siative Library Lea - - —_——_————————— — — EEE NO, 42, PRINCE RUPERT, B. C., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1915. ; SPORT THAT FISHING CON NCH STEAMER SUBMARINED FIRST DAY OF PAPER BLOCKADE 1ER KEPT AFLOAT BY PUMPING TILL SHE REACHED © PORT—BRITISH AVIATORS ARE DOING EXCEL- LENT WORK—GERMAN AEROPLANE BROUGHT Special to The Dally News.) 10. The only re- ine activity yester- | the Freneh steamer ibmarined sixteen Port were el was kept afloat ne till she entered eppe plates line stoved No lives were of the entire German! Zeppelins | bad weather un-| in patrol the two f snow, | fighting is) o f land f give and take in} The Brit- ince at the Ypres uve Chappelle, enches., IF STARVATION =? EIZES THE GERMANS The Dally News.) Feb 19. pe alto The admits now a han a military de w that they are t two more allies, ! he United States, ’ John Boddie ithe “se#eeeuun me The valuable aerbal branch has done work. One British avia- tor attacked two Gereman aero- one off and the artillery, planes and drove other which bre went towards our might it down, THE WEATHER. By F. w. Dowling, Observer. 5 a.m., Feb. 19, 1915 Barometer Max, temp Min. temp THE CRADLE. Born to Mrs at Mr. and ive, last night. Boddie Seal Cx a son, General Hospital, oe eee eee ee eee eS TRAFFIC STOPPED * (Special to The Daily News.) Washinet Feb 19.—The Depart ment has advised shippers that all traffic from Eng land to the Continent has suspended the Admiralty until np. c * 7 * * State ¥ * * * * been by British further notice Veeeesevesevesees| R CONTRACTOR EAVES FOR THE SOUTH Vineland ieft to- h, after Prinee Ru- made lots of I Wineland had truction of the at the drydock, for Company's spending rs Tn excavation Oil exceptionally ea ind besides that that gets the His many ne that he will cessful bidder ke contracts iy on ao his rm to make ty R. R. and ¥. CLUB. eeting of the ving and Yacht- held in the Gourt the 19th inst., rhe eleetion of of will 40.2 SUINg year “STIC THEATRE Toa yan E ATTRACTI POPULAR PRICkS. ee . a\Pac rdinary Program "TO THe LIONS’ PiTY ‘ ‘v Production tn Parts EVERY MAN 18 A SOL OVER” ‘Oe AN EVE FOR AN iia Drama A MEXICo mix" ly Singing and Danc- thee Roots | OVATION FOR GARIBALDI IN THE FRENCH CAPITAL | Italian Patriot's Son Walked With Crutches—Conference of Volunteers. General Rieci the Italian Paris, Feb otti Garibaldi, son of Paris patriot, has arrived in ac companied by his wife. They were at the four sons, the division of ereeted station by their General of the Paris, and and also by Galopin, commandant military other officials General Garibaldi, who walked with eruteches, was deeply teuch ed by the enthusiastic demonstra tion by the large crowd that gath ered. He thanked them for their} sympathy, and later called on the | President at the Elysee Palace It is understood that General) Garibaldi is to consult with the | French and British authorities regarding the standing of Italian | volunteers in the armies of the| Allies. BUYING BULGARIA OFF. Serbia and Rumaria May Both Cede Territory to Her. —_— —— Rondon, Feb, 19.—The Balkan states evidently are furthering their endeavors to reach an amic able settlement of their disagree ments before entering the con Niet, In this adjustment it is pre sumed that Bulgaria will get ma both Serbia and Rumania UG the Entire Two Shows. Marry Fletcher—gonge Gladys Kemp Fancy Dance Lewis Sentimental Bong "'S8ion: 100 wool and 160 } Why is it that a bartender will /never put your change on a dry spot if there are any beer pud dies on the bar? ~ PROPOSAL TO CONTROL ucts shall be iterial territorial concessions from Good Food For Thought We agaii facts vineial expenditures taken from the publie morning friend doesn't like the people to guess that there is a Reptile Fund where the largest proportion of the money This is the explanation The Journal has for the penditure: : In a reception expénditure of the kind referred to is it not a fact that the great bulk of the money so spent goes int the reproduce some connected with Pro- accounts Our roes,. ex. hands of workers in various lines?” According to that view the poor workingmen got the $10,- that the Whose furniture store got that and what happened the goods after 000 went for “furnishings for occasion.” the red eption David Spen- got $2,662 for that amount would more They were still as good as ever. Doesn't everybody all the But why charge all of this Why didn’t Victoria City chip in, had to? Read the ing over again and figure out if all this money was required for a public ment is fit to handle your hard earned money: cel know that quired for the occasion, rent of carpets. than buy carpets re- amount to the Provincial treasury? as all other cities in the province follow- reception and then ask yourself if this govern- Illuminating the Parliament Buildings ............ $11,712 Furnishings for the occcasion .......ccbeeccceces 10,982 B. ©. Electric, for illumination and lamps .......... 