Monda Fe : THE DAILY NEWS ! “~ | ~~ = SSS SSSA SIF = VER NEWS-AD. 7 — — . = + “*** VANCOU ) Soe owonrecs ‘ \* eee ER HEH BULKLEY VALLEY IS CHANGES MANAGEMENT I ’ Daily | LOCAL NEWS ITEMS {| , Smt coun sewn, s ITY ‘FRED STORK’S HA “* FULL OF HOSPITAL W AR Pe ee mr. John Nelson Resigns After | | Raincoats, 86.75 and up. De-| The Chelobsin arrived in port 4 the lean One ive Years as Business Man- — | } Wed ' , Continued From Page O01 F } 0 soon 2 or sdnesday noon, bringing a} : on —_ | mers. tae } in “ . supplied the music and it was all ager of That Paper ‘)) 0 Ave mber yassengers, among , FOR RENT pit ed aunwer. OF 1 =" lthat could be desired. The din - |) Garpenters’ Tools Builders’ Hardware Ship Chang sicciiabatacaitan See the made-in-Canada win-|whom were Messrs. Kar! Brink, | f Jack MeNeill hotel Word is received here that the { Wire Cable 8 | Blocks Pent ory ’ , : . ing room of Jac cNe ~ ( | - ite FOR RENT-Partly furnished 3-room cot-| dow at Williams & McMeekin's. Wm. Hill and B, W. Fleming. | Vancouver News-Advertiser has Pi Fite O Tackle tage; bath, electric light; #15. 138 a. a 97.99 iwas used for a dance hall and it ! ' om iron Pipe pe Fittings Rifles and Shotgy Highth Ave. W. r. McBride. 36 er | = change in its manage ni 2p sel ye . Mr. Fleming is one of the best/seemed to answer the purpose as|made a hange . ; Rope Vaives Ammunition ‘ FOR KENT—Seven-roomed house, electric Fis Ce : nent Mr. John Nelson, for five light and bath, $22 per a. ass St. Patrick's Society is arrang known travelers on the Coast, be-| well as a polished floor. A num ' Pumpe Hose Paint ix-roomed house, ectric lig an 5 : . 2 ee > | uve head of the senior morning bath, #20 per month. Both in good re- ‘ : ine formerly in the service of the|ber of fancy costumes were inj;ye head of the sen Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated | pair and centrally located. Apply oti! ing a very fine program for a con-|" 4 ‘ ‘ : ‘6 Bo ewspaper in Vancouver, is retir ron pevenme Av Ww. “86) wort on March-17 in the West-|Union Steamship Company as evidence which attempted to por | the new manager will be ‘WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST FOR RENT Large front bedroom, with), oo purser on several of their steam-|tray real hard times, although | ne. and the ne ant sitting room, Suitable for two gentie-|liolme Theatre. re Arthur Lineham, who, it is = = men, Fifteen dollars. Meals if de- + -- ers plying in northern waters, and|there is less hard times in the j ur J , sired. Close in; modern house. Box : ae iii . R | derstood has purchased ap 122, The News. u. Chimneys, Pipes and Ranges|/atterly representing the Mooney |Bulkley Valley than in Prince Ru { tt FRED STORK’S H RD sash . . ™ | ts a half interest ir i FOR, RENT—Steam heated, bright single] .joaned and order. Fritz,| Biscuit & Candy Co., Ltd. The|pert. A number of ladies wore| proximately a half inter A WA , cleaned and put in order. ¥ y , room; reasonable rent; private family. ss & ‘ ; : , — + yper from Mr. J. 8. H. Matso if}! Box i124, care The News. 25-27 phone 583. 30.40} Leeson-Dickie-Gross Co. has had| waists make of flour sacks wit pay ’ oO We —_— POR KENT — Furnished nouschonpiag > 2 = no traveler in this section before|the miller’s brand still in evi-| Vict a Mr. Lineham, wh : = 1 . Inqui emers. -u. . ih 7 ‘ ye e 1 the 5 tere asi Rare ‘ scala cdl If the party who took the Sun-land it shows the progressiveness |dence but this in no way detracted several years parti mp ss as 7 . ‘ eal estate fi of Grat FOR SALE day School box from the Firstlof this firm to go after the a the bright eyes or stately | \ on eT a a ‘) . geal . | . : ' neham, will take up 11s — Snecma Baptist Church last week will re- | now. lforms in¢losed. A visitor was re-jand Li FOR SALE—fFurniture for sale. Also " ‘ “ . | Frasidense in Vancouve! next , : urn same, they will save further ; imarking about the number of] piano, Room 4, Mcintyre Bik. 383-7 tur } Ihe outgoing passengers in- nark ibou ‘ \' ‘ - FOR SALE-—50-H.P. capacity steam pote trouble. tf. _jeha ming maidens who were}! : and 8-H.P. stationary engine. Can cluded Road Superintendent R. | had cheap. In excellent order. Ap: > <¢ ; Mr G ‘ t Ipresent but was informed ari ply Bux 18, Daily News 990th) An extraordinary general meet- ;J¢"™ings, Mr. Gower, inspector o ey elie ake eedety afl, mar-| ae | . ance | schools; A. H. Tomlinson, provin- | ee he A WANTED jing of the St. John Ambulance at Gabthiadtidiins ana we iat lried, The fact is, there are prob-| Capt. J. McGEE, M. af Association will be held in the|©'#’ Morte a “lably more blushing brides to th my a ae eee Oi ICAL ACADEMY Werte ae eee ee #30. per Board of Trade rooms, on Sec-|*8Y; Previn ial live stock expert, square foot in/these towns than| NAUT Summi : ‘ ; f . rok ' mont? Phone Black 504. $1| ond Avenue, on Tuesaday evening, |#!! of whom had spent a week in in and part of. ip province Masters and Mates Prepared SITUATION WANTED —, OU Wants, "Or the 46th inst., at & o'clock. Mat. /'oWn in connection with the Dus- je ese en enn was for Examination ; 4tanee|iness of their respective depart- 7 ‘ i —— namber |ters of considerable importance lthe police court ably presided Woork. Apply Box 117, The News. i have to be decided and all mem- | ments. — “ md Hine Pitan ad te Compasses Adjusted over P i ime! sister | —four-rowm house tion tae 's re »men. | | Y | = ‘bas 3196 gown ta fe 8 . bers, both ladies and gentlemen, | Many of our readers will learn|The offenders were frequently Helgerson Block, Opp. Royal 3. month until paid. Box 102, Daily lare asked to attend. 38-9 | with regret that Rev. Hans Sag-/brought before (he bar and fined tances beens Gnd O68 | WANTED—-Second-hand organ at once. | < . ; : ‘ me a : } Write P. U0. Box 644 33-6 LIBERALS ‘ORGANIZE eng, pe a se abe Lu-|for all sorts of things even fi Sal iia de ii ANTED—View lot and house; close 1; theran Church at agensborg,|being the president of the Con bat $2,500 to $3,000 wil 8700, IN BULKLEY VALLEY ; wed } esignat anal cash and arrange balance. ox 100, | j has tendered his resignation an jservative Association A promi- | s*esee oree, | a Continued From Page One. intends to leave the valley about/nent Liberal was fined f ; 1 Order house wants ; de 2 | bet Hy ae A - to work a feW cations for registration of al! May 1 Rev. Sageng, during his | bitts for attending “an unlawfu ; i () R R E N T 2u weekly, contract given, ; s ‘ a | position permanent. » gixperience un-/townsite subdivisions, annexes, incumbeney, which extends over /assembly. perauve iario. Ra eee Uperative Union Windsor, Ontario. land additions, which shall be|a number of years, has won the| Among those who attended, = ———— ‘deemed detrimental to the general esteem of the whole community,|were the following many f} ; _MISCELLANEOU | welfare and standing of any com-|by whom his departure will be|whom are well known in Princes FIVE ROOM HOUSE POR TRADE — Land in Fraser Valley in imunity or of the province as a keenly felt as a serious loss to the| Rupert: . Rupert lots . . . = 133° Dally — Pyb-34-37 | whole.” | district —Bella Coola Courier. Mrs. Parcell, Mr. and Mrs. T. ¢ wee 7 ‘DANCING. ‘3—We hereby condemn the | | Aitken, R. L. Gale, W. Gale, Mr CONRAD STREET tae : siniigiete eure profligacy of the McBride gov-|waste of public money on a com-|/and Mrs. E M Hoops, Miss E. M NCING—Private lessons in Waltz, Two-|ernment in allowing the spoila-|mission that has not attempted/ Hoops, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Camp HANDY TO DRYDOCK DA & I en oe ee oe tion of the province and the to deal with the real question of bell, Miss Campbell, Miss Doris ; . : ' 5% 5 