February 22, 1915. et | a AT winpeon HOTEL + pipet ave, and Biehth 8 er w. Wright, Prop. wort ON TRAL rat Avenue and Seventh st ropean and American Prien peter Clack, Proe anwox voTe. on biehth end Ninth s ete . anu. Rater BOE to 61.00 y er tay Beene a Beene. Prope vu cerley Rochester cmprnees HOTEL ave, Between Sixth and seventh Streets pean Pian, 6O to 61 Per Oey ird ROYAL HOTEL corey & Burgess, Prope third Ave. end Siath St Steam Meaied pear Pian ‘eR? WHOLESALE LIQUOR CO. LimrTEeD i Ave. and Strth St Phone 109 of RUPERT IMPORTING 0O., LimITED rraser and Sixth Sts. Phone 7 een Seco Suffered Terribly ‘for 15 Years Until He Tried “Fruit-a-tives” D. A. WHITE, Eso at WALLACE Avi., Toronto, Dec. 22nd. 1913, "Having been a gteat sufferer from Asthma for a period of fifteen years (sometimes having to sit up at night for weeks at atime) I began the use of “‘Fruit-a-tives’, These wonderful tablets relieved me . of Indigestion, and through the continued use of same, I am no longer distressed with that terrible disease, Asthma, thanks to ona a-tives’’ whic h are worth their ght in gold to anyone suffering as r ‘id, I would heartily recommend them to all sufferers from Asthma, which I believe is caused or agyray ated by Indigestion’’. D. A. WHITE lor Asthma, for Hay Fever, for any trouble caused by excessive nervousness due to Impure Blood, faulty Digestion UBSCRIBE FOR or Constipation, take ‘ Fruit-a-tives”’ soc, a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, a6c. Yy NEWS At all dealers or from Fruit-a-tives E AIL limited, Ottawa, anesnintcnanitiinianiaiimmaiiied E TO DELINQUENT CO- . OWNER. "| a Prince Rupert Feed Co. ENE HNSON, or to any =. whom you may ve . —- ¢ r toterests, Take Hones DEALERS IN th ndersigned Co-Owner wit ; , i king No. 1” and the Hay, Grain, Feed Mineral Claims, situated at the ~ ' Hastings Arm about three-quar- and Seeds e from the beach, in the —_ v ¢ District, Province o 1, have dome the required} CHICKEN FEED A SPECIALTY work the above mentioned) i ar 1944, amounting to Agents for hold the same under | ‘ of the Mineral Act, and if! DOMINION NURSERY & ia f the publication of this | refuse to contribute | ORCHARDS CO. ich «expenditure, to ts of this advertise- Mall orders promotly attended to t in the said mineral the property of the Section 4 of the Min aes nt Act of 1900 T. H. COVERT, 908 Third Ave. Phone 68 Co-Owner at ee Rupert, B. C., January 7 POPOL LL OL OLOLOL EOL L LL OL ELLE LL ODL 4 eriifcate of improvements. : ran Mineral Gat, situate “ Min Diviss | ming vision ©o jar GUARANTEED ated About three-quarters) 4 mile, more or less, from the American Sitk } t point of the head of Alice Arm HOSIERY the Biecs Duar Eneres Same We Want You to Know ICR that 4 pegro Salinas, h H nu i Th Free Min . These Nese bises and for They stood the test when oa “Eee eet, all others failed. They give Mining Recorder for a real foot comfort. They have ‘ lmpr wements, for the pur- , . ing « Crown Grant of the no seams to rip. They never take netics thes cette, become loose and baggy as " , must be commenced be- the shape is knit in not such Certificate of im- pressed in, They are GUAR- 2tst day of September, A.D. ANTEED for fineness, for PEDRO SALINAS style, for superiority of ma- PEACE RIVER AND ATHABASCA RAILWAY COMPANY. NOTICE. iver and Athabasca Rail (8 next session, for an Act, mpany to lay out, con- the following lines of vomencing @t @ int on r hear the head of Kitimat the Kitimat River in a o to the summit between Lakelse Lake, thence In @ nor- Pe at ace 4 ne the along the valley of the and river to the Skeena rossing the Skeena River eb level bridge and over Pacific Railway with ices, ae snee north-easterly the Kitsumkalem River urse to the summit of thenee, following the Nass River, at or near tan f approximately one | weve miles; (b) from the be Blac kwater River, with following the course of Kiver, to the summit be- ialanskeest River, thence ong the Galanskeest River ver, thence uP the Skeena 'h of Bear River approxt- h miles. ‘awa this aineteenth day of ‘ “PSON, BURGESS & COTE, tors for the _Applicant. k and seve terial and workmanship, ab- solutely stainless, and to wear six months without holes or replaced by new pairs free. OUR FREE OFFER To every one sending us 50¢ to cover shipping we will send, sub- absolutely free: of our famous SILK HOSE GUARANTER, charges, ject to duty, Thaee pairs AMERICAN with written any color,or Three pairs of our Ladies’ Hose in Black, Tan or White colors, with written GUARANTEE. DON’T DELAY—-Offer pires when dealer in locality is selected. celor and size desired, International Hosiery Co. 21 Bittner Street Dayton, Ohio, U. S. A. ex- your Give tte NEE E EOE 7 IRE ALARM SYSTEM OMROUIT NO. 14. 