17, 1915. rebruary GIA SETTLED EURA Pr ° ENEMY IS BEATEN N HER LUNGS } ‘me “upert Feed Co. } TF UNCONQUERED , an SAYS SYDENHAM No relief From The Pain Until Hay, Grain Feed me he Took * ‘ Fruit-a-tives ” an 5 ‘ London, Feb. 4¢ ' 1 Syd Ota eb or on. q ria, ONT., May sth. 1913, , ord Syden : epeak too highly of CHICKEN FEED A SPECIALTY ham, who is a noted authority on , Vor overt thirty years, Agente fer miviitar subjects, eontributes to 1 rom chronic Neuralgia Th Went a : experiencing untold DOMINION NURSERY & nes an article reviewing ralgia —— - B7 ORCHARDS Co. the situation at the end of six so ed icine 5 The doctor told me I Mal! orders promptly attended to nonths of war. His words are of t better but Fruit-a particular interest because it was that the doctor was quick relief and ee he who made an official report in pletely curing me 908 Third Ave. Phone 68 1890 that the Belgian fortresses emy present health | r “ Pruit-atives”’ and PPLE LELOLOLELEODOELEODO DDO +m wp, * of Liege and Namur would be no i can fendid see — | protect against modern guns = ® 2 , . SEER NR Re ‘ : t-a-tives . ve a prophecy startlingly fulfilled NATHAN DUNN. ‘ FIRE ALARM SYSTEM | n arly a quarter of a century . for $2.50, trial size, 25e. z # later ‘ sent on receipt of price : 2 } 6 mited, Ottawa, z CIROUIT NO. 1 * No reasonable grounds for ” ‘ * » & Son 12 Sth St and Brd Ave @lany reversal of t die ineoccsc ce fePOPPODOOIOO De 5 Bor 13 -6ih St. and Srd Ave > , he verdict of the : : @ Gor 14 8th St. and Brd Ave z past six months can be suggest- " z Bor 16 — Junction of tet, od and # | ed he said “Relatively to the : ind Aves » & @on 16--15t Ave, between sth ant 3 \llies the Germans must grow * vib Sts knos Hotel teadily weaker steg aker in men and ma aS ES $ Boe 17-151 Ave. aud 7th St. (Cen 4 ne ae : rt. ; . ‘ * tral Hotel era very plan 0 1eir stpa- ers | V s Association jemb R.L. Vintner: : ¥ | tegists has come to naught. The ; te * CRSWTT HO: 8. * surprises which the Germans had Bos 22.-3rd Ave. and Sra ot |” fe ee - serman a * “wiNDGOR WOTEL t Post Office.) store have not materialized, pore riret Ave. and Righth S+ t Gos 23--Srd Ave. and MeBride 8t and their vaunted Zeppelins are wo Wright, Prop & @cx 24 ist Ave. and McBride St , : . al ® Box 26-200 Ave. and end st beginning to be regarded as fail- : e Bor 26 2nd Ave. and 6th St ures : MOTEL OEWTRAL * Gon 27-6. T. P. avenue Seventh r spire = » ie Plan : ‘ =. & wt ¢ . wnt ' ane ‘ aces ne z tS ae ten obs Gatien : iich we have grown aecustomed ities nae z Box 32 - Borden apd Taylor Sts Riis pe arly significant of the * Gos 34. 7th Ave. and Fulton St Eo mnifidence n Germe ¥ KNOX MOTEL t Box 360th Ave. and Comox Ave — ann me. one ot AY ween Elghth and Sint : Gox 87—sth Ave. and Dodge PI z German valor having left. Vieto- 4 an, Rates 60¢ tw 61.00 * tor 38 ib Ave. and Thompson 81. ries have to be invented for pop- Per Pay * ¢ . Beener @ Beaner, Props ¥ CHROUIT NO. 4. ular consumption, and frantic ef- oe wis 2 ; es 4th Ave. and Emmerson forts are being made to break the P byt . vv caste t Box 42 Sth Ave. and McBride St solidarity of the entente and to EmPRESS HOTEL t Gon 43--5th Ave. and Green St. | enlis t the United States as cham- ye * Box 44.6th Ave and Basil St. ni ryt he . ave — Bis GbnSm Ave. ant Geet pions of everything that they — ; Bor 141. 7th Ave. and Y wne St. were created to prevent. luropean Plen, 60 to 61 Per Day * oe (oa Min White colors, with written jlack of success on and and sea H. COVERT, GUARANTEE has begun Co-Ownper. | ; > ‘ahem ; Rupert, B. C., January DON’T DELAY—Offer ex- — pires when dealer in your Certificate of improvements. Cer Scale of tmprowements. } locality is selected. Give | 10 Chance It prestian, Black Bear 1! Claim, situate ip the! celor and size desired | Mineral Glatms, situa’ Skeena Min \ vision of Cassiar Dis- | . 2 tap . ing Division of ‘Dastreet international Hosiery Co. Weere dogated: an ‘ty ber i" rpetion . oO wee ae three-quarters | 21 Bittner Street “Cidebaran” Mineral” Claims head of f the head of Alice Arm | Dayton, Ohio, U. &. A Alice Arm, Observatory Inlet, ad “Black a black Bear Mineral claim | — Sige : Bear’ Mineral Claim, located ° mare or less. from the nortewess Be point of , hat I, Pedro Salinas. es ———-—--. | the head of Alice Arm, @ branch of Vaughan, Pree Min- | | 3 ree? ke thet I 81648 . | TAKE NOTIC , Pedro Salina, Free | Years Older Than The | wsers Certificate No. 80313B., inuend, » from the date hereof. | | Sixty days from Treo Minin » ; lto the Mining Reeorder for 8 Ce : ve aon. tere - Dominion of Canada jof Improvements, for Go poten of ab- a Crown Grant cote | }talning a Crown Grant of = claim. ot S the name implies, | unt” scctoe'ss, "must be commenced be” ) > Bi ymder section 85, mus “ian ee agtnat sation, The