rover , : se nt. We condemn!Campbell. Mr ! Mrs. Car ° . Friday evenings. Mrs. Brooks-Ander- wasteful use of government |/and settlement ampbell, I and ar a e on a r roning aly 33% | « oon, 839 Eight Ave. Bast, *®| monies, thus tying up the coun-|the utter failure of the govern-| Wakefield, Mr. Bill Wakefield, Mr e y o ¢ Bert hapten music jtry and rendering its develop-|ment to deal with the problem,|E. Wakefield, E. ©. Barger, Mrs ET Sunlight Ss p do your wa tae Bae “ a ae sible ’e ‘ther. |and we approve of an immediate | Bakke, Gus Timmermeister. J. W = — jment imposs ible. We further os on . ante iu - n ei day morning and you can do th ht — . “ec » “0 “ctio fit ‘finite isposition o e ac Dendric i Oo tu I IF YOU CAN'T PLAY WHY NOT GET a|More condemn the connection ef and definite disp . | MacDendrick, }. Cox, Guy Fe PATTULLO & RADFORD ironing Monday afternoon. ca 19600; wetenian ol sous. Gent the Attorney General of this|duestion, whereby the speculator w, Douglas Campbell, A. Fair- Th I ! b at ‘th I 1} used, a o ; C . . . » are las Neo] tors. prince Rupert Music Store, 3} province with fake financial con- | will be compelled to relinquish all|bairn, H. B. Latta, Mrs. A. Mel SECOND AVENUE ! 2 — a ; ane oe ade } : ur Avenue. . in re Su igh av—so 1e jarce par . . ‘erns ‘ ave s . any | lk s exce suct roportionate | nes rs. Johr o r. ani : , . : TALKING MACHINES, VIOLINS AND aLL Cerns that have swindled many a ‘ 2 . oe , . P " Mrs. John Short, Mr. and of washing cut out you'll feel like making ita _ ) ee . ne oO yart as shall have eT yal or Mrs a Shor as Shi ss ’ : f¢ Musical Instru- !undreds of innocent citizen f os . r a ¢ ; ; bs e - Ira Short, M rt, M ; good day’s work by doing at least part ¥ this province and declare that his le fands heid heretofore Dy Him) Margaret Short, R. D’Egville, Mrs : : : : 2 ired. } ‘ een |. |shall be open for settlement. Tt 3} HARRY ATKINS a Bows rebaired. The CONduct in this matter is suffi-|sall be open tor settiement. is) F,. B, Chettleburgh, Mr. and Mrs Follow the directions that cut your work . -/convention demands that where|J,. Cochran. J FAMILY BUTCHER Q . Prince Rupert Mu- icient to force him out of public i } j i ‘ j wochran, J. L. Christie.. A. Me tna Guns Gait Oe a remember there's nothing in Sunlight to injure | sic Store, 345 ara life.” jpublic lands have been Crown/Ara, G. Turner, Mrs. James Me- Vancouver Branch Selects All Our or dainty hand. A $5,000 guarantee backs this sta ave. tr. | “5__ "This convention regrets | granted to speculators that steps |Rae, Mr. and Mrs. Reigle, Mrs. F.| ee ae vee7 2s wae Han Soviet , the gross waste of public money,|be taken to compel the holders to | Norris, J. H. Thompsen, J Bour- | Corner 3rd Ave. and 2nd St. e Schosl ahilesic and Shorthand | |so badly needed for the upbuild-|immediately improve the same/gon, D. Jennings, J. Ramsay. J i Phone 574 ing of the prince, in the build-|and throw the land open for set-|Moffat, Mr. and Mrs. J. B Good- | VINCENT C. KNOWLES ’ (Violinist Westholme Opera House) ling and partial building of unnec-|tlement by bonafide farmers at a/will, Mrs. David Scott, 8. Patter - - ation - TEACHER OF essary works, such as the uncom-|reasonable price and on reason-|son, J. Salt, F. Johnson. D. Chis- LAND NOTICES. Violin, Piano, Mandolin siti Rial " . ; + Bn, oo and ue |pleted automobile road to the top | able terms. jholm, J, Kahn, W. Skelhorne, Pat Skeens Land District—District of All grocers Phone Green 61 lof Mount Revelstoke at an ex-| “6—Whereas, the development|McPhee, G. Hazelton. W. E. Go- — Sw oe sell and MRS. KNOWLES pense of $17,000 and in the main-|of the Omineca District has re-|vert, J. Adams J. Gray, E. G TAKE NOTICE that William Watson, of recommend it Teacher of Pitman’s Shorthand ——— oe iii aff far|iceived no consideration in th = . sae Remo, B. C., occupation