Let All Arguments As To A Winner - Now Cease SAN BRUTES- BARBARIANS - IVE GoT TO CUT IN oe. THEY Lu GET Thureda TUE DAILY NEWS dl 18, ton , , 5 i THE DAILy NEws | GILLETT'S LYE Cine oe S.S. Prince Ge . . THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA EATS DIRT "7" a Published Daily and Weekly mek ‘EN j HAPE Sails for Vancouver, Vic- ae Guaranteed Largest Circulation toria ond Seattie on Fridays BALL ae Shy a a at 9 AL. M <, AE ( I cA ped . “ Hl. FP. MeRAB, EDITOR AND MANAGER RU AS ee ght fanaa means . om wen ateroom minke anielie The Maritime Home for Girls at mpared with 242,413,000 bush Excellent Culsine, and Every Modern Appliance for pa, Daily News Buildin : i Truro, whieh opened last Septem ind of barley, at 19,533,000 : me SOR 7 . g. 3rd Ave, Prince R , } } Ss ee e Rupert, B.C, Telephone 98. ber, is already full, Twenty-sev- | bushels compared with 31,060 Per Vancouver a oP. 7 vane John tANSIENT DISPLAY ADVFERTISING—-50 cent . / "as , i uc on Sunday, February 14 cents per inch. Contract en girls have been received, some |000 bushels The wheat produe th, 28th, rates on application ' etc., arrives in Vaneouver following Tuesd from each of the three Maritime | tion of 1014 in Manitoba was 38 Steamer PRINCE JOHN also maintaine semi ays at 3 Pg = : => ——=— prov inées, The board of direc- | 605,000 bushels from 2,616,000 Naas Rivere, Queen Charlotte Islands, eto eae, MPviee ty Stewart, DAILY EDITION os Ryirc Thursday, Feb 18. 1915 ltors is now facing the pradlem of lacres. In Saskatchewan,.73,494 pecetamee weine GT. P. RAILWAY ys ‘ ; vie. - see . andard Sleep. pproviding inereased aceommoda- | 000 bushels from 5,348,300 acres Prince Rupert for Winnipeg at 10 . uM. _ Wi 1 s oo i compecting there with lines for St. Paul, Chic = 7 }tion, and in Alberta, 28,859,000 bush real, New York, ete, Ring up No, 260 for sleepins E D I T O R I A L S | mae lels from 1,371,100 acres. oe ee the Chicago ute he GRAND TRUNK " Y 8ver | ’ ; . eM, | Karly on Friday morning of a ated oe oi EY " ira Recewe?™” me Yi ket Om | ; | Nee T" leet week the 1. C. RB. Maritime} About 30,000 horses have Deen AGENCY ALL ATLANTIC STEAMSHIP Lijcs 1 greatest tragedy this be alone and sad and hungry Express, on its way to Montreal lpurchased in Canada for war put *O ‘ s 8 , arge ; ‘ha ; : Pare country know i the large for the tender things of life but it is likely that every age jumped the rails seven miles west poses The British — Omics ee number of single men who are; and hoping to the last, but inj will have to find it out by ex of Campbeilton, Two sleepers /""s chased in Ganada over gs howe 554 P.O.By roaming around without ever spite of that it is tragedy and| perience, plunged over the embankment; ven thousand out of the fifty MUSIC ' " knowing the sweet content-| tragedy of the cruelest kind. = Pe ree ee ek ; a 13: bag se Teacher of Violin and All APERHANGING ment of a happy home with a} . ¢ 8 GERMANY TRYING cal de were slightly injured : de of oh Atlant ie e the , 5 —, AINTING | r The accident as causes ) ‘ wreak | the war we Canadiatr . sco ' little woman sitting by his fire Many people have suggested TO INVOLVE ITALY soetnems wee caused by 8 462 Eighth Ave. East OLISHING AN) ‘ | remedies for this s : cust sano broken rail. government purchased about sey Phone Green 827 ovr children climbing upon his | os lis, situation. wn thor i} a for the First WALL TINTING knees, The tragedy is more| Some of them would start a|?mnee Von Buelow to Present a nian ; jousene Perse: EX . : aged) s more] 38 : The W «Schoo eard Contingent, and another ter acute when the same thing can| matrimonial bureau with the a oe os lha “ t oat 4 - ; j Se th nd a now b ‘ bon : eee ee ee | one of ehenar . tion | has st acquired for educational ousand are no eing boug » be said of the farmer and hope of ensnaring the wily, 63 s - ; ; 5 ; M ps arnoses the best motion picture|for the Second and Third Con T I a ranches who are favored with ay eee te bachelor, although ; sl ’ ys ea Se oa ! ? Tr : a j if ' FOR A AX : 7 rtin Swanson yme. Fe 7 The - . mac 1 «obtains ‘his ig tingwents ie @wreat demand fror ePcone er ‘ more permanent abode. The | some of these results have not Rome, Feb. 17.