Coruertry *Yr | EARRINGS AND POWDER AROUSE KANSAS SOLON. “yRALGIA SETTLED M WER LIMOS sa: esse ease dar, No Relief He m The Pain Unt Impression Forbidden Under ‘LOOK OUT, KING GASOLINE--CHEAP SUBSTITUTE IN USE be Took © Frull-a-tives” Under Penalty in Bit a May sth, 1913 The following, taken from the COnT a . . peak too highly of Topeko, Kan., Feb. 15.—Kan | Patent News, an authentic pubfi- Por over thirty — eas Women under 45 years of age,|°"tion, will be of interest to all nchronic Neuralgia experiencing untold | Who wear ear ornaments or treat | #@8oline users: 1 settled a i aialiatoe their faces with cosmetics “for A substitute for gasoline that etortold me T (the purpose of creating a falee|can be manufactured for one and ot ter but “ Pruit é that the doctor was | pres i will be guilty of} 4 half cents a gallon and that will ick relief and (misdemeanors and upon convie.| run a motor car faster than gaso- te curing me - my present health tion br hject to fines, if a bill|tine is being made in Indianap- Fruit aes and ntroduced the lower house of|olis, Ind. F. FE. Moskovies, com- ity of giving ‘ a splendid the iture by Representative} mercial manager of the Nordyke t-a-lives” Meciit becomes law & Mamon Company, of Indianap- ATHAN DUNN ; , . j ce perfume, false|olis, Who was in Kansas City re- rf trial size, 25¢- . ent on receipt of price hair and eaching materials for[cently, has seen the substitute ited, Ottawa, a. ithe ha i unt the articles|made and has observed tests of enero rece ee Deeb DDeweeDoaoaons, the b 1 forbid women tofit Some of the biggest men in : ‘ the motor car business in this at (liregtar The } i des that the wo ountry are interested and predict tiie UU | ‘ {t have their eare|that the new fuel will revolution- adi ear earrings “at par-|ize not only the motor car bus- t y publie place iness, but all manufacturing bus- abers PRL, Vintners Association . — 8 ness eon nOTeL LAND OWNERSHIP rhe new fluid is called ‘aqua- winD cnt Chews ts IN CALIFORNIA) |... Mr. Moskovics said. “It rivet ave " eh a ; w. % Wright, Prop Calif does no low aliene| 2S discovered by John Andrus, id not allow alien e » s pid, but Usev en tence 1 Portuguese, of McKeesport, Pa., HOTEL OENTRAL for thre ears ae ho was recently paid $30,000 by iret Avenue sod Seventh * : the U. 8. government for a dis- t en end American Pap has been raised over a bill to ' eter Bleck, Prose my ale the leasing right A covery he made in toughening et~ . tiy land ' livis ' yj mor plate Andrus has discov- a en lane wher ing abroa¢ KWOK MOTEL s more injurious than an alien ered a way of breaking down wa- ave. Between Elehth and Nia ‘ ter without the use of great heat “ ind-owner residing on his hold ‘ an, Kates bHe to 61.00 and the new fluid consists mostly per Pay «, but this faet does not seem } Oo ' € ttle 6 ale > BSeener @ Beener, Prope ty fetnteet Cidideeetite testicle. f water, a little napthalene and ss aicialieadl ae two secret ingredients that can be , be v wu castes _ bought at any drug store. Andrus EMPRESS HOTEL ae mixes these in a still to which ave, Between Sith ene ° heat is applied and the result is a cera Sa Prince Rupert Feed Co. a fluid that is superior to gasoline pean Pian, 60 to 61 Per Day DEALERS IN ae Andrus interested Car! Fisher, ROYAL HOTEL Hay, Grain, Feed president of the Prest-O-Lite rey & Burgess, Prope and Seeds Company and president of the In- t Ave. end Sixth St dianapolis Spee ay © CHICKEN FEED A SPECIALTY lianapolis Speedway Company, in ‘epean Plas Cream Genes his in®ention, and Fisher went to a - Agents for J McKeesport to see it tested OLEBALE LIQUOR CO sae rr : DOMINION NURSERY & Fisher insisted that another test ORCHARDS CO. a 7 ee ww. oe oa should be made in Indianapolis. « 108 attend nding ieee Gee enters qoemety =s At this test were several mechan- ‘WOE PUPERT IMPORTING CO. quae cal experts and chemists, who LIMITED *908 Third Ave. Phone 68 had been invited to the test by Mr ape — Fisher to detect any fraud, if it nesta i. o2 OOS SSO OCIS aa mannii vas present PREECE S EEE RES ry movement o , » iC0E TO DELINQUENT ©O- = : | Every movement of the inven- OWNER. . FIRE SLARM SYSTEM 3 jtor was watched by these experts : s | The still was set up under their ny p . . his ae ’ — Ry Gad BF CHROUIT NO. 1 e |eves and the fluid made. A Mar- Seow aun Gor 12. Sth St and Srd Ave 3 ! | forty-one was furnished for ned 60-0 1 king No. 1” and the : Bor 13 6th St and Srd Ave 5 ithe test and five gallons of the sims, Situated at the « Bor 14.