THE DAILY NBWS 17, 49 atl ¥ 7 == + | eer THE ROSILTS| FOR RENT || FRED STORK’S HARDWaR PRIDE, NASH & CO. | a PRIDE, NASH & CO. | Mr. Winston Churchill's Optimis- {{ \ 710 SECOND ave _— ---HOUSE™- Carpenters’ Tools Builders’ Hardware sh — THREE ROOMS Wire Cable Stee! Blocks Dnine tama HOUSE OF UALIT 7 ee ae a canes $10.00 — — plead the naval situation in introduc } Pumps Hose Paint : ing the navy estimates in the ---HOUSE--- i Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated wen Commons Monday. He said that “ . BARGAINS at the outbreak of the war the 5 ROOMS WITH BATH Dm oa a BUT a BEST epee rs ee or $18.00 = © ihe sa Ww on on y for ins FRED STORK S HARDWAR Come to our Store Thursday and Friday and us well as now ships whieh were t PATTULLO & RADFORD } mete . . . . being built for foreign govern | SS We will give You some Stunning Bargains aside Genk Saad. qrorebenimen| SECOND AVENUE | ail _ been fully manned | | | “In fact, the German army was — LADIES’ SUITS | (CHILDREN’SCOATS | LADIES’ SKIRTS ww more prepared or await LARRY ATKING ( $15.00 Ladies’ Suits for.$ 7.60 | $2.00 Children’s Coats. .$1.00 | $3.00 Ladies’ Skirts. . 2.00 di a ee ditientic coals than $18.00 Ladies’ Suits for.$ 9.00| $2.50 Children’s Coats. .$2.268 | %43.90 Ladies’ Skirts... 25 as FAMILY GUTONER 3s High Class Pork Sausage $4.00 Ladies’ Skirts. $20.00 Ladies’ Suits for.$10.00 | $3.00 Children’s Coats. .$1.60 | gi'59 Ladies’ Shirts... ° defence . ‘ ‘ nwed ‘ sects i our $22.00 Ladies’ Suits for.$11.00 | $4.00 Children’s Coats. .$2.00| £5.00 Ladies’ Skirts... .$3.60 " " nee,” he said oats ana at 8 er ieeuty Han 24.00 Ladies’ Suits for.$12.00 | 86.00 Children's Coats. .$3.00 $5.50 Ladies’ Skirts... .$3.76 9) After six months of war, with died, Give Us a Trial $26.00 Ladies’ Suits for.$13.00 | $7.50 Children’s Coats. .$4.00 | $6.00 Ladies’ Skirts... .$3.90 Bi) new dangers and difficulties com Corner 3rd Ave. and 2nd St. $28.00 Ladies’ Suits for.$14.00 | $8.00 Children’s Coats... 25 | $6.50 Ladies’ Skirts.... .10 Rhine tik kdb aikew etnies Phone 574 ate . cain an . “an | 210.00 Children’s Coats. .§6.00 | $7.50 Ladies’ Skirts... .$4.76 Hye into view, we have ey vig #30,00 Ladies’ Suits for.$16.00 | $12.00 Children’s Coats. .$6.00 | $8.00 Ladies’ Skirts... $6.00 Bito be content with the results of | Seemeessecceecceccoscoosocoooooooes | $35.00 Ladies * Suits for .918.60 $14.00 Children’s Coats. $7.00 | $10.00 Ladies’ Skirts... .$7.60 our labors in = makir provisio POOP OO ERED O ROOD | = | | : LADIES’ HOSE | UMBRELLAS | BOYS’ HOSE Prin in ia ee ey Cashmere Hose for Ladies of | Ladies’ Umbrellas in fine Boys’ Heavy All Wool Worst- | _— : Pee See. See Capt. J. McGEE, M. M.S.A. > ; "i es of e Falkland Islands Black dye. “These ‘hose. are | Paramatta cloth, assorted long Gals Meck Senn oo: ater ee a Gridindte tens tao. Chases NAUTICAL ACADEMY worth 40e,. povioht handles, and Paragon; W!*) hare ia vour, Sis dala’ “Cale Con iesadl oruicers Masters and Mates Prepared ee a Svea > land two armed merehantmen re for Examination 15€ WORTH $1 00 FOR 75€ ALL SIZES--A SNAP, 35C lmain of all the German prepara tCoceen ton ve eaalaliameT ld ee ltions to attaek our trade routes Compasses Adjusted ~ MEN'S FINE SHIRTS — MEN’S HOSE UNDERWEAR FOR MEN Bi ois those are in tiains Negligee Shirts for men; _ Men's Pure Wool Imported Men's Fleece Lined Under- “During the six months of th Helgerson Block, Opp. Royal | made of fine texture in neat aes ct cocenens, —— wear in heavy sanitary fleece; l war,” Mr. Churchill said Great Hote!