EE THE DAILY NBWS Se Ss “The Daily News” LOCAL NEWS ITEMS SIR WILFRID LAURIER WILL WORK FOR SOLDIERS. lhe Queen Mary Chapter of the FRED STORK’S HARDWap 710 SECOND Ave Carpenters’ Tools Builders’ Hardware sh\) Chandlery Wire Cable Steel Blooks Fishing Tackle Iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotgy Rope Valves Ammunition Pumps Hose Paint Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated iron “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST) =< VT. 10. DE. sent off their last par . . e mm at CLAS6IFLED ADS. Raincoats, $6.75 and up. De- CONTINUE TRUCE WI cel to the Prince Rupert men a mers. 38.40 a The Willows, which completed | OR RENT eit tae iat ie r onations of belt, | : rye ‘Che mate, in.0 ia win. |WILL BE NO OPPOSITION TO WAR MEASURES BUT WILL IN- {he | “ ' od: wrietiote fo} e e-in-Canada_ win- ‘Seam eocks anc « | coe caning ten pepe SIST ON FULL INFORMATION ON ALL THE VITAL helmet, socks and ie | FOR Sant. oem est pate cot dow at Williams & MeMeekin's. ; ESTIONS each of the men, They have also tage; bath, electric t; Qu . Kighih Ave, W. cor, Mebri —— Fe eee 37-39 Ipeen supplied with thirty-five FOR KENT—Seven-roomed house, electric! Chimneys, Pipes and Ranges "ee . wen cheese cloth handkerchiefs Hight and bath, $22 per month. Aiso : ” a Ottawa, Feb. 16.—Speaking in|Sir Wilfrid said that the Liberals; dozen cheese ¢ stx-roomed house, electric light and/cleaned and put in order. Fritz, ; . ; he On January 30 two bales o bath, $20 per Month. both in good re- ‘ the Commons, Sir Wilfrid Lau-|had said at the outset thrat they a8 pair and centrally located. Apply 41i)/phone 583, 30-40 ; : | ley of|cotten were sent to Queen Mars seventh Ave, 20-35 ss rier emphasized the practical; would support the war policy 1 tier at he | ah s I ciutld, metue ee One r iNT - ‘er er w » g , . sy would do| Sewing FON ENT Smee Arent bedroom, aue| if the party who took the Sun-|¢ertainty that the war would be or Teen government, They v : sion, from: the. tethy-oF Bk Ae men. Fifteen dollars, Meals If de-| ; : » First}!one duration. On behalf of his|all in their power to facilitate thet sired. Close im; modern house, Box| Jay School box from the Irs ; ; a a : -overnment.(drew's Church and the Presby 122, The News. “| Baptist Church last week will re- |Party, he reiterated his former|heayy task of the gove * nisi aa t - pate . ‘ ‘clare "e ’ ‘ 4 vi t ee adheres 0 erian & ue ’ room, onabie rent; ‘private. amily. turn same, they will save further|“ec!aration that there would be| This decision had been adh s request Man bea ceet te te Box i24, care The News. 96-37) | -ouble tf.|20 opposition to the war meas-j|and the opposition was again pre , net ts ; mf c ; . ‘ iadis ted Cross Society POR RENT — Furnished housekeeping gti ures of the government, Al-|pared to give the government the |the Canadian Reg rooms. Inquire Demers. “uf. , at that knitters devote their ener bhi cnsnttnnaninesy - — An extraordinary general meet-|though defeated, the German/support to which they were en k th than | a to i ex socks rather a FOR SALE ing of the St. John Ambulance'army had not been routed or|titled, At the same time the peo-|eies ' makin : cg i ! ! } gw else, as by re Lime sup. 9 em. te Association will be held in the crushed and it would seem that /ple were entitled to have full anything else, as by the a P c—F oe s being made now reach the “Ged hae a etbioee a 33-7 , Board of Trade rooms, on Sec-' the war will be a process of at-'statements relating to the expen plie being made ni " " 0 4 Sal | rot e weather will be getting Mand Slip. siaiionary” nese, Can botler ond Avenue, on Tuesday evening, trition and for months this sac-/diture of the fifty million dollars ae 3 . ma knitted gar : : | 7m : 1 war or other knitted gs y Bont, bait “leon oe mn the 16th inst., at 8 o'clock. Mat- rifice of human lives will be econ- | voted last August. The Canadian |! wart : aie pa ox dt y News. | : | suite a —----—- ters of considerable importance tinued. It was not an ordinary/people had been generous with) ™ nt : WANTED ‘have to be decided and all mem-|war and there was no possibility | their money, The Opposition, | _, soodooswessoscssoscovsooorrs ‘ bers, both ladies and gentlemen, | of mediation by a neutral nation.| while believing that the minis men for mess in | ( J.McGEE, M.M.S A WGemaet Apartminns,, everseing #38 ber are asked to attend. 