-8th St and 3rd Ave . . Serene tee guar) & Bor 16 —Junction of tt, 2nd and # | fluid was put in the tank We did t, Province of| § ord Aves gis xteen miles on a gallon, which lone the required g Gos 16. ist Ave., between 8th Got 5 the above magmenee * oth Ste (Knox Hotel # jis about four miles more than can 101 \ ; : 5 Bar 17. 1st Ave and 7th St (Cen Sl. ormally be done by that car on Mineral’ Act, and if @ tral Hotel * ¢ publication of this | @ * | gasoline We made sixty-nine mn € ntr but * - rditu “9 ~t-1 5 cmourt wo. 2 ¢/ miles an hour speed with the top f th advertise. # 3 “od 68a Une vis ae * > alae oe 5 | a d windshield up and two pas- the roperty of . = tion (of the “in * Bor 23 -Srd Ave and McBride 8 # | sengers in the car, which was t of ” * . 3 | Nee COVERT & Bos 24-—15t Ave. and McBride 8. 9/1 to five miles an hour faster co-owner, @ Gos 26--2nd Ave. and #nd St 3 | Rupert, B. CG, January z Box 26 ’nd Ave end 6th St Z| than the car had @ver made on| . a ® | gasoline We ran 150 miles, and Ceriificate of Improvements. * cIRCUIT NO. & : After the test the enginé was as | ‘van Mineral Claim, situate in the # > : ‘ of Cassiar Dis- : Box 31 5th Ave. and Fulton St. *i clean as a hound’s tooth—not a ‘ Sox 32 SHorden and Taylor Sts ; a : alle, more Or lean flea tee § Sos 967th Ave. and Fulton St speck of carbon on it. And the f the head of Alice Arm Box 369th Ave. and Comox Ave ear ran cooler than with gasoline € th Bieck Bear Mineral claim : Sox 37..#th Ave. and Dodge Pi . Subsequent tests were equally as b that lL, Pedro Salinas, as * Box SS Ave. end Thompson 5t . “0 J. Vaughan, Free Min satisfactory ‘ 019488.. and for m z OMmmouUIT NO. 4. : ‘ ' th . ertiicate » BO0318 ‘ ‘isher wen into 1 ays from the date hereof, z Box 4) «th Ave and Emmerson 2) Mr Fi t Mining Recorder for ® el thing with the Portuguese and a vements, for the pur : Gon 42. bth Ave. and McBride St | : : Nordyke ee ee } Box 43 51h Ave. and Green St small still built by the Nordyke ake not e that action, & Box 44—6th Ave and Basil St & Marmon Company has been set ‘ust be commenced De- * gon 45—Tth Ave. and Eberte. ial b Certificate of im : Sos 144-—7ib Ave. end Yung St ip at the Fisher factory and is of Septe » fro seve on gallons ™ September, A.D. | > pweaanervderarerertetsees | Making from seven to ten Be PEDRO SALINAS. | mone tan hous Oreoeoooooe GUARANTEED rhe formula for making the | American Silk new fluid is known to Mr. Fisher 00d | Get vered to on om HOSIERY and another man, and they de- town, oF can ned | tue Gees We Want You to Know lare that it can be made for ure Knott's Bakery and the These Hose sbout one and a half cents a gal. Fulton Cash Market. hey stood the test when ' Is . om lon. It looks like water and smells Milk | all others failed. They give ia aman al | Inspected Cows real foot comfort. They have exactly like camphor balls ere ne B ‘ no seams to rip. They never is no stock in the company for est Equipped and Most become loose and bag@y as le and there will not be. 1 am- Sg ' sale and tl anitary Dairy is the the shape is knit in not simply telling you the story as f Pr} pressed in. They are GUAR- || f the most wonderful no » mos rince Rupert Dairy ANTEED for fineness, for r ow it a Phone Green 252 style, for superiority of ma- | idiscovery ever made and one tnat rece i terial and workmanship, ab- « surely destined to revolution- OOOO OPOOODOOOOEOEOEES | - a on : solutely stainless an O live the power business. : "RAILWAY Comey THABABCA wear six months without : lias ’ ’ » replaced by new | weries. i| holes or replace ) ART BRINGS $4,000,000. Kiver and Athabasea Rail pairs free. FER Xt session, for an Act, | OUR FREE OF ti crus es upany to lay out, con- | ‘fo every one sending us New York, Feb, 15,—J. P. Mor- J om . ane lines of | hve to cover shipping has announced that he has “DOORS @t a point on . oe " the head of Kitimat charges, we will