1,408 CORI UO 6 tvs POON: 809 0 bb i Feb ce betesercis 1,301 Hire of house plants ........... we'd 66 Reewd eek eb b's 220 DD. Dpeweer, FONE OT CUPOOND 20 vcd ced ébecctic feet td 2,662 Setting up and overhauling billiard tables .......... 1,212 Le 8 ee a ee eee 4,586 Refreshments for employees (no wine for them)...... 31 oe Gl. GROUUS Ter BOOUEE 64 0 ob 64s us 684s eh ieee tsi 1,000 The Journal evidently thinks it’s all right to waste money in the name of patriotism or fiag wav- General himself would be the first to con- if he knew it. No- the of this 80 long as it is done The demn this wasteful use of publie body can convince mind that money did not go into the Reptile Fund. ing crovernor money an unbiased most . ESCAPED DYNAMITER ALL EXPORTS OF eT FOUN " a ee capes News.) Feb. 19. Mr. W. of Brantford, Ottawa, adtiadattl Seattle, has IS FOUND AT LAST David Caplan, alleged principal in the dynamit- sold for home con- expenses * * . sumption, while at the same time |» The above sum has directing that our surplus food|® yothing to do with build- export should only reach British}* jngs or pay of professors or friendly countries.” * just pin money. a * The Vancouver Progress 800 GERMAN DESERTERS * 6a, ie $5,500 HAVE FLED TO HOLLAND |, How much did Prince ° * Rupert or the North get for Amsterdam, Feb, 19--The Tele-|% publicity purposes? When graaf has received @ message}® our publicity clubs go in lfrom Antwerp saying that 800} debt we must “dig” for German deserters who had been|® the money. jordered to the Yser have fled intol# Alpine Club ...... $1,500 Holland rhe dispatch also al-|™® The McBride’ govern- llewes that large numbers of sol-|¥% ment evidently thinks that diers are deserting from the Ant-|# mountain climbing is bet- werp forts * ter than building roads ee * and clearing the land. SONS OF ENGLAND. * Reception to the Flying - * BOGOR. o's iss odd s6g2 All members of the Sons of|»® This consisted of a england are partioularly request. |m group of California mil. ed to attend the lodge meeting to-l# Jionaires who visited Vie- night. Last meeting before mem-|® — toria, Why should the bers leave for active service.j® province supply wine for jSmoker after meeting. 41-2] the government to drink —_ * with their friends? Are At t Majestic Theatre to-l® the taxpayers satisfied night there will be an admirablel® with the above expendi. blend of drama and comedy, in| ™ tures of public funds? vd to dancing by Miss |™ Wateh this column for Gladys Kemp and songs by Mrs.J/® more of this. Lewis and Mr, Fleteher, ee ee given notice of a resolution pro-| it tes bean Aneel ees viding for government esontrol building, was arrested in a cabin jover all food exports. His reso-'on Bainbridge Island lution is as follows land awaits extradition to Califor-|! hat in. the opinion of this nia. He admits his identity. House the circumstances arising | y SHGRERERES SHEERS EESAE out of the present war are such |, MORE DEFICIT MONEY as to justify the government of * a aS Canada in exercising supreme |» Here are a few more of control over the quantity and des- |* the items of expenditure tiny of our food export, thereby, * to be seen in the public regulating the prices at which accounts of the province: bread, meat and other food prod- Prov. University misel. * . * 7. - * * * * * . . * * * * * * * * * 7 * - * ~ * * * > * * 7 * * * * * + * * Kh igent, | bury | Club. yesterday jac cording | present, PRICE FIVE CENTS ONS ARE GRANT ED NCH STEAMER WAS SUNK BY ‘SUBMARINE~GERMANY ADMITS DANGER OF STARVATION Reports have reached the city that the demands of Prince Ru- pert for fishery concessions and for which a petition was forward- ed to Ottawa signed by every voter in the district has been approved by the Minister of Marine and Fisheries and now awaits the sanction of the Cabinet. This will as the best of news to Prince Rupert for on it depended the immediate future of the city. come LIEUT. COL R. H. LABATT, of mand of the in com- ith Infantry Battal- ion of the First Canadian.Contin- ill at Sasis- reported improving. Hamilton, who was fishing boats will now be free to dispose of their catches here, providing the pur- to ship them American who has been but is chasers agree His place has been taken by Gol. more credit for this than Mr. months. ton, the is REPORTS ARE CURRENT THAT FISHERY CONCESSIONS GRANTED ENERGETIC MOVEMENT OF GEO. L. CLAYTON RESULTS IN THE GOVERNMENT CAPITULATING—FISHERMEN CAN NOW TRADE HERE. There is no man who deserves L. Clayton, who has put all his energies into it for the last few For two years the Board of Trade had been trying to work through the local without any results. organized a com- mittee, and with the assistance of press went after the proposition so hard that it would be suicide on the part of the gov- ernment to refuse. member, Mr. however, local an A. P. Birchall, of the Canadian|*°'?S* the line’in bond. They will|city wants something from the Permanent Force. also be entitled to make pur-!government to organize a com- chases of any supplies or bait re-|mittee—if possible, with Mr. quired without the trouble