a 7 | ‘ & Thitreaday 1 i Rise TOO MUCH.—Statue of Liberty (New York harbor “I'm elit is going on in Belgium.’’—Cartoor no longer gaze across at what 000 for the Alaska railroad work was permitted by the House to re main in the aundry civil bill Tribble, of Congressman Atl ens, Ga., led the fight against the item. “There is no necessity for this expenditure at this time when the country is bleeding at every pore,” he shouted, and that ‘got him off wrong at the start, for| to the Republicans demanded oo Kno © was making the coun ~ } € 4 ‘Sioa ead ailviahee diiaeil HARRY ATKINS FAMILY BUTCHER app ° High Clase Pork Sausage , His motion to strike out the Vancouver Branch Selects All Our | ’ | Meats and Very Best Quality Han paragraph was lost Then Davy died, Give Us a Trial enport, of Oklahoma, who con Corner 3rd Ave. and 2nd St. jsistently has opposed the whole} Phone 674 | }Alaska railroad proposal, started| la fight to reduce the appropria-| —: —_ Ition to $4,000,000 ‘SEIZE COPPER PACKED AS | Guggenheim Bogey Raised. SUGAR AT COPENHAGEN It was the first excitement of} the: day, and members flocked Copenhagen, Feb. 17 A large linto the House. Tribble charged jdireetly and Davenport by ind iHouse or nbing down from here. I cap rection in the debate that the money was wanted to apply buying a railroad from the Gueg tgenheims. Fitzgerald, chairman jof the Appropriations Committee | paraphrased the testimony of Sec | retary Lane before the committee lin explaining that no decision has | yet been reached as to purchas ing or building an entirely new system. “Would it not be better ask ed Tribble, to wait until the commission has reported = and eestor. ~eem RECRUITING IS LIVELY “The Daily News” ; AMONG THE IRISH CLASBIFLED ADS, John Redmond Shows How His ee th People Are Displaying - isin ceeihailiatthinaeeteengetinaY FOR RENT Their Sentiment. POR “RENT — Furnished housekeeping Logden, Feb. 18.—The Central >) a See _ News publishes the following quo WANTED } jtation from an interview with |John Redmond: SITUATION WANTED — Girl wants work! “The Irish people are repre- by day. Apply Box 125, The News. ¥. sented as a sentimental people. I - yants chamber : Work ADpY o tin The News. th| thank God that they are. ener ree “Their sentiment is entirely DANCING. DANCING——Private lessons in Waltz, Two-| rhe Step, Three-Step, One-Step, Schottish) people are also people of political and Minuet, Monday, Wednesday and) 3 ‘ Friday evenings. Mrs. Brooks-Ander- | instinet You son, 333 Eighth Ave, East. im/may take it from me that in this small nationalities. Irish and common sense, eee lerave crisis they will decide their . ‘ N ‘ » have take music. - died of cancer in the stomach at ation. Now, as we have taken course for themselves. Those : ifrom private enterprise all ineen- ee rete ; ' ' list tt : the General Hospital last night eople who at a distance attempt), tive to ailroads a { IF YOU CAN'T PLAY WHY NOT GET A peo] i I The débeased came from -Port|™™ to build railroads in Alaska, Player Piano? We have one, slightly to speak for them are wasting!., ied -j}we should proceed as rapidly as used, at $500; including 50 rolls, Easy |}Essington and was 55 years of ; terms. Prince Rupert Music Store, 345 their breath. | possible to. complete a govern- Third Avenue ur. age. | : , In proportion to population | jment system or else repeal the TALKING MACHINES, VIOLINS AND ALL th ; . cinestilhaieitiatimmanninns | aes ahha: e iring in mind that the number |REDMOND’S BROTHER | law and let private enterprise sel penal reas of men oe = — of 18 nal NOW BRITISH OFFICER, have a chance Jo is smatier in Ireland owing t | Bows rehaired. The" ” ' — . , diisianes Item Vigorously Defended. emigratior man in any ither ti -elanc eo 7 ile . : : as rorously o Prince Rupert Mu- , 7 7 Dublin, Ireland, Feb. 17 Wil The item was vigorously op country | the world—recruiting } |j; Ler 0 oO ‘lare | pos some : hs t sic Store, 345 3rd , noe , roe od bi umn Redmond, M. P. for Clare|posed by me members, and Ate. tt. has been eminently satisfactory |! ast, and brother of John Red-|equally vigorously supported by id and ereditable. j mond, the Irish leader in Parlia-|others, among which was Dele- NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTEC- “Figures which I got today for|ment, has been commissioned as\date Wickersham, who