—The .Idea Na-| ; ae a my a , ai a ; m ; 3! ' aa country is full of ther € | been entirely satisfactory. Still zionale, a newspaper published in|‘ hine will be used to teach such|Great Britain, France Belgiunr : . 0 ’ s ‘ em; men . bs cr . , rests » We ne subjects as geograp etoryw and Italy for ¢ nadian valr . Re Ci. denies. thts sea! others declare that the cause the interests of the Nationalist an aa : geogral _ hi ; ry weep oe Matas ina - iva : : 75--PHONE 753 . ‘ » 3 arty e issue vesterday i ie re science nu yep |and f ihe ’ es V re ' -- ind ta enintas Ot thet ideorp | at the bottom of it’all is eco-|28° ™ " issue yesterday, pub- = n mber satan AW f i] i get-rich-quick scheme andwh | nomies and that until it is pos lished a forecast of German pro-|°' °™ ellent Canadian scenes will|ing to the Departmet tof Agricul-| S = => AK BC 3 ag i oO} — , osals aly ; fende agile obtained, to bring » pupils | ture here ractically absorb ° Seine “MA tant. weitidd down od sible for every man to support posals to Italy, which reads as ’ ytaimed, to bring the pupil ' ictically absorb all > erince RUPERT AUTO CO Gao Piverne Wovsenee en : | a wife in comfort thes : follows: direetly into touch with their na he available supply of light), Cleanest, Brightest, & cause the fires of life are burn- | ai ete eee tive land. Tt . . Canada during tt Aeeeeetaeeeeeeeeteenentnee - ing just a little slower and the | ditions will prevail. There is} ‘Before the end of February tract i. oa -- ems a H ! ‘eal t 1 nn WHEW WELLINGTON COAL 09 . ractic shoule ( c » lesser g year ig yrices fo orses ' frost of winter has appeared enough truth in both theories Prince Von Buelow, the German a , - 1ould do much to! Se id ! oa _ i ! ‘ on bane: canes Rowers & ' apts upon their brow. For the nor- to hold them together, but|@mbassador to Italy, will present = “s of ae ia a a ee , ° iT Cesene Avenue Phone 1% mal man their outlook has no neither of them. nor both com-]!o the Italian government a con- a , ‘ ie ie eaehegtc we : , yy draft Crown and Bridge Work a “cor » to reports. the Pr orses are predictec t { ‘ 2 redeeming feature. To ‘the bined, gets to the bottom of the crete proposal for Italian partici- . = » reports, the Prin eg ; ‘, pred in Canada Specialty. oe — on . cess atrieias are ct g }for years to come m9 word. they will spatetete | real issue. The affection be- pation in the war on the side of a atrie) . me acqguitting I ur come Office: Smith Blk., Third rs FOR PLumeine ano wear’ | oe . " a, ie lerms a a > emselves w “reddit ¢ e bs nothing worth while and their | tween a man and a woman that|“ermany. This consists of the Mateo “, “2 it the bat- ggth REGIMENT, EARL GREY'S ary SMITH & MALLETT Hilie Witke Huon Sacked (he tulle | results in a happy home is/®ss!on by Austria of the prov- se ma : " oc Aas hk for - OWN RIFLES. Ler pet stock of . 7 . ‘ slat Le ‘thing that cannot be i ince of Trenti and the rectifica-| = 6m privau cguinesitite Pea atte aoa toa Pi ness and charm that “might omet ann be in- rectifica | tings, Pipes cut t a. | ep ites: ou should seo the " 7 have been” theirs if a different | definitely postponed. It will tion of the eastern Italian fron- vn ; . e u hould e th ao by Major J. H. MoMullin, MAJESTIC ROOMS “gem wo eee fom — i mate not do for the young man to|tier by the addition of a strip of - ‘ of chaps gather round the ommanding, for the week end- CENTRALLY LOCATED —— Rave | go out into a far country and land going. és fer as the leonso re erly corporal when he shouts ing February 22, 1915: Steam WHeated—Ali Conve- “ . tehind this tragedy, how | expect the sentiments of his| iver. In addition, Germany will Mail,’ and note the eager silence Parades. niences—Very Moder- aga a , : os =| : n . : — : “ a | L ever, there is another. Some-| youth to persist under adverse | Pledge herself to conclude a new ae CED: NS TEESS' SS the Gases Compney wn See SS yo he WILLIAMS ' oa ; ‘ ot a oe is re called, an > lela ¢_ | Exhibition ae & ANSON ae a a ea aie umstances. “Love defered|reaty with Italy which will afford t : a ; i the glad expres x o t : Buildit g on Tuesday SPECIAL RATE MONTHLY Barristers, Solicitors, Ete | ’ + “otec ate’ Si i rreaks over e ces oO ne Mi i 7:45 " ' land, it has a counterpart. | maketh the heart sick” and|Protection to Italy's Mediterra-| fd : : pr .