18, 1045 ry NEW SOCIALIST STATE. YHE DAILY NEWS. Pin LAWS OF NEUTRALITY | 31 Years Older Than The Dominion of Canada S the name implies, The Bank of British North America was established long before the Provinces united and became the Dominion of Canada. The sound, progressive management which has made it a power in Canadian finance makes it the bank for your account, THE BANK OF British North America 78 YEARS IN BUSINESS. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS 87,884,000. PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH P. MARGETTS, ee 4 The Dye that colors ANY KIND of Cloth Coste , with the SAM ve. ss Chinen Clean | Ask your L or Dealer. fiicisbekencoses eee 9 HALLAM’S T GUIDE Freneh or HALLAM’S TRAPPERS SUPPLY CATALOG (Hiustrated) and ( — ——————— —_ MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A Birks’ Illustrated Catalogue In Your Home During 1915 As a medium through which you may select gifts suitable for every occasion, you will find our Catelogue of the greatest value. Birks’, Vancouver, ls the great gift store of the West. Our Mall Order Department and our tlustrated Catalogue forms a convenient avenue lead- ing to @ selection from our immense stocks. WRITE FOR THE eATALoaue—vou WILL NEED IT. Hats Birks G ‘Seti Limited JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS Granville and Georgia Streets Gee. E. Trorey, Managing Director — VANCOUVER, B.C JOHN HALLAM‘! 'T5°. TORONTO Aged in Wood 8 Years before bottling GUARANTEED BY THE GOVERNMENT of CANADA Ze ML es & Real Lever Simulation OLD WATCH FREE. A straightforward a offer from en established fre, We ar? giving away Watthes to thousands of pewle all over the world ce © hnge advertisement. Now ne fashionable Ladies Long Guards, Gents’ Ajberts, carriage f with the watch wil be « (thee watehes guaranteed fe yeas should you take « vantage of our marve to tell yeur frends the besetila 1 Don t_ think this offer too good to he tr 25 Genss today nt coin A gil! be amared —W LI 2 * Lio Jewellers (lept. 14 wate B lous aboot us and show them offer. We expect you We a. Le aland SHINGL= , MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. THE UNION STEAMSHIP CO., OF B.C., LIMITED SS, VENTURE SOUTHBOUND TUESDAYS AT 8 P. M. Sailings for GRANBY, SIMPSON AND NAAS SUNDAYS AT MIDNIGHT For Further Particulars Apply to PHONE 568 JOHN BARNSLEY, Agent, SECOND AVE. AGENCY ATLANTIC STEAMSHIPS Fine and Wholesome Biscuit, Delicious Cake and Pastry ~~ | THE DAILY uff! TI tional, compelling. it to a definite} “course. ror abe uve of te yar] AS AMERICANS 7 Brit ' In its references to contraband oo triftair ma wcome almost 3 dy) P L i bttoa ae , 7 of war, the department's letter | , Cialist State ‘ 0 ‘ on a » ie . ) HRI E 7 - : i iy rh Nation rh | w letter to Senator largely confines itself to a state | i railway t tempor j w byes , - wr iMiy | Stone issued by the Departmentiment of what has been don in| passed under the tr f ‘ eee: th if State, and signed by Mr Bryan, | the individual eases, with the law government \ great compétitive . - . . will do at leas and precedent for each, We ds f es ” Healed His industry, essential to the pros ¢ it least this good, that it : . |-d- lV will re ‘ not see how this can be effective in perity of British commerce, ja be. |" j remind all eonecerned that ' hall : rt ; ; . . The State Depart ny and Cred Hl sai caer lat liy challenged. ‘The state Dy ing organized under State As ieutrality in war time is not a iney $4 ' eee ite aid and ment is very frank in pointing out ¢ ate we he eadera o 1° atter 6 } poe ‘cm 7s roe rae a: SEaTNe? OF WOM ES Ot tan It that the claims of this govern nwo, I fe vi m trade.y ‘ v1 : ve o.0ne ‘ | state, My Kid. sn a? he Pasta per-jhas to be shaped in accordance |ment when we were at-war, back : oak i ated witl iinisters an g their work “~<. : Sie vet es Ving} with the law of nations. It has|ed up as they were by decisions of mdition ‘ large questions of economic ‘ good remedy, and pol . baie also to conform to our own stat- the Federal courts, were very ta-tives’ advertised pOTLeY . - ' — ah Their effect, What | an with inne utes, the decisions of our own much on all fours with the posi tisfactory oe Gapare “a ' a _ |tions taken today by the Allies nts eld? le ; . courts, and our own practice in landthe result |Ments yield While they have ; J We may not have been right in expected been proceeding, the best thought|the past. Rules laid down by us all respects; but it does not be ed their normal and ener f the nation have|when we were belligerent : ken upwards of a : i ’ gerents Can-icome us to assert that England or ; i om ovine : ; P t hundred prob-/not be lightly tossed aside when| France, for doing the same thing have ever had ap — ra Nithoutl we are neutrals All this seems {and setting up the same conten- ; : y ‘regard to the artificial isolatio ; B. A. KELLY uw : ! ficial isolation elementary Yet some minds it|tions, are wholly in the wrong is the greatest of party life en of all types of! . , The tr *etionab! ' in the world, Itacty jinind ar 4 ah wee teks « — not penetrated, In Washing=| The truth is, unquestionably, that d — is well as on rage - ut Wave Gt jton, for example, there was held|4@ nation that expects to be a neu thereby soothes anc » KnOW ear ‘ er as the ‘ 4 ny inane te ap sph : is they hay > [test night a meeting under the|tral is apt te rate very high the , ever done hefore Some ‘ is cold by.ril dealers J large lauspices of German and Irish as- rights of neutral trade ngland | $- to : e ew current of characte d pur ; ot $2 50, trial aw ‘ new ; haracter and pu sociations, at which resolutions has done this at international | on receipt of .price by pose must arise as the result of See | jwere passed demanding, among|Coneresses, like the one which —<—<——e — this unexampled ur 1 of person i “iy ps ~~ jother things, that “Congress and|@dopted the Declaration of Lon as tie ani oats ili - ss u und ul fores the President” should “enact im-|40n; and so has, the United ‘ e she ie le to tes ’ . . j 1 W hall be able to test the] aaiatets such laws as will ex.|States. National interest has question of how far we can @o ir Ei ; (I'd . actiy fix the status of contraband|*Wayed opinion about contraband the tash f .econstruction by the artiotes This. of course, would|4nd conditional contraband f TTD aA of — aive ene of 1 _ a TS ra} efortine to a ake international law by|War. But the real test, when the hor RL. Vintners Association ither than by the mere pressure | aot ait Gétirvece pinch comes, is the settled law atl aa ———__—_——— of one party machine or another The chief trouble arises be.| nations. It is by thie that the] WINDSOR HOTEL Phe party spirit will not dissolve leause many people feel hurt that department asserts, with a large | } ‘ = ees i e , 1 : i . First ave and Righih a1 but its borders may be shifted or jthe government has gone eoun-|Citation of instances, that our w * Wright, Prop softened, but here and there melt tor to their own sympathies and|¢overnment has, as a neutral in ema wey |wishes. These have been on both|this war, sought to abide HOTEL OSNTRAL —— é oat avenme Oh8 Boe & sides. It-is not only the partisans} Much confusion of mind has re- and Américan Plan ‘ R d of Germany that have complain-|sulted from failing to distinguish per Cem, eee Prince upert Fee Co. ed. Friends of the Allies have|between what may be called pri- ‘iaiee DEALERS IN maintained that the administra-|vate neutrality and public. The a Hay. Grai Feed tion has not adequately repre-|government is one thing, the in- A ween Eighth aod Ninth ys rain, € , pee au, Rates b0c to 61.00 and Seeds jsented this country’s real atti-jdividual American citizen an- Pay tude, in not having lodged pro-jother. The latter may be influ- ner . Pr . Cue Or ~~ CHICKEN FEED A SPECIALTY tests with the German govern-|enced in his preferences or his nln Agente for jment for assumed violations of|personal way of estimating the y ; ‘ 4 EMPRESS HOTEL DOMINION NURSERY & j intert ational law, and so on.jwar and its ultimate conse- Beiween Sixth sn ORCHARDS CO. Now, those not in a position of|quences. And upon him, in his ° b Streets Mail ordere promptly attended to responsibility may look into their| private capacity, the government one Pan, 08 Oe ee wn hearts and find the emotions|can put no bridle. He may ex- , jthere a guide for themselves, but|press himself as freely as hé Oe ae Vere Bee Puese & men charged with the conduct of|pleases. But when all is said, the s i > —_ = ee ee foreign relations have to take|case comes down to the princi- eo Sialh ot wa sunsel not of their own desires,| ple illustrated in the story which on “ae Sew FREER EEEEEEE DEERE EEE ERED a : P * § | but of the law They also, as|Prince Buelow tells in his me * VER WHOLESALE LIGUOR OO . FIRE ALARM SYSTEM # elected rulers in a democracy, moirs, At the time of the Boer LimiTeD * 4 | ; ‘ i 1 : 3 jhave to take cognizance of the at-]War, he privately remonstrated ate » * . * oF 5 GOUT HS. 9 ; titude of large elements in our|with a member of the Reichstag pe Ges 18st St. end Srd Ave * \citizenship. If any among us are|for violent speeches against Eng- Ok RUPERT IMPORTING 06, 3) * Box 136th St. and Srd Ave . a : LimiTEO : Box 14 8th St. and 3rd