Contractor, in ce tenance of a civil service staff far |‘ ) conside e\Ayliffe, W. Reid, Miss Lacroix tends to apply for permission to lease the — Suite 15, McMordie Apt. |in exeess of the needs of the prov-|Ppast commensurate with its im-|Miss Capewell, Miss MeMilla, N. | following described lands:—Commencing at| bse - : emeaanaeanas ince, edless ¢ seless | portance; be it resolved, that it is le ‘Ne arvey, |% 00st Dianted om the northerly limit of — ince, and in needle and usele \P« , eso McMillan, J. J. MeNeil, M. Harvey, the Right-of-Way of the Grand Trunk Pa IN THE MATTER OF THE “NaVIGABLE | PUDlic commissions, and in the|the sense of this body that capi-|M. Sanders, B. Heal, H. Heal, H.} cific Rattway Company, and about 35 chains WATERS’ PROTECTION ACT,” REVIS- ‘' ni yee ‘. , dae ital cannot be secured by claim | Drummo — —- «,- southwesterly from Mile 84, east from ee i iieewtes @s cams cnen payment of vast sum lo party . ; ummond, Hugh Taylor, Mi Prince Rupert, B, C.; thence north 80 CHAPTER 115, AND AMENDING acts !riends by way of commission, as|Owners for the development of | McLaughlin, Miss Macdonald,|chains; thence west 20 chains; thence - @ And a in the case of $45,000 being paid | their properties on account of! Pete Carr, E. Hill. Mrs. W aan south 46 chains, more or less, to the north ime an ria ov IN THE MATTER OF AN APPLICATION BY : ’ Se 5 ; ’ , " ‘jerly limit of the HKight-of-Way of the THE MONTANA CONTINENTAL pE- ? J.°S. H, Matson without a rea-|!ack of roads and trails in many/E. Pickett, R. Barnett, J. White, oe oe a ans the unequalled value of Beecham’'s |! VELOPMENT COMPANY FOR AP- son or explanation being given.” |cases. We believe that liberal|(. Sheveet, Mrs. A. H. Wallis, Mp, | ‘ence Borthearterly along the northerly best corrective of ailments of the di f PROVAL OF THE PLANS FOR CON ‘ ‘ | | limit of the said Right-of-Way to point of d é STRUCTION OF A CERTAIN WHARF, © >-~Whereas, as most all the /consideration should be shown | and Mrs. Williscroft, H. B. Camp mumencement; and containing about 80 ae an ge 7 ae _ oe _ anneere land in this district, that should |the prospector in the way of roads|bell and T. J. Thorp. SETH, HUES OF ILLIAM WATSON — — - = = as — ad | “ >RINC > ; 16 December 94 5 rregular mach, SITE . _ = be open for homestead, has been and trails to his property, and A number of similar funetions 7 Cee oe _— iniatiniiiiaa t > ms “de omte " | TAKE NOTICE that the. Montana conn. |°°!4 to noneresident land holders, |that the heavy burden entailed by/have been conducted in the past|NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTEC- ental. Development Company, of Butte, 2nd, whereas, the Agricultural this work should not be borne al-|few months in aid of the Patriotic TECTION ACT. eec am 'S j Montana, has deposited with the Minister ,(:,, asia rece ‘ < 1] together by the oneers, in this und ¢ 8 ; . ‘ of Publié Works, at Ottawa, Canada, ang S100, Tecently appointed . . ee | Fund at this;point until they have , with the District Registrar of Titles, by the Provincial government, |#igantic industry. We demand a| now raised about $1,000, which is | R. & C., Chapter 116. bags 0.amind soneed. per ever ball a century toy have be Prince Rupert, B. C., under Chapter 115, },. . _ al .lrebate of ¢ “oval : a a ee nai : . The Imperial Oll Company hereby give pny ary action in ew dos M & C. 1906, plans end description of has utterly failed to deal with the |" bate of all royalty on ore ship | highly creditable for so small #4 otic that it has, wnder Section 7 of the ‘ou can find prompt relief Seame Ghe headache the proposed site of certain harbor works Guestion of the land in the hands |per, until mine owners are reim-| district The committee jn }above Act, deposited with the Minister of int and general no- eelings caused by indiges\ to be constructed by the said Company on aii i ‘ dana : \ df ‘ xDe e at | ‘ Public Works at Ottawa, and im the of them, and you know what it is to have at your pan) of speculators, by reason for the bursed for all expenditures that|/charge is as follows: F. B. Che Waterfront Block “E,” Prince Rupert . | & ® 1s0W +hat-lice of the District Registrar of i.c Prines fownsite, according to registered plan of fact that the members of the goy-|they may have made on roads and|tieberg, T. J. 7 horp, Mrs. W. A.