12 © St and Srd Ave 13 ‘) St. and 8rd Ave 148th St. and gra Ave. 1s. wcHon of {#t, and end te ist Ave, Detween 8th and Anou Hotel.) 7 ‘ Ave. and 7th St. (Cen ; | » ROUIT NO. 2 3 22 ‘ve and Brat 3 | = Ave, aud MeBirtde St ;| . ‘ve, and MeBride St * ray ‘ve. and ¥nd st » ‘ve and 6th St . 277.6. 1p 3 | ») CROUIT NO. B® } 3 . ‘ve and Puleon me = t ‘eh and Taylor Sts : - ‘Ave and Pultew st = and Comox Ave 3. = 4 81d Dodge me > ‘ve and Thotepaow ot 3) CMOUIT NO. a - *) uv ‘ Nive oo) Eimmersug 42 ne n Ave. and Meride #1 : Ps ‘h Ave. and Ureen Bt ° "Ave and Bast st 2 7) Ave. ang Eberts. ' Ave. and ¥ whe 8 ta wre, eee eee ed eee ‘ee | Delivered to any part of town, or can be had at Spurr's Market, Knott's Bakery and the Fulton Cash Market. Good Pure Milk The Best Equipped and Most Sanitary Dairy is the Prince Rupert Dairy Phone Green 252 Govt. Inspected Cows Certificate of Improvements. rit Chance it Fraction, and Black Bear Vineral Claims, situate in the Skeens Min ing Division of Cassiar District Where located ii Chance tt Fraction located between the “Lilly Bertha’ and ‘Aldebaran” Mineral Claims near head © Alice Arm, Observatory Inlet, and : Bear’ Mineral Claim, located one mile, more or less, from the northwest point o the head of Alice Arm, servatory Inlet é TAKE NOTICE that | Miner's Certificate No, 80313B., intend, #ixty “days from the date hereof to apply to the Mining Recorder for 6 Ceruficate of Improvements, for the purpose taining a Crown Grant of the above claim Aut further take notice that action, under section 85, must be commenced be fore the issue of such Certificate of fm provements Dated this @tst day of September, A.D. 1 ane PEDRO SALINAS Pedro Salina, Free | “Baek | a branch of ObD-| of ob-| THE DAILY NEWS. WHY NOT PRUNE ESTIMATES INSTEAD OF INCREASING DUTY? Continued From Page Two, shrinkage in trade, rent deficite wipe out cur- meet the interest ae- count on the war loans—in short, |do everything protecfion is sup- ; posed to do in times of peace and nough more to keep the balance ‘ | that lworth | if n But his main argument is the It remembering, however, that this year’s war loan of #100,- | 000,000 from the he needs money, is British govern- ment lit is mere! y a war credit until is spent and if the war ends suddenly we may not have to post it to the debit side of the ledger. England lends us this money for war purposes only and if there is ;no war we get no money. The Finance Minister states the worst we can expect, so that anything less will look like a blessing. The exceptions are well con- trived to hold the foe in play. Among other things to which the tariff increases do not apply are jwheat, flour, tea, sugar, tobaceo, janthracite coal—that heads off jsuch as chafe at the increased jcost of living, the workingman | please pay attention. Reapers, jmowers, binders, harvesters, bin- | der twine are immune, but | ploughs, which are more closely jallied to the Conservative party land are indeed represented in | Parliament, get seven and a half |per cent more protection, presu- mably against the Monroe Du-- ltrine Meanwhile, the farmer is supposed to reflect what kind «of 1 father he has in the govern- nent at Ottawa. Newsprint pa- jper, newspaper presses and type setuioe and casting machines are ot tf *‘hed—the moulders of | publ opinion will please reme.n- | ber this in their editorials. Ther are perfeect!y safe as long as the paper mancfacturers on bota | sides of the international line 'don't get together and make the | war an excuse for boosting prices i scheme which is said to be der way already. Imported whiskey is the means to pull off a good day’s