send, sub- eold the famous Morgan collec- Kitimat Kiver in ai] ject to duty absolutely free f Chinese poreelains, now on r “we thence ‘ins bare heee pairs of our famous t Chinese J ans, i 1 thver ecemlley Of the AMERICAN SILK HOS! exhibition in the south wing of . river 4 t Skee . » vem « the’ Ghesue "Biees with written GUARANTEE, the Metropolitan Museu mof Art. . lieve Ll “ > | | : evel midge ene with | any color, or . Tephe collection was sold to a local ri tnance DOrh-eaate rly Three pairs of our Ladies \, f art dealers Approxi- ° ver tr . int 0 ‘ ¢ se to 3 ' an o7 : rae Ue summit of | Hose in Black, ‘ely $4,000,000 ie said to be in- nas Rive ti ate | White colors, with written j aate ’ \ in or ne es welve ‘tn bproximately one GUARANTEE volved in the deal ; es; (> rom the | yeep ; . * Blackwater River, with DON'T DELAY-—Offer ex- ere Hily r,t te eee i pires when dealer, in your What has become of the old- > ' i a the at, River, thence | locality is selected Give leashioned womem he weed to seona River, themes nee ~) pores celor and size desired ae ae { Bear Bivee een Co her son @ mouth wash of ’ niles OP AppPOR- | international Hosiery . a ‘Wo (his nineteenth day of 24 Bittner Street p when she heard him swear- j \ ‘, BURGESS «@ COTE, Dayton, Ohio, U. 8. A. ’ “ors for the _Npptlcans a | 1 a 'MORE TURKS WERE j till Wednesday, THE DAILY NEWS. DESTROYED BY BRITISH London, Feb. 15 A fi of ree TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN The firm of Kissick & Edwards, heretofore doing the been dissolved an insurance business under above name has this day War- two hundred Turks and Arabs un-/ren Kissiek will continae the bus- der German officers. who were ‘Ness and assumes all outstand- ' if jes 2 | preparing -to attack the British ing liabilities and to whom all} : accounts are payable Sad station at Tor at the entrance to, pay E : W. KISSICK. » G of Suez, were attacke ; the Gulf of Su e attacked J, A. EDWARDS, | by the British instead. All of the Prince Rupert, Jan. 18, 1915. | th killed tak ‘WA enemy were either Killed orf anen Pde WATER ACT, 1914. prisoners by the British force NOTICE is hereby given that a petition! , , for the approval of the undertakin he says an official statement from City of Prince Rupert in commectien Gite | C its water Seren on Thulme River) airo, has been filed and will be heard in the | oMce of the Board of Investigation at al One hundred soldiers of the date w be set by the Comptroller of Water . Rights | Turks were taken prisoners of ibjections to the petition may be filed | ‘ : vith the Comptroller of Water Rights, | the others, not one is believed, | Parliament Butidings, Victoria, B. C., or| with the Water Recorder at Prince "Ru- escaped death. | pert Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C., this 26th Twenty camels were also cap-|4ay of December, A. D. 1914 a cit OF PRINCE RUPERT tured. The enemy's camp, to-|_E. A. WOODS, City Clerk. shila — ae Certificate of Improv gether with the stor was dy rll Chance It Fraction, and Black Bear stroyed Mineral Glaims, situate in the Skeena Min- yed. ng Division of Cassiar District =i . Where located rll Chance it Fraction The British losses in the en- |tocated between the “Lilly Bertha” end ; ‘Aldebaran” Mineral Claims near head gagement were one Gurkha killed | attee arm, Observatory Inlet, and “Black |Bear’ Mineral Claim, located one mile and one wounded. NEW CONSUL AT LEMBURG British Will Be Represented at Lemberg, Galicia, by Con- sul in Future London, Feb, 15.—Sir Edward} Grey today informed the House of Commons that he was con- sidering the appointment of British commercial attache to re-| side at Lemberg in view of the) large British interests there Lemberg is the capital of Ga-} licia, the Austro - Hungarian crown land lying between Rus- sian Poland and the Carpathian mountains which has been in- vaded in great part by the armies of Russia The city itself was occupied by the Russians on September 4, 1914. KULTUR AND IGNORANCE. The Cologne Gazette, said to be ne of the most influential jour- nals in Germany, prints a letter from an American correspondent who complains of the brutal wrath of the people of the United States against the German peo-| ple He describes this emotion as foaming rage,” and declares that the position of the German and Austrian in Canada is even worse, since “the Canadian mob has slaughtered Germans in the streets for no other reason than that they were Germans.” . Edi- torially the Cologne Gazette says that “the picture given in this let- ter is true,” and proceeds to threaten the United States with an exhibition of “brute force’ which that country will respect. By and by German writers will discover that it is German brute force which has lost that Empire the respect of neutral people.