Ave :| nisinformed regarding what the|land. The man replied: “It is my th Au. = Sos i Junction of ist, Snd end 3 government has done, and the|right and duty to express my feel- grad ves j oooonee ‘ Ges 16 ict Ave., hetween Sth ent s\re asons for it, the, government}ings. But it is your duty as Chan- eccceceees ; E . Oth Ou. (Uaos Howl %| may well think it its duty to pub-|cellor to see to it that nothing @ Go« 17 1#t Ave. and 7th St (Cen * | i ; ee alemeé to. bien JIBSCRIB FOR . tral Hotel #ilish the facts. This is what the|which I say is allowe¢ i SUBSCRIBE iS s| ; abel . ¢ | Department of State has nowlour foreign relations Colone CIRCUIT NO. 2. IE DAILY NEWS : Bos 22 3rd Ave. and sea st ei done. But for giving more heed|Roosevelt might say the same : fost OMice.) : than this to the ebulitions of|thing to President Wilsen.—New silicates *# Gos 23 -ird Ave. aud McBride St. & - ‘ .L a /E TO DELINQUENT CO- ; Box 24—-1st Ave. and McBride st. F/POPular feeling, on one side or]York Post. OWNER * Sox 26 200d Ave. and @nd St ; the other, there is no reason. The ee — b * : . a a . - ang em & | President and his advisers must SYMPATHY WITH ITALY . om 2 6. t. &. | \ to any per-| ¥ inom an. 6 7 sail by a surer chart than un- covenant shot A y if e - men ene Sere) & * (hinking outery. They can ge it|}tg Regarded as High Treason at _T ph aan a * Gox 3 th Ave. and Fultoo St z - = "aa _ t Box 32 Borden and Taylor Sts ily in the law of the land and the Trieste. sibs, situated at the) & gox 347th Ave. and Fulton St public law of nations wena te dues iz Bos 96 -¥th Ave. and Comox Ave * : , ‘ ; ; ‘ i th 17 4 R aia nator |“She ar s pape RAILWAY COMP aa MABASCA holes or replaced by new recitals of the letter to Senator|"She has no army,” this paper | NOTICE. pairs free, Stone In several matters, the}says, “and her fleet would not . ccoen = OUR FREE OFFER Nene nt of State has protest-|dare to approach nearer our ession, fo » Act, 7 ! ny to lay out, con fo every one sending us ed to the British government or|shores than does the English, } * Following lines of S0e .to cover shipping ne of the Allies. It objected to|The expulsion of Germans from | ng @t @ point on charges, we will send, sub- : f yi head of Kitimat ject to duty, absolutely free the “hovering” of British eruisers|America would mean her ruin imat River i ’ e 8 yy o siutnniit between rhgee ve of our famous Y New York harbor, and that/America’s threats are simply ri . ng the valk _ ot tne AMERICS SILK HOS! vetice has in consequence been |diculous, and it is more than ri ver lo ms 5 sty / Ua, ce & the Ty with written GUARANTEE viven up. In like manner, a Jap-|dieulous for us to take them in f vel bridge and over auy color, or ye eS Se ae the ‘morthes with Three pairs of our Ladies’ anese warship, after a protest by jearnest, hee porth- easter! ” . k (uthkalem River Hose in Black, Tan or ve. ceased to “hover” off Honolu —_—--- ----- : ce, ee White colors, with written i, \ the instance of dis-| LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR Hive _ _ ‘yr Thhk “_ proximately "one || GUARANTEE, Mean the flotation of a pub- OF QUEBEC IS DEAD AT 77 ; utles; Byrom the DON’T DELAY Offer ae io loan here, in the interest of the 4 wi : » , valer in our . > » ving the course of pires when dealer it ys ; z the administration gave Quebec, Feb. 17.—Sir Francis . th em be locality is selected Give . ' ta t ‘Uskees ver, thence , saip or, Lieute ve top tilanshoost River color and size desired tI! i proof of its desire to|Langelier, Lieuteant Governor o f Bear A international Hosiery Co. , t} cales absolutely even,|Quebee, died here at his oMeial ‘ . thie . 21 Bittner Street : yas no specific provi- residence, Bpencel Wood, He was ‘heteenth day of Db Oni u s A i — ‘ ‘, Bt ayton, o, U.S. A. jaw, domestic or interna-|77 years old, ; KOESS & COTE oa for the Applicant, ” NEWS , SAFE SANE SPICY IMPARTIAL INDEPENDENT INTELLIGENT | : SEER ERE E EERE EERE E EE EERE EERE REE EEE ~—— rea ans Rupert il Northern B. (. News goes into nearly every home in Prince Rupert. It is the popular newspaper of the city beeause it is clean and reliable. It has al! the news of the city, and keeps in touch with events and topics interesting to Northern British Colum- bia. It treats these subjects with moderate opti- mism and reliability, The Daily News is the most valuable paper to advertisers because it is read by the buying public. It has a bigger cire\lation than any other paper in the vity. It is read by the class of people the advertisers want to talk to. DAILY NEWS The Daily -* ERATE REE ERE EER RE it REE EERE AERA REE EEE EEE —- \ I er ge et e-~er™