tald the TECTION ACT. the first time show that up to the/an officer in the Royal Irish Regi-|House it should have eonfidenee . wn jbeginning of January, ineluding R. 8. C., Chapter 115. the Irishmen in the army at the The Imperial Oil Company hereby give notice that it has, under Section 7 of the |@Sinning of the war and those above Act, deposited with the Minister of ho have joined sinee, there were Public Works at Ottawa, and im the of Nice of the District Registrar of icc Prince |OU that date 93,343 Irishmen with Mupert lund Registration istrict atithe eolors, of whom 55.893 are Prince lupert, B. C., @ deseripiion of the ( be ae . Si and the plans of the wharf and ap-| atholies and 39,451 Protestants proach proposed to be built in Prince Ru- | Of the Irish National Volun pert Harbor, British Columbia, in front of : Waterfront Block “G,” according to reg-|@e?s, Who, the people of Americ istered plan Of the townsite of the sald) are being told, refused my advice City of Prince Rupert deposited in the ; ial aforesaid Land Registry OMfice as No. 923,)'° @Ulist, there are today 18,936 AND TAKE NOTICE that after the ex-|with the colors What is more, piration of one month from the date of the first publication of this notice, the saia |! recruiting is going on at prés Imperial Oil Company will, under fection ent al a rate of about four thou- 7 of the said Act, apply to the Minister : of Public Works at his oMce in the city! S@94 @ month the figures of Ottawa for approval of the said site| given me show. that last month and plans and for leave to construct the | ., said wharf and approach 3,508 recruits joined, of whom ‘i t Prince Rupert, B. ¢ s 20 . wrt vthecun D416 die sade “90 are Catholics and 1,601 are THE IMPERIAL OIL, COMPANY Protests 0 28-34-40-47| "| testants, 1 by James Frise then let Congress decide whether | to purehase the Guggenhein railroad?” “No said Fitzger GUARDS INCREASED. ald. “Congress deliberately gave | ‘that power to the President anal Grand Trunk Railway Watches |). pie pesnonsibility on hin Elevators, Docks and + eet dipvte’ ‘wm ov deine but| Coal Pockets. eines’ Qoneredé itself bas adopted | Portland, Me., Feb. 18—A lare®| — ppippie Returns to Attack. force of police and watchme: Was it not stated on the floor stationed at the elevators, docks |ihat the intention was not to pur and coal pockets of the Grand | chase an existing railroad?” went Trunk Railway has been substan lon Tribble. “As primarily de- j tially increased in consequence Of| Jigned, the bill for the Alaska he pagprtas plot to destroy the | railroad contained no provision j rallvoge s property here and its | tor purehase, but as worked out, principal bridges between thi ee niall si |with Franee and Belgium and the|city and the Canadian boundary JAPANESE DIES AT GENERAL HOSPITAL \ Japanese, named B ment. Five pairs 35¢ cashmere for $1 at Demers Friday and Sat urday. Hokawa, hose 40-4 the poliey, T as quiesce \it was if the more Presi of the to complete a decided that ident wanted | jexisting i one or railroads lroute he should have the authori- ty, provided the cost did not ex- leeed the appraised physieal valu- in the President and leave to him ithe decision ts to buying or building. He challenged the -istatement that anyone knew the President proposed to buy the Fuller’s Grocery On Sale Saturday at Reduced Prices—Phone 572 Nabob Coffee, 1s or 5-ib Tins Braid’s Best Coffee, 1s or 5-Iib Tins Heinz’ Queen Olives Holbrook’s Pickles Globe Pears, 2s Good Cooking Egggs . Guggenheim road. Sherley, one iof the administration leaders said that he understood the President intended to buy one road, which one, he did not know, but he pleaded to trust the Pres. ident. The Davenport motion to cut to 81,000,000 was lost over whelmingly. It is expeeted that the opposition will make another fight in the Senate; also, it is un derstood that the administration F. G. DAWSON, WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR THE DAILY NBWS “ m 1015 a - : - 7 - _ Pe nen Pe. ALASKA RLWY. ITEM HAS h _ = FIGHT TO STAY INBILL} FQR RENT | FRED STORK’S HARDWw ARF Use of $2,000 for Work This Year if 710 SECOND oun Vigorously Assailed by Trib- ---HOUSE--- ) oe es a rip Srv incgam THREE ROOMS © {|| oorpenrw * tee Books i Washington, Feb, 12.