™ 4 ‘ ; Del eames MONEY TO LOAN in ’ : : es saci he lucky ones etters from |sauad and comps LS 6 ‘ Every man who has roamed very soon it dies for the lack}"°" ere lt : t . - ae ee eeeeeeeeereeerewertewane NHelferson Block © Rupert, 8 : sis ome are ngs longed for at Compe arade ¢ ; _— this country has had a‘sweet-| of nourishment. The only safe “In exchange, Italy is to take| td eee eneee Oe, Se Ext mpany will parade af ta $ * a he els ceiih ond ame sourse isto grasp the heavenly |part in the war at once She will| isured when received yx a n hein on Monday ‘ ; Nialleas’ denen @ ail ~ a des vefore e . ner , . | —_—— janie iursday at 7:45 p. m Drill *) he left to “make his fortune’ | ideal before the fleeting years ;OCcupy Tunis and help Turkey | i * == * Barre? | Mr. N. W. Rowe o.|squad and compan * ede tee edt on Uitie| ** allowed to blunt its pur-|drive the British from Egypt, | K. | fi uae ee mpany : : PACIFIC CARTAGE ut | pronto, £ é st inmsp ne i girl at the railway station with | poses. which will return under the ot i im inspiring ad . verseas Company. . 3 (Successors tears in her eyes. Perhaps the | .. =. minion of the Sultan of Turkey. H “> — the Canadian Club , en enlisting for this company y T A Xl $ re Cartage fortune didn’t come and per- | rhe economic argument has|!n addition, the Italian fleet will -— at a luncheon in the Hali vho have passed the medical ex : ; — COAL haps a thousand and one other | been overdone. There is, per- attack the Anglo-French naval 2 7 ie a Syaraar: SoH wae} es 2 ee oe we : : a things has helped to change} haps, not one in a million of} forees in the Mediterranean.” 4g dita a letter was “Ger: te House, Second Avenue, on z ey 3) i . ’ or ‘ nanic and grits e deale o onde eb ar — > | his mind, but the little gir) has | the human race who would not Continuing, the Idea Nazionale}, reonnte. Useal f nday, February 15, at 8 p. m.,| § ALF HALLIGAN . JOHN CURRIE : ; | marry if conditions were s¢ : ; 5 impire as Tllustrated by the for the purpose of signing the| # e| not been able to change hers were sat-|says that Prince Von Buelow, re-]| wa, i lroll M . 3 Contractor & Builder Neds aed ie to this ae isfactory and the right ideal|ferring to Trieste, made this al and it was dealt with in a/'?" irried men must bring | **®***erewertrenenataneeee . - aster ‘ a | = * | e . . s s Olver ‘ 4 bemoaning the sad fate that} came along. On the other] statement masterly way, making a fine im vith them the written consent of ™ | ; pressio oO > audience i their @ : sir » . | was hers. Consequently, in the| hand it has been demonstrated It is impossible to give Tri Ree a ; an to their ‘enlisting Phone Black 294 . . wer ané wer agi ‘ o = — en will parade in plai slothes | -————- _ older settlements we find an over and over again thatleste to Italy. because se : : I n clothes ' oversupply of r] ; f neither wealth nor poverty arelis the but - a ae = pong Arrangements have been made | W. A. PETTIGREW, Capt., B. C. UNDERTAKERS } -sigsameepsese ’ , giris some off , s e tung, not o ustria, but of |whereb ae a a | : FUNERAL DIRECTORS them a little older than they the determining factors of|]Germany.” a oe eee ee two! Acting Adjutant BALMERS — GATIGFACTION GUAR- . B PETERSON ‘om appiness. The “* ents per ounce applicable to ¢ ANTEED— oP: . . ee Mok not old maids. for happin . The “love in a cot- At the conelusion of one of his|} - unce applicable to all Edison is a fajr-to-middling on GAY Ane mOuT ; that only appli { th i tage’ ideal has become so pre ln , i etters sent from Canada to the rt fea fell RB , 1s ouee an STREET—PHONE 41 EXPERT ACCOUNTANT applies to e gir -lconversations Ww e i rity . oY ora fellow t ’ ' he leh Se | verbial that many have beg — < , Italian }United Kingdom will apply to let- | ut the man MORTON, Funeral Director AND AUDITOR who has never had a sweet- ’ ave begunistatesmen. Prince Von Buelow. |; td : are ;}Who invented kissing got his re 0 do lever vel AdAPes seE > Britis ane ‘' heart. Perhaps this is the to doubt it. Nevertheless, it is}according to this newspaper ni ritish and Ca-| wapd before he died Phone 318 } ine ‘ “ ne : -Inadian troops or e Contine OOOO OOOO OOE ELE EEELEEITTIO destined fate of the pioneer, to] true that the “cottage” is just|made use of this phrase: Th t ' m the Continant i _ . | as favorable to this ideal, and “Rp , - he rate on ordinary letters from | oo * So), § ‘ither Italy will be frie Yea - ra perhaps more so,. than theltowards u : ) fr ’ oe Canada for the Continent is five! ei Fe > “| rass 1aowers JAMES GILMORE 1h Owe s s or e wi rea Iericents for the first -o orn . WDERS * d Canadian ee — as eating cares|worse than we are treating Eng-lihree cents for | ae — . an or foul ambition can be kept}land.” . s for each subsequent } : and. Aa STEAM LAUNDRY out. Of course it will not do uunee, so that this extension of Bachelors puntos for a man to live in a cottag OG the two cent an ounce rate to let next door to his friend a LONDONDERRY, FAMED ters addressed to our soldiers on | DON’T WASH =| rvaranwee 3) Nd Avenue, bee M oo oo or to his friend who OBLEMAN a oll to - ~~ and Approved Methods lives in a palace, but the world » 18 DEAD |the Continent, is a decided reduce In = c : - a ve AD oO wip Ghilied Qperatare Employes is wide and there are lots of| London, Feb. 17.—The M tion in favor of correspondence were water” the 3) ——— sondon, eb i he arquis going a e a : THI fn tht t . > ~ Phone us and we will call places where congenial neigh-|of Londouderry is dead here oat ing to th ridiers. Why Endure Headaches? aie my ae CANADIAN f ACIFIC for a trial bundle bors ean be had who also live} pneumonia The Marquis wa Accord a —One trial will convince you that | RAILWAY pean death ee a a as ecording to a government cen asure and safe remedy for ine i Sete a aan ‘ we Far better for alone of the foremost leaders of the|sus report, issued a few week headache satwumas > fifteen minutes after you PRINCESS MAY man to grasp the mate of his » rs pone have started 515 SIXTH A I ma 1is|Ulster movement and was one oflag : es the fire | AVENUE WEST eect: socalibe pong: hag tag.) eg nen = wa n flago, in the three Northwest prov MATHIEU’S | SOUTHBOUND ‘ i e mos successfu membe ” es 0 4 ; S N 750 Cas PHONE NO. 8 cottage than to roam the world|/the British bar. He : p20 ies f Manitoba, Saskatchewan ervine Powders Saar ven oe ° mt b SUNDAY 8 P e NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS sik ninth: teen a var. e was one ofjand Alberta the production in 18 ne box, 266. Sold everywhere. If $5.00 end over | ‘ ~ ‘al, iis is nohleme P your deal ithe vue o | . % te oot pelubion dor ennai’ oo at ’ blemen of the United|1914 of wheat is placed at 140,- emiumiduna $2.50 3rad Month | PRINCESS MAQUINNA ° , on for econditions|Kingdom, being a Knight of the |/958,000 } 3. Le MA TINED CO. P Same 01 NORTHBOUND as they are or for aid on ushels, compared with vane @ Old Price Canadian Steam Laundry ; ' , ure or for the preven-|Garter and an aide de camp at 200.942.000 bushele in 1042: of cunsengeas. Pa. HARRY HANSON e | MONDAY Noon ion of similar future problems|the King gah i vie, .o The Rei problems |the King. oats, at 150,843,090 bushels, as Pree an 4. @ MoNAB, Generel ham _ ——- - || Corner Fourth Street and Third Art ' A _ Hop Drawn for The Daily News 9 an os T KNOW I WAS QVER THERE IN TH THICK OF (T- So ad — (beer Mc TELL NOU GENTO- oe TH’ WINNING OF THAT BACK HEF WAR DEPENDS ON TH BRAINS OF ONE MAN-WtTHOUTS i 34, A