work for the home producer. The foreign stuff is boosted seven and a half per cent, but as there is no cor- esponding excise duty on the na- itive product the Canadian distil- ller naturally gets the benefit of the inereased tariff. Thus do they ikill the eat by choking it with jcream | The exemption list embraces seventy-seven articles of the tar- /iff and includes the usual number of humorous contrasts and in- consistencies. Tea escapes, but coffee gets the limit—the idea be- ing, no doubt, to break up the coffee habit and discourage the juse of coffee beans as a breath- | diswu ser Why should a Cana- dian patriot be ashamed of drink- ing Canadian whiskey and helping ito the best of his ability the rev- enue and the cause of freedom for | which the Allies are now bat- ltling? It is passing strange, | hn wever, that cocoa should be l treated with the same consider- | ati nas tea, because cocoa is no- Ito iously the beverage of English Radicals and the chief nourish- ment of the Noneonformist con- jscience Wooden legs stand where they | we re, but glass eyes, which come jfrom Germany, are deservedly penalized to the full extent. False teeth may eome in one at a time, but if they attempt to mobilize seta with a view to biting the tish North America Act in the | they must first pierce our | tari barriet Limes, which are used in gin rickeys, are exempt, but oranges and bananas, which used by children and sick peo«a Arrowroot is ire ne gasensed t molested, for without it many | } tion ltion will be asked just the same. the bees being authorized to take the matter into their own hands in brass buttons gets gay with them. Church bells works of art, if any person collections of eai osities and antiquities, and sueb like religious and aesthetic mat- ters are not touched, the people being at full liberty to cultivate their spiritual side with any money they have left after pay- ing the grocer’s bill Gold and silver in ingots, blocks, bars, drop sheets and plates, unmanufactured; gold and silver sweepings;: bullion fringe or gold fringe (doubtless for military uniforms British and Canadian coin and foreign gold coin. Just read that pas- sage over again. Isn't it lovely? What I mean to say is-—they are all on the free list. We will do nothing, absolutely nothing, ei ther naturally or artificially, stem that shining tide. Let it do its worst. Let it sweep over the country from ocean to ocean. Let it bury us up to our chins. Don't let it stop at gold and silver make it bonds and debentures and preferred stock, anything you will. We love our country, but oh! you British investor. Shall we ever coax you back, you com- posite photograph of Pactolus and Goleonda? Ah, shall we? Ah! I make it three ahs! Make it ahs many ahs ahs you like! How will the opposition answe1 this now tariff of Tom White's? Well, A. K. Maclean will probably point out that it’s seven and half more National Policy, it took the fifteen years to cut it and a half per it only four per cent that Liberals down two took the to raise it seven and a half per cent, while cent, Conservatives years a clear gain of five per cent. Free like the out of feet for From this the opposi- tion financial critie will probably conclusion that the Bor- tried falls one man who the every trade to back two goes up is climb well he draw the den government finds it easier to boost the tariff than t@ let well enough alone. He may even con- that the and war is the goat. At any if they are is ob- tend protection ject, rate, he will inquire going to keep this tariff on after the war and its consequences are over. He may even argue that the tariff will do less and more than the Finance Minister intimates— that to revenue than he expects and af- is say, will produce less ford more proteetion than he dis- closes. Another ish preferential. against point will be the Brit- Why this dis- the Mother we borrow crimination from whom Are we trying to get Country, our money? even with the interest account? The in postage? Is it wise? In 1896, with the old three- cent rate, there was deficit of $800,000 a year in the Postoffice Department. Along Wil- lim Mulock, the Canadian inven- tor of two-cent stamps