—News- Advertiser. VANCOUVER MAYORALTY CASE IS ADJOURNED , Vancou- half- ratepayers asking leave to In the Supreme Court, ver, when the petition of a dozen take proceedings toward unseat- b inh ing Mayor L. Taylor on a mere technicality connection with his qualifications before the elec- it was adjojurned 17 in the tion came up, February No argument was heard and the arranged by the counsel sides. 31 Years Older Than The Dominion of Canada S the name implies, The Bank of British North America was established long before the Provinces united and became the Dominion of Canada. The sound, progressive management which has made it a power in Canadian finance makes it the bank for your account. THE BANK OF North 78 YEARS IN BUSINESS. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS 87,884,000. PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH was both adjournment for case P. MARGETTS, Manager, jthe head of Alice Arm, a branch of Ob- servatory Inlet TAKE NOTICE that I, Pedro Salina, Free Miner's Certificate No, 80313B., intend, sixty days from the date hereof ply to the intmg Recorder for a osu eRty |}more or less, from the northwest point of f Improvements, for the purpose of - taining @ Crown Grant of the above claim. And further take notice that action, nder section 85, must be commenced be- fore (Be issue of such Certificate of -Im- provements Dated this 2ist day of September, A.D. } 1044 _ PEDRO SALINAS — G — =>) MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A_ |; Birks’ Illustrated Catalogue | In Your Home During 1915 As a medium through which you may select gifts suitable for every occasion, you will find our Catalogue of the greatest value Birks’, Vancouver, ie the great gift store of the West. Our Mall Order Department and our Niustrated Catalogue forms a convenient avenue lead- ing to @ selection from our immense stocks. WRITE FOR THE sUeNMN iH WILL NEED IT Henry Birks & Sons, Limited * JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS Granville and Georgia Streets Geo. E, Trorey, Maaaging Director VANCOUVER Bt ; y woe. LUMBER SHINGL. , MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. A& 4. BURROUGHS, Menager tet Ave. and MoBride “1. PHONE 25 Branch Yard at PRINCE RUPERT, 8.0 Smithers Aged in Wood 8 Years before bottling GUARANTEED BY THE THE UNION STEAMSHIP CO., OF B.C, LIMITED SS, VENTURE SOUTHBOUND TUESDAYS AT 8 P. M. Sailings for GRANBY, SIMPSON AND NAAS SUNDAYS AT MIDNIGHT For Further Particulars Apply to PHONE 568 JOHN BARNSLEY, Agent, SECOND AVE. AGENCY ATLANTIC STEAMSHI GOVERNMENT of CANAD Real Le \eoLn WATCH FREE] ; . , ’ a Ue oe Bie Bees ~—— | sateen J FOO ISIS IDI II ISIIIDIDIDIDIDIDIII IN INIIDIOIIIIDINI OI ICE Ene f & a eas oe ~—— ts ‘ { { = i 12) » ; + ; (sf | THE fs : ; . = DAILY for Prince Rupert and Northern B.C. | | > +f N EW S Phe Daily News goes into nearly every home in : i | Prince Rupert. It is the popular newspaper of { : { the city beeause it is clean and reliable. It has all | sf is the news of the city, and keeps in touch with events { % { and topies interesting to Northern British Colum t t t sare bia. It treats these subjects with moderate opti { t ! SANE misin and reliability, ; ¢ i The Daily News is the most valuable paper to : ; SPICY advertisers because it is read by the buying public t { IMPARTIAL It has a bigger cire lation than any other paper in ; i . the vity. It is read by the class of people the * ! INDEPENDENT advertisers want to talk to ‘ i * INTELLIGENT wsiibeliii inthe iecaanitieibiea’ ‘ | * | —_--_____ _---THE——_- —- : * = | * | 5 | | / | { — on } + RARER eR I cee —- et ~—— earn" >