ated base oentenden to ol wing articles Besides expressing confidence as beciniinne ro the Red Cross—Fifty-cight in the leadership of Sir Wilfrid ive eceks, 20 pairs wrictiets, $8 Laurier, and aiso that of the pro- PEACE CENTENARY sn tiiaiats 68 wihtean’ sult vincial leader, Mr. H. C. Brewster, CELEBRATED LOCALLY yuilt the following resolutions were discussed and passed: Services in celebration of the| 7° MF. Prudhomme, for —s “4We regret and condemn hundred yeare of pence betweent ne. Meee, Overanm I the use of the Department of Britain and the United States |°** * res", 2 blouses, 10 night), nie Works for the upbuilding were conducted last night in the|7"@88es, 17 suite underwear, 6) °° 11. Conservative party. We eal churehes. In the Anglica weaters, 5 paire shoes, 2 boy * | ranintain that the expenditure of Church, the bishop preached a|*"'* * b@!rs knickers, 2 sweaters, | ine money set aside for public special sermon, Rev. H. B, Grant, |' hirts, 33 ehildren’s night)... must be made without any n the Presbyterian Church, aleo|*"!"s 86 sults underwear, 2% leonsideration for party adherents. made fitting reference to the oc. |P#its Stockings, 12 gaiters and). gemand-that the Department casion wotees, 11 children’s coats, 6) .¢ public Works be made abso- prepay en shawls, 12 cloth quilts, 48) ately non-partizan.” OLD-TIMER DIED. children’s frocks, 144 Given’ | “2 In view of the undue and vine dontli conusdin ab hanna aprons |wasteful exploitation of subdivi- hospital last night of George I we also lake thie oppartuaity jsions, annexes, and addition to le- Hayes, recently of Stewart, where!” rhanking the Canadian EX~-/gitimate and reasonable sized hn ei ela aaendl de Cinta 4, FO COEP Company for free transpor- |townsites, and viewipe with alarm an old-timer in the asovinen: hay tat Montreal; to Mr Gegane tthe withdrawal of money from ing had a hotel in Discovery un.|*22™* ‘or ferry and sBIPPIRG] productive enterprises in the til recent years, when he peeved sens and Messrs, & Cunning |provinee for wildeat speculation; to Stewart He was a native of ham & 5 Lid., for cases and | do hereby resolve that we are Sita enihe packing same jstrongly in faver ef and do here- PORT ESSINGTON WOMEN’S ipy urgently demand the enaet- When buying buy Canadian PATRIOTIC GUILD ment of restrictive and remedial made goods, See our window Janet D. Kidge, President legislation in regard to all appli- & MeMERKIN, Recretary.’ WILLIAMS Agnes Harris (Continued on Page 4) CANADIAN PORTS MAY HAVE GERMAN MINES (Special to The Daily News.) Ottawa, Feb. 15. The possi- bility of German mines being strewn off the Canadian Atlantic and Pacifie ports is indicated in an official warning issued by the Naval Service as to the operations of government sweepers. LIVE HOCKEY IS PLAYED IN INTERIOR The Interior towns have a hoekey -league that would do credit to much larger centers. Hazelton, New Hazelton = and Smithers are each represented. A magnificent silver cup donated by Dunean Ross is played for each This has been won by Old Hazelton although the leagues games are nof all played, the having won game so far except the game at Smithers last Wednesday when the local team scvr- year. already, old town every on night, ed its first vietory. Open air rinks board wall is built around the de- sired space and the flooded with water game or two it and kept in first class shape. are used inclosure After flooded Af- is cleared this and far each is again ter a snowstorm the ice off with but the storms have been few between. scrapers, year Williams & Me Meekin have a window display of goods made in Canada and represented by local agents. 37-39 Given Under the Auspices of Ladies of the Catholic Church at the Catholic Hall MONDAY, FEBRUARY 15th Card Playing Commences 9 o'Clock Sharp Admission: $1.00 per Couple