38-9 |It was a war between two princi-|ters have made mistakes, are nol apt. c Jel . a0 | ; nil geen | —_— |ples, the principle of freedom and | disposed to be eritical. It would NAUTICAL ACADEMY ITUATION WANTED — Girl wants wor! ; “ by day. Apply Box 126, The News. 1, | % 3 3 9 3 4 de at 38 4 eH HHH) domination. |be too much to expect that no Masters and Mates Prepared }. WANTED y young, Woman wants chamber * TERRACE NEWS NOTES * Sir Wilfrid went on to say that|mistakes would occur It was fer. Quantinetion News. W. ee eee eee RRR RRR RH HHH MR! Goring the recess Sir Robert Bor- iknown, however, that in addition ane use in Section ; ; "he a Six for 6198 down = 26 8! Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Long, who|4em and some of his colleagues|to mistakes, frauds have been Compasses Adjusted x 102, Dai ews. er ” en i ; jleft for Rupert Thursday returned | Had taken oceasion to discuss the |e ommitted to the injury of the I scond- band rgan at once, Write P. “0. Box O44. $6) Saturday to Terrace, having ex-|4uestion of the overseas domin-jhealth and efficiency of — the Helgerson Block, Opp. Royal » er . : | al eee tab we teat, orev ore see hausted the joys of the big town, |!08 heing given a voice in regard|troops. So gross and crimina Hotet Phone Red 502 cash aod arrange balance. Box 100, 'to peace and war. He mentioned|have these frauds been that the @) oo ee eeeecccece. oe ~ The dancing class is a great|)this matter, not from a desire to| minister of militia, on more than Mall Order house wan Wines everyurbere willing to work & feW success and the Civie Club should !be controversial, although a con-|one occasion, had said that the v0 Kly, contract given, - ! : position permanent, r Experience un- | be proud of having added another | troversial subject. If we assume|men who supplied the boots necessary. samples free. The o- ; : 7 ; : : : é vperative Union, Windsor, Ontario. informal attraction to the joys of|such power we must assume|which caused the sickness on ne Sep life in Terrace, heavier burdens both in times of|Salisbury Plain deserved to be eco 3 MISCELLANEOUS war and peace. Tasks were heavy | shot. i ' FOR TRADE — Land ih Fraser Valley in Miss Marian Hanna was ajenough, he said, without intro- i lapis | gers payment for Prince Auer bai et guest of Mrs. T. J. Marsh over ducing subjects which are contro- TO PLANK ELEVENTH STREET. FIVE-ROOM HOUSE Ox 123, Daily News. DANCING. DANCING—Private lessons in Walta, Two- Step, Three-Step, One-Step, Schottish and Minuet. Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings. Mrs. Brooks-Ander- son, 333 Eighth Ave. East. im YOU CAN'T PLAY WHY NOT GET A Player Piano? We have one, slightly used, at $500; including 50 rolls, Easy terms. Prince Rupert Music Store, 345 Third Avenue, u TALKING MACHINES, VIOLINS AND ALL Instru- iF Musical ments repaired. Bows rebaired. The Prince Rupert Mu- sic Store, 345 rd Ave. uw. School ofasic and Shorthand VINCENT Cc. KNOWLES (Violinist Westhoime Opera House) TEACHER OF Violin, Piano, Mandolin and. Singing Pianos Tuned and Repaired Phone Green 61 MRS. KNOWLES Teacher of Pitman'’s Shorthand Sulte 6, , MoMordie Apt. IN THE MATTER OF THE “NAVIGABLE WATERS’ PROTECTION ACT,” REVIS- ED STATUTES OF CANADA, 1906, CHAPTER 115, AND AMENDING ACTS And IN THE MATTER OF AN APPLICATION BY THE MONTANA CONTINENTAL DE- VELOPMENT COMPANY FOR AP- PROVAL OF THE PLANS FOR CON STRUCTION OF A CERTAIN WHARF AND ORE BINS ON WATERFRONT BLOCK “BE,” PRINCE RUPERT TOWN- SITE. TAKE NOTICE that the Montana Conti mental Development Company, of Butte, Montana, has deposited with the Minister of Public Works, at Ottawa, Canada, and with the District Registrar of Titles, Prince Rupert, B. C., under Chapter 115, Rh. 8. C. 1906, plans and description of the proposed site of certain harbor works to be constructed by the said Company on Waterfront Block “E,” Prince Rupert Townsite, according to registered plan of the said Townsite dsposited in the Prince Kupert Land Registry Office, and number ed 923, the aforesaid works consisting of one wharf with ore bins. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the said company has applied to the Governor- General-in-Councit for approval of the proposed works, and permission to con- struct the same. DATED at Prince Rupert, day of January, A. D, 1015, PATMORE & FULTON, Solicitors for the Montana Continental De- velopment Co, 23-53 B. C., this 8th | tor a comfortable room, come the St. Elmo Hotel, 836 Sec- end Avenue, near Bighth Street. Newly opened. Steam heat and hot and cold water in every room. Free baths. Rates reasonable to ‘|Munro. the week-end. The annual meeting of the Kit- sumkalum Farmers’ Institute was held in Progress Club Hall last Saturday. The report of the au- ditor, Mrs. Ross, was read and ac- cepted. The followink were elect- ed as directors for the ensuing years: Mrs. Ross and Messrs. McKinnon, Franks, Little and Ww. ed auditor. J. Goodwin was elect- Gilbertson left on west, Ss. Sunday's train for the He expects to take a trip to Alaska. A. Gliss, formerly of the Kit- sumkalum District, is now in Quesnel, trapping and _ placer mining. Linemen Bernie and Casperson are at work near this place fell- ing trees that endanger the track or telegraph lines of the G. T. P. Mrs. kalum, visit to of Kitsum- returned last week from a her parents at Port Es- She Harry Franks, sington. was accompanied by her sister, Miss Orvig, who will until after the querade ball, visit here mas- An known agricultural society to be the Kitsumkalum Val- ley and District Mutual Associa- tion last week. R. 5. C. Weeks, Goodwin, Messrs. Copper- as was formed Braun is president; Ww. > retary-treasurer; Bohler, Wesch, directors, vice president; sec- and McKinnon, Laird, smith, Wentz, Haudenchild and AMBASSADOR ANNOYED. versial. The time will come when peace shall be restored and then| dom of Poland, which is now be- ing overrun by the enemy for the fourth time in the present war. It involves a ghastly racial trag- German attack from Skierniewice, the Russians at first took it for a bluff, not that their experiences after the Germans would venture to attack believing previous P again. The battle proceeded in a snowstorm. It was largely hand- to-hand fighting. Prinee Woron- sky tells me the slaughter was the most appalling he had seen on the Berlin, Feb. 16- While Ambas- sador Gerard and a party from the American embassy were at- tending a theatre last night they were greatly annoyed by a man jin the audience who protested because they were speaking Eng- lish. When this man was in- formed that his remarks were di-/| treaties rected against the American am- jlent tirade against the United tation of arms. The man finally suppressed. i peasants, |bassador he began a loud and vio- | \rifleed everything States for permitting the expor-! was, shown itself, regardless of the en- of the destitute Polish At Lodz, the corre- spondent says, the Germans saec- to _ danitation, and are inflicting ten years’ im- prisonment fov any infraetion of their sanitary regulations. — PUGSLEY WANTS TO KNOW edy, hundreds of thousands of Ottawa Feb. {6—Hon. William of Poles who live under the Pugsley figures on the order pa- Austrian and German flags per with a request for all the in being compelled to shed the }ropmation, correspondence, ete need of their brothers who arelin connection with the purchase fighting under the Russian Eagle. of two submarines by Canada When the battle began by a last August. These craft were purchased by Sir Richard MeBride from the tle under and only a few liours before steps had States Admiralty to stop their de whole eastern front. At one parture. point the Germans came on 6 cat ae i twenty ranks deep.” COURT OF REVISION. The correspondent described the drastic efforts of the Germans The court of revision re city to stamp out cholera. He says|assessment will be held in the they are burning all hamlets in|City Hall on Wednesday, April 7. Poland, where the disease has|As last year's assessment has been adopted there can be no re- ductions can be shown that they are oul of proportion to the rest of the city property, will consist of the mayor and Al dermen Tenders were opened last night it will be possible to discuss this |fr the planking of Eleventh Av-| and all other problems arising out |*"¥e from Alfred Street to Me of the war. It was hardly possi-|Bride. The following tenders ble that any resolution or statute |W°re received and were referred which could be framed would |'© the Board of Works, with pow have the same patriotic efficiency |®" © act, with the understanding | as the voluntary and spontaneous |*hat if the lowest is regular it} action of the dominions all over|Wi!! be accepted: | the world. Britain was least of| Walter Shaw ......... $5,287.50) all, a military nation. 