and ex- pense of meeting the former cus- toms regulations. CANADIAN CLUB WAS REORGANIZED Clayton at its head—and go after it with might and main. ency wins every time. A meeting was called last night to reorganize the loeal Canadian This started here FOOD URGENTLY NEEDED IN NORHTERN ONTARIO Many Families Actually on Verge. of Starvation for Want organization was in the winter of 1910 the of the town before the completing but owing to isolated position of the railway it was found dif- of Cash. fleult to secure suitable talent Cobalt, Ont. Feb. 19—Owing to and consequently only about half ‘ ‘ the fact that settlers in the pio- a dozen meetings have taken neer sections of Northern Ontario cannot get money for the pulp- wood they have cut many families are actually on the verge of star- vation. More pulp has been cut this year than ever before, but the pulpwood companies have, for the tnost part, not been paying cash, and the people in the bush have not been able to obtain a cent for living expenses. This state of af- fairs exists all over the district, but it is particularly bad in the hik Lake district. Reer nt investigation by a num- place. Judge Young and Dr. Clayton, the first president and secretary of the elub, reports last evening showing the standing of ments that were presented and the disburse- There is the society made. $25 in the treasury, which, to local financier is a better showing. than most of the corporations he knew a about. It was stated by the chairman that owing to the completion of notice seek a closure amendment to the p. WILL END SHIPPING BILL DEBATE TODAY Washington, Feb. 19. in Senate rules to end debate on the administration shipping bill at % final vote to be taken three hours later, has been given by Senator after the Senate had been in con- tinuous session for more than 36 hours. m. today, and cause a qqemengs temp cone ween —aeeece SHRAPNEL SOUVENIRS FROM SCARBOROUGH Mrs. Frank Ellis, who is visiting in town, was at Searborough with Mr. Ellis when the raid took place. The first peals from the guns ap- peared like thunder. in the early morning the road and the possibility of|per of ladies showed some very prominent men passing through |pitiful cases. At eleven homes wody did what they shouldn't this summer enroute to the fair|yisited seven were without tea or they proceeded down to the wa- the club should be able to secure|bread in the house. Five families ao ~ ae 8 mee ee lings. a number of prominent speakers.|/had lived on tea and turnips for The idea of the Canadian Club/four weeks, according to their is to foster a true Canadian sen-|own statement, and certainly timent and maintain the happy|there was nothing in their shacks. position of Canada within the|Anoether family had received a Empire. All British subjects|/barre! of applies from old Onta- over 18 years of age are eligible|rio, and on this and oatmeal had for membership. subsisted for ten days. In another The following officers were|case the mother of a newly-born elected for the year 1945: child had very little food for her- self and the child, and no clothes for the new arrival, President.—Bishop Du Vernet. erty. Mrs. Ellis has brought with her as souvenirs pieces of the shrap- nel shells of the Germans, book of views showing the dam- age done to buildings and prop- No shells came within reach of their party. Bishop Du Vernet was a pas- senger for the South today by the Prince George. First Vice President——William It is difteul di “ae ieuiiien. tis diMeult to ispose 0 pu p- wood at any price, but almost im- Second Vice President——G. R. , . - possible unless it is rossed Naden. and the settlers could not afford Secretary-—C, T, Heward. rossing machines. The Timis- Treasurer -Rey. W. &. Colli-|kaming & Northern Ontario Rail- way has now bought nine of these Executive Committee Canon|machines for distribution along Rix, W. BE. Williams, L. W. Pat-|the line. more, J. H,. MeMullin, O. H, Nel- The situation is, naturally, not son, H. F, MeRae, J. CG. Halsey, W.|leading to further settlement of 8. Fisher and FP. MeB. Young, ithe clay belt, and more than tem. porary relief by the government was appointed to should be given at once, | A committee draft a constitution and bylaws. j It was also decided to invite the Mr. Tom Magladery, M. P. P| past president, Judge Young, to|for the district, has sent $100 worth of flour to the most urgent eases, and relief committees have been formed in Cobalt, Haileybury and New Liskeard, address the club in the near fu. ture. The sum of $2 per annum has been arranged as the fee for menWership and applications ean A woman “tires of being mar- be made to any member of the|ried as easily as she does of not club. ESTHOLM KEYSTONE COMEDY WESTHOLM OPERA H OUS “GENTLEMEN OF NERVE” With Chaplain and Mabel COMEDY NIGHT E —comine— MONDAY AND TUESDAY “RUNAWAY JUNE” | being. Geo. but Clay- In this there important lesson for all concerned and that it when the Persist- Formal writing that he would Reed, It took place and every- and a