Legistative LIDPONT THE DAILY NEWS 20N PR PRINCE at eek B. C., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1915. oS _______________________?) PRICE FIVE CENTS NZ WILHELM SINKS FOUR BRITISH SHIF .PER BLOCKADE” FINDS BRITAIN CALM AND READY-SEVERE FIGHTING REPORTED IN | GALICIA PER BLOCKADE” BEGINS TODAY | \0 ADVANCE IN SHIPPING RATES WARD GREY SAYS GERMANS HAVE ALL ALONG SUNK EVERY SHIP THEY COULD — A TORPEDO PROOF FLEET IS BEING BUILT IN BELFAST. al Lo The Dally News.) acs oO" 88 KILLED AND CAPTURED « vowins todas, AN ENTIRE BATTALION in British ship- (Special to The Dally News.) ' ey, in the House Petrograd, Feb. 18.—The om. | iid there was nO cial report states that fighting iny had for a long eontinues on the right bank of pling to sink all the Vistula In Galicia, we re- pping they could pulsed an attack, and captured | COL. JOHN SEELY, 10 officers, 1,400 men and 3 guns. | . g ! Former Secretary of State for h, British and Bel-'At Kosiouska, an-entire battal . ad War, who is to command a cav- as usual. The jon was put to the bayonet, and ‘ . alry division of the Canadian Flushing, Hol-|the suvivors taken prioners . contingent His appointment is ne, on the south regarded as a distinct honor for has been sus- MILLION SHELL ORDER the Canadians Duteh government GOES TO PITTSBURG, PA. vil Dutch de REWS ~ a Pittsburg, Pa., Feb. 17 oe BRITISH ¢ a Lat baw Pittebure Foreign Commission RE ED , eekanieeaes today asked local manufacturers A io aia ured in the hos-ifor prices on a_ million drop | BU 0S A forge shells for use of the British oni (Special to The Daily News.) Feb is A large o plaeed founded rumors artillery rder was orig pecially protected | inally with a Canadian Buenos Ayres. The from injury by|manufacturer, but he could n German theamer Holeer has lend iding at Be'/ast make prompt delivery and a part ee ‘ : ed here the crews of the British of the English of it was passed on to Pittsburg steamers Hemisphere and Rotaro of the at $4,000,000 The eontract ;eiven ed that is known as projectile the value was It was stat. and the ships Sumatra and Wil- tonnage of fred, sunk by the auxiliary cruis- er Kron Prinz Wilhelm off Bra- a considerable \YLEY AGAIN HAMPION OF CANADA s| Lo The Dally News.) what stee| “e re g week , {wes placed here during wees. Jit during January and February. DEADLETTERS UNLESS bpe bt 'SALVOR GOING AFTER Bb. «., Feb, 18.—Joe ed the lightweight | Laer Sopra THEY BEAR WAR STAMP ine End c - 7 . prs im ane Ottawa, Feb 8. As the debate Charlie Burns on); ets om ' 7 n , : jon the address will occupy some : oday enroute to the scene of ber time, and the new special taxes, i ee = recent ae ReeEow, ne apart from the tax on champagne, = pine:t0 report, wes sent to rescut do not come into effeet until the shment, Bayley /the American ship Delhi, whieh tariff bill is passed, the people eee ae went on the rocks off the Alaska will have an opportunity to pre- N SEE A WAY OUT. coast. She reached her all right pare themselves for their new [but after getting under way to burder The tariff increases, of ons Are American Ship's. jrescue her a storm came up and course, come into effect at once. rgo Will Be Sold for j the Salvor withdrew, leaving, it is rhe otalinel at the | anid, £16,000 worth of equipment Belgium Relief. stamp taxes will be under the ad- io board the damaged ohip ministration of the Inland Reve- is There is ev-| The humor of the situation Is an Desnsbanetl The special Londen today | the report than a little later a stamps required are now being foodstuffs on the |small gasoline boat from Ketchi ini nade, ev Wilhelmina,|Kan reseued the Delhi, in which After U w taxes come into ] fler le ne i aa C0 » th harbor, will’ not|the Salvor failed, It will prob fYect lett and posteards will : | etter etters ant ystee 8s i ‘Os e Be or 80 ‘thing to ze court but will | ably cost the Salvor some Ss not be delivered unless the new ! r re yme \meriean men 8 back her equipment. » affixed in addition stamps. Those the tax stamps war stamps are Belgium, so. alith thie tie COL L. W. HERCHMER a8 the regular fa o affix mt DIED SU D will bave their letters sent to the ent offers no ob- | D ENLY TODAY eee cae ae Pe ile of the cargo | (Special to The Dally News) will be of special design with the urt decision. IN| yYaneouver, Feb. 18.