4. Walters ........... $4,846.25 Referring to the position of the |GUS Bartels & Co, - $4,433.70 opposition in regard to the war. John Bergman - $4,930.00 sili a ie, ee $4,714.40 POLAND SUFFERS Be GORRGON Fees ties $5,089.80 SEVERELY IN WAR Chas. H. Freeman & Co. $5,061.00 N. J. McLeod & M. Me- London, Feb. 16.—The Daily RE a $5,363.10 Mail’s correspondent at Syradow, Martin & McGowan -94,770,80 near Bolimow, describing a re-|** A. Meeker’......... $4,960.36 cent battle on the Bzura River, Terming! Con. Co. inte which he witnessed, said: A. H. McPherson ...... $5,361.00 “The martyrdom of Belgium is John Currie .......... $4,724.30 not more tragic than the martyr- F. Moin oc. sssevenees $4,941.10 City Engineer ........ $4,935.40 ABOUT B. C. SUBMARINE BUY ~) behalf of the government here Seattle firm, had them for a which constructed originally Chilean government. They were brought from Seat- considerable difficulties, been taken by the United in valuations unless it The court of revision Morrissey, MeClymont, chaiis, Beyeridge and Edge. LMPRESS F. G. DAWSON, WHOLEGALE DISTRIBUTOR CONRAD STREET HANDY TO DRYDOCK $12.00 PATTULLO & RADFORD SECOND AVENUE HARRY ATKINS FAMILY BUTCHER High Class Pork Sausage Vancouver Branch Selects All Our Meats and Very Best Quality Han died, Give Us a Trial. Corner 3rd Ave. and 2nd St. Phone 674 LAND NOTICES. ” gikeens ‘Land District—District Coast, Mange Five. ‘ot TAKE NOTICE that William Watson, of Make Monday Ironing Day ET Sunlight Soap do your washing Mon- day morning and re can do the light ironing Monday afternoon. The rub, rub, rub at the board has no place in the Sunlight way—so with the hard: st part of washing cut out you'll feel like m. hin ita good day” 8 work by doing at least part of the ironing. Follow the directions that cut your work and remember there's nothing in Sunlight to injur: fabric or dainty hand. A $5,000 guarantee backs thi unlight Soa All grocers Remo, B. C., occupation Contractor, in- tends to apply for permission to lease the following described lands ;—Commencing at & post planted on the portherly limit of the Right-of-Way of the Grand Trunk Pa- cific Railway Company, and about 35 chains southwesterly from Mile 84, east from Prince Rupert, B. C.; thence north 20 thence west 20 chains; thence south 46 chains, more or less, W the north erly limit of the Right-of-Way of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Company; thence northeasterly along the northerly limit of the said Hight-of-Way to point of commencement; and containing about 50 acres, more or less. WILLIAM WATSON. 26-85 Dated December 26, 1014. NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTEC- TECTION ACT. R. 8. C., Chapter 116. The Imperial Oil Company hereby give notice that it has, under Seetion 7 of the above Act, deposited with the Minister of Public Works at Ottawa, and in the of fice of the District Registrar of wwe Prince “upert land Registration istrict at Vrince Dbupert, B. C., a deseripuion of the si and the plans of the wharf and ap proach proposed to be built in Prince Ru vert Harbor, British Columbia, in front of eo sell and recom nel it L. we = nn — a -Time and Trial Prov. the unequalled value of Beecham’s | best corrective of ailments of the dig - so common—and the best preventive | ung & serious sickness so often resulting from tive irregular action of the stomach, liver ©! Beecham’s Pills organ 0 bowes t n usec U have a great record. For over half a century they have '««"" at peenraenls rates ke apes. “ eS ‘ . i 7 t you Pred de t reli rom the headach: spi ts and general era Geprel 0 gree Jeolings caused by indigestior i 7 thom, ond you will knew whst It a to have af your: An Invaluable Aid to Health Drapes oaly Pooshem. St. Helens, Lancashire. i . 5S. America. la boxes aterfront Block “G,”" according to re istered plan of the townsite of the said City of Prince Rupert deposited the aforesaid Land Hegistry Office as No. 923, AND TAKE NOTICE that after the ex- piration of one month from the date of the first pnblication of this notice, the said Imperial Oil Company will, under fection 7 of the said Act, apply ‘wo the Minister of Public Works at his office in the City of Ottawa for approval of the said site and plans and for leave to construct the said wharf and approach Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C., this 2a day of February, A. D. 1016. THE IMPERIAL OIL, COMPANY. 28-34-40-47 SUBSCRIBE FOR THE DAILY NEws (SOLD BY ALL GROCERS) COFFE! prince Rupert |