| ‘pert land Registration bistrict at An Invaluable Aid to Hea the said Townsite dsposited in the Prince ernment and their political |trails which ordinarily would be} Williseroft, Mrs. EK. M Hi J rrimee Lapert, B. C., @ deseripuon of the Hhupert Land Registry Office, and number " i | , os OOPS, ¢.)siw and the plans of the wharf and ap P only by Thomas Beecham, St. Helens, Lanonshire, | oe ed 923, the aforesaid works consisting of [Tiends are personally involved in, borne by the government iJ. MeNeill, A. H. Wallace, J Wil |Proaeh proposed to be built in Prince Ru everywhere in Caneds and U5. America, te boxes. | - one wharf with ore bins | , pert Harbor, British Columbia, in front of AND FURTUER Sem mOmcE au « the purchase of government lands “7-—Whereas, more than twojsen, L. Sehorn, B. M. Hoops and Waterfront Block “G,” according to reg said company has applied to the ihieater and dare not face the issue; and million dollars has been received R 1 Gale city uf Prince | Nupert “deposited 2 . r ~~ - ee jener : . . aforesaid Lan legistry Office as No. 923 General-in-Council for approval of the where as, it is impossible to build|by the government of the prov- AND TAKE NOTICE that after the ex proposed works, and permission to con piration of one month from the date of struct the same whereas, it is realized that the/inve in the last five years from |resolved that the sense of this the fret publication of this noties, the said WAKU{Q®DE *rince B 8 nperial O1 ompany will, under fection SASS a See B. C., this 8th settlement of the land is the es-/|the sale of lands and other natu-|body that plain justice demands 7 of = cata Ac. appl) to the sence , 0 ublic Works at his office in the Cit PATMORE & FULTON, sential. requisite to the upbuild-|ral assets in the Omineca Dis-/|that expenditures in the distriet jot , Ottawe for approval ‘of ‘the said site solicitor , ? » ‘ and plans ana for leave to e¢ truct : a ee Montens ei A ig of a province; and, whereas,|trict and only an insignificant}be more nearly in proportion to|said wharf and approach, OMe uet the wages = ; Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C., thi 1 it is impossible to building rural|portion thereof has been expend-j|the amount of revenue collected. |day of February. A De 1015 ™ of - ‘ MPEMIAL O1L COMPANY communities with churehes,|ed in this district, resulting in a|We maintain that the newer dis- , 26-34. 40-47 For a comfortable room, come schools, and proper roads until! total lack of proper publie works, |triets should have greater consid- |-—-—— ~~ - -—~ to the St. Elmo Hotei, 836 Sec-\ihe land has passed out of the schools, assistance to settlers, or eration in expenditures of public SUBSCRI . CREAN — "? ond Avenue, near Bighth Street. yond. of the speculators: there lany effective means of upbuilding |money than districts where ord BE FOR Ve 4 Newly opened. Steam heat and) | " : "a ae eS —— a oe " a oe BD ow hot and cold waier in every room. fore, this convention places itself) one of the most potentially prof-|jnary public improvements are al cee ore Free baths. liates reasonable, |"! record as objecting to the/itable parts of the provinee; be it|ready made.’ THE DAILY NEWS SSE SE F. G. DAWSON, WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR (SOLD BY ALL GROCERS) EMPRESS COFFE! prince nuPent ®