|—Phone Red 502 | Stripes on white ground. Are | Worth 50¢ each. high grade. We have all sizes | Britain 8 total losses at sea, in a ee ri a a worth $1.50. e Sell at in shirts and drawers. mee cas il ence tedintabe. | | LAND NOTICES. A BARGAIN AT 95C 3 PAIR FOR $1.00 A BIG BARGAIN, 35C EA. Bi vmountea to oniy sisty-thres Skeena Land District——District of ist, Range Pive | Nevertheless, it was necessary to ‘. jbe on the lookout for another TAKE NOTICE that Wiliiam Watson, of German attempt to harass British pono py ecupation Contractor, tn-| trade routes. tends to apply for permission to lease the | ‘a a : following described lands Commencing at 9 e Although the ocean is a black |, post planted on the northerly limit of prospect to a German cruiser,” he se Right-of-Way of the Grand Trunk Pe Make Monday Troning Day Railway Company, and about 35 chains said, “we should be able to meet southwesterly from Mile 84, east from THE HOUSE OF QUALITY THIRD AVENUE AND SIXTH ST REET any new attempts with resources Prince Rupert, B. C.; thence north 80 ET S li rh t So 1 our Wa hir Mon- chains; thence west 20 chains; thence 4 Sunhgnt ooap Go y _ ; incomparably superior to what| cum 46 chains, more or less, to the north day morning and you can do the light 7 . » had ¢ > beginning o elerly ti of the of-Way © oe | we had it the beginning of th ay Samo ae gee ironing Monday afternoon. Capt. 8. P. MeMordie came back | “4°: thence northeasterly along the northerly The rub, rub, rub at the board has no piace Z Dail N i LOCAL NEWS ITEMS f° on the Prince George today from Referring to Admiral Jellicoe’s | limit of the said Right-of-Way to point of in the Sunlight way—so with the hardest part y ews ” a visit te Victoria. command of the sea with his|so'acres, more of less ne SOM of washing cut out you'll feel like making it a CLASSIFIED ADS exe fleet as “silent, Wnsleeping and as| pated pecember 96, 1014. \ 36-85 rood day's work by doing at least part of the » Raincoats, $6.75 and up. De- | . ; } E we . 6 Five pairs 35¢ cashmere hose| yet unchallenged Mr. Churchil re ironing r mers, 38-40 . . P jee - ee =e a a *\for $1 at Demers Friday and Sat-| said that the Admiralty had moy econ TER OF THE “NAVIGABLE Follow the directions that cut your work 1 | iS’ PROTECTION ACT,” REVIS . s FOR ‘RENT a l urday. 40-1}ed men at home and abroad, in-| Ep STATUTES OF CANADA. 1900 remember there's nothing in Sunlight to injur: iciabtiahamete $1.00 Sale Friday and Saturday. | > . . 7 : . A $5.0 tee backs thi FOR | RENT — Furnished housekeeping |, ee at 2s ding Belgian and French| CHAPTER 115, AND AMENDING ACTS or dainty hand. A $5,000 guarantee becks th . -f.| Demers. i0- The sstic Theatr> ; ne rooms. Inquire Demers eg | fhe Majestic Theatr® tonight troops and the wounded to the ji THE MATTER OF AN APPLICATION BY —_—_--— }will show a selected program of| number of one mill THE MONTANA CONTINENT . eri ) of o ion without an : NENTAL DE WANTED Captain Rorvik arrived back} dramas and comedies and the lat Be . VELOPMENT COMPANY FOR AP e - from: the South tomay ‘ a°- accident or the loss of a life. Mr | PROVAL OF THE PLANS FOR CON SITUATION WANTED — Girl wants work ee est animated weekly. Churehill said that the recent| STRUCTION OF A CERTAIN WHARF by day. Apply Box 125, The News. W. eee | ?. 2:9 cruiser action in the North Ses aoe one ee ean ; Chimneys, Pipes and Ranges ee : > i I e No ea, BLOCK gE,” PRINCE RUPERT TOWN aoe -_a The ‘News. tt. | irs. C. H. Handasyde left to- although incomplete, was of great SITE work. Apply “}cleaned and put in order. Fritz, |day by the G. T. P. for Liverpool All ae ie 2 ° ° . ‘lsignifiCance ‘cause © » lig q E NG ( a . < ; grocers phone 583. 