——Col. L. W- | wopas “war stamp” on the face, rally believed an | Herehmer, ex.commissioner of The new cable and telegraph ich a deeision|the RN, W, M. P., died suddenly sos ia a special and not. ame to all eoneerned today, aged 74. fine +i will anole 4a Gk ee danger of eatab- | _ oO ee anne edent regarding 1s KAISER TALKING er i atean a ned for civilians | OF MAKING PEACE a cistee ae ae Paris, Feb, 18,——The Zurich | taxes railway and steamship correspondent of the France de companies rhese taxes will be PICTURES AT MAJESTIC, | Maines here has wired that the) coll ted by the companies trom result | the ustomers. Their books will Kaiser * Moving pieture of }of the Is depressed as a war situation and that he| be open & nspection by the gov~ bombardme | rs . spa of his suite roment nent of |reeently told member ' a en ohana bank cheques, the ‘as. shown, last/that Germany must seek a way to) n the e Majestic Theatre, | conclude peace |issuer of the cheque has to apply ily fe f .| @ ane at the | the wa tamp. On bills of lad. a few weeks| The dispateh declares tha Ve | . . ' : has to pay e 'ihan navy made Kaiser expressed himself as atilli ime, the hippetr 2 ‘ J 5 arge 1@ taxes on ‘id on the Eng-\hopeful of being able to aprpoach) lwore hares tures h l ba d teust and loan com- _ *s have al. va Rossia through a smal! pro-trel at the administered by the be ce Rupert, The man coetrie Russian court, | pa os iepartment, The taxes ‘ight throweh' The eorre ndent says Ger} fina se} ° Phe egrresponden ed upon returns which tls, and give a many would abandon Austria 1 sl Edie de the at st 8 0 » ‘he horrors of a by doing se she could make a sal ! “ isfactory peace for herself Where The Deficit Went The last visit of the Governor General to British Colum- bia was made the occasion to spend $47,046 of the publie money. The following items in connection with this were taken from the public accounts, just out, page 322: [iuminating the Parliament Buildings ............ $11,712 Furnishings for the occcasion ......esecseseceess 10,982 B. C. Electric, for illumination and lamps .......... 1,408 ' RRWOTIODIIO TIO 65 ics ee ctinke ch coeserebeaeesce 1,304 a ee PET eee Pe hove 220 , DPOOCST, FORE OF Carpets . oo co kes Cdawesiucscdore 2,662 Setting up and overhauling billiard tables .......... 1,212 Befreshments for our GWOSKS 5652.6 ecko ne teeses 4,586 Refreshments for employees (no wine for them)...... 31 eG MO. FOP GROOPE ois £05 8 bien sii bh he 1,000 Every good Canadian is perfectly willing to honor repre- sentatives of royalty, but will these either anybody say that such sums as Indeed, the portion of the money represents graft were at all necessary? unbiased mind will say that a large or a total disregard for publie funds. TURKEY YIELDS TO DEMANDS OF GREECE WINNIPEG BUSINESS MAN VISITS PRINCE RUPERT (Special to The Daily News.) R. H. Bryce, of Winnipeg, is a London, Feb. 18.—Turkey has’ visitor in the city, making the yielded to the demand for satis- trip for the first time. He is a faction by Greece for the insult ‘brother of Dr., Bryce, well known to the tinople. Greek attache at Constan- . in educational circles in the Prai- jrie province. Mr. ber of the Russian Finance Minister States manufacturers’ agents of Winni- That Markets of Allies Are peg, who handle some of the most Closed to Germany Forever. Be- CLOSED FOR ALL TIME. Bryce is the senior mem- firm of Bryce & Co,, popular lines in the country. ta sides this, Mr. Bryce owns a large Paris, Feb. 17.