Bank of Beit: f,|feve ‘ube inve of ‘such ‘Ceruineate oF tm a Ce C B lK O ritis provements . b Certifeate of im- | ; e pal : | "Dated this 21st day of September, A.D. ay of September, AD. North America was — natal: aemmin PEDRO SALINAS established long before the | OOO OOOOOOORODODD DIY Delivered to any part Good ‘own, OF can be had ‘ Spurr's Market, Pure Knott's Bakery and the Fulton Cash Market. Milk he Be | Sar v'. Inspected Cows Equipped and Most ary Dairy is the Prin Rupert Dairy one Green 252 . COC OC; OOO FIC, PEACE RIVER AND ATHABASCA "\CWAY COMPANY NOTICE ver and Athabasca Rail ‘| session, for an Act, "pany to lay out, con- he following lines of ‘ie @t @ polmt on ‘’ the head of Kitimat THE DAILY NEWS. hilmat River in @ ‘he Summit between Lake, thence in & nor * the valley of the ver to the Skeena * the Skeena River ‘vel bridge and over ihe Hallway with Henee north easterly Kitsumkalem River ree to the summit of ielice, folowing the iver at or pear ' approximately one 'hiles; (D) from the Hiack water River, with Wing the course of to the summit be ‘Lokeest River, thence tne Ualansheest Kiver ' hence up the Skeena of Bear Kiver approxi. t | Provinces united and became the Dominion of Canada. The sound, progressive management which has made it a power in Canadian finance makes it the bank for your account. THE BANK OF British North America 78 YEARS IN BUSINESS. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS 87,584,000. PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH P. MARGETTS, Manager ——— before bottling GUARANTEED BY THE | GOVERNMENT of CANADA * Linewenth day of HDUKGESS & COTE, for the Applicant. lor rwe le bead, Low « * LITD, ¥ he'wate s NAVAL AUTHORITIES’ WARNING TO MARINERS The naval authorities are tak ing precautions about the possi- bilty of Canadian ports being mined by the Germans The fol. lowing is the official advice: No. 1 of 1915—(1) Caution When Approaching Canadian Ports. Part 1—Closing of Ports i The Canadian government notice that circumstances give have arisen which may necessitate the prohibition of a!! entrance to cer- tain ports of the Dominion; riners are instructed that proaching the shores of or any of the ports referred to in ma- on ap- Canada Part Il. of this notice, a sharp lookout should be kept for the signals described in the following paragraph, and for the vessels mentioned in paragraph (5), Part Il. of this notice, and the distin- guishing and other signals made by them. In the event of such signals being displayed, the port or locality should be approached with great caution, as it may be apprehended that obstructions may exist. 2) If entrance to a port is pro- hibited, three red vertical lights by night, or three red vertical balls by day, will be exhibited in some conspicuous position, in or which sig- the paragraph near to its approach, be indicated 5), Part f., If these signals nals will also shown by vessels in of this notice are displayed, vessels must either proceed to the position marked Examination Anchorage” on the Admiralty charts and anchor there, or keep the sea 3) At all the ports or locali- ties referred to in Part IIT. of this notice, searchlights are exhibited Part If.—Examination Service 4) It has been found neces- sary to take special measures to examine vessels desiring to enter the ports or localities referred to in Part ITI. of this notice 5) Vessels carrying the dis- tinguishing flags or lights men- be of exam- to ports and of allotting shall anchor. tioned in paragraph (7) will charged with the duty ing ships which desire enter the tions in which they posi- If government vessels, or vessels to the are found merchant belonging local port au- thority, patrolling in the offing, advised to such vessels with vessels are with to ob- taining to the course on which they should ap- proach the Examination Anchor- Such not necessary the pilot on board has already re- ceived this information from the communicate a view information as age. communication will be in cases where local authorities. 6) Especial be taken in approaching the ports, by day or night, to keep a sharp lookout for any the flags or lights mentioned in and to be at once when hail care should vessel carrying paragraph (7) to “bring to” ed by her or warned by the firing ready of a gun or sound rocket. In entering by night any of the mentioned Part Til., serious delay and will be avoided if four efficient all round two red and two white, portions in risk lamps, are kept available for use 7 By day the distinguishing flags of the Examination Steam- er will be a special flag (white and red horizontal surrounded by a blue border) and a blue ensign. Also, three red vertical balls if the port is closed. By night the steamer will carry: a) Three red vertical lights if the port is