and turn- ed that $800,000 deficit into a mil- Does it pay letters for letters for the rule don't think far be- raise a came Sir lion dollar surplus. better to less money write more less Will I very or more money? work both the debate fore stamp ways? will go criticises The of its tongue somebe rdy taxes. government having hanging will be accused country with out, Another pertinent question will Why do you the tariff instead of pruning your esti ® It's a startling question, pruned be: raise mates No government has ever its estimates with a general elec- in the offing, but the ques- This looks like a time for econo- Very well, Why? | my and retrenchment, why don't you do it? jimagine that Why will be fought | | out in detail. The estimates will be raked fore aft, day and night shifts being put on the job. You never miss the water until occupants of the Red Chamber ould never live to see the Sen tte reformed by abolishing the Liberal ma) rity » and messenger pigeons 8 ide weleome, no doubt at the tance of the Minister of | M i who plans to organize th part of his Intelligence “ ' { Bees will not be topped by the custom oMecers, | hold of the stock and squeeze it out, the courts get the the | 31 Years Older Than The Dominion of Canada S A The Bank of British North America was established long before the Provinees united and became the Dominion of Canada. The sound, progressive management which has made it a power in Canadian finance makes it the bank for your account. THE BANK OF h North America 78 YEARS IN BUSINESS. the name implies, CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $7,884,000. PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH P. MARGETTS, Manager. aa PRICES =—ooo MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A Birks’ Illustrated Catalogue In Your Home During 1915 = f As a medium through which you may select gifts sultabie for every occasion, you will find our Catalogue of the greatest value. Birks’, Vancouver, is the great gift store of the West. Our Mall Order Department and our iMustrated Catalogue forme a convenient avenue lead- Ing to a selection from our immense stocks. WRITE FOR THE cATALOaUE—vou WILL NEED IT. Henry. Birks G& Sai, Limited JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS Granvilie and Georgia Streets Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director VANCOUVER, B.C = SHINGL<: , MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS PRIN. £ RUPERT LUMBER CO. THE UNION STEAMSHIP (0., OF B.C. LIMITED S.S. VENTURE . SOUTHBOUND TUESDAYS AT 8 P. M. Sailings for GRANBY, SIMPSON AND NAAS SUNDAYS AT MIDNIGHT For Further Particulars Apply to PHONE 568 JOHN BARNSLEY, Agent, SECOND AVE. AGENCY ATLANTIC STEAMSHIPS Write Today —-— JOHN HALLAM “™!r5° “Desk 515 512° TORONTO A Real Lever Simulation OLD WATCH FREE! A straightforward generous oftr from co established fre, We are giving away Watehes to thousands of hoge Now to = 6 adve tisement. cents for one of our fashionable Ladies Tong Gents" with the wacch. whch wil be even Free (hese wWetches are guaranteed five year:), should you take aJ- vantage of oor marvel to tell yrurt the besatifa Co you wood to be true. tends vateh Dont think this offer st ser . 26 censs today snd cain & Free Wer wil! be amazed. ViLLIAMS & LIOYD, Who'eale No Alum Jewellers (Dept. lt }, &, € i uwe.lis Road, Lonuon, B., nevand * : - RERAEAA RARER AEA RRR J wd ; fh ns ; ! THE DAILY NEWS SPICY IMPARTIAL INDEPENDENT INTELLIGENT NEWSPAPER re Prince Rupert and Northern B. C The Daily News goes into nearly every home in Prince Rupert. It is the popular newspaper of the city because it is clean and reliable. It has al! the news of the city, and keeps in touch with events and topies interesting to Northern British Colum- bia. It treats these subjects with moderate opti- mism and reliability, The Daily News is the most valuable paper to advertisers because it is read by the buying public. It has a bigger cire\lation than any other paper in the vity. It is read by the class of people the advertisers want to talk to. DAILY NEWS rs rn rs ys EERE EEE EEE EEE EAA ERE EEK KEE > eo .. RAR AAA AAA AAA AAR AERA ERR RAREEREREE ~ ~@er~" ~~ eer ©