—After a tron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Sh vce et sts ret $1000 tne vats tmmuniion ---HOUSE--- 5 ROOMS WITH BATH $18.00 PATTULLO & RADFORD SECOND AVENUE Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated ingn “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE erey « x = FRED STORK’S HARDWARE =— shipment of copper, packed in asks which were labeled “sugar, and put aboard the steamer Car men, was seized today. The cop per was consigned to a German firm. The shipper and the captain of the vessel were arrested CANADIAN CLUB. 4 meeting of the will be held at Canadian the Thursday, February Court 18, general tiub at 8 p. m., to transact and elect officers W. B. CLAYTON, Secretary business Make Monday Ironing Day Salvation Army. ET Sunlight Soap do your washin: Mon- day morning and you can do the light Public meetings, Tuesday ironing Monday afternoon. Thursday and Saturday at 8 p.m The rub, rub, rub at the board has no lice Sundays at 7:30 p.m. in the Sunlight way—so with the hard: +! part of washing cut out you'll feel like mak ta 91.00 Sele Friday and Saturday good day's work by doing at least part 0! the 40-1 Demers. ironing. Follow the directions that cut your work For a comfortable room, come remember there's nothing in Sunlight to injur to the St. Elmo Hotel, 8536 Sec. or dainty hand. A $5,000 guarantee backs tl ond Avenue, near Highth Street Newly opened Steam heat and hot and cold water in every room some | SUNLIght Soap Skeena Land District——District of Coast, Kange Five, AN groe: TAKE NOTICE that Willlam Watson, of sell and Remo, B. C., occupation Contractor, in recon tends to apply for permission to lease the following described lands Commencing at & post planted on the northerly limit of the Right-of-Way of the Grand Trunk Pa- cifle Railway Company, and about 35 chains Le cea southwesterly from Mile 84, east from Prince Rupert, B. C.; thence north #80 chains; thence west 20 chains; thence a south 46 chains, more or less, to the north +3 erly limit of the Right-of-Way of the a s >™ Wo! Grand Trunk Pacific Ratiway Company; ime an ria A e vv thence northeasterly along the northerly 4 j ' of Beecham’'s |! j rgar limit of the said Right-of-Way to point of commencement; and containing about SU acres, more or less. WILLIAM WATSON. ia 25-85 the unequalled value best corrective of ailments of the s0 common-and the best preventive «! ig aT * * . . . 2 t r ae PER Se OP serious sickness so often resulting from ~ irregular action of the stomach, liver — IN THE MATTER OF THE “NAVIGABLE WATERS’ PROTECTION ACT,” REVIS- a Eb STATUTES OP CANADA, 1906, 9 CHAPTER 415, AND AMENDING ACTS eec am Ss And N THE MATTER OF AN APPLICATION BY ved with THE MONTANA CONTINENTAL DE have a great record. For over half acentury they ha\: oeewe il VELOPMENT COMPANY FOR AP entire satisfaction in thousands of homes. few dos “ asion PROVAL OF “THE PLANS FOR CON you that 4 gan Fad goannas renee Dawe the beote jousness STRUCTION OF A CERTAIN WHARF a general no- nessaqees by tas a and such AND ORE BINS ON WATERPRON' ry them, and you know what itis to have at you BLOCK “BE,” PRINCE RUPERT TOWN ith = An Invaluable Aid to Hea TAKE NOTICE that the Montana Conti only by Thomes Beecham, St. Helens, Lancashi . hental Development Company, of Butte, everywhere in Canada and U.S. Amerios. lo bores + ae Montana, has deposited with the Minister of Public Works, at Ottawa, Canada, and with the District Regisirar of Titles, Prince Rupert, B. C., under Chapter 145, Kh. 8. C. 1906, plans and description of the proposed site of certain harbor works to be constructed by the said Company on Waterfront Block “E,” Prince Rupert fownsite, according to registered plan of the said Townsite deposited in the Prince Kupert Land hegistry Office, and number ed 923, the aforesaid works consisting of one wharf with ore bins AND PURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the said company has applied to the Governor General-in-Couneil for approval of the proposed works, and permission to con struct the same DATED at Prince Kupert, B. C ~ We NO ALUM ix Dr.PRICE BAKING POW?) 8 » this 8th a“ a PRESS (SOLD BY ALL GROCERS) SSE will tr to get the 82,000,000 ]44Y of January, A D. 1945. PHONE 572—WE DELIVER ’ PATMORE & PULTON, wT mre raised to $5,000,000, Solicitors for the Montana Continental be Ws SN j ’ velopment Co, 23-63 tn ; —_ —s = —— COFFE é pal nce RU pent, 6