30-40] where eink hr” te “a ignificance because of the light 4 — J — E ‘that the Montana Conti E : DANCING. * * « aS SePTious-I which it had thrown upon ques ssopment =Compeny, of Butte, sell and ee ly ill, She has closed up het Montana, bas deposited with the Minister seomimnen DANCING—Private lessons in Walts, Two F. G. Dawson, who has been in| ie eb tions concerning armament, de.|of Public Ww wks, at Ottawa, Canada, and re . > oO 4 3 . stric P q Step, Three-Step, One-Step, Schottish the South on a business tr ip re. |? : waneSe, ign and relative gkuunery, which all ms 7 , Registrar of Titles, and Minuet. Monday, Wednesday and ; * * * dea hint a reo : : ; ere Cy under Chapter 115, ee ™ 7 Friday evenings. Mrs. Brooks-Ander- turned today by the George. Walter Owens, inspector ne a potin } portan and en@gpur _s { a org and description of son, 333 Eighth Ave, East. im * * © | aging. Referring to the steaming |), Prebosed site of certain harbor works — | Provincial police, eame up today to be constructed by the said Company on 7 ‘ I I ’ : pany a N. A. Oslund, ‘an old-timer in iit Uneaten “ned tet her b qualities shown by the British }Waterfrout Block “Eg,” Prince Rupert » meorgze ¢ ‘ e Vv rain . 0 p -cor o , ere music. ithe city, left today on a visit to} la ae hee “ , cruisers, Mr. Churchill said that ae ee a one vee om of ee ent eermtnimcererineemeeiomyreenectontnmnaemenne | } fe e erior on offtieia yusi-|, Bs o site dsposited in the Prince friends at Sacred Heart mine. } the navy is sound as a bell all| Rupert Land Registry Omce and number ) r OU CAN'T PLAY WHY NOT GET A} ness. . z : : . ; oe Pp rove ” player Fiano? We have one, slightly | , 2s 9 through. ed 923, the aforesaid works consisting of v used, at $500; including 50 rolls, Easy | Brivate ‘adviesh trom Victoria | * * * ory 2 one wharf with ore bins ere. Rs Rupert Music Store, oo i i Mrs. Ben Harmere. formerly of 1e@ engagement showed thet on — TAKE NOTICE that the the unequalled value of Beecham’s |! ! : oT peeirien i a - > aides 3 ie , said compan $ app ‘oO » Gove ’ gar mines, VIOLINS AnD ALL!” ee f Mrs. Phil-\this city, left this morning on a|‘Bere Was no reason to assume |Giieny aenaae tor” emmaoee ont best corrective of ailments of the dig . antiaas HII rT, : y, i : bene 30 oO rowel @ - , ttae Ot TALKING MAC » pott. She is being treated at the| ii 4, tele ie the Meat ,|that, ship for ship, man for man, |proposed works, and permission to con so common—and the best preventive « | Musical Imstru-inivat Jubilee Hospital. hy past. gun for gun, Great Britain would |**#ct te same serious sickness so often resulting from Oe ments repaired.| ag jnumber of local friends were at DATED at Prince Rupert, B. ¢., this 8th irregular action of the stomach, liver powes . ial ie : not give a very great account of |day of January, A. D, 19145 Bows.mieined, The the train to see her off. ’ | If the party who took the Sun- Sa herself. The Germans in ia PATMORE & FULTON, S Prince Rupert Mu- . . Solicitors for the Montans ontinental De — oF jday School box from the First The council of the Board of |°TUiser actioh thought only of velopment Co wr Seta) 7 33 am sic Store, 345 3rd - , © oarad 0 _ . Baptist Church last week will re- Trade will meet Colonel ‘Thor , flight, while we thought only of en Ave. tf. . i wi “et Colone omp oa : ave heen used wit . Sheed n same, they will save further son this afternoon at 4:30 in thei: battle,” "he contiued. For a comfortabbe Fooin, come hare © guns Depend, Eee tony they 0 pr vet trouble, : “The ee aa sip {to the ‘ ‘ Lon of ’ os ression ( NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTEC. m dbt « tf quarters on Second Avenue, The They were wise in thois md 2 — wat - ' rs be os +, can find prom pt rates from the headac! i soa . j ‘ e, ear Stree rest I 7 TECTION ACT. | waterfront question will be dealt thought. If they had thought y 4 ighth Street sel nognee Relens ngs caused by indigestic i eed | Col. R. H. Thompson, provin- es ‘atuiing then emit ' Newly opened. Steam heat and try oo tea yen know what it is to have at you: doe with. . - , our ave been) hot and cold water in every r ‘ial engineer, arrived in the city ; y Seem R. &. C., Chapter 116. |. F , destroyed, No falsehood about Free baths Rates BE f 4 An j I ble Aid t The amperial Oi! Company hereby give | today in connection with the wa anette : —_e ae” taki nite Bena aa i ° tes reasonable nva ua Oo ea notice that it has, under Section 7 of the terfront ble He mT al IF FOR BELGIUM, IT’S O. K. $ , ants qeesun vat iy = by Thomas Beecham, St. Helens, Lancashire. | above Act, deposited with the Minister of bropiem., e will conte ae cruel fate When, if ever, the Salvation Army. here in Canada ond U. 8. Ameries. feces Sic Public Works at Ottawa, and im the of-|with the Board of Trade and try ere flee f » De flee of the District Registrar of ic Prince if i ones br Vrenetaing Mey Be Bi-jerand fleets drew. out for battle, » ( % s * 8 si sfac. : » ° ie e r Tue ‘ a Mupert Lund Registration istrict at|*? "each some solution satisfac verted From Prize Court. we shall hope to have a fleet su Public meetings, Tuesday. | = a Prince Dupert, B. C., @ deseripsion of the|tory to all concerned. a ; . hursday and Saturday at 8 m Siw and the plans of the wharf and ap * * * . ya _ " porter in Roth quality and pum- s 1 *§ oh . nal proach proposed to be built in Prince Ru- London, Feb, 17.The Foreign |bers.” undays at 7:30 p.m. ; pert Harbor, British Columbia, in front of An extraordinary general meet-|OMee announced definitely Mon- ie z 2 —— i a Waterfront Block “G,” according to reg a . . ' letored plan of the townsite of the’ saia|'"S of the St. John Ambulance day that if the cargo of the Amer- CANADIAN cLusB. ° City of Prince Rupert deposited in the| Association will be held in thelican steamship Wilhelmina anne 7M aforesaid Land Registry Office as No, 923.! ds —— . . AND TAKE NOTICE that after the ex.|20ard of Trade rooms, on See-|should be diverted for the relief A meeting of the Canadian Piration of one month from the date of ~ the first publication of tale notice, the said)" Avenue, on Tuesday evening, |of the distress in Belgium, the de-|Club will be held at the Court Imperial Oll Company will; under fection . . 4 : ‘ial or P bie said Act, apply to the Minister|*he 16th inst., at 8 o'clock. Mat-|cision to send her cargo to a | House on Thursday, February 18, of Public Works at his office in the Cit “ ’ of Ottaws for approval of the said site| Lers of considerable importance | British prize court would be re-|at 8 p. m., to. transaet general CREAR. > f 2 2 . me ‘j , say wha “an approach, © “onetnes the have tobe decided and all mem-j|considered, Otherwise her cargo business and elect officers. Wee Teds BAKING Pp Ny ; M4 » Rupert, B. C., - al eae as Pviaee | upert, this 24 bers both ladies and gentlemen,!must be submitted to the decision W. B. CLAYTON, JOHN HALLAM "£2. to TOR NT! THE IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY an lare asked to attend, $8.0) of the court. Secretary, Desk 619" ONTO \ F. G. DAWSON, WH , , WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR tll cae kein celc. 5. (80LD BY ALL @rocens) prince RUPERT |