—‘“The meeting | farm near Winnipeg and has 600 of the finance ministers of the, ®°Pes all ready for the spring Triple Entente was not merely to|®?P. Sinee everybody seems to organize for an economic vic.|%¢ Planning to grow wheat next tory,” declared Mr. P. Bark, the SU™mer to secure the war prices, Russian Minister of Finance, in|™?- Bryce thinks there will be a an interview with The Matin,/Petter market for oats and bar- “We must not be obliged some |!€) and is considering the advisa- day after the war is ended,” he bility of confining himself to continued, “to pay a sort of in- these lines. He will leave for his . » s s demnity to the Germans by leav- home on Saturday's train. ing open to them a means of re-| couping and enriching them- | Socks NEEDED IN selves at our expense in our i THOUSANDS WEEKLY markets. “Germany, Pnetiahed! ‘Men of First Canadian Contingent Will Need 50,000 Pairs of Socks Every Week of War. having 4 the factories in Belgium, Poland | Northern France, thinks to force us to buy from her and perhaps | manila we pannnk take sadeslves. | The publicity department at the headquarters of the Canadian Red Toronto Let her be quite sure our markets at is re- isponsible for the in . e Cross Society are closed to her forever. . statement that - SUBMARINE STOPPED 50,000 pairs of socks are needed every week for of the A DUTCH STEAMEINE | et al : ~ Lage First Canadian Contingent. Their statement in this connection fol- the men London, Feb. 18.——A dispatch} to the Evening News from Rotter- lows: dam says that the Duteh steamer! “In a city where men live in Duiderijk, flying the Duteh flag,|}pormal and comfortable condi- was stopped by a German subma-/tions a pair of socks may last rine in the North Sea. The cap-|seme weeks. Not so in the tain was compelled to show his|trenches in Flanders or on the papers, after which the vessel was | mud-soaked plains of Salisbury permitted to proceed to Rotter-|There a pair of socks is consid- dam. ered very excellent if it does not Seliertilicceniter Digntinmsiliinina | wear out in three days. For the CORRECTION MADE. \first expeditionary force alone, ne cmennaren jless than 50,000 pairs af socks Mrs. MeMullin wishes to cor-|ape needed every week if the men rect a statement contained in the ape to be kept in any kind of com recent report of the I, 0. D. E., | fort Not only socks are needed, i YT =, | in which credit was given to St./put knee caps are wanted badly Andrew's Church for a donation | owing to the necessity of the men jto the soldiers, The donation | paying to be in a kneeling posture was from the ladies of St. An-' jy the trenches and while on other drew's Society. | duty Shirts, both khaki and eee lecaw, are also wanted for the P. R. R. and Y. CLUB. ee : The annual meeting of the | Se ae Prince Rupert Rowing and Yacht- ing Club will be held in the Court’ attie on the House on Friday, the 19th inst.,!pow on a business trip. at 815 p.m. The eleetion of -m Miss Barbeau will leave for Se- Prince George tomor- Corsets up to $2.50 for ry Fri. 40.1 the ensuing year will 40.2 day and Saturday ifleers for | take place. Demers WATERFRONT PROBLEM HAS A meeting was held yesterday afternoon between Col. R. H. Thompson, engineer for the Pro- vineial government, and the coun- cil of the Board of Trade with re- gard to a solution of the water- front. Captain Babington, chairman of the committee dealing with the problem, presented a report as to the best ways of dividing up the waterfront. Colonel Thompson went into it fully and the pertinent questions he asked showed his in- sight into the difficulty. The trouble has long arisen over the greed shown in the past to secure those leases so that the prices were sent up by auction to a figure that made it impossible to do business. The committee wanted the government to cancel the old leases that were not lived up to and set an upset price for future but the colonel showed that that was no security that they