closed. (b) Three white vertical lights if the port is open. The above lights will be carried | in addition to the ordinary navi- gation lights, and will show an unbroken light around the hori- 20n. (8) Masters are warned that, pefore atfeimpting to enter any of these ports when the Examination Service is in foree, they must in their own interests strietly obey all instructions given to them by the examination steamer, In the absence of any instruetions from the examination steamer they must proceed to the position marked “Examination Anehor- age’ on the Admiralty charts and anchor there, or keep the sea, Wehilst at anchor in the exam- | ation anchorage, they masters are | ; warned that must not lower any boats (except to avoid acci- dent communicate with the shore, work cables, move the! ship, or allow anyone to leave the | ship, without permission from the | examination steamer of for, enjoined 9 In case masters of to the | vessels } examination | are use utmost care, and the anchorage (?36=$=eeeeeee [ MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A Birks’ Illustrated Catalogue In Your Home During 1915 Ae @ medium through which you may select gifts suitable for every ococasion, you will find our Catalogue of the greatest value. Birks’, Vancouver, le the great gift store of the West. Our mall Order Department and our Miustrated Catalogue forms a convenient avenue tead- ing to @ selection from our immense stocks. WRITE FoR THE CATALOGUE—YoU | WILL WEED IT. itself should be ap- } proached with caution Se 10) Merchant vessels when approaching ports are specially Henny Birks & Soe Limited cautioned against making uge of JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS private signals of any descrip- tion, either by day or night: the a ee ee ee use of them will render a vivsel ee ee een liable to be fired on —— 7 14) The pilots attached to the ports will be acquainted with the regulations to be followed. Part III Ports or Localities Referred To:—Halifax, N. &.; Quebee, Que.; Esquimalt, B. ( Part IV.—Sweeping Operations SHINGLT:, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS Pea ot vessels are some- PRINCE RUPERT CO. times engaged in sweeping oper- BURROUGHS, ©. ations off ports in Canada. tet Ave. and McBrice -. PRINCE RUPERT, 8.0 Whilst so engaged, they work PHONE 2 Branch Yard at Smithers in pairs, connected by a wire ve hawser, and ee are consequently hampered to a very considerable extent in their maneuvering pow- ers. With a view to indieating the nature of the work on which these they will show the following signals: A black ball the foremast head similar ball at the or where it can best be that side which it vessels are engaged, at and a vyardarm, seen, ( mn on is dangerous for vessels to pass. THE UNION STEAMSHIP CO., OF B.C., LIMITED SS. VENTURE SOUTHBOUND TUESDAYS AT 8 P. M. Sailings for GRANBY, SIMPSON AND NAAS SUNDAYS AT MIDNIGHT For Further Particulars Apply to PHONE 568 JOHN BARNSLEY, Agent, SECOND AVE. AGENCY ATLANTIC STEAMSHIPS For the public safety, all other vessels, whether steamers or sail- ing craft, of the way of vessels flying this signal, must keep out and should especially remember that it tween the vessels of a pair. A. JOHNSON, Department of Marine and Fish- Jan. 2, 1945. is dangerous to pass be- Deputy Minister. eries, Ottawa, DOOMED TO DEFEAT. Germany is doomed to sure de- feat. Bankrupt in statesman- ship, overmatched in arms, under the moral condemnation of the civilized world, she wastes her di- substance that cannot alter, the New York Times. | minishbing in a hope-| but fatal decree. less struggle postpones, TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN | The firm of Kissick & Edwards, | heretofore doing an business under the above name, | has this day been dissolved. War-| ren Kissick will continue the bus- iness and assumes al! outstand- insurance | ing liabilities and te whom all| accounts are payable. Sed. | W. KISSICK. J. A. EDWARDS. Prince Rupert, Jan. 18, 1915. ' + IAOIGIOIOIIOInI Inn InInIIO Oni ink ik On t~ ue 5 co * * > * : THE * * * 7 DAILY | for Prince Rupert and Northern P.C : * $ N EW S The Daily News goes into nearly every home in ‘ Prince Rupert. It is the popular newspaper of t the city because it is clean and reliable. It has al! ‘ is the news of the city, and keeps in touch with events ‘ and topics interesting to Northern British Colum- = sare bia. It treats these subjects with moderate opti- ' * SANE mism and reliability. , : The Daily News is the most valuable paper to * sPiov advertisers because it is read by the buying public. IMPARTIAL It has a bigger cirewlation than any other paper in the evity. It is read by the class of people the MBEPENSENT advertisers want to talk to. : ~~ + RARARA RRA EERRR ERR ——- ea - rt eg te