would go cheap again, since there were more applicants than sites. very leases; Captain Babington pointed out that 100 feet of waterfront was secured at $300 per year, and 66 feet in New Westminster at $150 per year, while in Prince Rupert a far greater price had been reached. Only one of the several sites se- cured at the first sale of water- front was improved on account of the high price reached. Colonel Thompson asked if the of the government wharf was not the reason. existence Captain Babington said nobody could compete with the govern- ment The price of 50 cents a ton charged was reason- the same that was eharged at Vancouver. What was wanted was not more public wharfs but sites for private in- dustries and business. The report of the committee stated that it was impossible to wharf. able, and get waterfront from the G. T. P. on “fair” eonditions. G, A. Me- Nicholl didn’t like that word. PRZEMYSL MAY FALL AT ANY TIME Petrograd, Feb. 18.—-The cap- ture of Przemysl is believed to be The city has been in- vested by the Russians virtually since the collapse of the first Aus- trian advance on Lemberg, by its garrison and Austrian garrison re- The fall of the city is expected to bring to Austria a realization that she cannot much longer endure the struggle, and it is believed will precipitate over- tures for a separate peace, He imminent, is abandoned the mains. only THE WEATHER. By F. W. Dowling, Observer. (5 a. m,, February 18, 1915. OGRE i'n 50.066 k s beee 29.876 OTS a 35.0 OE. COR seks dnece 32.0 ATTENTION OF BOARD OF TRADE COLONEL THOMPSON MET THAT BODY YESTERDAY AND DiIs- CUSSED POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS—WILL PRESENT REPORT TO THE GOVERNMENT. said the railway was always made the goat for every The trouble was that the only claim the G. T. P. has to the water- front is an order-in-council pass- .ed at Ottawa last session, and a quit claim deed had not yet been received. The courts of British Columbia didn't recognize a Do- minion order-in-council; and the railway couldn't do anything defi- nite until they got this quit elaim deed. With this explanation, the word “fair’’ was changed to nent” in the report. After dealing in with the report the matter was left in the hands of the special wrong. “perma- some detail committee and Mr. Thompson, who will endeavor to arrive at a solution. Nothing has yet been done with regard to a site for a fish wharf and Colonel Thompson has not intimated the policy of the gov- but he in hopes of presenting his repert ernment in this regard, is before the present session of the House closes. WENT THROUGH LANE OF BRITISH WARSHIPS New York, Feb. 18 gers arriving here on the steamer Megantie from Liverpool said that extra precautions ap- parently were being taken to pro- tect shipping in and out of Brit- ish water fro mtorpedo or subma- Passen- British rine attacks. Charles A. Nelson, of N. ¥., said the Megantie leaving Liverpool was closely guarde:| by destroyers until she was clear of the Channel. “It appeared as if we were ing through a lane of warships,” Utiea, well gro- said Mr. Nelson. “The destroy- ers were moving back and forth at a rapid speed.” VISITING ‘CLERGYMAN. Father Godfrey, of New Haze! ton and Smithers, is visiting in town, the guest of Father Buno Father Godfrey if having a splen- did new church built at Smithers FUNERAL SERVICE. funeral of yesterday Hayes the The George took place auspices of the lodge he was a City Band drums. Father under of which member. The muffled Eagles, with officiated played Bunoz SONS OF ENGLAND. All members of the Sens of England are particularly request ed to attend lodge tomorrow night. Last meeting before mem bers leave for active service Smoker after meeting. i1.2 The Ladies Class of St. John Ambulance Association meets in “ Board of Trade rooms at 8 m, tonight. Every table and showe ase load ed with $1.00 bargains Friday and Saturday at Demers. io.t